Let me break the tie then. You mentioned
@GoodMan32 as saying hugs are insignficant. Yet he posted if it is a "boom-jamming" hug, or if it's a semi-fondling type of hug where lady lets him grope her, then it is significiant with him. The fact that the type of hug is being distinguished is very relevant to this discussion, which you are missing.
@Mike32ct is adressing the type of hug before
@MatureDJ clarified what type of hug the other guys received, so he could not have addressed the the OP question without some more information.
Now that we know the type of hug
@MatureDJ is talking about (ie, not a FZ hug, a bit more than that as it was around the waist), then according to
@Mike32ct post, it is a signficiant hug event. That tips it two in favour of hugs being significant (ie if it's an erotic/boob-jamming/romantic) hug.