If you're in a social circle, and the women there don't give you a hug when they leave, it's OVER

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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This has nothing to do with height or physical characteristics. They think you’re awkward and creepy. I’m sorry I have to put it so gently.


Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
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Depends on the chic and how they are feeling, the phase of the moon and the weather. Some give hugs like that and some don’t. Used to work with one that would make eye contact and start raising her arms as she walked towards you. Few others that openly said they hated hugs and some that even kissed your cheek. They are irrational and it depends on the moment. One used to say she hated photos yet there are plenty of selfies with her and her boyfriend’s buddy on Facebook. Read the room and don’t take it personal.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Hugs don't necessarily mean anything.
They mean next to nothing. The only thing that shows is that you're not a complete social reject.

In a social circle, it's important to see that the circle tries to help you with introductions to women to help you form longer term relationships. That didn't happen in the primary social circle in my city.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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I'm in a social circle - international folks in an Eastern-European folks (yes, far too much sausage, but it is what it is :mad: ). So there was a semi-harridan chick (definitely bangable) that I had talked to earlier, and we talked, with a few others around. Then this little agglomeration of people just kind of moved on to other agglomerations. This chick was talking with some taller, Chaddish men, and when it came time that she was leaving, every one of those guys got a hug, while she seemed to avoid me, so as to not have to give me a hug.
She saw you tense up in preparation for hugging her as she was hugging these other men and she realised you would misinterpret a social hug for an intimate hug, and she didn't want to go into sending the wrong signals, so she preferred to just skip hugging you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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she realised you would misinterpret a social hug for an intimate hug
Do all women have this innate quality?

By the way, this happened to me as well, but in reverse: I would not initiate hugs with women I spoke to or met that same day. Instead, they would come to me and give a cheek kiss, rather than a hug.

I've also noticed that after I engaged in some self-improvement, new people (especially women) tend to be open to me initiating the cheek kiss. They are more likely to do this if I don't approach them first before leaving. Conversely, women I knew before my self-improvement seem tense and do not cheek kiss me anymore like before.

I think they may have had some attraction to me back then, but for some reason, they ended up with someone more alpha. Now they might be reconsidering their choices since their current relationships may be boring. Women often seem to be dissatisfied with their current situations.

To me, there is no reason for them not to come up to me and give me a cheek kiss anymore. This is a clear IOI also because the signals they send me after my self-improvement are different from before.
They're interested.

A way to tell if a women is interested in the first instance, within the social circle scenario, is that she will start to do a thing in this list:
- touch you
- frequently try to talk to you
- frequently try to be near you
- frequently put her body in front of you, on in your direction
- frequent side glances

The rest it's up to you


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Do all women have this innate quality?
No, but the ones who do not are rare.

It's not difficult to detect when a guy is in the throes of unsated lust.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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Yeah that’s exactly what I’m getting at.

My female friend either doesn’t hug me at all, or it’s an angled pat on the back one (FZ hug).

Back when I took dance classes, there was one lady who would give me very firm hugs as a greeting and practically jammed her boobs into me. It was such a strong IOI but it went over my head at the time lol.

The dance teacher (understandably) would greet me with the FZ hug.
Ehh, don't slap yourself over missing a possible IOI. A lot of men (myself included) don't want to make fools of ourselves by letting a woman know we think she's into us (but then have it turn out she's not into us)

On the topic of hugs, I have a female coworker who really had a rough year. So I gave her a birthday gift for her birthday back in August. After I gave her the gift, she then asked if she could hug me (I gave her permission). Her hug wasn't an angled friend zone hug...but wasn't quite a boob-jamming hug either (something in between).

In all honesty, I anticipated she'd hug me if I gave her a gift (which is one reason I gave her the gift)

This same female coworker has told me I have a nice smile before.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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No, she is married, and this is all being done in the same room where both my mother and father are present and they don't want us doing those things with each other. Also when we last hugged each other, they did a site inspection in the house and that ruffled some feathers with us here. One time later I did offer her a hug when she complained she was groped by another caregiving client and felt violated and didn't want to see him again.. For the moment, we are chit-chatting, and my folks are happy for me that we are talking to each other and it's normally upbeat. It's enough to register for the 2 day reset (ie I allow myself to watch ASMR videos and certain music videos if 2 days have passed without a decent interaction with a woman). I'm currently having high quality interactions with two different women and possibly a third one that comes off and on. However, I'm just focused on the 2 day rule for those interactions, it's more of a regulatory thing in terms fo the ASMR videos..it's like I don't want to watch them unless I feel I need to and established that rule to establish a strong enough need.

Like I said, my life, like yours, but probably worst comparitivly in terms of circumstances, does not lend itself to meeting or attracting SINGLE and AVAILABLE women anywhere. Interactions help as its better than nothing and things can bud and develop from interactions....I'll keep a note of that when that is happening.
Agreed, your circumstances are even worse than mine (which is saying a lot)


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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They mean next to nothing. The only thing that shows is that you're not a complete social reject.

In a social circle, it's important to see that the circle tries to help you with introductions to women to help you form longer term relationships. That didn't happen in the primary social circle in my city.
On that note (social circle helping you), my social circle in college was of no help. I even remember one guy from my college clique telling me I'd like sex if I gave it a try (I was 18, freshman, hadn't had sex yet...but I had never mentioned my v-card status to any of my college friends). So I asked him "What makes you so sure I haven't tried sex?" He said no self-respecting girl would have sex with me.

I guess that shows what my social circle thought of me in the lady department.