If you're in a social circle, and the women there don't give you a hug when they leave, it's OVER

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
Reaction score
Eject for a year or more? You mean you would quit your job over that? You would leave a social group if a lady refused to hig you?
I don’t specifically know what your dynamics are, I would not ever give up employment over this, ever. If you can change jobs and advance your career definitely do it though.

What I did mean, however, is simply just get out of this clique immediately. This is not a good look for you whatsoever. For one, it’s an incredibly negative, compounding, feedback loop. It’s clearly getting into your heads in a major way. The idea that you’re online collecting feedback on this is sad and unfortunate. It need not be this way.

Secondly, this group that holds you in such low regard can only serve to spread out the word about your lowliness and amplify to others your low status. Whether that’s someone new integrating and seeing you treated this way, whether that’s someone talking about you behind your back as the joke of the group which is definitely happening, this is a really bad situation to be in.

Lastly, time is fleeting and there is opportunity to go recreate yourself and work out new relationships, practice skills and then level up on self confidence while being smooth enough not to burn bridges so that one day you can return. If done properly, while everyone now does probably think you’re okay enough to keep around and not a bad guy, they don’t respect you but if you come back in say 12-24 months with confidence, travel stories, job improvement, hobbies, maybe a girlfriend, you know, what constitutes a typically well rounded life / you will absolutely shock them.

A social group can be a massive amplifier for life, career and support. One way or the other.