A woman can think a man is good looking ALL DAY and not want to make anything happen with him.
Yes an online dating profile of a man who is jacked and handsome will create a surface attraction in women. That's all.
That's all? Lol, and what are you basing this information on? Lol, that's like saying a good resume will open up new doors and get you new interviews,
that's all. Umm, how is a guy supposed to get into the position to find the best jobs if the doors won't open up and he can't secure interviews?
Being ripped and handsome is not an automatic ticket to the p*ssy.
Who said it was?
That guy still has to
text her, set up date, talk to her, not be needy, not be insecure, have his sh*t together, there is still a way to go before he get's to flatten some grass with her.
ALL of which he will have
no opportunity of showing, if she never lets him in the door to show it. Plus also keep in mind when flirting/hitting on women in general, if they find you hot/cute/attractive then you flirting/hitting on them is perfectly "normal". If the girl does not find you hot/cute/attractive then you flirting/hitting on them is sexual harassment.
Notice my advice is to fix your looks, personality, and finances.....not to promote one or the other.
The PUA community (to sell books) wants to keep telling guys that looks nor money matters, just the bullshyt you spit with your "game". It's just complete and utter bullshyt designed by the PUA community to sell books to LAZY men who do not want to put in the REAL WORK of:
- Working out
- Eating right
- Staying groomed/dressed nice
- Working hard/Making Money
- Graduating college
- Investing
- Learning how to carry on a good conversation
All of that takes work, which LAZY men don't want to put ,in which is probably why they need to buy a PUA book in the first place......they are fat, ugly, lazy, broke, pieces of shyt and women don't want them. So instead of putting in the WORK to fix their looks and finances, this piece of shyt wants to just learn a bunch of canned, one-dimensional, c0cky/funny techniques from a PUA book thinking his fat, ugly, lazy, broke a.ss is going to get anywhere