I'm emotionless...

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
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Los Angeles
lyracis said:
If I'm being honest Im not sure I see the point of this post. You say you are emotionless and do not care about other people. Then you insist there is nothing wrong with this. You don't trust people or let them get close to you. Then you insist there is nothing wrong with this. Indeed you go so far as to say it is a key ingredient of your happiness.

There are lots of different ways to happiness and for you it seems to be about individual success and not dependent on relationships with other people. I'm not gonna judge that. Whatever makes you happy.

You call this forum "rantsville.com" but you rant on and on about how jealous people are of your success. And you are WAY too defensive for someone who has nothing to prove.

I'm curious what sort of replies you were actually looking for when you wrote this post. You say you are only on this forum so people can learn from you. But I'm not sure what people can learn from your post.

So y'know keep doing whatever makes you happy.

Yet another example of somebody who can't deal with somebody else's success. :rolleyes:


May 22, 2007
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Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
Street_Fighter said:
how can someone claim to give themselves sparingly and carefully but on the other hand shell out their life story within the blink of an eye.So far with just one thread I know quite a few things of the OP though he claims to be tight lipped and carefull of whom he trusts.Claims to be emotionless but is obviously passionate about horses and has a knack for buisness..I just think it's kinda hokey and would question any kind of advice being given ,the inconsistencies are red flags that something is totaly incongruent(yes, I learned that word from DYD lol) it's just really shady...:confused:

Street Fighter lands an uppercut. Backbreaker is down . . . can he get up:crazy:


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
Gangster Of Love said:
Yet another example of somebody who can't deal with somebody else's success. :rolleyes:

I just made $5million dollars ,can i Haz deh cookie? :wave:


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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Here's one for NickBe:

I've made a lot of money in my time too, maybe more than you, so don't think it's a dig. But I find it quite funny. If you're emotionless, how can you be successful? Is success not tied to happiness?

backbreaker said:
“Don’t let the opinions of the average man sway you. Dream and he thinks you’re crazy. Succeed, and he thinks you’re lucky. Acquire wealth, and he thinks you’re greedy. Pay no attention. He simply doesn’t understand.”
–Robert G. Allen
Yes, that's a great quote.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
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Gangster Of Love said:
Again, like it or not, that is an opinion. Your opinion. It is subjective. And I respect it. It is just as valuable as anybody else's, though. In my opinion, which is also subjective, not saying it is a fact, at least not to everyone, but a fact to me, which is all that really matters when I make these type of purchases, MOST of his stuff is good, and a lot of it VERY good, because it helped ME enough for me to see the value. You are implying that everyone who's bought his stuff is just clueless and plain stupid, to fall for his great marketing.

I can't speak for everyone, but I didn't see, judged, attributed the value solely to his marketing. I judged the product(s) after I went through them and evaluated what worked for me and what didn't. Since I consider myself intelligent, had I not been on the market, a few years ago, for what he was selling, I would not have bought just based on his marketing genius.

There are some people, I am sure, who would say that what I sell, and what you sell, is total crap. Who am I to get all riled up about what people are paying for? If they see value where I don't, then so be it. If it was a fact that it was total crap, the market would weed him out, just like many other products that didn't make it. I would think you are smart enough to realize that you repeating "his products are crap" are only a subjective opinion, and will not change the facts.

Ok, I am done.
Are you completely ignorant? This is not about that. It is one thing to have the opinion that what a guy is selling is total crap. It is another to say that he is bragging because he made some money selling it. They are two different things you are trying to equate a guy with a menial income saying that a guy with a large income is barging if he mentions he makes money is the same as a guy that makes moneys saying another guy that makes money is selling a crappy product.

Two different things.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Might as well fire up the flame here

There is nothing shady about Backbreaker. He has been hard on himself on the past, and you can watch a person growing and changing bit by bit.

Nickbe on the other hand: 22 year old multi-millionaire? Fvcks Victoria's Secret models? Has apparently never had any discernible problem with women, yet discovered Sosuave? Runs the business, juggles models, has threesomes with hot married women at underground, invite-only orgies, while still having time to post here TWENTY (20) TIMES A DAY . . .


Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Dongfu said:
I dont know what kind of rant your on here, but,

1. What does being new to this forum have to do with anything? I dont get my self worth or status from this forum. Uhhh, this would be a little too limiting, dont ya think, bro?
You come on board with a diatribe that goes against the basic premise of the board. The only thing that is limited is what you know about this forum.
Dongfu said:
2. My interest in raising my child is only for the reason that he enjoys being with me and me him. People like you who assume that everything a person does is in interest of getting friends and women is not only limited, but rather pitiful.
That's fine, just don't try to wrap it up in a bow and present it as something else. The forum isn't about child adoption, it was disingenuous of you wrapping it into a means of gaining popularity with your friends and women.
Dongfu said:
I'm sorry that out of Frustration you had to provide an Average response.
No need to feel sorry for me, I did not provide an average responce. I wasn't the one posting for self-affirmation. Oh yeah, can't forget your self promotion either. Lucky you could use the forum to market your ebook. :rolleyes:

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
NickBe said:
Are you completely ignorant? This is not about that. It is one thing to have the opinion that what a guy is selling is total crap. It is another to say that he is bragging because he made some money selling it. They are two different things you are trying to equate a guy with a menial income saying that a guy with a large income is barging if he mentions he makes money is the same as a guy that makes moneys saying another guy that makes money is selling a crappy product.

Two different things.
Nobody said he was bragging. Let's stay focused here, ADD. The irony is that you never see him bragging, or coming across as braging. Who's the ignorant one?

Comment edited out. Out of line. Let's stay on topic.

Let me simplify it for you. You are screaming that people are jealous of your success. Ok, valid theory. I am saying, how ironic that that is exactly how you sound to me, and maybe others, when you attack somebody who is successful, by calling his products crap. There. Get it? That was it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
Last Man Standing said:
Get a virgin in heart, mind, body, and spirit - she should be the one you trust and cherish and have children with!! Hors are devoid of yheir natural feminine spirit!! This is my steadfast philosophy and the correct one!!
Welcome back. ;)

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Phyzzle said:
...Nickbe on the other hand: 22 year old multi-millionaire? Fvcks Victoria's Secret models? Has apparently never had any discernible problem with women, yet discovered Sosuave? Runs the business, juggles models, has threesomes with hot married women at underground, invite-only orgies, while still having time to post here TWENTY (20) TIMES A DAY . . .

And someone who will remain nameless gave me a hard time (well, not really) for coming down hard on him a while back... :whistle:


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Street_Fighter said:
how can someone claim to give themselves sparingly and carefully but on the other hand shell out their life story within the blink of an eye.So far with just one thread I know quite a few things of the OP though he claims to be tight lipped and carefull of whom he trusts.Claims to be emotionless but is obviously passionate about horses and has a knack for buisness..I just think it's kinda hokey and would question any kind of advice being given ,the inconsistencies are red flags that something is totaly incongruent(yes, I learned that word from DYD lol) it's just really shady...:confused:
Well I believe just like me he sees internet forums are a place to vent because they are anonymous. I never tell anybody in my life that I am I create an illusion around myself to make them comfortable and so I can survive. Keeping that illusion up does takes it toll though it is the only part of my life that is constricted. I am free in everything else but I am not free to show how cold heated I really am. I have to fake empathy to survive in this world. Internet forums give me that freedom because they are anonymous, and that freedom I believe helps keep me sane however brief that freedom is. That what I find in places like this, for a few hours a day I can take of my mask and be the cold hearted bastard that I can not be ion the real world. I can tell people my people my deepest darkest thoughts without repercussion. For example I often fantasize about torturing and killing people not normal people but pedophiles and rapist. In the normal world people would not like to hear me saying that but here I am free to say it. It is a freedom I need to function. By the way before you get on your high horse and say 'you have to hide who you a re blah blah blah' everybody hides who they trully are. In that aspect I am nothing special.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
Phyzzle said:
There is nothing shady about Backbreaker. He has been hard on himself on the past, and you can watch a person growing and changing bit by bit.

going by just this thread alone there were alot of contradictions in his posts,not saying he is bad nor good.My impression of him is exactly how he's laid it out in his posts..not only by what he said but the delivery.
I am sure he's just as good of a guy as any other with their own share of misfortunes and success... :wave:


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Phyzzle said:
There is nothing shady about Backbreaker. He has been hard on himself on the past, and you can watch a person growing and changing bit by bit.

Nickbe on the other hand: 22 year old multi-millionaire? Fvcks Victoria's Secret models? Has apparently never had any discernible problem with women, yet discovered Sosuave? Runs the business, juggles models, has threesomes with hot married women at underground, invite-only orgies, while still having time to post here TWENTY (20) TIMES A DAY . . .

By the way I never said I am a multi millionaire not yet at least I am not even officially a millionaire...

Second I write books so I work from home and I write one book ever 2-3 months which takes me about 2-3 weeks to write. So I have an endless amount of free time when i am not writing. Also I have never once said I slept with a Victoria's secret model because I never have.

Yes I have been to exclusive swingers parties and slept with hot women there. They are not that uncommon in L.A. especially there is one every other week.

So stop putting words in my mouth.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
NickBe said:
Well I believe just like me he sees internet forums are a place to vent because they are anonymous. I never tell anybody in my life that I am I create an illusion around myself to make them comfortable and so I can survive. Keeping that illusion up does takes it toll though it is the only part of my life that is constricted. I am free in everything else but I am not free to show how cold heated I really am. I have to fake empathy to survive in this world. Internet forums give me that freedom because they are anonymous, and that freedom I believe helps keep me sane however brief that freedom is. That what I find in places like this, for a few hours a day I can take of my mask and be the cold hearted bastard that I can not be ion the real world. I can tell people my people my deepest darkest thoughts without repercussion. For example I often fantasize about torturing and killing people not normal people but pedophiles and rapist. In the normal world people would not like to hear me saying that but here I am free to say it. It is a freedom I need to function. By the way before you get on your high horse and say 'you have to hide who you a re blah blah blah' everybody hides who they trully are. In that aspect I am nothing special.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
You're not even a millionaire yet??

You're 22. You're emotionless. 18-22. You've had AT LEAST a good FOUR years of emotionless time to earn a million dollars. Geez. What happened? Get with it.

Especially the LAST four years. The Internet Boom and the Real Estate Boom. It was so easy to earn a million dollars these last four years, it's not even funny. 1,400 emotionless days and you have even earned a million dollars yet. :/


Senior Don Juan
Oct 31, 2006
Reaction score
I don't usually get into this stuff very often but I will say this:

The world is NOT out to get you. I promise.
No one is ever THAT high on the totem pole.

Secondly, as Style wrote in his book:
"A rich man doesn't need to tell you he's rich."

I happy person doesn't have to tell you they are happy.

I have no idea why you put up this thread, because you are certainly not accepting anyone's points or advice on how to help yourself, so I have no idea what your looking to achieve.

Whatever your goal is in posting this, I do, certainly hope you achieve it.



Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
blueguy said:
You're not even a millionaire yet??

You're 22. You're emotionless. 18-22. You've had AT LEAST a good FOUR years of emotionless time to earn a million dollars. Geez. What happened? Get with it.

Especially the LAST four years. The Internet Boom and the Real Estate Boom. It was so easy to earn a million dollars these last four years, it's not even funny. 1,400 emotionless days and you have even earned a million dollars yet. :/

therapy should be just a pinch the wallet by then! :wave:


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
blueguy said:
You're not even a millionaire yet??

You're 22. You're emotionless. 18-22. You've had AT LEAST a good FOUR years of emotionless time to earn a million dollars. Geez. What happened? Get with it.

Especially the LAST four years. The Internet Boom and the Real Estate Boom. It was so easy to earn a million dollars these last four years, it's not even funny. 1,400 emotionless days and you have even earned a million dollars yet. :/
3 years actually since I decided to make some money and 9 months of those 3 years I was wasting the money I made on a vacation. Now I just killed the two biggest companies in the industry and I am about to take over their positions at the top. By my calculations it will increase my income 10 fold to about 5 million.

By the way adding up all mys assets including my business, cars and property I am worth over one million but I do not like to count like that. I will say I am a millionaire when my bank account shows a 1 with six zeros directly behind it. So that should happen by the end of the year.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
NickBe said:
3 years actually since I decided to make some money and 9 months of those 3 years I was wasting the money I made on a vacation. Now I just killed the two biggest companies in the industry and I am about to take over their positions at the top. By my calculations it will increase my income 10 fold to about 5 million.

By the way adding up all mys assets including my business, cars and property I am worth over one million but I do not like to count like that. I will say I am a millionaire when my bank account shows a 1 with six zeros directly behind it. So that should happen by the end of the year.
what the heck do you do for a living?
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
It's kill or be killed, not much emotion in that motto, that's your motto, you are in a war so fight.