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Jayer's 100 Approach Journal (Will Finish 100 approaches no matter what)


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
PHAT Rabbit said:
You living at home prevents you from bringing girls back how?

I did a lot of stuff when I was highschooler living w/ my parents - I onced screwed my girlfriend 3 times when I was stuck with a babysitter when my parents went on vacation. She was screaming, but somehow we were able to be quiet and vigilant enough about it.

Do you have locks on your doors? Blankets/Covers? I mean anything can be kept secret if you are creative enough about it. Turn off light switches, go to your favorite secret hiding place as a kid, wait until mommy and daddy go on vacation or out to the movies. Is it really that difficult?
I hear what you are saying. The problem is that at my age living at home is a turn off for a lot of girls.... and also I don't like bringing any girls home unless I'm serious with them. I do use the parents out on vacation tactic which is how I did lay the girl I did from this approach journal. Still it is so rare that my parents are out of the house :(


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Jayer said:
I basically told her she was full of it but I don't care, she shows she is immature and that's the reason in and of itself.
yeah man she was full of it. I've had that excuse pulled on me before. It's just a lie to get out of an awkward situation. It's funny how a girl's phone breaks all the time. But that Swedish girl who texted you out of the blue seems like a good sign. You could have used it as an opportunity to set up a date or something. I mean she was thinking about you.

But yeah as soon as you get into a mindset where you don't care then that is much better. IMO I think that since you're getting dates with some girls then you're not completely off. Sure doing cold approaches is going to get you more flakes, but every now and then you'll come across one who's good. So just keep up the approaches. I think where you go wrong is after you get a number. If a girl doesn't answer or call back after the second phone call then I wouldn't waste your time texting. And here's my thing: never initiate a text message convo to a girl. If she texts you first that's fine. But if you always have to text or call first then you probably just need to forget about her. It's all about the mindset. Just carry yourself like you're not out to prove anything. It'll help you a lot in life. It'll also help in just day to day interactions. If you're nervous about starting a conversation with some random guy or girl you're not interested in, just think about this: are they really thinking insert what's making you nervous and self conscious about not talk to them? The answer is always NO. Chances are that they want to say something to break the ice but they are nervous as well (this is in a social setting, like an office party or even a get together with people you don't know very well).


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Thanks all. I just want to post some quick updates. I called the HOT PR mom on Monday. She answered and said she is having her birthday on Friday in some club in a popular city and asked me to come. I told her I may but also said I'd like to see her on her own as well. I ended the convo saying I was tired, but I will follow up tommorow most likely.

I've been texting the real old girl. I know texting isn't the best way but my IL in her is so low I figure I have nothing to lose.

I'll follow up more on your feedback tomorrow.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
ok I went 1 for 3 over the weekend.... I did some real AFC stuff too but mainly for experiment.

Thursday we went to this pub with a band playing. I was standing next to this girl who was with her friend.... her friend suddenly went on the stage to talk to a band mamber on stage before they started playing. I go to the girl next to me close in her ear

Me: Hey is your friend in the band?
Her: nah... she just went on stage.. i actually just her tonight
Me: are you serious?
Her: yeah (touching my arm) she bought me a drink lol
Me: that's cool I've never been here before
Her: You haven't??? its awsome, this band is great
Me: that's cool. so whats your name?
Her: I'm HB 6 and you?
Me: I'm Jayer nice to meet you
Her: (touching my waist and leaning in) you too
Me: So where you from?
Her: xxxtown
Me: whoah (putting my hand up and acting like I was walking away)
Her: haha yeah I know we have a bad rep
me: How old are you?
Her: 24, you?
Me: What do you think?
(bunch of guessing)

blah blah blah

I actually decided to hold in convo longer than normally before I ask for the digits to see if it makes a difference. She was giving me a lot of kino and in retrospect I may have had a chance to isolate this girl and hook up had I stayed. Still I got a little nervous and I know I had to work early so I just did my usual.

Me: Let me give you a call sometime
Her: (in a very non chalant voice) ok

I whipped out my cell and got her number.

I decide to text her when I got home "it was nice meeting you I'd like to see some of your designs someday :)" (She had told me she designs pastries)

Well she responds back "I'm going out to the racetrack tomorrow you can come if you want"

I respond back "that sounds like fun, I'll call you tomorrow I have to wake up early for work"

Well anyway the next day after work I call her..... no answer of course

so yes everyone I follow up with a text "tried calling you before, are you still going out tonight"

She responds back after a while "no im really tired and i have to get up early tomorrow"

Well I respond back after a little bit "its cool I'm actually going out to dinner so I wouldn't have been able to get there till late anyway, I still would like to see some of your designs sometime ;)"

She responds back fast "ok"

That was that.... I will probably either call tomorrow or Monday but I'm not really expecting much.

Ok so that same night there was this 3 set sitting at a table... different guys kept going up to them gaming them. There was this fat chick who I thought kept checking me out. Me and my friends basically paced back and forth around the area and finally I decided to just move in

Me: (tapping her shoulder) Excuse me, I'm actually about to leave but I think you're really pretty and wanted to get your number before I leave
Her: (slightly startled looks at my face for about 5 seconds) i'm sorry I have a boyfriend
Me: ohh ok I understand

Well the fact was that this girl was not only fat... but up close she looked bad... all of a sudden I go back up to her

Me: by the way you need some glasses ;)

So tonight I went out to some basement bar in the city that's crowded. After iniating small convo with random girls I spot a 2 set at the bar. They are 5 at best.... I notice one is wearing glasses. I am with my wing. I decide to move in

Me: Hey I like those glasses (touching them)
Her: oh thanks
Me: where did u get them?
Her: umm I really have no idea
Me: are you serious... how can u not know where you got your glasses
Her: Im really not sure I have a few pairs
Me: so whats your name
Her: HB 5 and you?
Me: I'm Jayer nice to meet you

where you from, what do you do blah blah. It turns out she is a laywer so I talk about that with her. She is also Jewish so I joked with her about that. Well after a while she is like

Her: so my friend and I are going to get going, it was nice meeting
Me: So what are the chances I could give you a call sometime
Her: oh I don't think my boyfriend would really like that much
Me: lol..... are you serious... you can just tell me if you don't want to talk I won't get hurt trust me
Her: no its true
Me: where is he then?
Her: he's doing his own thing.. we aren't attached at the hip
Me: lol poor guy well it was nice meeting you

Thats that


Approaches 55
Numbers 34


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Bible_Belt said:
Are you having fun with this? Fun is more important than any number.
At times I am though as you can tell by some my posts I do get frustrated as well. My whole point of doing this is really to get over my approach anxiety and maybe even deeper learn about women and seduction first hand instead of just going by the theories this board posts...

Anyway time for some updates:

That girl that I met last thursday who I texted right after and who said she wanted me to come out with her friends Friday but flaked actually text messaged me out of the blue yesterday. The text read "hey what are you doing tonight"

Well I texted her back an hour later "After work I'm going to go out looking for places to move, why whats up?"

She responds back "I'm going out for some drinks with friends later, you could come"

Well I respond back "where are you going'

She responds "not sure"

I respond "let me know"

Well about 7:40pm that night she texts me the name of the place she is going to. It turns out that its near where my cousin lives and he said he would like to go. Now in retrospect this was a mistake cause the night with her went horribly.... but I obviously called her and told her I'd go. She actually said she was tired and thinking about not going but since I was going she said she would come out anyway.

Now a little background here: I have absolutely nothing in common with this girl. I am intellectual went to school, use my brain for my job and she basically works at a bakery has no ambition and her life consists of going out to local watering holes and drinking.

Bible you could probably give me advice on how to deal with these dumb girls since you are super educated IMHO. But again my problem is I never know how to relate to them. It's like I need to sacrifice part of my brain to stoop to their level. Like my cousin says "this girl is too stupid to know she is getting gamed"

So anyway we arrive at this local bar with my cousin where I believe I will find this girl and a few girlfriends. Well I end up not recognizing her and walking past her as she shly tries to get my attention. It turns out she is with 1 girl and the girl's boyfriend! This kind of threw me off and I didn't even give the girl a hug though she didn't seem overly friendly to me upon seeing me either and she even said she was drunk as hell the night we met and didn't recognize me.

So I tried talking to her and her friends... my cousin was there also trying to be funny at times but basically neg hitting them on the place they hang out (it was pretty crappy) though they were too dumb to even get it. I tried putting my hand on her shoulder a bit when talking to her.... but the sexual tension was not there like it was the time we met. She didn't kino me or lean into me or anything. She didn't even make much eye contact with me even when she talked to me. Well I have to admit I wasn't in a good mood and I'm sure that came across in my mannerisms and tone of voice... the conversation really went dead at times since I really had nothing in common with this girl and basic convo only lasts so long.

So anyway she went out to smoke and I told her I'd go with her and that I smoke once in a while while drinking. She sort of made fun of me... considering she smokes a pack a day. But I tried talking to her outside... I stood really close to her and she didn't seem to move away or anything. Again I tried some light kino by touching and rubbing her upper back at times but nothing really came of it and we ended up going back inside. So inside the convo was pretty dead.. she then went to get a drink and actually was talking to some guy at the bar for a bit. I was seriously ready to leave right there. When she came back to our table she didn't even come near me and was just talking to her friends. Finally i just said we had to go since I had to get to work early. I went in to hug her this time and she seemed surprised and I thought she actually may have initially put her hand out... she gave me a really weak hug though it was 2 handed but soooo weak not even pressing against me. I shook her friend and her friend's boyfriend hand and my cousin did the same thing... the hug he got was the same as mine it appeared.

We left and that was that. She obviously nexted... but I may text her or something just for curiosity since this whole thing is an experiment.

As far as others...... I haven't heard from that PR hot MOM though I haven't called her either. After I told her I couldn't make her bday party she may have got mad. I may call her later. As far as the older older broad, after constant texting back and forth I decide to call her. I can tell she was on the other line and didn't answer. She texted me back an hour later saying sorry she missed my call she was getting her hair done. I texted her back calling her a liar that she was on the other line... though I tried to be playful about it. She then calls and we talk and I tell her I was kidding.. she says she was on the other line and then she got her hair done. She seems really interested in me.. and if she wasn't so old I would have called her more and texted her less since I'm really not interested, but whatever... if she is under 40 I'll do her if she is over I won't.... I just don't know how to find her age.

Thats a wrap for now stay tuned all and thanks 4 the support! :rockon:


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
ok well I did my afc move and texted her this morning "hope you made it to work ok ;)'

She actually responded back after a little while "Yes I did. I left a little after u"


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
A similar level of intellect is important to "click" with someone. Don't feel snobbish because she is not smart enough for you; there are probably plenty of people who are too smart for you and I; we would bore them like bakery girl bores you.

A gf of mine is a hb9, sexy as hell, probably as hot as anything in this small town. Men fall for her in droves. She has a stable of AFCs to do her bidding. She can have about any guy in town, but they all bore her, mostly because she's very intelligent. A similar level of intellect is very important to hold anyone's interest.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Bible_Belt said:
A similar level of intellect is important to "click" with someone. Don't feel snobbish because she is not smart enough for you; there are probably plenty of people who are too smart for you and I; we would bore them like bakery girl bores you.

A gf of mine is a hb9, sexy as hell, probably as hot as anything in this small town. Men fall for her in droves. She has a stable of AFCs to do her bidding. She can have about any guy in town, but they all bore her, mostly because she's very intelligent. A similar level of intellect is very important to hold anyone's interest.
My fault... I didn't mean to come across snobbish. The fact is this girl is very cute and I would love to hit. I am actually upset that I don't know how to talk to girls like her in order to establish this attraction. Hell she can bore me to tears if she gives it up...

How do you get girls that are like this in bed? Like I said I can't have deep convo's with her.... so I'm not sure what to do


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Jayer said:
My fault... I didn't mean to come across snobbish. The fact is this girl is very cute and I would love to hit. I am actually upset that I don't know how to talk to girls like her in order to establish this attraction. Hell she can bore me to tears if she gives it up...

How do you get girls that are like this in bed? Like I said I can't have deep convo's with her.... so I'm not sure what to do
Wait a minute, you're still doing this? Three years later? Wow! That's dedication.

And that line! Oof, please tell me you dropped it in favor of just having a normal conversation. Although if you dropped it in favor of normal convo followed by by talking about sex and massages, getting her horny, and then just taking her home, that would be even better.

So what was the best moment of this quest of yours?

FYI I thank my lucky stars I gave up on this Boot Camp nonsense a long time ago. The design is so flawed. I mean, we seem to love Pavlov so much around here, yet we repeat a negative experience over and over, then we tell ourselves all these negative experiences will teach us to love approaching. It's insane.

One thing I will say about you, with all respect: it sounds like you have way too much courage, fortitude, will, and determination. These things are great in the right place. But dating is all about love, laughing, and fun. The only problem with courage, fortitude, will and determination is that they can sometimes get in the way of fun.

I'm sure you're a really smart guy and you probably understand what I'm saying already even though I'm not explaining it as well as I'd like.

All I know from going from coward to pretty good at approaching is that focusing on fun is the only way to really learn to approach well. Following anything but fun is a dead end - it destroys your skill, and your charm, and your will to approach.

Am I making sense to you? I have some concerns about you. But then again, I don't think you would have come this far if you weren't having a good time. So maybe I just need to eat some more pizza.



Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
izza said:
Wait a minute, you're still doing this? Three years later? Wow! That's dedication.

And that line! Oof, please tell me you dropped it in favor of just having a normal conversation. Although if you dropped it in favor of normal convo followed by by talking about sex and massages, getting her horny, and then just taking her home, that would be even better.

So what was the best moment of this quest of yours?

FYI I thank my lucky stars I gave up on this Boot Camp nonsense a long time ago. The design is so flawed. I mean, we seem to love Pavlov so much around here, yet we repeat a negative experience over and over, then we tell ourselves all these negative experiences will teach us to love approaching. It's insane.

One thing I will say about you, with all respect: it sounds like you have way too much courage, fortitude, will, and determination. These things are great in the right place. But dating is all about love, laughing, and fun. The only problem with courage, fortitude, will and determination is that they can sometimes get in the way of fun.

I'm sure you're a really smart guy and you probably understand what I'm saying already even though I'm not explaining it as well as I'd like.

All I know from going from coward to pretty good at approaching is that focusing on fun is the only way to really learn to approach well. Following anything but fun is a dead end - it destroys your skill, and your charm, and your will to approach.

Am I making sense to you? I have some concerns about you. But then again, I don't think you would have come this far if you weren't having a good time. So maybe I just need to eat some more pizza.

Izza thanks for your response. From everyone's valid criticism I can certainly take something and yours actually makes perfect sense. That is what I feel I am lacking and why I get a lot of flakes after meeting up with these girls. I'm just not fun man.... end of story....

I have gotten more confident and I do tend to resort to DHV at times which really hasn't gotten me much even though that's what the board preaches. I know the opposite end of the spectrum AFC is no good either.... but I think you are so right. If a girl has fun with you she will be into you...

How can I become more of a person girls find as "fun" to be with?

Just a few updates though not really great for me

I called the PR Hot Mom yesterday around 5:30... no answer and no call or text back. I then texted her a few hours later saying "you're bad" in spanish. A few hours later she responded "I was in class honey" I texted back "aw it's ok I forgive you :)"

That was that.

I end up calling the dumb HB 7 girl around 9pm I've been ranting about here but she doesn't answer. No call back or text back. I text her a little later "so mean"

I guess an AFC thing to do but whatever..... NEXT


Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
good job Jayer i hope u learned more than just chasin after girls and improvin on ur game... Can u tell us what else u accomplished besides that ????


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
So the Dumb HB 7 flake texted me back earlier today and said "i was asleep when u called. i am not mean"

I texted back 2 hours later "lol I was just joking silly. How is your day going"

She texts me back 90 minutes later "its alright how is work"

I haven't responded and this time I don't think I will. Instead of getting into this text routine... I may either just call her later or tomorrow. Based on what happend with her I'm really not expecing much.... but I'll do my best to keep this plate in the cabinet....


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Jayer said:
I haven't responded and this time I don't think I will. Instead of getting into this text routine... I may either just call her later or tomorrow. Based on what happend with her I'm really not expecing much.... but I'll do my best to keep this plate in the cabinet....
sounds much better. and if she doesn't answer, don't text asking why she didn't pick up. She knows your number. She'll see the missed call. Leave a voice message and ask her to call back. If she doesn't call back then next her.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
ezily said:
sounds much better. and if she doesn't answer, don't text asking why she didn't pick up. She knows your number. She'll see the missed call. Leave a voice message and ask her to call back. If she doesn't call back then next her.

damn I couldn't hold out. When I got home I figured I'd try something different, so I texted her saying "sorry I left early and couldn't stay and talk the other night, my cousin was being annoying" this was granted 3 hours after she texted me last. Well she responded back pretty quickly "thats ok"

I then texted her back asking if she was going to a club she had mentioned when I saw her the other night. She didn't respond back so after 10 mins I followed up with another text "dont worry I wouldnt be caught dead there I was just curious" She responded back fast this time "lol I think so"

thats that


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Jayer said:
Izza thanks for your response. From everyone's valid criticism I can certainly take something and yours actually makes perfect sense. That is what I feel I am lacking and why I get a lot of flakes after meeting up with these girls. I'm just not fun man.... end of story....

I have gotten more confident and I do tend to resort to DHV at times which really hasn't gotten me much even though that's what the board preaches. I know the opposite end of the spectrum AFC is no good either.... but I think you are so right. If a girl has fun with you she will be into you...

How can I become more of a person girls find as "fun" to be with?
You're welcome Jayer. You know what, I like you - you seem like a cool guy, especially when you drop some the techniques and so forth. But no worries, those were working on me too.

I don't even know what DHV is. I'll bet it's demonstration of higher value. That's funny, I usually try to demonstrate lower value and then get the ladies to view what they previously thought as "lower value" as friggin amazing. That's a lot of fun - good marketing.

Anyway, this question of how to be more fun has come up a lot in my life. I'm a fun person but also I've been known to be pretty shy and conventional. All right, well, I'll tell you what I did. And this might not appeal to you right away, but I think you'll like it and want to use it naturally in the long run. Please don't get me wrong. I am really not where I'd like to be with women. I have discovered that meeting women is easy, however, and I'm pretty good at that and building attraction and so forth.

When I started I had a boot camp mentality. I said, I will practice this until I get it. The problem with that was, I approached even when my heart wasn't in it. Jayer, that mentality is really destructive - it destroys you're fun. You're saying, whether or not I'm having fun, I'm going to approach.

Well, NATURALLY, if fun isn't your primary concern with women, you're not going to have much fun, and therefore you're not going to be much fun.

So, 1.) you have to make a pact with yourself. No more forcing yourself to approach. No. Stop it like the plague. Approach women when it's either easy, or actually fun.

This has a lot of implications. It means if you are bored in a conversation, don't sit there and "practice." Become fun by following fun. Follow fun and politely leave the conversation. It's that simple.

If a date is boring and you don't want to kiss her, just don't.

Jayer, you are never going to be fun unless you start following what you WANT.

So I took this mentality. And it meant that I didn't approach anyone for months. Honestly, months. And I left beautiful women hanging in conversations. And I didn't kiss women on dates.

It felt like I was never going to succeed. At this moment, if you actually have the supports you NEED to be successful with women - friends, family, a good life, you will charge yourself and your confidence quite naturally. If you don't, WHY are you chasing women? Buy a decent masturbation toy instead.

So finally, after months, something weird happened. I would be reading the paper, and next thing I knew I was talking to some chick. Half an hour later, I would sort of wake up and be like holy sh!t, I'm talking to a hot babe from the bus. How did this happen?

Then the conversation lagged, and like a good soldier, I just dropped it if I couldn't think of any way to have fun in the conversation. I canceled dates I wasn't excited about. I got phone numbers and tore them to shreds. In fact, I did that the other day and I'm kind of regretting it now lol.

Random conversations just happened more and more. Suddenly I was talking to all sorts of strangers from all walks of life - elevators, shops, stores, on the phone. Not to practice AT ALL. Something came to my head, and I just said it. Simple.

I'm not saying that I'm where I'd like to be with approaching. That cold approach from across the bus still seems a little cold to me - I still suspect that I'm not a lot of fun. Still, I meet all sorts of people all over the place. It's really fun.

Also, one thing I'm learning right now is that women can't make you feel fun if you don't already know it. That has to come from your friends and family. You can try to figure it out with women, but I find that's too hard.

So following my heart in general has led me to having way more fun. Following my heart has also led me into making mistakes and lashing out at people. But I've also connected with humanity so much more.

A final tip for having fun: think of fun as an emotion. It is a feeling. Think of it as the color yellow. How are you supposed to be fun in public and express fun to other people if you don't express other emotions - anger, embarrassment, shame. If you don't show blue and red and even black? You can't show fun if all your other emotions are behind a veil. When I felt I wasn't fun, I couldn't talk in a calm and direct way about the rest of my darker emotions.

Let me know if you have any questions about my experience. I feel like I can't quite guess what sorts of experiences you're looking for from my life. This is really cool for me to have experiences to share. I'm not sure what I would have had three years ago.

Oh that's a final thing - take yourself off the clock. We all grow at our own pace. You "shouldn't" approach women until it's fun or easy or both. And if that takes you 40 years, THAT'S FINE. Besides, it won't. I see already that you have a lot of bonhomie and other skills that ladies already love. But you have to commit yourself to fun or else you're just going to make your life miserable, I think.

In short, I can't tell you what's fun. You have to keep asking yourself, over and over, in every situation, "what do I want to do?" And I don't mean that in the selfish way. Sometimes what we want to do is give, and giving is fun. Caring is a lot of fun. Sometimes being selfish is really fun. So think about it. As you well know, nobody can teach you this. There is no technique for fun. I'm having fun feeling like I know something - and believe me I know so little - I'm having fun writing. That's why I'm here.



Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Hey Jayer,

I just started into your post.


Your cold approach is GREAT.

You lose alot of IL in the chase.

Women are supposed to chase you.

I'll explain further when I have some time.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
izza said:
You're welcome Jayer. You know what, I like you - you seem like a cool guy, especially when you drop some the techniques and so forth. But no worries, those were working on me too.

I don't even know what DHV is. I'll bet it's demonstration of higher value. That's funny, I usually try to demonstrate lower value and then get the ladies to view what they previously thought as "lower value" as friggin amazing. That's a lot of fun - good marketing.

Anyway, this question of how to be more fun has come up a lot in my life. I'm a fun person but also I've been known to be pretty shy and conventional. All right, well, I'll tell you what I did. And this might not appeal to you right away, but I think you'll like it and want to use it naturally in the long run. Please don't get me wrong. I am really not where I'd like to be with women. I have discovered that meeting women is easy, however, and I'm pretty good at that and building attraction and so forth.

When I started I had a boot camp mentality. I said, I will practice this until I get it. The problem with that was, I approached even when my heart wasn't in it. Jayer, that mentality is really destructive - it destroys you're fun. You're saying, whether or not I'm having fun, I'm going to approach.

Well, NATURALLY, if fun isn't your primary concern with women, you're not going to have much fun, and therefore you're not going to be much fun.

So, 1.) you have to make a pact with yourself. No more forcing yourself to approach. No. Stop it like the plague. Approach women when it's either easy, or actually fun.

This has a lot of implications. It means if you are bored in a conversation, don't sit there and "practice." Become fun by following fun. Follow fun and politely leave the conversation. It's that simple.

If a date is boring and you don't want to kiss her, just don't.

Jayer, you are never going to be fun unless you start following what you WANT.

So I took this mentality. And it meant that I didn't approach anyone for months. Honestly, months. And I left beautiful women hanging in conversations. And I didn't kiss women on dates.

It felt like I was never going to succeed. At this moment, if you actually have the supports you NEED to be successful with women - friends, family, a good life, you will charge yourself and your confidence quite naturally. If you don't, WHY are you chasing women? Buy a decent masturbation toy instead.

So finally, after months, something weird happened. I would be reading the paper, and next thing I knew I was talking to some chick. Half an hour later, I would sort of wake up and be like holy sh!t, I'm talking to a hot babe from the bus. How did this happen?

Then the conversation lagged, and like a good soldier, I just dropped it if I couldn't think of any way to have fun in the conversation. I canceled dates I wasn't excited about. I got phone numbers and tore them to shreds. In fact, I did that the other day and I'm kind of regretting it now lol.

Random conversations just happened more and more. Suddenly I was talking to all sorts of strangers from all walks of life - elevators, shops, stores, on the phone. Not to practice AT ALL. Something came to my head, and I just said it. Simple.

I'm not saying that I'm where I'd like to be with approaching. That cold approach from across the bus still seems a little cold to me - I still suspect that I'm not a lot of fun. Still, I meet all sorts of people all over the place. It's really fun.

Also, one thing I'm learning right now is that women can't make you feel fun if you don't already know it. That has to come from your friends and family. You can try to figure it out with women, but I find that's too hard.

So following my heart in general has led me to having way more fun. Following my heart has also led me into making mistakes and lashing out at people. But I've also connected with humanity so much more.

A final tip for having fun: think of fun as an emotion. It is a feeling. Think of it as the color yellow. How are you supposed to be fun in public and express fun to other people if you don't express other emotions - anger, embarrassment, shame. If you don't show blue and red and even black? You can't show fun if all your other emotions are behind a veil. When I felt I wasn't fun, I couldn't talk in a calm and direct way about the rest of my darker emotions.

Let me know if you have any questions about my experience. I feel like I can't quite guess what sorts of experiences you're looking for from my life. This is really cool for me to have experiences to share. I'm not sure what I would have had three years ago.

Oh that's a final thing - take yourself off the clock. We all grow at our own pace. You "shouldn't" approach women until it's fun or easy or both. And if that takes you 40 years, THAT'S FINE. Besides, it won't. I see already that you have a lot of bonhomie and other skills that ladies already love. But you have to commit yourself to fun or else you're just going to make your life miserable, I think.

In short, I can't tell you what's fun. You have to keep asking yourself, over and over, in every situation, "what do I want to do?" And I don't mean that in the selfish way. Sometimes what we want to do is give, and giving is fun. Caring is a lot of fun. Sometimes being selfish is really fun. So think about it. As you well know, nobody can teach you this. There is no technique for fun. I'm having fun feeling like I know something - and believe me I know so little - I'm having fun writing. That's why I'm here.

Izza thanks for taking the time to response. Upon reading what you said it sounds like you are basically saying to approach women that I want to and not just for the whole "numbers" game aspect of it. To be honest that's a big part of the ultimate goal for me of this journal. Before I started doing this I would never approach women.... now even though I may not want to I'm trying to learn something in every interaction. When it is over I am certainly going to study my whole journey with this thread and see what observations I can come up with based on my experiences vs the common theories most people post on here.

Regarding being fun... it's like your saying... its an emotion I need to feel within me that should radiate ******ds from what I gather... I will certainly try to have fun with everything I'm doing on here from now on and not take it so personally when these girls keep flaking. It's just that after a while it makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong.... I guess it's all how you look at it.

So regarding being fun.... do you mind sharing some dates and interactions in detail you've had with women who you did find interesting? I think hearing about them will help put me in a fun frame of mind and hopefully improve my success.


Looking forward to your feedback!


Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Jayer said:
I didn't curse her out though.... so hopefully that makes some of you happy...
Homey, I've been reading your posts for the last 1 hour. Congrats on the progress. I just had to post when I saw this quote...bro you've got a funny sense about you, keep it up. The honesty and frankness you've displayed in this thread has been amazing, it has helped me relate to it as I'm progressing myself too.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Jayer said:
Izza thanks for taking the time to response. Upon reading what you said it sounds like you are basically saying to approach women that I want to and not just for the whole "numbers" game aspect of it. To be honest that's a big part of the ultimate goal for me of this journal. Before I started doing this I would never approach women.... now even though I may not want to I'm trying to learn something in every interaction. When it is over I am certainly going to study my whole journey with this thread and see what observations I can come up with based on my experiences vs the common theories most people post on here.
You're welcome Jayer. One thing I really liked about your response is that you were honest about how your life goals weren't in harmony with what I was saying. I had a feeling right away that you are a really thoughtful and humble person. This will serve you well and help you develop faster than most people, certainly faster than I did. I'm not sure I would summarize what I was saying to "focus on fun and drop the numbers game." That's a big part of it. I think your goals of learning something from every interaction, and your goals of summarizing what you've learned are really important. I'm reminded of the Biblical saying, "you can't serve two masters." If the pursuit of numbers controls what you do socially, I think you will have a really hard time learning to have fun.

I could tell you how often I see people puncture holes in their ability to interact normally and fulfillingly with other human beings by being so goal-oriented. I could tell you that learning to have fun is about learning to drop long-term goals in the moment and follow what you really actually want to do in the moment, even if that means not talking to that chick. And I could tell you that fun will elude you until you stop using your interactions other human beings to fulfill abstract goals like ladies approached, or experiments, or learning, or some post that will summarize an entire year. You know I could sit here and tell you these things. I know I could. And I think I would sort of be wasting my time and yours. Let's face it, your goal of approaching 1000 chicks is really cool. I think it's awesome. Fvck it, I want you to be able to say you got there and have all these stories to tell about it.

If you were at the point of picking goals right now, I would try to persuade you to pick a different goal. But hell, now that you've set it - why not, that's pretty cool. Women aren't everything, the quality of your social interactions isn't everything. You've got to do things for yourself too. Which is a bit ironic, because if you focused on fun and dropped all your other motivations, I think you'd do better with women. Like I said, there are other things in life and I think this is awesome. I think your courage and determination with this goal are ironically hindering real success life in terms of enjoyment and fulfillment. I want you to understand the costs of what you're doing. I also want you to know that just reading your posts make me really proud of you and I admire you a lot.

And it sounds to me like your inner sense of fun is telling you to keep pursuing this goal, despite its cost in terms of success with women. That's why I support you. Whatever your heart wants is wonderful to me.

Ok, since we've agreed that I like your goal of 1000 approaches, I have an idea that will help you be more fun and have more fun right away. I bet you never mention this goal of 1000 approaches to women you approach. If I'm right, that's a huge mistake!!! Have people been telling you to take advantage of this GOLD MINE of excellent material? Tell chicks you were tired of staring at sexy ladies from across the room, you were socially awkward, and so you hatched the insane idea of approaching 1000 women, which has brought you on a three-year saga.

Make sure you get that chick talking too (Juggler says to ask big questions and have really high expectations: what's your story, what's the meaning of life, how many licks does it take to get to the bottom of a tootsie roll pop? That sort of thing) and you will be rolling.

Talk a lot about any massages or sex you've gotten out of this in incredible detail and compellingly. I think you will be able to escalate the sexual tension pretty easily.

Also, if telling chicks seems scary, make sure you've told all your friends and family first about this insane plot of yours. Once you can tell the friends and family, you can tell the chicks, no problem.

I will certainly try to have fun with everything I'm doing on here from now on and not take it so personally when these girls keep flaking. It's just that after a while it makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong.... I guess it's all how you look at it.
Normal, healthy people take it personally when girls flake, Jayer. It's ok. It hurts and it sucks. I am not claiming to be an expert on chicks. I am great at having fun - I never drink, ever. I go out to bars and everyone thinks I'm hammered, because I don't need alcohol to be free. I am also really good at knowing myself and boosting my self-esteem. The truth is, if all these chicks are flaking on you, you probably could be doing quite a number of small things better. That's ok, you're learning.

I will tell you one thing - the pain you feel and which sucks a lot, also helps you find flaws in your self-esteem. Once you find those flaws you can heal them. I've already given you more information than I think you are ready to digest one post, so I will stop there.

So regarding being fun.... do you mind sharing some dates and interactions in detail you've had with women who you did find interesting? I think hearing about them will help put me in a fun frame of mind and hopefully improve my success.
I'd love to answer your question about recent dates (I am an inveterate story teller). You will need to answer my question first, though. What has been the best part of your saga? :)
