I'm emotionless...


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Write best selling educational books (Best selling in that field), speak at seminars, speak at conferences, speak at expos, and speak at colleges/universities sometimes.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
NickBe said:
Write best selling educational books (Best selling in that field), speak at seminars, speak at conferences, speak at expos, and speak at colleges/universities sometimes.
any links to products?
assuming it has something to do with sports performance/motivation (?)


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Nothing to do with sports and I can not link to the product as i said I am only here because it is anonymous.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
what the heck do you do for a living?
He sounds like an expert on FOREX trading, to me.


May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
Francisco d'Anconia said:
You come on board with a diatribe that goes against the basic premise of the board. The only thing that is limited is what you know about this forum.
Why dont you enlighten me about the premise of this forum, since I have trouble reading and understanding the posts.:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Francisco d'Anconia said:
That's fine, just don't try to wrap it up in a bow and present it as something else. The forum isn't about child adoption, it was disingenuous of you wrapping it into a means of gaining popularity with your friends and women.
It was simply a reference:)

Francisco d'Anconia said:
No need to feel sorry for me, I did not provide an average responce. I wasn't the one posting for self-affirmation. Oh yeah, can't forget your self promotion either. Lucky you could use the forum to market your ebook. :rolleyes:
Giving my book away for free is making me millions:rolleyes:

Based on the over reactive, at times sounding like a woman on the rag responses I see around here, this forum can use a little humor. I think you take yourself a little too seriously bro.:yes:


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Foreign exchange no lol that is a screwed up business to be in, really screwed up just about everybody in it is out to scam you. Your broker the guy selling you books even the free educational websites are only there to advertises scams. Normal people can not make money trading the foreign exchange markets nor can they make money in most financial markets. If anything I would recommend the stock market but I am not big on trading I equate it to gambling. Forex markets are only good for carry trading but you need massive capital to carry trade effectively $800k + and you should only trade $600k of it but even then its large risk and in a dollar strong market you will not make anything. Although the last year the dollar has been dropping rapidly so I am sure carry traders have made millions.

I don't trade that I do not advise anybody without large startup capital trade the markets but I do some stuff on economics. I think Forex should be left to retired people whoa re bored and have money to throw away.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Dongfu said:
...I think you take yourself a little too seriously bro.:yes:
You're proving it again, you are obviously new here.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
NickBe said:
Nothing to do with sports and I can not link to the product as i said I am only here because it is anonymous.
you could've just linked the google search results and I could've taken it from there :wave: it's not like anyone is going to rat you out or stalk you lol

just curious of the products,if it's successfull as you say they are-then it should be worth checking out,would you aggree? :yes:


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
Wow, this thread is only like a day old and has like 1,300 views. That's pretty crazy!


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Street_Fighter said:
you could've just linked the google search results and I could've taken it from there :wave: it's not like anyone is going to rat you out or stalk you lol

just curious of the products,if it's successfull as you say they are-then it should be worth checking out,would you aggree? :yes:
I enjoy my anonymity and there is only one guy my age in this business within seconds everybody will know exactly who I am. So I rather not link.


May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
Francisco d'Anconia said:
You're proving it again, you are obviously new here.
You can see my join date by my screen name genius.

Were you personally offended by my response?

In other words, what are you trying to prove? That you know more than me because I'm new to a forum?:rolleyes:

Why dont you write a book and give it to me, and then I'll have a little more to judge you by.

I enjoy your posts, but I had no idea you were so sensitive.:cry:

Maybe you ought to start a new post like this one and share with us whats really going on.:)


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
NickBe said:
Do you not see that to you a comfortable existence might be a marriage, a whit picket fence, a dog and a reasonably priced car but to me a comfortable existence is a private jet and properties all over the world I can fly to when I am bored. A private jet cost $20 million so I have a long way to go yet just because you are happy with your white picket fence you should not judge me for not being happy with just that. To me that is not comfort it is a nightmare.
Do you realize how much of a spoiled brat you come off as? A comfortable middle class existence is a nightmare for you? In a world where the average person lives in 3rd world squalor in fear of their kids dying of malaria and cholera and you'd consider a comfortable middle class American life to be beneath you? You are a real piece of work, man. When you look at how most of the world's 6 billion people live, even a guy making $40,000 a year doesn't realize how good he's got it, comparatively speaking. That's not to say that people should not seek out their true potential and work for more if they feel they are worth it, but have a little f*cking perspective, can we? A "nightmare"????:eek:

So I gave you an example of how no empathy can make you money. Certainly an empathetic person would not be able to do that to a family and they would still be earning $500k per year instead of what should soon be $5mill per year.
Oh heaven's forbid that someone make "only" 500k a year. That would only put you in what? The top .01% of all income earners instead of the top .00001%. Boo hoo! :rolleyes: And since when is a private jet a need? So you get the jet, then what? Your own aircraft carrier to land it on?

Here's another instance of where lack of empathy is screwing up people's lives...Look at these foreclosure rates skyrocketing. Loan officers made profits hand over fist giving out shady loans to people that they knew couldn't afford it, but that comission was just too seductive. I know one family that recently came to the verge of losing their home and a lot of people are in this predicament. Now sure, it was the responsibility of these lendees to understand the terms of their loans, but these were just regular people who wanted nothing more than to have a little piece of land to call their own and raise their families. They were sold a bill of goods and the predatory lending industry used them to make a profit. Now millions of families are at risk of losing their homes. One of my friends is a loan officer, an ETHICAL one and she tells me of the hell she has to go through trying to get people out of these bad loans they never should have been given in the first place. But the dog eat dog, don't give about anything but the bottom line and myself loan officers made their commission and ran. I guess that's smart business in your world, but that's down right crooked to me and I hope their karma catches up with them.

Ok so you just said that you are well off financially is anybody ready to say you are bragging? I am sure they not because you didn't use the word rich well at least not in a way to imply you are rich.
I'm comfortable, but nowhere close to rich. I can afford to quit my job and relax for six months, but my money is not endless either.

I see what you saying but I disagree money can be the starting block to fixing many problems. Sure buying a yacht wont make you happy for very long if you are depressed but money allows you to turn your life around. It gives you confidence and power which leads to other things and so on and so forth.
Perhaps. Hey, I have nothing AGAINST material things. If someone loves boating then get the best boat you can afford. If you are a driving enthusiast, then get that fun to drive car. I don't care what others do with their money. But I don't want to see materialism put before people. That's all. I want nice things too, just don't want to step on anyone's neck to get it. It's more important to me to have a clean conscience when I go to sleep at night then a 7 figure networth. But that's just me. We make our decisions in the end.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
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Well thank you for strengthening my point I do not have a conscience (Lack empathy) so it is not a problem for me. If you lack empathy it is easier to be financially successful. If you have a conscience you can not handle doing what it takes. By the way the guys I screwed over screwed over many people themselves on the way to the top. If they got their stuff in order i couldn't have swooped in and taken their livelihoods away. Sadly they didn't they though they were untouchable then a 22 year old took their multi million dollar companies away from them legally.

I am a spoiled brat because I do not want the American dream of a whit picket fence and a marriage? I fail to see any logic in that. To me limiting myself to a live of normality is a nightmare. I have so much potential and I am spoiled because I do not want to squander it and live the life everybody else lives. To mer personally it is a nightmare to work for somebody else 9-5 come home to a wife and a few children. That nightmare is what pushed me to become successful. By the way I donated $3,000 to a hospital in Africa this year to buy them an ambulance. So do not tell me about people dieing of malaria. To me begin middle class is a nightmare.

Those shady loans you are referring too are called sub-prime mortgages. Now sure one could argue those lenders screwed people over but you have to question the intelligence of the Americans that take out a third mortgage on their house so they can keep buying crap they do not need. America's total consumer debt is $1.7 and the average American has over $8k credit card debt. There is no way you can blame all of this on the banks and sub-prime lenders. They are a business it is American society that is so materialistic that they will give up everything they go Just to get the new Playstation, Lexus or iPhone. The American people have dug themselves into a hole you cant blame the lenders. Other countries in the world have sub-prime lenders and obviously banks but they are in nowhere near as much debt. Blaming it on the lenders is pure ignorance. By the way I do not screw people over who do not have it coming. Not because it makes me feel bad but because it is not goof for business. So please not speeches on ethics those guys had it coming and it took their companies from them. If they had their stuff in order I would not have had the opportunity. The lost their livelihoods due to their own stupidity and of course my ruthlessness. If they though about it first though I would have expected no warning shots from them.

So you are comfortable no idea why you brought that up. I was making a point in saying that because you say you are well off does that make you a bragger? or are you only a bragger if you say you are rich?

Did I say a private jet was a need? I am sure I said it was a desire, some desire a whit picket fence I set my sights a little higher.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
NickBe said:
Well thank you for strengthening my point I do not have a conscience (Lack empathy) so it is not a problem for me. If you lack empathy it is easier to be financially successful. If you have a conscience you can not handle doing what it takes.

wait a second..if you have no conscience then why would you have the fantasies of killing pedophiles and rapists? if you truly lacked empathy not only would you NOT care about what people thought about your deviant thoughts but you also would'nt waste a murderous thought on pedophiles or rapists.The fact that you choose pedofiles and rapists cues in on that you feel an anger and hatred towards those types of scum..it would also be evidence of conscience or empathy towards their victims.If you were truly unempathetic,you wouldn't even care about trying to fit in nor worry about the consequences,understanding that a mask must be worn to hide those impulses and thoughts only proves itself of an existance of a conscience,if you truley didn't care- it would just be that,you would'nt care therefore it would be of no issue or explanation.You also donated money to African hospital because you are a cold hearted unempathetic bastard right? If you were as ruthless as you say you were,it would have gone elsewhere...like towards a new toy.

Also concerning the OP,if you truly also didn't care and lacked empathy,then why the need to share with us your story of personal turmoil and struggles? if you lack empathy yourself so you say ,though you have a way of trying to elicit an empathetic response from the readers,with your story and what you have gone through to get to where you are at now- you expect us to feel empathy for someone who claims to himself be unempathetic but structurlize your posts in a way to specificaly evoke an empathetic response,then accuse us of not being able to understand you though you were the one to alienate yourself to begin with with your self-rightous delivery. If you didn't care to begin with and it dosen't matter to you what peope think of you..why go through all the troubles to try to make yourself understood with your detailed explanations of your actions and beliefs? it's passive aggressive approval seeking,you are using us in a way to validate your reality/identity in a way that you may or not be fully aware of.

I don't care either way,I am just saying it dosen't make any sense...throw the title of the thread into the mix and it's just plain contradicting what your message exactly is other then a big 'look at me, I am EMO' thread...nothing wrong with that at all,but don't act like it's something else or something it's not.

All that being said, I truly don't understand the appeal of 'not giving a fvck' as if it was cool or glamorous to be uncaring and repundant.It's like nice guys go from one end of the spectrum and swing waaaaay to the other side thinking they are doing themselves such a favor..not cool.All you have now are angry obnoxious geeks lol that are even worse than a 'nice guy'...

just telling it like it is :up:


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
First I will address the point that you made about people without a conscience would not care about hiding their impulses. Until you are in my shoes you do not understand to survive in this world I need to fake empathy and emotion. If not I become a social outcast and that is not beneficial to my needs. It is not beneficial business ways or in general. I have to fit in to get ahead in life otherwise I am deemed an outcast. Having no conscience does not mean I have no sense of self I still want whats best for me and showing my true self is not whats best. Almost all sociopaths hide their true identity, that is why whenever they catch a serial killer the neighbors say 'he seemed like such a normal guy'. It is a survival instinct and nothing more.

As for the rapist and pedophiles that is simply because they are expendable and lets face it evil. It does not take a conscience to decide you rather kill something evil that preys on the weak than a normal person. Also they are sadistic people it would be more fun to torture them. It is not because they hurt people I do not feel much for the victim.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
NickBe said:
First I will address the point that you made about people without a conscience would not care about hiding their impulses. Until you are in my shoes you do not understand to survive in this world I need to fake empathy and emotion. If not I become a social outcast and that is not beneficial to my needs. It is not beneficial business ways or in general. I have to fit in to get ahead in life otherwise I am deemed an outcast. Having no conscience does not mean I have no sense of self I still want whats best for me and showing my true self is not whats best. Almost all sociopaths hide their true identity, that is why whenever they catch a serial killer the neighbors say 'he seemed like such a normal guy'. It is a survival instinct and nothing more.

As for the rapist and pedophiles that is simply because they are expendable and lets face it evil. It does not take a conscience to decide you rather kill something evil that preys on the weak than a normal person. Also they are sadistic people it would be more fun to torture them. It is not because they hurt people I do not feel much for the victim.

That nearly defines the existance of conscienceness...if you lacked it,it would not be evil - it would just be.The fact that you rationalize any of this is evidence in itself of a conscience,you clearly know right from wrong and the awareness of it's consequences of your actions only furthers it's existance even more.If you truly lacked conscience..this conversation would not even exist,actually..you wouldn't even care.How would a murderer be more expenable then a mother of three? without a concience there would be no difference,the gauge of reasoning would be haywire and it simply wouldn't matter.

What puzzles me isn't the fact that you or the op claim to have no conscience but the fact that you put in explanations 'why' you have none and why in certain times it needs to be faked- it only concludes that you do care.

How can you 'fake' something you have no comprehension of? it's a contradiction in itself...you therefore could not fake empathy if you were not aware of it in the first place.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
NickBe said:
3 years actually since I decided to make some money and 9 months of those 3 years I was wasting the money I made on a vacation. Now I just killed the two biggest companies in the industry and I am about to take over their positions at the top. By my calculations it will increase my income 10 fold to about 5 million.

By the way adding up all mys assets including my business, cars and property I am worth over one million but I do not like to count like that. I will say I am a millionaire when my bank account shows a 1 with six zeros directly behind it. So that should happen by the end of the year.
when you say you do you mean the company you work for or YOU as in the one that put forth the actual effort and actions that took place in order to make that killing in the industry you speak of,as in you are the head hancho and the main man in the deal? also,that really dosen't say much,being soo vague it could be anything,like a multi-level marketing sceme ,Amway or Quixtar...they are the biggest in their industry.. but it's an industry of pure bunk.You've made some large claims with no creditability accept for your word on the matter,of course people will be wary of it's truthfullness...:confused:


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
It is not about right or wrong it is about survival, not having a conscience and self preservation are two different things. Most creatures in the world have a survival instinct it is self preservation. What you are really disputing is decades of psychological testing. All sociopaths have a survival instinct they just have no conscience you cant link caring about how one is perceived to having a conscience.

I can fake empathy because I see other people do it. It is simple to frown, look to the floor, stand or sit in a less dominating posture, lower the tone of your voice and say "everything going to be ok" whilst putting your hand on somebodies shoulder. If when somebody that I am meant to care about is hurting and I look at them like they are insignificant it will not go over well. Faking these things is a survival instinct I only do it because I need to fit in. You do not seem to understand the concept if I show my true self nobody would want to know me. To survive I need to have friends everybody needs friends to survive in this world. So I pretend I care, I show empathy that is not really there. Self preservation it is a simple concept.

Of course I know right from wrong I am not an idiot. I have urges to pick a bottle up and stable it into somebodies neck when they insult me. I do not do it because society sees that as wrong and to survive I need to pay attention to those rules. I do not see why you can not grasp such a simple concept, self preservation. If I done what came into my mind I would be in jail or dead by now.

There is a TV show called Dexter he is a serial killer who leads a normal life like most serial killers but every so often he need to kill somebody. The character does not care about anybody however he does what he has to do to survive. He leads a normal life goes bowling even though he does not enjoy it. He wants to appear perfectly normal on the outside. That is self preservation, if he showed his true self he would be screwed.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
NickBe said:
. Until you are in my shoes you do not understand to survive in this world I need to fake empathy and emotion. If not I become a social outcast and that is not beneficial to my needs. It is not beneficial business ways or in general. I have to fit in to get ahead in life otherwise I am deemed an outcast.

what you are talking about is a professional persona..do you honestly think that people actually care about every last thing that happens and takes it personal? no,of course not..the social persona is this mask that everyone wears..EVERYONE.It's how people communicate themselves in the social world,people with under developed social personas or an under developed personality usualy are awkward and goofy because they lack that gauge in telling them what's appropriate and unappropriate.Though they may understand the difference,concious thoughts on every movements make them stilted.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
NickBe said:
It is not about right or wrong it is about survival, not having a conscience and self preservation are two different things. Most creatures in the world have a survival instinct it is self preservation. What you are really disputing is decades of psychological testing. All sociopaths have a survival instinct they just have no conscience you cant link caring about how one is perceived to having a conscience.

I can fake empathy because I see other people do it. It is simple to frown, look to the floor, stand or sit in a less dominating posture, lower the tone of your voice and say "everything going to be ok" whilst putting your hand on somebodies shoulder. If when somebody that I am meant to care about is hurting and I look at them like they are insignificant it will not go over well. Faking these things is a survival instinct I only do it because I need to fit in. You do not seem to understand the concept if I show my true self nobody would want to know me. To survive I need to have friends everybody needs friends to survive in this world. So I pretend I care, I show empathy that is not really there. Self preservation it is a simple concept.

Of course I know right from wrong I am not an idiot. I have urges to pick a bottle up and stable it into somebodies neck when they insult me. I do not do it because society sees that as wrong and to survive I need to pay attention to those rules. I do not see why you can not grasp such a simple concept, self preservation. If I done what came into my mind I would be in jail or dead by now.
I understand the concept just fine,though you actualy are no different from anyone else.EVERYONE does what you do to some extent,you seem to be inexperianced in the concept of all of it.It's all in the social mix of things..but for some reason you decide to to label it something else.You would not be aware of empathy in the first place without a conscience allowing you to be reconise of it..plain and simple.