I am starting bootcamp monday.......


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
alright guys here is my report for the day..

got some convos with HB5s during one of my breaks, talked to them about music (i am a music major, it makes for great conversation when talking about your life, they find it very interesting) Bascially just talked about how they liked college so far (college fvcking rules!!!!). Just chatting it up and building confidence so I can get to rejections next week (I think its next week). Being rejected sucks, but it is an essential part of being a better man, so gear up and get ready, next week will be here before you know it.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
just pathetic....

ok, here is the list of the people who signed up for bootcamp two weeks ago (will be three on sunday), and how many field reports they have given, and honestly, the results are just pathetic.

Nishbuk ………………...7
brenbaus ………………10
scorpio king ………….2
Lomi ………………………2
Inquire ………………….1
Canadian_Accent …3

And then there are guys like Enjin 7 and RBB, who started late and have reported more than some of these other chumps, so here is the newest list of participants, and from now on we will be keeping track of how many field reports you post every week, so go sargin and get that confiedce up!

scorpio king
Enjin 7


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Awesome Idea brenbaus. Also, in light of the recent bull**** on our forum, I would like to ask that you guys tell the truth, nothing but the truth so help you god. Were not going to judge you, and you'll only be hurting yourself. Keep it real, no BS.
Approach some girls guys. Let's get this moving.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
:D Hahahah.. Nothing like a little peer pressure! It's great to accomplish something out in the field and tell your fellow bros about it. Let's get a crackin'! Any advances no matter how progressive are still positive and contribute to our cause. I get a kick out of reading all of our posts!

Now for some good news. Radioactive man here will no longer be a risk to public 2moro night. A saturday night! It seems the radiation has mutated me a new pair of balls. Balls made from steel. lol

Can't wait..

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
well.... i just had a totally awesome acne breakout the past few days so i have pretty much avoided people all together. acne sucks. medicine that makes your face peel suck. now my face is good. looks like a baby... kinda whatever. I got some really good video gaming in tho! freakin level 18 on guild wars!!! woot woot!

ok so like tonight is friday and i usually kick ass on friday nights sooooooo look for a sweet couple of field reports. i feel tonight is going to be awesome!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah, I got ONE big pimple under the bridge of my nose to the side. It won't stop me on saturday night tho, my confidence is sky fukken high. I'm gonna leave it as it is. Should be interesting..

If any HB mentions my 'pimp'le I'm gonna neg hit them back. I've been reading up on that stuff. It sounds good.

HB: your pimple blah blah
ME: your eye brows don't match. But it adds to your character. Next week maybe your eye brows and my pimple will be gone. :crackup:
-that didn't make sense but you get it-

Play on their insecurities and make them laugh. Hopefully it sets them in the mindset that they have to prove to me they are worth it, because of their stupid eye brows. HAHAHA wateva.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
Brenbaus, you forgot about me. How could you! I'm hurt!

You douche. ;)

Anyway, I have two field reports. I'll try to keep them shorter than the last time.

So yesterday I decided to drop in at Bennigan's to see if any of the old crew was still there (from before I disappeared from there). I was talking to an old friend and I saw a waitress who I'd never seen before. She was only like an HB7 but I didn't even think about it. I just started gaming on her without even thinking about it, which is how I know things are really coming along. She was wearing a shirt that was a much brighter green than the normal Bennigan's shirt.

Me: Whoah, do you guys have new shirts?
she looks over at me and smiles
Me: Oh wait! That is NOT a Bennigan's Shirt! What are you trying to pull?
Her: Well you know, I was -
Me: No, no, no. Don't give me any excuses. You were just trying to stand out. Trying to be a rebel. Look, you're even wearing Chucks. I know your type...just go back to work...
Her: (laughing) Okay.

So I go back to talking to my friend, go mingle around the rest of the old workers, then head to the bar to have a drink or two. I met this guy there who really knew his sh*t. We talked about women and he told me a few things which I will recount in a new thread. He bought me some drinks and we shot the sh*t for a good while. When he left, I paid my bill and went to go sober up some before trying to drive home. So I was talking to this one kid who's been there for God knows how long and everytime this girl passes, she glances over at me. I talked to her a little bit in between. Got her name, made a few jokes, etc. Before I left, I figured I should really just go number close her for posterity even though I wasn't that attracted to her. I hang out by one of the drink stations and wait for her to walk by. When she does, I put my hand out, she takes it, and I pull her up towards me, keeping eye-contact the whole time, and say:

Me: Hey, you should put your number in here.
Her: (looking at me oddly) Oh yeah? Why?
Me: I was just thinking it would be a good idea.
Her: Are you gonna take me out?
Me: Maybe. We'll see.
Her: What does that depend on?
Me: How I feel at the time, I guess.
Her: (gives me that "whoah, you did NOT just say that" look) Well I'll tell you what. I don't really know you and I don't give my number out like that.
Me: Well I'm pretty much awesome. (It's true, I am - but I probably shouldn't have said that)
Her: (laughing) So how about you come around a little more often and when I feel comfortable, we'll take it from there.
Me: Hmmmm, maybe...I guess we'll see.

So she goes to do something in the kitchen and I am still hanging out at my spot by the drink station, talking to some of the old crew. She is coming back and gives me a big smile. At this point, I figured I might as well go down in style so I say:

Me: Look at you, all aloof. All smug like that.
Her: Aloof? What does that mean?
Me: Hah, come on. Wait, are you going to school?
Her: No, I just work all the time.
Me: Oh, so THAT'S why you don't know the big words... (I knew this was pretty hardcore, but I just gave her a big grin)
Her: (Looks down like she can't think of how to respond. I just shocked the hell out of her by saying that) Oh, so you now you feel comfortable enough to be downing me?

I laugh and grip her shoulder like she's one of my pals. Then some guy comes and distracts her, which is right when I get a call from my ride. So I just leave without saying goodbye or anything. So that's how that went. I may go back for a follow-up or I may not. I'm not too hard-pressed.


This next one is quick.

This morning, I was sitting on the bus, checking out this HB8 across from me. I'm reading "Napalm and Silly Putty" and giggling to myself. George Carlin is such an offensive a**hole. I love him. As I'm looking at this girl, this beautiful, BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL black girl comes and sits down next to me. She is an HB10 all the way. Beautiful eyes, lips, facial structure, body. Everything. A total stunner. So not surprisingly, I am intimidated. I look over and smile at her when she sits down and then just go back to reading my book. The train comes to a stop and I look around to see if it's mine. As I'm looking, she says "It's Gallery Place." I look over at her and say "thanks" with a big smile but go back to reading my book because I'm still intimidated. I know my stop is coming soon though, so I've got to do something. I pull out my mints, take one, and gesture to her. She says "sure!" and I rattle one out into her hand. Then I ask her:

Me: Where are you headed?
Her: Work - at Foggy Bottom
Me: Oh yeah? Do you work at GWU?
Her: No, I work at a law firm out there.
Me: nodding Well that's kinda' cool.
Her: So where are you headed?
Me: I'm going to L'enfant Plaza - Coast Guard Headquarters.
Her: Oh, cool! Are you in the coast guard?
Me: Nah, I'm a contractor.
Her: What do you do for them?
Me: I'm a graphic designer
Her: Oh, wow! That's great! It means you're creative!
Me: Hehe - I am pretty creative.

Then we get to our stop and we get off the train. She makes a joke about the announcer on the train, and I joke back at her. We actually have a pretty good banter. At that point, this girl is attractive for more than just her looks. She is speeding ahead and I sort of walk slower. I start to feel self-conscious because she's walking ahead of me and not trying to stay back. When we get to the bottom of the escalator, my confidence was hanging by a thread. I was so close to just walking away, it scares me. But this one was too good to just leave. So I turn around, walk up to her, and say:

Me: Hey, you actually seem pretty cool so why don't you give me your number or E-mail or something.
Her: (with a shocked smile) Wow. What's your name?
Me: Sloopy. And what's yours?
Her: Nydia
Me: Nydia, it's a pleasure to meet you.
Her: Well I will give you my E-mail.
Me: Alright, let me see if I have anything. (We are both rooting around looking for paper - I don't normally carry a pad around with me. I just use my cell phone)
Her: So that was pretty bold of you
Me: Well, I wouldn't give up an opportunity to know a potentially cool person
Her: (in a sweet voice) Yeah, I wouldn't either. How long have you lived here?
Me: About 5 years, why?
Her: Well I've found that the people who've just moved here tend to be friendlier - not many people FROM here are like that.

She finds a piece of paper, I hand her a pen (teamwork, people!) and writes down her E-mail. I take it from her, tell her to have a great day. And as I'm leaving, she calls out "E-mail me!" I just keep walking like I didn't hear.

Anyway, I am so excited about this one, guys. I realize I may have been a little too supplicant but I've decided to back off from the c/f for a little bit. I was still kind of dizzy the whole time because she was so beautiful and seemed so cool but I think I hid it pretty well. Besides, she seemed genuinely cool. Even having her as a friend couldn't hurt (but we won't let that happen will we... ;))

So I have a date tonight with that girl from the party and this last number close is going to help me stay cool and collected on this date. Wish me luck, guys!

Oh, here's the date plan, just so you know.

I know it's tired, but there's not much else to do on a Friday night so I'm going to take her to this cool, beatnik-style, pseudo-vegetarian restaraunt and then afterwards, we're going to the Charles Theatre right across the street. They are showing a French film - a remake of the 1978 classic 'Fingers.' It's called "The beat my heart skipped" and I hear it is phenomenal. I ALSO brough a contingency plan in case we don't feel like going to the movie after dinner or something. I brought a nice bottle of chardonnay, and one of red zinfandel. I packed it up in my wine-case with two wine-glasses and the movie 'Lost in Translation' which I know she hasn't seen. So that's the backup - I think it was a pretty good idea. What do you guys think?

Onward, upward!



Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Good luck Sloops!

Tell us what happens on the date.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
How could I have forgotten about Sloopy? My bad man, but in my defence, it was 1 in the morning, and I was half asleep. Anyway, good luck tonight!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
is anyone even doing this anymore?

This thread should not be on the third page of the forum guys, that lets me know you are not doing the bootcamp, and we should just drop it, sence no one else is doing it, as for me I went to work today, came home and went to sleep, and got no more convos for the week, so I am up to 7 this week. Damnit I am slacking, need to get back on track, this includes all of you guys, remember, we are in this together!


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
I came home today with 2 more convos. They weren't that hot. Goddamnit, going to social events isn't putting me in sight of the hotties. I need to COLD approach in the damn mall more! I haven't done very many of those this week. Tommorrow is sunday, and goddamnit, I'm doing some goddamn cold approaches at the gym.


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
ya I have been lazy the past couple weeks... I will be working in another store for a couple weeks, so the chains are coming off completely, free range on the hot customers, I don't care that a lot of them are likely to be wives of soldiers at the nearby army base :D.

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
Well apparently saturday night was UGLY WHITE TRASH SKANK NIGHT in this town. Everywhere I went there was nothing but ugly white trash skanks. What the ****? WHAT THE ****!!!?!!?!

not fair! ghaaaaaaaa!!!! no one worth talking to. scratch that. no one that i saw last night would be fit to walk the earth during daylight. they were all so ugly and white trash. omfg!

ghaaa! if i would have approached them i would have most certainly have thrown up. thats weak.

one guy apparently was thinking the same thing as i saw him looking around like me so i talked to him about how there were no fine women around tonight. but he was drunk and hardly worth talking to.

**** **** **** **** **** **** **** thats weak!!!!


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Okay. I'm declaring week 3 a failure for me. I was really busy with school and other things this week, I only got to 6 cold approaches, and they were not stellar in the slightest. I'm going to REPEAT this week, and actually get the job done this time. Of course I'll have my eyes open for numbers as well.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score

We went to the casino to watch the footy game between the 2 rival teams of our state. There was a huge hype surrounding the upcoming game. I was pumped for 2 reasons. One, I KNEW my team was gonna win. Two, I WAS gonna approach some real hot hunnies.

Me and the boys settled down in a comfy spot infront of the huge screen with 100 odd other people. Beer in hand, we were bloody excited. There were huge plasma screens plastered all over the casino. The atmosphere was great. At first, the game moved along slowly. Goal for goal, neither team hit the lead convincingly. Me and the boys managed half a pint of beer each goal quite nicely. The footy game and the cricket was on at the same time so I was caught in 2 worlds. But I still managed to cheer along with the crowd when my team scored a goal. With each passing goal we finished half a pint.

Now, I don't remember the last 2 quarters of the game but I do remember a lot of drinking and yelling at the TV. I mean everyone was doing it, it was normal. Drinking was getting harder, with every mouth full, I felt like spewing it back in the glass. It was great. Toilet breaks were also quiet regular. That is a certainty.

I don't remember the game finishing that night. But somewhere at the end I recall yelling at a pokies machine and my mate calling out "Go Collingwood". Collingwood weren't even in the finals this year. The game seemed to go by quickly and we were really drunk. We nearly got into a fight with a supporter of the other team which was great, he fvcked off quickly with mobile in hand. Struggling to find a toliet, we wanted a way out of the casino. So we leave by a ferry.

And you know what? I didn't make any approaches as anticipated. It was purely a boy's night out. It just reminded me about why we have mates in the 1st place.

Highlight of the night? Cheering for my team while facing the pokies machine. My mate barracking for a team not in the game. All of us acting like dumb@sses. Dying for a pyss.


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Now THAT's what I'm talking about. I went out today and i raped the entire campus. It was awesome...

Talked to one chick in my classes about random stuff. She was interested, too bad I wasn't. That convo lasted 2 mins. It was the same class that I alphaed on tuesday.

Talked to another chick that was sitting down on a bench doing work. She was a freshmen. That one was alright as well. didn't close, too immature for me.

Talked to another chick on the same bench, and just for kicks decided to be an *******:

Her: "Hi I'm ****."
Me: "Hi, you probably won't see me ever again."
Her: "Wow...what a way to introduce yourself".
Me: "Ooo, backbone! I like that! I'm *****. I'm quite impressed by your comeback."

We talked for a little while longer, and then when I got up, and looked at her, and laughed a little and said, "Won't see ya again!" ha. It was funny.

3 convos done. That was one day. Good day.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
Nice job, Nishbuk. Diggin the convo.

Alright, so I'm not going to go into detail on my date like I usually do because that would be ridiculous.

The girl is genuinely witty. That's nice. She wasn't as hot as I remember. She went from an HB8.5 to an HB7.5. She still had a really hot body though. She had one of those faces that looks flawless one second and the next second you're not so sure.

However, a few things that went really nicely were these:

1. We got bad directions to the restaurant we were going to so we ended up getting lost in the city. I took advantage of this and played up the fact that we were going through a traumatic situation. I intentionally went through some ghetto areas so that she would see me as her protector. This seemed to be working well.

2. So we got to the restaurant an hour late and would have run into the start-time of the foreign flick we were going to see. It was a good thing I had that contingency plan. When it was 9:45 (the movie started at 10:00), I said:

Me: Do you have a DVD player?
Her: Yeah, in my computer
Me: Alright, well check it out. I actually happen to have two bottles of nice wine in my car. Rather than rush through dinner, why don't we just go back to your room, open those bottles, and watch Lost in Translation.
Her: Oh! I haven't seen that!
Me: Yeah, it's awesome

So, long story short, we ended up ducking out of the restaurant and going straight back to her dormroom. We ran into some of her friends, who were all trashed, and they dragged her around a little. Finally I'd had enough so I gave her a look and she just said "yeah," and we snuck away back to her room. So you can probably guess where it went from there.

We never ended up watching the movie.


Now an update on the HB10 I met on the metro who's E-mail I got. I waited the whole weekend and then E-mailed her from work on Monday. This was the E-mail I sent:

subject: We're not just cool. We're Metro-Cool


I met you on the metro the other day. You got my approval. I got your E-mail address. It was a brilliant set of circumstances. ;)

Anyway, I'd say we'd both be remiss not to hang out.

So let's make that happen.


P.S. I think you said you work at a law firm? What exactly do you do there?

She responded at around 5:00 the same day. This is what it said:

Subject: A New Friend...

Hey There...

What an interesting person you must be...That was quite a subject line...Furthermore, it is obvious that you are an intelligent person based upon your short but sweet email. I agree...Maybe we could do lunch.

I am a paralegal...With the hopes of attending law school next fall. I am taking the LSAT in December so I am studying hard and praying for success. So what kind of graphic design work are you into...I mean you work at the *******...I am curious how your work relates to what the orgainzation is all about...


So there you go. I'd say I made a pretty good impression. I haven't responded yet but I probably will do that sometime today. I'm not sure how to play it. I'll probably give her a little info on my job, ask her another question, and tell her that I can probably get together with her sometime next week.

So that's my recent updates.

Keep on truckin', kids!



Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Aight guys, time for a war story!

All right, so this is week 4, time to get rejected and sh!t, every guys problem when dealing with women is fear of getting rejected, thats why they are scared to approach women. Here is a good war story for you:

So I was at school (what else is new, right, I am always at school hitting on chicks) and I see this total HB 9 walking down the sidewalk and i start talking to her just because she is hot (she was not my type though)

Me: Hey, how are you?
her: good, I guess
me: You guess? I dont talk to girls who dont know how they feel. I guess I'll go find another girl to talk to (with a grin on my face)

she starts laughing as if I wasn't serious, so I got up and walked away, she followed suit

her: Fine, I feel fine
me: So what is your name?
her: HB9
me: So, HB9, what are you doing for lunch?
her: I dunno, what are you doing for lunch?
me: I was gonna run down to the McDonalds, wanna join me?
her: I dont even know you, and my boyfriend might get jelous. so no
me: Oh well, more for me. Have a good time with your boyfriend.

I have just gotten my first rejection on a cold approach, and it is not as bad as it would seem, also helps build confiedence. Guys, get out there and get rejected, its not that hard!


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
Brenbaus, regardless of whatever the outcome was - that was totally smooth. I loved it. "I don't talk to girls who don't know how they feel." That's great.

Nice job, man.


Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
haha that is tooo funny.

I am going to declare this week a utter and complete failure of bootcamp. I sucked this week. I had acne breakout and I also had no free time. I am taking 21 hours in college and have spent every waking our studying and being in the gym. i blew it at the gym one night.

the only exception is sunday night i worked out with an hb8.5, and then we took a shower together. that was fun.

I guess i have crazy bad game or crazy awesome game. whatever man!