I'm emotionless...


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
"pick up a bee out of kindness, and quickly see the limitations of kindness"


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
"pick up a bee out of kindness, and quickly see the limitations of kindness"
Who would be so stupid as to think picking up a SINGLE bee out of kindness would mean a damned thing? Try curing a billion bees of a fungus... then that would be kindness with some thought t it.

Anyways BB sounds to me like you a dangerous man. I don't give a **** about you either, I have no reason to. Yesterday I thought for just a moment, should I click ignore?

I'm glad I didn't, just because you asked the right question today.

You're stuck, you're clinging to an ideal. An ideal world, with ideal people,it is something that will never be. You will always find crappy friends that you trust for a few minutes, you will always find an opportunity missed. You won't always see others mistakes, you will find how they affect you.

So keep being who you are. I command you, I know you're going to, and it won't make a flipping difference whether that is true or not. On the other hand, you can say "I don't give a **** what you think". It will lead you to better times, and I'll benefit because you won't be an annoying ass anymore.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Backbreaker lack of empathy for others is a sign of a socipathic personality. I am the same as you in that aspect I have socipathic tendencies and I have absolutely no emotion for other human beings except very close family members. You might not be a full fledged socipath I am just pointing that out to you.

I have no reaction to seeing somebody suffer or even die. The thing is people like us more often than not do make successes of themselves. People like us tend to stray from the pack and not do the whole college, career and marriage thing. People like us tend to have an unlimited supply of women on the back burner. People like us are generally envied by the people that do the whole $40k per year career thing.

I say your better off than the masses they live their lives bound within social boundaries. Only ever doing whats socially acceptable, living in a straight line. They live their lives in envy of people that take the path lass traveled and make a success of themselves. Thats why whenever you bring it up they try to take you down.

Most importantly normal people will never understand people like you so do not bother explaining it. They live in their delusional bubbles and anybody who challenges that illusion they have created is the enemy. They will never understand they are convinced that because they have the ability to feel empathy for other and love others they are better off. Then they go back to their double mortgaged houses, their reasonably priced cars and their completely dull mediocre existences watching reality TV shows until their brains rot away.

They will say that because you have no empathy there is something wrong with you but then they go on wishing they had that big yacht and $100k car. The biggest mistake you can ever make is to let them get to you, let all the normal people make you think that just because you are different there is something wrong with you. You are a millionaire and you get laid a lot, most men would kill for that life. I use to think rich people shunned poor people but thats not true rich people do not mind poor people it is the poor ones that shun rich people. Forget about the people who tell you that you are jaded the truth is they can only dream of having the success you have. To them it is unattainable all they will ever achieve is a college degree and a life long struggle for a promotion from their boss. If you were like them that is all you would have too.

Do not give into the lies of people from a mediocre existence, you said it yourself people only care about themselves. Whatever they tell you they tell you to make themselves feel better about their mediocrity.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
NickBe said:
Backbreaker lack of empathy for others is a sign of a socipathic personality. I am the same as you in that aspect I have socipathic tendencies and I have absolutely no emotion for other human beings except very close family members. You might not be a full fledged socipath I am just pointing that out to you.

I have no reaction to seeing somebody suffer or even die. The thing is people like us more often than not do make successes of themselves. People like us tend to stray from the pack and not do the whole college, career and marriage thing. People like us tend to have an unlimited supply of women on the back burner. People like us are generally envied by the people that do the whole $40k per year career thing.

I say your better off than the masses they live their lives bound within social boundaries. Only ever doing whats socially acceptable, living in a straight line. They live their lives in envy of people that take the path lass traveled and make a success of themselves. Thats why whenever you bring it up they try to take you down.

Most importantly normal people will never understand people like you so do not bother explaining it. They live in their delusional bubbles and anybody who challenges that illusion they have created is the enemy. They will never understand they are convinced that because they have the ability to feel empathy for other and love others they are better off. Then they go back to their double mortgaged houses, their reasonably priced cars and their completely dull mediocre existences watching reality TV shows until their brains rot away.

They will say that because you have no empathy there is something wrong with you but then they go wishing they had that big yacht and $100k car. The biggest mistake you can ever make is to let them get to you, let all the normal people make you think that just because you are different there is something wrong with you. You are a millionaire and you get laid a lot, most men would kill for that life. I use to think rich people shunned poor people but thats not true rich people do not mind poor people it is the poor ones that shun rich people. Forget about the people who tell you that you are jaded the truth is they can only dream of having the success you have. To them it is unattainable all they will ever achieve is a college degree and a life long struggle for a promotion from their boss. If you were like them that is all you would have too.

Do not give into the lies of people from a mediocre existence, you said it yourself people only care about themselves. Whatever they tell you they tell you to make themselves feel better about their mediocrity.
Well said for a dangerous sociopath!!!!!

Quoted because it deserves to be said two times.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Not all sociopaths are dangerous, I have no empathy it does not mean I have the desire to hurt or kill people.


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2006
Reaction score
@NickBe, Yeah I think the lack of empathy leads to one giving little weight to the ideas and rules others try to impose on you and hence makes it easy to break free of societal pressures.

I have the problem of caring too much what other people think and I get called a loser one way or another daily, for reasons like no gf, no job and so on. This is causing a lot of frustration and anger in me and is taking alot of work to try and break free from.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
Women can coinside with them or get out the way. This coming from spending 3 years, wanting women, but everyone laughing at me because I was broke and had no clothes, a little overweight and women woudln't give me the time a day. now that I am wealthy, have 2 houses, one on the beach, 3 cars, and I do what I love for a living, a wardrobe bigger than most womens and other stuff I won't get into in this post.. plus a better body.. women find me "so interesting" and "one of a kind" b!tch fvck off.
Well, if that doesn't lead to an understandable level of contempt for them ... they don't really care for you, why the fvck should you care for them?


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
actually I am
I think it's a requirement to be a republican in N. San Diego County if you want to a hassle-free life. :rolleyes:

I guess that area has been good to you since you're living there, but I have white friends that think it's so racist around that area they actually warm me about going there.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
NickBe said:
I have no reaction to seeing somebody suffer or even die.
That's a shame. Empathy is part of what makes someone a human.

Most importantly normal people will never understand people like you so do not bother explaining it. They live in their delusional bubbles and anybody who challenges that illusion they have created is the enemy. They will never understand they are convinced that because they have the ability to feel empathy for other and love others they are better off. Then they go back to their double mortgaged houses, their reasonably priced cars and their completely dull mediocre existences watching reality TV shows until their brains rot away.
I find this contempt you have for "normal people" to be amusing. As if normal people have nothing better to do than sit around fuming about players who run women. People have their lives, families, significant others, they're not all sitting around in perpetual envy of people like BB.

They will say that because you have no empathy there is something wrong with you but then they go on wishing they had that big yacht and $100k car.
I can honestly say that I think it's a bad thing to have no empathy AND I have no desire to have a yacht or an ultra expensive car. Bling bling and other expensive shiny objects don't bring happiness. It may bring some social proof and help a guy get laid, but even that will become an empty goal if cynicism and contempt for women won't allow you to have a genuine healthy relationship.

The biggest mistake you can ever make is to let them get to you, let all the normal people make you think that just because you are different there is something wrong with you. You are a millionaire and you get laid a lot, most men would kill for that life.
Most people want to be happy. Period. And they would rather be a happy person with a normal life than an unhappy person surrounded by a bunch of expensive shiny objects. Now if I woke up a millionaire tomorrow with a bunch of women on my rolodex calling me up wanting to f*ck would I be happy about it? You're damn right, but that would only be because I'm already grounded and happy with my existence in the first place, and the money and wealth would add to it. If that wasn't the case, then material success and a bunch of f*ck buddies would be a pretty empty existence.

To them it is unattainable all they will ever achieve is a college degree and a life long struggle for a promotion from their boss. If you were like them that is all you would have too. Do not give into the lies of people from a mediocre existence, you said it yourself people only care about themselves. Whatever they tell you they tell you to make themselves feel better about their mediocrity.
I'm finding your contempt for ordinary people to be nauseating. Hate to break it to you, but not everyone can be millionaires. Nor should everyone. Somebody has to work as a nurse, as a fireman, as a teacher, or programmer. These are all necessary yet normal income jobs that our society needs to function. Maybe you should show a little respect for these people with normal jobs because society could not do without them, however we could easily do without the Hugh Hefners and Paris Hiltons of the world who do nothing of any real use to society other than party. Everyone can't be nor should they all be rich playboys. That would be like running an army with all officers and no soldiers. So quit having so much contempt for normal people. The millionaires need these normal people more than the normal people need them.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
I've came to grips a long time ago with people who hate me for the simple reason that I'm me. As Voliatre said, if you don't hae enemies, you aren't doing something right. This is nothing new and I chuckle at guys who have nothing better to do than to hope that deep down I'm a miserable prick.

I have the problem of caring too much what other people think and I get called a loser one way or another daily, for reasons like no gf, no job and so on. This is causing a lot of frustration and anger in me and is taking alot of work to try and break free from.
which is the exact opposite of what I am. the only person I care about as far as their view on myself, is myself. I stopped listenting to people who called me a loser when I was working 19 hour days but was broke. It was then that I knew that they had no percepction of reality.

people want you to fail. You failing is the only way most people can be a success. The guy who is not striving for his goals, but has a coushy job making mid 5 figures has to be confirmed that he is a success by other people telling him so, because deep down he doesn't think he is.

and success is not about money. I could be broke as a joke and I would consider myself a success. it's about chasing your dreams. anyone who chases their dreams is a success in my book, regardless of the outcome. it's the path to success that makes one successful.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
So your point is not everybody should be rich? Wow what insight. I know not everybody should be rich its the people who are not rich that make me rich. Did I say everybody should be rich though? I was mainly talking about the annoying people who try to take down people who are successful just because they cant be. People in this very thread that immediately said Backbreaker was bragging the second he admitted he had money.

I was making a point by saying do not try to justify your existence to these people because the only way they can justify their existence is by critiquing those who are more successful. Sure they have families but time and time again you see those surveys "what are the most important things in your life?" 'Money' always lands in the top three. Money does make people happy it provides financial security never having to worry about anything and most men would kill for that security. If you like the freedom sailing brings a Yacht will make you very happy. Go out to sea, play with dolphins, feed sharks. Luxuary cars make you happy because they are an absolute joy to drive. It is like the difference between sitting on the floor and sitting on a recliner. Money is security and money is power two things that make people extremely happy. Only people that do not have money say that money does not make them happy, it is in human nature to rationalize. You do not need money to be a good or interesting person though most of my close friends are average wage earners and they are great people who enjoy their lives. They are happy and have hot girl friends all of them would like to earn a little extra money though.

I never said having no empathy was a good thing but I am not ignorant enough to say its a bad thing either. Why is it bad? You say empathy is what makes you human that is a ridiculous and flawed argument. Empathy is what makes humans weak and you can not ever argue that. It is a fact empathy makes humans weak I am sure it has its benefits but its not all good. How do you know what makes a human human? I mean by your philosophy I am not human yet I am human I just lack some of the traits most humans have. What you are saying is that anybody that is different from the crows is inhuman, an outcast. Have you ever thought that having no empathy makes me better off in many ways? I can achieve my goals more efficiently and achieving your goals makes you happy. So I can improve myself and achieve my goals at a much faster pace than you. I can do almost anything in life more efficiently because I do not get sidetracked by emotions. So if we take the idea that a person is happy when they accomplish what they set out to do and then we take the fact that I can do this more efficiently...... Well you get the idea.

By the way why do people always equate rich people with being unhappy but surrounded by big expensive objects? Is it maybe to make themselves feel better?

Also about healthy relationships, societies definition of a healthy relationship does not work for everybody. Why do you think you can be the judge on what a healthy relationship is? Who are you to say that a sexual based relationship is any better or worse than a monogamous relationship built on idealistic love? Society promotes the idea of virtue and monogamy, it promotes the idea of opening up to a woman and sharing your life. So because you live within those social constraints you class that as a healthy relationship. Well what if we forget about societies imposed ideas and said a healthy relationship was what made us happy. That is fair isn't it? well what makes me happy is sleeping with a woman but not developing a long term connection of any kind. So to me that is a healthy relationship.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
NickBe said:
So your point is not everybody should be rich? Wow what insight. I know not everybody should be rich its the people who are not rich that make me rich. Did I say everybody should be rich though? I was mainly talking about the annoying people who try to take down people who are successful just because they cant be. People in this very thread that immediately said Backbreaker was bragging the second he admitted he had money.

I was making a point by saying do not try to justify your existence to these people because the only way they can justify their existence is by critiquing those who are more successful. Sure they have families but time and time again you see those surveys "what are the most important things in your life?" 'Money' always lands in the top three. Money does make people happy it provides financial security never having to worry about anything and most men would kill for that security. If you like the freedom sailing brings a Yacht will make you very happy. Go out to sea, play with dolphins, feed sharks. Luxuary cars make you happy because they are an absolute joy to drive. It is like the difference between sitting on the floor and sitting on a recliner. Money is security and money is power two things that make people extremely happy. Only people that do not have money say that money does not make them happy, it is in human nature to rationalize. You do not need money to be a good or interesting person though most of my close friends are average wage earners and they are great people who enjoy their lives. They are happy and have hot girl friends all of them would like to earn a little extra money though.

I never said having no empathy was a good thing but I am not ignorant enough to say its a bad thing either. Why is it bad? You say empathy is what makes you human that is a ridiculous and flawed argument. Empathy is what makes humans weak and you can not ever argue that. It is a fact empathy makes humans weak I am sure it has its benefits but its not all good. How do you know what makes a human human? I mean by your philosophy I am not human yet I am human I just lack some of the traits most humans have. What you are saying is that anybody that is different from the crows is inhuman, an outcast. Have you ever thought that having no empathy makes me better off in many ways? I can achieve my goals more efficiently and achieving your goals makes you happy. So I can improve myself and achieve my goals at a much faster pace than you. I can do almost anything in life more efficiently because I do not get sidetracked by emotions. So if we take the idea that a person is happy when they accomplish what they set out to do and then we take the fact that I can do this more efficiently...... Well you get the idea.

By the way why do people always equate rich people with being unhappy but surrounded by big expensive objects? Is it maybe to make themselves feel better?

Also about healthy relationships, societies definition of a healthy relationship does not work for everybody. Why do you think you can be the judge on what a healthy relationship is? Who are you to say that a sexual based relationship is any better or worse than a monogamous relationship built on idealistic love? Society promotes the idea of virtue and monogamy, it promotes the idea of opening up to a woman and sharing your life. So because you live within those social constraints you class that as a healthy relationship. Well what if we forget about societies imposed ideas and said a healthy relationship was what made us happy. That is fair isn't it? well what makes me happy is sleeping with a woman but not developing a long term connection of any kind. So to me that is a healthy relationship.
I must say Nick makes a point. The fact that he and backbreaker have little to no empathy does that make them a bad person. It simply makes them a person who were able to sustain thier success by limiting thier emotions. Regardless of it all look at where they are now. They claim to be rich and they sound content and happy with thier lives. It is true that most people start throwing the "money doesn't buy happiness speech" because in reality they want to have the money to make them happy.

Backbreaker, Nickbeand and myself aren't afraid to be diffrent from the pack. I'm not saying that i have no empathy as they are but i'm willing to do what ever it takes to get me where i want to be before i die. Yes i can be a very cold person if needed be but it only comes out when i feel it needs to. I feel like i can get somewhere in my life by being the most positive person i can be. The thing that makes them successful is their ability to have a lack of empathy. Not saying that a guy who has empathy is weaker, but having no empathy makes it easier for one to focus on his goals and his life. There is no set in stone path to be successful. Success is what you make of it not what society says. For oen being successful is living in a mansion ****ing playmates every night living the superficial life. For another his success could be living in a small suburban town with his wife and 3 kids.

Regardless of these guy's attitude apprently there lack of emotions has had some positive pay off for them. Is that to say all that share there same view will be successful as they are no indeed not. Truth be told i'm still trying to find the point of this topic. I guess it's just become a debate vs lack of empathy. Haha this forum never fails.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
So your point is not everybody should be rich? Wow what insight. I know not everybody should be rich its the people who are not rich that make me rich. Did I say everybody should be rich though? I was mainly talking about the annoying people who try to take down people who are successful just because they cant be. People in this very thread that immediately said Backbreaker was bragging the second he admitted he had money.
nothing new whatsoever. I get that like hot women get AFC's. I don't even consider myself to be rich. Not even close. AS good as I do for myself, I don't have enough money to do what I really want to do. that's why I'm still driving for my goals. I want Coolmore money. Michael Tabor wipes his ass with what I have in the bank.

I was making a point by saying do not try to justify your existence to these people because the only way they can justify their existence is by critiquing those who are more successful.
exactly. like I said, the only way some people can be successful is for other's not to be successful.

By the way why do people always equate rich people with being unhappy but surrounded by big expensive objects? Is it maybe to make themselves feel better?
exactly. I have 1 expensive sports car.. that I'm about to sell becuse it never leaves my garage.. but other than that.. I'm pretty damn normal. my man vechile that I drive is a 99 Lexus SC400 that I put way to much money in, I mean my house is nice but it's not a mansion or anything. It's close to the beach, which is all I want is to be ON the beach, so I still have goals to strive for. I have a nice amount of clothes... but I mean... It's not like I'm on MTV Cribs with 5 lambo's or something and 3 hummers. that's a waste of money. The nicest thing in my house is a baby grand Piano I just bought because I play the piano. the only real difference between myself and most is I don't live paycheck to paycheck.


May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
I'm going to say this to everyone here in the forum. You can choose to hear it or not.

If you are acting out of self interest you will inevitable feel like Backbreaker here. To be a true Don Juan, and to Live as DJ did, you must be on a path of service.

DJ was about pleasing women sexually, serving them for the greater good of humanity. He was not simply out to score hot chicks and get laid and build an empire of material wealth around him.

If you want to be more like the real Don Juan, you will be better served volunteering at an orphanage, or helping old people on the weekends, anything that is truly charitable and honorable.

Almost anyone can learn how to game women, but there really is not much value in this.

I myself am raising an adopted child, and I have selflessly given my time for him. In return for this, I have not only been blessed with women, but friends as well, trustable, great friends who enrich my life and I theirs. This is real success. And if you are not willing to give something of yourself you will never know it.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
If you want to be more like the real Don Juan
I don't. I want to be the best Me possible.

you will be better served volunteering at an orphanage, or helping old people on the weekends, anything that is truly charitable and honorable.
who says I don't? I help people who need help. again, that's why I'm here. but at the end of the day.. Id ont' give a **** what they think about me and they probably don't give a **** what I think about them.

I myself am raising an adopted child, and I have selflessly given my time for him
and? that makes you better because? That's the same as the guy who thinks he should get laid becuase he's nice. the EXACT same. You are taking a different path as most AFC's but it's an AFC path nevertheless.

not saying it's not a good thing, it's a very good thing to do.. but if your intentions on doing it are to get ass.... you are very, very mislead.

on the contrary, when I do nice ****... talk to people who need help, donate money, it's because I want to. not because i'm trying to get ass to say "hey... look at me.. I'm donating myself.. see how worthy of your vigina I am?!"


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2007
Reaction score
Alphamale1821 said:
Success is what you make of it not what society says. For oen being successful is living in a mansion ****ing playmates every night living the superficial life. For another his success could be living in a small suburban town with his wife and 3 kids.
True, however, what bothers the poster most is that it sounds like the only way to happiness is by lacking empathy. Empathy does not make anyone weak, it's what we desire in friends and in people around us, and how suffering in life is reduced (even though as BB and NickBe's experience shows, does not stop it). For me, to live life, even in achieving great goals and success, without my care for humanity and my belief in the common humanity shared in all, to imagine myself with such cynicism would drive me insane, at least at this point of my life. Being a follower in the ideals of humanity of living in the here and now, as everyone is living with only limited lives and challenges, why should efforts not be make to make the lives of everyone better.

I have to admit, I do lack my own experiences that can stand up to theirs about success, as I'm only going to college, while they are long past that, who knows if my belief will hold. However, I look to three other people who had lived very successfully, and the all did not threw away their care for others or empahty to get there. Two was my teachers, before becomming high school teachers, they lived great lives (one was part of the NASA team to sent the men to the moon, and the others lived very well as an aviation engineer). Another is a professor, Bill Galatis. By BB and NickBe's examples, he became quite financially successful making Dunkin Donuts into the force it is, helping the Greek Olympic Baseball team, and lots of other achievements. Yet he also put a lot of energy to caring for others and the community. There are many ways to be successful, and there are many ways to get there, even to the same goals.

Alphamale1821 said:
Regardless of these guy's attitude apprently there lack of emotions has had some positive pay off for them. Is that to say all that share there same view will be successful as they are no indeed not. Truth be told i'm still trying to find the point of this topic. I guess it's just become a debate vs lack of empathy. Haha this forum never fails.
This have become a dabate because it sounds like that the only way for a person to reach where BB is (also being successful), is to drop the care for empathy or humanity. As well it sounds like following the road taken more is just plain destruction. I hope I'm not wrong in my approach to life, I'm not saying BB and NickBe's approach is wrong either, we both could very well be right.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
Alphamale1821 said:
I must say Nick makes a point. The fact that he and backbreaker have little to no empathy does that make them a bad person. It simply makes them a person who were able to sustain thier success by limiting thier emotions.
Gimme a break man. What are you saying? That one has to shut down their emotions and become a robot to have financial success? What about wealthy philanthropist? What about successful celebrities that do humanitarian works and adoptions in the 3rd world? What about organization like Doctors Without Borders? What kind of nonsense are you guys talking?

It is true that most people start throwing the "money doesn't buy happiness speech" because in reality they want to have the money to make them happy.
Money DOES NOT buy happiness if you are ALREADY unhappy. If you are already happy to begin with because you are content, confident and fulfilled person from inside, then money will give you more reason to be happy. It's as simple as that. But you aren't going to find someone who is screwed up, give them money and they magically become happy. Look at people like Britney Spears with all the wealth and fame people could imagine. Yet she's in and out of rehab, shaving her head bald in desperate rage and fighting over custody for her kids. All the material success and fame hasn't done jack sh*t for her because she's f*cked up on the inside and no money is ever going to fix that. Yet I have travelled to the 3rd world and seen people who don't have a pot to piss in yet are full of smiling faces and would give you the shirt off their back if need be. I'm not against money or pursuing it, but it's also not the key to happiness. I believe in Abraham Lincoln's words when he said, "people are about as happy as they've made up their minds to be."

Not saying that a guy who has empathy is weaker, but having no empathy makes it easier for one to focus on his goals and his life.
Unless you plan on making your money through organized crime or as a mercenary, I don't see what lack of empathy has to do with financial success.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2007
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
I myself am raising an adopted child, and I have selflessly given my time for him. In return for this, I have not only been blessed with women, but friends as well, trustable, great friends who enrich my life and I theirs. This is real success. And if you are not willing to give something of yourself you will never know it.
and? that makes you better because? That's the same as the guy who thinks he should get laid becuase he's nice. the EXACT same. You are taking a different path as most AFC's but it's an AFC path nevertheless.

not saying it's not a good thing, it's a very good thing to do.. but if your intentions on doing it are to get ass.... you are very, very mislead.

on the contrary, when I do nice ****... talk to people who need help, donate money, it's because I want to. not because i'm trying to get ass to say "hey... look at me.. I'm donating myself.. see how worthy of your vigina I am?!"
I think he trying to say with the law of karma, not saying he adopted a child and getting great friends and women for that. Following a life to making your own life well and trying to help others too along the way (as his example of raising a child) could indirectly (perhaps from the attitude, perhaps from the action) make life richer. I don't think he saying donating to get women.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
one thing I have learned is that you can ask 100 different people on what life is supposed to be, and you will get 100 different answers. I myself see my life as a mountain that needs to be climbed, and i will not rest until I am at the top. Some think that a life of works and doing good deeds is the ONLY way to go. Some think that the nubmer of women they bed is the what will get them in the gates of heaven. Some think that to raise as many kids as possible... I can go on and on.. so this is something that I wont' debate.

No, you don't have to have no emotions to have finanical success, and I never said that. a different poster implied it. That has little to do with who I am financially.