I'm emotionless...


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
No point explaining it to you, you lack the ability to comprehend such a complex issue. I recommend you read about sociopathic personalities instead of trying to dispute a centuries worth of psychological studies.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Street_Fighter said:
I understand the concept just fine,though you actualy are no different from anyone else.EVERYONE does what you do to some extent,you seem to be inexperianced in the concept of all of it.It's all in the social mix of things..but for some reason you decide to to label it something else.You would not be aware of empathy in the first place without a conscience allowing you to be reconise of it..plain and simple.
You do not understand the concept, I know that people fake who they are and wear masks I mentioned that in this thread before you did. There is a difference between that and self preservation. They do it just to be socially acceptable, people like me do it for self preservation because if we don't we are as good as dead.

Profile of a socipath

- Glibness and Superficial Charm

- Manipulative and Conning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.

- Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."

- Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.

- Shallow Emotions
When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.

- Incapacity for Love

-Callousness/Lack of Empathy
Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.

That is the profile of a sociopath as described by a psychiatrist.

What you in all your wisdom are suggesting is that your opinion is more accurate than that of hundred of thousands of well educated, professional psychiatrists. Talk about a 'Grandiose Sense of Self' are you sure your not a sociopath?


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
NickBe said:
No point explaining it to you, you lack the ability to comprehend such a complex issue. I recommend you read about sociopathic personalities instead of trying to dispute a centuries worth of psychological studies.

you are NOT the sociopath you claim to be and I am NOT trying to despute centuries worth of psychological studies..if anything you are the one confused about what any of it means to begin with. How do I know?
Because with everything you have written about in your posts already suggested that it was true..YOU are the one that discredited yourself to begin with.You simply are not whom you claim to be...and not in the sense you are trying to project.I think you want to be seen as an uncaring untouchable and unremorsefull unempathetic person...
there is much vanity in that persona...

also glamourized in the popular book and movie,American Psycho...


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
NickBe said:
What you in all your wisdom are suggesting is that your opinion is more accurate than that of hundred of thousands of well educated, professional psychiatrists. Talk about a 'Grandiose Sense of Self' are you sure your not a sociopath?

ROFL you have no idea ...
I practicly wrote the book on sociopathology..I not only take the cake in this department..but I also eat it too.
Hows that for 'braggart'?

for someone that claims to fake charm and emotion soo well, you sure do a lousy job at it ...I can sense your annoyance -unless it's just another one of your 'mastered emotions'..


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Is that all you are trying to say? Why not say that from the start then? if thats all you think I couldn't care less about your opinion. You have no idea what a sociopath is except what you read in books like American Psycho. You are right I am not that guy.

What a waste of time...


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
NickBe said:
Is that all you are trying to say? Why not say that from the start then? if thats all you think I couldn't care less about your opinion. You have no idea what a sociopath is except what you read in books like American Psycho. You are right I am not that guy.

What a waste of time...
of course you care..otherwise you would've never even tried to explain the differences.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
I was intrigued when I thought you had some intelligence now that I see your are simply a black and whit guy I don't care.

Last post in this thread.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
for someone whom tries soo hard to convey to the world that this part of you does not exist, you sure are open to freely discuss these feelings and emotions with a total and complete stranger,even online and being faceless.I for one would NEVER admit to anything nor would I ever reveal anything of myself of that nature that deeply held inside of me soo freely and opening...it would be as if it never even existed in the first place...no trails and no evidence of it's existance,not even online..

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Dongfu said:
You can see my join date by my screen name genius.
I've seen guys with more recent join dates posting more useful information.
Dongfu said:
Were you personally offended by my response?
You give yourself way too much credit; what an ego. :rolleyes:
Dongfu said:
In other words, what are you trying to prove? That you know more than me because I'm new to a forum?:rolleyes:
Like I said, there's newer members posting with a bit more insight than you. Actually, one has already posted in this thread. Even with the flack he's getting, I have read a few of his posts which were actually insightful.
Dongfu said:
Why dont you write a book and give it to me, and then I'll have a little more to judge you by.
Sorry, the things that I write outside of this forum is only for published research and journals. I don't have the luxury of being able to write complete works and just give it away, my grant providers wouldn't be happy with that.
Dongfu said:
I enjoy your posts, but I had no idea you were so sensitive.:cry:
This coming from an emo?
Dongfu said:
Maybe you ought to start a new post like this one and share with us whats really going on.:)
Once again, you prove that you're not new here; you're extremely naive.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
NickBe said:
I was intrigued when I thought you had some intelligence now that I see your are simply a black and whit guy I don't care.

Last post in this thread.

you're the one to speak.

I sense annoyance in your replies..or like I stated earlier, is it just another one of your 'mastered emotions'.

..You may not reply but you will continue to read my posts,it's only in your nature and it will gnaw at you while you are itching away to type yet another response...I know these things...


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
NickBe said:
Is that all you are trying to say? Why not say that from the start then? if thats all you think I couldn't care less about your opinion. You have no idea what a sociopath is except what you read in books like American Psycho. You are right I am not that guy.

What a waste of time...
also glamourized in the popular book and movie,American Psycho...

also glamourized ie:

meaning not soley based on that source :whistle:
though you seem to be trying to portray that image
(as lousy as your efforts may be lol)

re-read post #130 and you will realize your mistake...


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Stopped at page 3. This thread has gotten so far off its initial bearing that it's become useless.

I see two groups of people here. One is the throngs of common people rejoicing in the opportunity to offer advice to someone wealthier and more successful than they are. They're tired of seeing other people have and them NOT having, so now that someone with some financial and social success finally shows some weakness in his life, they pounce on it. "Haha! MY time to shine! Now *I* can be the master."

Is everyone foolish enough to think the wealthy don't have problems, don't face the same psychological and spiritual crises as everyone else? They face them FASTER because when you don't have to worry about money, your mind devotes itself to the higher things sooner in life. The reason that the successful are so "stuck-up" is that they KNOW people like these are WAITING for those weaknesses to be shown so they can pounce.

Then there's the rich and successful, trying desperately to hide their insecurity. Not that one can particularly blame them, since BB's initial show of weakness brought not help, but a throng of scavengers seeing their opportunity to put them down. But the successful hurt, too. And no amount of talking about how happy you are hides the fact that this thread was started for a REASON...something is missing. And it has nothing to do with money. Wealth can't replace a set of good friends, people you can trust. It can enrich your life in ways that you forget not having that, but not having anyone you can trust is a gut-wrenching feeling, no matter HOW much money you have. Rich, poor, whatever. Everyone wakes up and faces it sooner or later. And success draws deceit like blood draws sharks. Not due to the nature of the "blood" (money), but due to the nature of the "sharks" (the less fortunate)...but the end result is the same.

Yet in the end, all we're left with is a handful of men sitting on an Internet forum arguing about who is more virtuous, losing sight of the fact that we're all facing the same struggle. We're all on a forum designed to help men who have problems with women, which in itself is an indication of something missing socially. We're all going to die in 60-70 odd years. And we're all looking for something to believe in. Looking for love up on a higher level, finding nothing but questions and devils.

BB, I understand your original post. I'm not as successful as you. (not yet, anyway...I have yet to discover something I'm passionate enough about) But I understand what you mean about trust. People like to think they're your "friend forever" and will f*ck you as soon as it's convenient for them to do so. I don't trust anyone...I always look for THEIR motive, and I've had the same conversation with some of my more idealistic friends. Everyone wants something.

Somehow I feel more and more centered on myself all the time. I envy you in that you've started to free yourself from what other people think. But treading that line is almost a paradox...on one hand, man has a social need, a need to associate with other people, but to be able to do that and NOT allow their thoughts about you to alter your self-esteem and self-image, to be able to hold your OWN "frame" in life, is one of the greatest challenges of manhood. Most people aren't fit for that challenge...they commit themselves to doing or saying things they really don't believe in in exchange for "protection" against other people's bad intentions. They don't conquer, they negotiate.

I've always found compromise distasteful. I've just never felt passionate enough about anything to break free and conquer. But what depresses me most is how some people can simply walk away from the simpler things in life because of some pretense of "importance" of other "obligations".

I guess maybe I never grew up enough to feel responsibility to other people...I just don't see the point when those people don't share the same passions as you do. To me, that's the ONLY thing that REALLY brings two people together...a shared passion for something. And you sound like the kind of person whose passions differ from those of the typical person, the one whose passions are spoon-fed to him/her by society until they find themselves waking up in some 9-5, living in some bullsh!t townhouse in suburbia with a wife and 2 kids to support that they don't even LIKE, but are forced to in order to "be a good person". *shrug*

I envy you in that regard, man, that you can just brush your shoulders off like that. I wish other people's opinions didn't matter so much to me. But it doesn't mean you won't struggle. Nothing means you won't struggle somewhere...if there were no struggles, then you wouldn't have much to live for. :)
Last edited:


May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
Francisco d'Anconia said:
I've seen guys with more recent join dates posting more useful information.

Okay, lets look at some of your useful posts

Francisco d'Anconia said:
Study on pick-up lines...
Male faith in racy chat-up lines misplaced, study says.

Oh, a study on pick-up lines, how interesting:rolleyes:
Did someone forget to tell you that pick-p lines need no further study.

Francisco d'Anconia said:
Somebody should....
I was out today with some friends and we started playing a game called "Somebody should..." It's basically a rant about things in general that it would be great if somebody did something to help fix the problem (or at least make it easier to deal with).

Oh wow, let's all play some dumb kids game:rolleyes: real useful post here. And d let's see how it plays out.

Master Francisco says
Francisco d'Anconia said:
"Somebody should create a place where only single people without young children could hang out and meet."

And the first response "Nah, I don't agree with that.It would be too borring..... Plus I bet you know that I believe there are no single women out there. At least none that a healthy and single. I preffer a girl that is married, have a boyfriend, or is a lesbian."

Here's another great one from the master, not met with agreement.
Francisco d'Anconia said:
"Somebody should tell women that although they may be comfortable, flip-flops aren't sexy."

actually I kinda dig flip flops on the right girl.. she has to have pretty feet though

The master back peddles to save face
Francisco d'Anconia said:
"Sombody should change the topic of what somebody should do about flip-flops."

And yet another invaluable incite, so forum worthy.
Francisco d'Anconia said:
"Someone should tell women that if they must bring a handbag or purse on a date, they should also have some money in it."
And more studies. Master Francisco likes studies, although he hasnt really done the research:rolleyes:

Francisco d'Anconia said:
Do 'Neg Hits' work for you and how old are you.

The question is Mestre, how old are you, really? Somebody should get your diapers changed.

You see, we can go on forever rousting each other, but this wouldnt be very useful to the forum. In the future why dont you practice what you preach, and stick to posting useful info in the forum.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
ok, I only made it through actually reading about 4 pages of this nonsense, but...

backbreaker, it sounds like you were kind of an a$$hole to that girl. On the other hand, she was a hor and she probably would've wound up screwing some other jerk (and f*cking herself over) anyway.

Still, the reason you felt a need to make this thread is because you were feeling guilty about being an a$$hole to this one girl. You say you are happy with your lifestyle, and I can't argue that you're not. I think it is quite possible to be a happy jerk, and it's definitely possible to be happy if you're only a jerk toward certain individuals. (But that doesn't make the behavior any less jerkish)

And I think part of the reason you find women so untrustworthy is because you only attract the most masculine of women. You've said yourself that you hardly ever ask girls out or make any aggressive moves of your own. Rather, you wait for the biggest hors that you come across to CLAW THEIR WAY toward you and your money, muscles, success, and somewhat jerky/arrogant behavior.

You act as tho your game is so flawless, but then you complain about how low-quality all the hors you find are. Imo, any girl who will harass you to get you to have sex with her isn't worth being around at all.

But then, I don't consider myself a player like you obviously are. Maybe you're better off with this horde of hors if it's what you really want.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
It seems the dj way is a flat line and the afc is a roller coaster. If you don't let yourself have feelings for someone, then it doesn't matter when they leave. But are you as happy when they are around as you are when protecting your heart is the top priority? Is there a compromise between the emotionless flat line and the insane roller coaster?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Dongfu said:
Okay, lets look at some of your useful posts.
Hey guys, I've got a new groupie!!! :cheer:

Your club tee-shirt is in the mail Dung!
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
BB, If you need to see a psychiatrist. I am availab!e - at a cost of $300 per hour- the SS discount.:)

Let me know...I'll put you on my cyber sofa and communicate via Instant messagging.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2002
Reaction score
Holy **** dude I thought you were banned! Good to see you're still here lol :rockon:

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Adrian said:
Holy **** dude I thought you were banned! Good to see you're still here lol :rockon:
Just consider it the SoSuave Redemption. ;)