Gosh its been a while since I updated this bad boy.....
The bad news is.... the 2 girls I have been talking about look bleak... well 1 definitely is nexted and the other may be as well...
The good news? I got 3 numbers this past weekend! which I'll post about next.
But to recap these idiot girls....
The girl never called me to go over her place. So I called her last Saturday and she woke up and sounded like she was sleeping.. I asked if she still wanted to hang out and she said she was really tired from going out drinking the night before... so she wasn't sure. Well i suggested she take a nap and call me when she got up. She said sure... Well anyway I never got a phone call that night. I ended up going out on my own with some friends anyways.... but after like 2 in the morning I texted her "Thats ****ed up"
Well 6 in the morning the next day she responded saying "sorry she just woke up she overslept"
I responded via
text "well you will just have to make it up to me then"
Well she basically never responded after that.... so after a few days just to vent a little frustration with her and women in general I texted her
"go **** yourself!"
She responds the next day "if you cant text me something nice or at a decent hour please dont text me"
Well I respond saying "funny how u text me when i say something mean... you are so pathetic at being a player"
She responds "lose my number punk"
Well her number will end up in a bathroom stall somewhere.... that stupid trick!
As for the other girl...... well she texted me during the week saying "hows your day" I responded "good hows yours"
Well she never responded.....
So anyway I end u calling her Tuesday and I ask her "So when will I get to see you again...."
She said "well pick a day"
I was like "how about friday"
She was like "well Im supposed to hang out with some friends after work..."
So I was like "oh well how about later on"
She was like "ok we will see"
So anyway I call her on Thursday and she answers. I ask her "So are we still going out Friday"
She says "well friday I can't.... i have a family dinner to go too... I told you that..... and saturday you are busy so how about sunday"
I said "ok as long as it isn't too early"
So anyways Sunday comes around and I dont hear from her. I call her and there is no answer..... I try again and she picks up. Call it deja vu but she also was sleeping and sounded tired. She said she went out the night before and got back really late... and now felt sick....
I was like "well take care of yourself" She's like "im really sorry blah blah"
But the odd thing was I was ready to hang up with her and call it a next but she kept talking for like another 40 minutes.... and she basically said indirectly and she always analyzes stuff with guys with her friends etc.... I also found out that she was hurt recently from a relationship.......
I dont know..... I am so sick of playing ****ing games all the time. Like seriously.... I thought i had a nice time with these girls.... I kissed closed them.... but now its like its such a big deal to talk or see each other...
Here's a heads up to everyone out there on this forum!
Girls are ****ed up! I am so serious.... You never ****ing know if they are into you until you **** them!
I can't believe how society has shifted in their favor.... I can't believe how they can do this **** to us............ Half the time Im relaxed about the whole situation.... other times I am mad and frustrated because I really liked this girl and thought she was different.
Guys that play girls are completely in the right! This is how I feel......
BB I think I'm going to start looking at this all analytical.. though I do have an ounce of hope in magic left its fastly becoming extinct.
Girls are like the stock market I guess man. Don't get attached to your stock and just use analyziation to determine whether to hold to sell them.
easier said that done.....