Women have a sort of two-tier attraction for men. Generally, a ONS requires a higher level of physical attraction (i.e. looks) than a relationship.
So, with this "alpha fux/beta bucks," are we possibly getting into an area where it is more about the guy's ego or insecurities than anything else? Possibly.
Example 1
"She bhanged me the first night and I barely spent $10 on her. I feel empowered because she was genuinely attracted to me."
^Can't argue with that. That was solid attraction. Women don't really have beer goggles, and they never "Take one for the team." She was genuinely hot for the guy.
Example 2
"She didn't sleep with me until date three, and she wants a relationship. I feel like a loser compared to the Chads that she bhanged on the first night and didn't necessarily demand a relationship from."
^If she wants to date you, you obviously aren't a loser a her. You probably have a lot going for you. But I can DEFINITELY understand how a guy might feel a bit insecure or "cheated" here, even if that is perhaps being overly cynical.
There's all this talk about women wanting to feel desired. Um, men are the same way, even if they don't want to admit it.