Bro this Pan87 dude will use his hypergamy model to justify everything. This is because he has only READ this stuff. Not lived it.I can't believe I haven't contemplated this scenario yet. If one believes hypergamy is only the monkey branching for resources, and any desire is tapping into their biology as "the alpha" or as a masculine man, this doesn't fit either of those situations. I can't see a 14 year old being more masculine in the eyes of a female that most men, and the 14yo definite doesn't have resources. It flips the praxeology on it's head.
Women have sexual experiences with other women. They have more sexual experiences with other nwonen than men have with other women often times.
So according to Pan87 the women she let eat her kitty must have been more alpha than the men in the town ,.
Men desperately don't want to accept that women are more freaky than we ever imagined.