I'm emotionless...


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
cdjohnson said:
I'm new to this forum. I decided to find out what men think. I've basically given up on this whole dating thing today.

I'm a very, very attractive woman. I have a great career, own my own home, very intelligent. Yet, men seem to think I have guys falling at me feet, willing to do anything for me, basically, they don't feel they measure up.

Then to add insult to injury, I'm often asked you're so beautiful, why are you single.? I hate that question, as if something is wrong with me.

So, maybe you all can answer the question, why do beautiful women get the short end of the stick?
Make a thread do not try to change the subject of a post.

Beautiful women get the short end of the stick because 95% of the male population are the same kind of guys that are running around this forum and the rest are guys like me who will f*ck you once or if you are lucky for a month and then get rid of you. It is a sad world isn't it?

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles

Congratulations to you, to the Breaker, and to all the financially successful people here who are way into the deep six figures. Even better for you if you mercelessly had to crush your competition. There.

The above poster is right, though. It is how you come across. You, in particular, get all riled up when people discuss David Deangelo success, and his marketing business. On a different scale, you are doing the very same thing you are accusing people here of doing. Putting him down, and coming across as jealous and knockin' him for being successful. He's never come across as somebody arrogant who brags. So it is not everyone. Just a thought.

Remember guys, anytime we brag, it is usually done to compensate for something missing. This whole thread is giving you examples of things missing, even when other areas in our life seem to be complete. Wether it is overprized sports cars, houses, etc.

Porche = $100,000.00 plus Penis extension.

now, what's the over under on how long it will take the mods to censor us and shut this thread down.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
i want to hit on something because a prevoius poster said something of interst:

I'm going to go ahead and squash the 500 pound gorilla in the post.


deal with it...
for a guy that believes he is successful and completly satisfied with himself, you sure do enjoy explaining why you're soo happy and successfull..

it's obvious that the opposite may be the truth.

That guy I used to work with did exactly the same thing,he raditated soo much sadness at times it was hard to believe anything he was saying..he was just kinda sad and obviously lonely in spite of all the interesting a cool things he would blabber about:(

It's like the harder he tried the less and less people believed anything he said anymore...it all became fluff,even if there was any truth to it.In the long run he became a victim of his own tounge...

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Gents, time to pull your pants down and play the "My C0ck is bigger than yours!" game. Should we start a new thread?


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
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Like I said it is only bragging because people like you imagine it so. Just because you are less successful me talking about being more successful is bragging to you. However to me it wasn't I talked to all the successful people I could so I could see what it took.

By the way in all your wisdom you missed one point. I said David DeAngelo is a marketing genius all I had a problem with is the material he sells, most of it is total crap. There is a difference but in your close minded pursuit to keep your distorted view of the world in order I am sure you though it ok to close your eyes to those facts.

Just another example of how people like you who can not handle successful people try to do whatever they can to take them down. Saying anything they can pulling out psychology 'successful people do not explain themselves blah blah blah'. It is pathetic and ridiculous, there are successful people in this world live with it anyway I know this argument can not be won because people like you outnumber the successful people so you will always have another idiot coming out to back you up.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
NickBe said:
Not it more like you see those things when you read a post from somebody successful because lets be honest you are a little jealous. Anybody who is the tinniest bit successful is bragging and arrogant. You all love people that talk about how ****ty their lives are you jump all over those guys and give them advice. It is sad really in a world in which it is some simple to make money if you have the balls to do it most rather earn a menial income and dream of being rich.
I think you are missing the point..being successfull is great and it does take alot of hard work and diligence,but then coming back and speaking as if you deserve some kind of reward or recontion for your hard work,as if the world and everyone around you owes you something- it'll be obvious why theres not exactly a welcome wagon :kick:

I can respect a man that puts in hard work and makes it to the top,but I can also dispise a man looking down on me when giving me 'advise' and speaks as if the air in his lungs are of god himself. You talk to people..and they will listen faithfully..you talk AT people and they will plot your demise as you sleep...


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
NickBe said:
Second that quote up there is why you will never be rich. You do not understand the way things work and if you do not understand by age 31 it is way too late.
That's fine by me. I'm not interested in becoming rich. Now if I woke up with 10 million in my bank account tomorrow I'd be stoked, but is it my goal to become rich, no. As long as I have a job I like, make enough money to live a comfortable life and can take vacations and such, I'm fine financially. There's other things I consider more important than money that goals for me. Like having a family of my own some day.

The business world is ruthless here is a quick example:

I started wit my company 3 years ago. I work for myself, I came in a clawed my way to the top 3 positions in just over a year. I had to do a lot of things to get to the top some things most empathetic people would struggle with.

2 months ago my company was in the top 3 biggest earning companies in the industry. I figured out a way to put the other two guys out of business and for me to become the top company. The problem for most people with empathy would be that they would look at the other guys see he has 3 kids a wife and that taking down his business would ruin his life. The other guy had one child who was autistic and again taking down his business would ruin lives. To me all it meant was increasing my income 10 fold, once I funneled all the business into one I would be looking at $5million + per year after about 2 years.

The problem is most people would stop and say 'no I cant do that', 'I can not put an autistic kid out of special needs school'. For me it was a non issue I done what I done and now they are both in the process of legally handing me their domain names to me for NO COST a move which will make me a multi millionaire. I saw what I had to do and even though I knew it would hurt people I done it because to em those people are insignificant.
Your not saying anything new or that nobody has ever heard of. It's called capitalism, and the attitude your displaying is what created people like Marx, Castro and Mao. Not saying I sympathize with communist, I can't stand them myself, I'm just saying that what you said above is no revelation to anyone and people have been discussing it forever. I am very aware that that it's cut throat out there, that's why all these jobs get outsourced and people bring in illegal aliens to work for pennies on the dollar rather than paying Americans middle class salaries. Employer's will send someone's job to India in a second if it will save them $5, sadly. That's why the gap between rich and poor is growing like crazy, because of the cut throat business world. I'm all for a market economy, but also think the free market MUST be regulated with some of ethics or else we end up like one of these 3rd world countries where there's only two classes, a corrupt wealthy class and everyone else just stuggling to get by. And don't anyone give me the crap that "everybody can work hard and become rich" because that's structurally impossible. I'd rather make a comfortable living but less money and have a conscious then make million upon millions and screw over people's lives. Why the hell do does anyone need to become a billionaire anyhow? For the life of me, I don't understand why there are people so obsessed with money that they live to accumulate more than they could ever even spend in a hundred lifetimes. If cut throat capitalism is your thing, then have at it, but collecting money endlessly, far in excess of what one needs to have a secure and comfortable existence is beyond me.There's plenty of pie to go around, some just want to be greedy and have it all.

Also money does lead to happiness if you are not happy to begin with. Money gives you freedom, power and financial security. People who say money can n ot make you happy are people who have never had money so in truth they have no say in the matter.
I don't want to get too much into my personal business, but I have enough networth to be far from living paycheck to paycheck. I'm hardly rich or anything or even close to it, but have plenty of cash in reserve. In fact at this moment, I'm taking a career break after quitting my job last December. I've done some travelling, spent time reading, studying, laying on the beach and just relaxing. Having some bucks to back me up has made this possible, so I'm surely not here saying money is irrelevent and that's never been my point. Money will lead to happiness IF THE PROBLEMS IN YOUR LIFE ARE FINANCIAL RELATED. If you have a great girlfriend or wife, great friends, have a well rounded life, but your problems are arguing over bills trying to make ends meet, then yeah, money is the silver bullet for your ails. But if you have problems deep down, and are an empty souled person, no amount of money in the world is going to fix that. Do you understand what I'm saying now?


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
The issue I have though is anything a successful person says concerning their income is seen as bragging. Even a innocent remark can start a flame war. It is a complete double standard though like I said in the other post.

A guy says I just got a $10k promotion it is congratulations all around

A guy says I just same $2 mill it is 'you bagger' all around.

That my point.


May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
TheHumanist said:
I think he trying to say with the law of karma, not saying he adopted a child and getting great friends and women for that. Following a life to making your own life well and trying to help others too along the way (as his example of raising a child) could indirectly (perhaps from the attitude, perhaps from the action) make life richer. I don't think he saying donating to get women.
At least one person understands what I said .. . . thanks

And continued in this next post


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
NickBe said:
The issue I have though is anything a successful person says concerning their income is seen as bragging. Even a innocent remark can start a flame war. It is a complete double standard though like I said in the other post.

A guy says I just got a $10k promotion it is congratulations all around

A guy says I just same $2 mill it is 'you bagger' all around.

That my point.
if someone just made $2 mill and is on an online forum making threads about it...

he needs to get his head checked asap-
because he may be retarded :D

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
NickBe said:
Like I said it is only bragging because people like you imagine it so. Just because you are less successful me talking about being more successful is bragging to you. However to me it wasn't I talked to all the successful people I could so I could see what it took.

By the way in all your wisdom you missed one point. I said David DeAngelo is a marketing genius all I had a problem with is the material he sells, most of it is total crap. There is a difference but in your close minded pursuit to keep your distorted view of the world in order I am sure you though it ok to close your eyes to those facts.

Just another example of how people like you who can not handle successful people try to do whatever they can to take them down.

You're entitled to your opinion. You have the right to be wrong. To say most of it is totally crap sure sounds distorted and screams jealousy. Hate to point out some of the obvious to you. Opinions on products, etc. are subjective. While you say most of it is total crap, there are thousands who have benefited from the products. Totally subjective, you know, as in matter of opinion.

Only reason I am responding to you is because I find you've added value to this board and have engaged in intelligent, stimulating disscussions with me in the past. You might be too emotionally, the irony, attached to stay objective on this one, though.

Guy, lets face it. Your financial and/or sexual success affects me like, not at all, zero, nothing, totalmente nada. So what's with this victim mentality where you are are saying I can't handle what happens to you? Are you that narcissistic to think people here, ok, I can't speak for anybody else, care that much about what happens to you? Maybe the people you directly compete with, or who know you in real life, might feel intimidated, or insecure with your success, and resent you and are jealous. But the GOL? I am not your orbiter. Get it? I dont know you.

So, in summary, to quote your own words of wisdom "Just another example of how people like you who can not handle successful people try to do whatever they can to take them down." The irony is that you sound the exact same way when you criticize somebody who has made money. The irony of ironies.

Ok, done with this. Hopefully it hasn't been closed before I submit reply.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
speakeasy said:
Your not saying anything new or that nobody has ever heard of. It's called capitalism, and the attitude your displaying is what created people like Marx, Castro and Mao. Not saying I sympathize with communist, I can't stand them myself, I'm just saying that what you said above is no revelation to anyone and people have been discussing it forever. I am very aware that that it's cut throat out there, that's why all these jobs get outsourced and people bring in illegal aliens to work for pennies on the dollar rather than paying Americans middle class salaries. Employer's will send someone's job to India in a second if it will save them $5, sadly. That's why the gap between rich and poor is growing like crazy, because of the cut throat business world. I'm all for a market economy, but also think the free market MUST be regulated with some of ethics or else we end up like one of these 3rd world countries where there's only two classes, a corrupt wealthy class and everyone else just stuggling to get by. And don't anyone give me the crap that "everybody can work hard and become rich" because that's structurally impossible. I'd rather make a comfortable living but less money and have a conscious then make million upon millions and screw over people's lives. Why the hell do does anyone need to become a billionaire anyhow? For the life of me, I don't understand why there are people so obsessed with money that they live to accumulate more than they could ever even spend in a hundred lifetimes. If cut throat capitalism is your thing, then have at it, but collecting money endlessly, far in excess of what one needs to have a secure and comfortable existence is beyond me.There's plenty of pie to go around, some just want to be greedy and have it all.
Do you not see that to you a comfortable existence might be a marriage, a whit picket fence, a dog and a reasonably priced car but to me a comfortable existence is a private jet and properties all over the world I can fly to when I am bored. A private jet cost $20 million so I have a long way to go yet just because you are happy with your white picket fence you should not judge me for not being happy with just that. To me that is not comfort it is a nightmare.

Also did I suggest what I was saying was new or revolutionary. I think i just killed your point so you came up with a new line of crap. You said:

"Unless you plan on making your money through organized crime or as a mercenary, I don't see what lack of empathy has to do with financial success."

So I gave you an example of how no empathy can make you money. Certainly an empathetic person would not be able to do that to a family and they would still be earning $500k per year instead of what should soon be $5mill per year.

speakeasy said:
I don't want to get too much into my personal business, but I have enough networth to be far from living paycheck to paycheck. I'm hardly rich or anything or even close to it, but have plenty of cash in reserve. In fact at this moment, I'm taking a career break after quitting my job last December. I've done some travelling, spent time reading, studying, laying on the beach and just relaxing. Having some bucks to back me up has made this possible, so I'm surely not here saying money is irrelevent and that's never been my point. Money will lead to happiness IF THE PROBLEMS IN YOUR LIFE ARE FINANCIAL RELATED. If you have a great girlfriend or wife, great friends, have a well rounded life, but your problems are arguing over bills trying to make ends meet, then yeah, money is the silver bullet for your ails. But if you have problems deep down, and are an empty souled person, no amount of money in the world is going to fix that. Do you understand what I'm saying now?
Ok so you just said that you are well off financially is anybody ready to say you are bragging? I am sure they not because you didn't use the word rich well at least not in a way to imply you are rich. I see what you saying but I disagree money can be the starting block to fixing many problems. Sure buying a yacht wont make you happy for very long if you are depressed but money allows you to turn your life around. It gives you confidence and power which leads to other things and so on and so forth.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
I do not criticize people that make money because they make money I criticize some people who make money like DD because of the way he makes money. There is a difference between saying to every successful person 'you are a bragger' and saying about one guy that what he sells is crap.


May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
Francisco d'Anconia said:
WTF???!! :eek:

And where in all of this altruism does his own interest lie?

You're new to this site, aren't you?

Yep, you're new...

Ahhhh, now we learn the true nature of this post; self affirmation.

So back to an earlier point, you do have a self interest in being a DJ which includes gaining women and friends; adopting a child was a means toward this end.

Perhaps to some, but believing that this is the only avenue seems very confining.

I dont know what kind of rant your on here, but,

1. What does being new to this forum have to do with anything? I dont get my self worth or status from this forum. Uhhh, this would be a little too limiting, dont ya think, bro?

2. My interest in raising my child is only for the reason that he enjoys being with me and me him. People like you who assume that everything a person does is in interest of getting friends and women is not only limited, but rather pitiful.

I'm sorry that out of Frustration you had to provide an Average response.


May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
backbreaker said:
I don't. I want to be the best Me possible.

who says I don't? I help people who need help. again, that's why I'm here. but at the end of the day.. Id ont' give a **** what they think about me and they probably don't give a **** what I think about them.

and? that makes you better because? That's the same as the guy who thinks he should get laid becuase he's nice. the EXACT same. You are taking a different path as most AFC's but it's an AFC path nevertheless.

not saying it's not a good thing, it's a very good thing to do.. but if your intentions on doing it are to get ass.... you are very, very mislead.

on the contrary, when I do nice ****... talk to people who need help, donate money, it's because I want to. not because i'm trying to get ass to say "hey... look at me.. I'm donating myself.. see how worthy of your vigina I am?!"

I wrote a response to this post earlier, and for some reason it didnt submit. I really dont have the energy to rewrite it but I'll clarify a couple things.

This post was not an attack, so you guys can relax.

1. I dont get the "I dont give a **** what they think at the end of the day" attitude. WHo are you talking about, someone you helped.

"Gee, thanks for helping me mister."

"No problem kid, but just remember, I dont give a **** what you think."

2. Being a cool bro who helps people is anything but average. Selfish people are average.

3. There are easier ways to get laid than using an adopted child. Come on man, this is silly. Have you ever raised a kid, or even baby sat. It's no easy job


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2007
Reaction score
Umm... CD Johnson... please create your own thread (though it sounds trolly anyway...). This is the wrong place to post that.

Anyways, BackBreaker, I want to say, the ppl here do appreciate your input. However, don't think everyone is trying to put you done, some do genuninely detect (or falsely detect) something's off. They aren't trying to take you down, just that in reading that you can't trust anyone and have a hard time giving a **** to anyone but yourself, posters disagree. For me, I find it hard to agree about people and cruelty, because I did not experience that level. My family never disowned me. I have my troubles with friends, but it sounds like you got betrayed much cruelly than a friend who seem to be taking special pleasure in defeated me in a game or even the more serious disrespect. No one like to believe that the brother next to them, or the friend they know for years would hurt them without any remourse or reason if the opportunity is given. Even looking at the people around me, even in the more insane drama, never got that bad.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
NickBe said:
I do not criticize people that make money because they make money I criticize some people who make money like DD because of the way he makes money. There is a difference between saying to every successful person 'you are a bragger' and saying about one guy that what he sells is crap.

Again, like it or not, that is an opinion. Your opinion. It is subjective. And I respect it. It is just as valuable as anybody else's, though. In my opinion, which is also subjective, not saying it is a fact, at least not to everyone, but a fact to me, which is all that really matters when I make these type of purchases, MOST of his stuff is good, and a lot of it VERY good, because it helped ME enough for me to see the value. You are implying that everyone who's bought his stuff is just clueless and plain stupid, to fall for his great marketing.

I can't speak for everyone, but I didn't see, judged, attributed the value solely to his marketing. I judged the product(s) after I went through them and evaluated what worked for me and what didn't. Since I consider myself intelligent, had I not been on the market, a few years ago, for what he was selling, I would not have bought just based on his marketing genius.

There are some people, I am sure, who would say that what I sell, and what you sell, is total crap. Who am I to get all riled up about what people are paying for? If they see value where I don't, then so be it. If it was a fact that it was total crap, the market would weed him out, just like many other products that didn't make it. I would think you are smart enough to realize that you repeating "his products are crap" are only a subjective opinion, and will not change the facts.

Ok, I am done.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
how can someone claim to give themselves sparingly and carefully but on the other hand shell out their life story within the blink of an eye.So far with just one thread I know quite a few things of the OP though he claims to be tight lipped and carefull of whom he trusts.Claims to be emotionless but is obviously passionate about horses and has a knack for buisness..I just think it's kinda hokey and would question any kind of advice being given ,the inconsistencies are red flags that something is totaly incongruent(yes, I learned that word from DYD lol) it's just really shady...:confused:


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
If I'm being honest Im not sure I see the point of this post. You say you are emotionless and do not care about other people. Then you insist there is nothing wrong with this. You don't trust people or let them get close to you. Then you insist there is nothing wrong with this. Indeed you go so far as to say it is a key ingredient of your happiness.

There are lots of different ways to happiness and for you it seems to be about individual success and not dependent on relationships with other people. I'm not gonna judge that. Whatever makes you happy.

You call this forum "rantsville.com" but you rant on and on about how jealous people are of your success. And you are WAY too defensive for someone who has nothing to prove.

I'm curious what sort of replies you were actually looking for when you wrote this post. You say you are only on this forum so people can learn from you. But I'm not sure what people can learn from your post.

So y'know keep doing whatever makes you happy.