I am starting bootcamp monday.......


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Enjin 7
good day today gentlemen.

hb9 in class was turning around looking around like these girls do nowadays. totally caught eyes with her and locked eyes with her for a couple of second. i said "hey" and she blushed and said "hey" and looked at my crotch, at which point instinct took my eyes off hers. dyaaammit!!! waaaaaaahahaaaaaaaaa!!!!

good job, but she was lookin at ur ****, u didnt say anythang?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Got a few convos today, nothing really worth mentioning, keep up the good work guys!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Friday night 1am. Just returned from a pub with a live band. Guys outnumbered the girls 7-3. The guys there did not "jump" on the girls so there were plenty of opportunities. My fear was that there would be an audience, and that was my biggest AFC moment tonite.

I had my fu*ken back against the wall for 40mins and then I suggested we go home, which was the best decision I made. My mate didn't fair any better, he was standing 2 ft away from me doing the same thing. Usually we'ld stick around for 2-3hours pretending we enjoyed our time listening to a cover band. So AFC..

Approaches, none. I reckon I'm sticking away from clubs/pubs with dancefloors cos I'm not exactly a Brad Pitt who knows how to dance. I'ld rather work my magic thru bars, using my wit and convo skillz...

Apologies to my fellow brethren for reverting to AFC status. I thought I was progressing before tonite.. :down:


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by RBB
Friday night 1am. Just returned from a pub with a live band. Guys outnumbered the girls 7-3. The guys there did not "jump" on the girls so there were plenty of opportunities. My fear was that there would be an audience, and that was my biggest AFC moment tonite.

I had my fu*ken back against the wall for 40mins and then I suggested we go home, which was the best decision I made. My mate didn't fair any better, he was standing 2 ft away from me doing the same thing. Usually we'ld stick around for 2-3hours pretending we enjoyed our time listening to a cover band. So AFC..

Approaches, none. I reckon I'm sticking away from clubs/pubs with dancefloors cos I'm not exactly a Brad Pitt who knows how to dance. I'ld rather work my magic thru bars, using my wit and convo skillz...

Apologies to my fellow brethren for reverting to AFC status. I thought I was progressing before tonite.. :down:
good luck on tryin' to get back into the don mindset.

when the sun is up its another chance!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
again, another few convos, but nothing really exciting happened today in terms of, well, anything. Went to school, went to work, came home ate some food, slept a little, got on the computer to see what you guys had accomplished today, which apparently is not much, but the night is young still. I would go party, but I gotta go to work in the morning, so uhhhhh..........

(drooling on the keyboard)


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
got four hi's for me today. so now its 12 for week 1 day 3? i dont think hi's are worth writing. when i get a convo down, ill write it. no hot chicks around!

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
well i just got back from a few parties. i should be feeling the effects of alcohol, but im not. 3 natty lights, 2 cups hunch punch, 3 cups budweiser, 3 cups of some blue **** with captain morgans... its weird. freakin... NATTY LIGHT is the worst beer ever. it tastes like ****... anyway...

i got 21 hey's in tonight. 3 girls didnt respond. im not sure if they heard me. frat parties seem to be more catered to people that know each other. since im not in a frat, its a little bit harder, but oh well.

annnnnway we went to this party and me an my wingman got bored. we drove around for a while and came upon 2 girls. hb 8.5's.

me: hey girls
girls: hey, whats your name
me: im (my name), and who are you?
girls: im ashley, *and im lauren*
me: so do yall go to school here?
girls: no we go to (some other bull**** technical college)
bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
me: ashley come here
ashley: mmmm hey baby
me: ashley, you know i just cant talk to you and let you go so easy. let me get your number.
ashley: ok its xxx xxx xxxx... you sure you want to let me go so soon? *she grabs me*
me: yeah. i might call you sometime... bye.

*i dont feel like hooking up with random *****es yet*

next party. convo with hb 8

bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla

me: ok, we're leaving *maintaining constant eye contact*
her: awwwwwww are you sure?
me: yeah
her: ok who are you riding with?
me: this man over here. *pointing to my friend*
her: has he been drinking?
me: not at all
her: *hugging me, she brings her head to my ear* are you sure you dont want to stay with me tonight? *she grabs my penis*
me: maybe next time, bye baby

basically tonight totally kicked ass for me. big confidence builder.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Good job Enjin 7. Pure alphaness there. :up:

As for me, I'm gonna rebound. Pumped up some kickin' tunes :rockon: and reading some motivating posts. Now I feel like bashing some stuff.


Sorry about the smileys dudes, I'm just so friggin' pumped. You shoulda seen me lastnight compared to me now! I can't believe I was so AFC. Looking back I was pathetic. Makes me laugh now..

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
yeah. i feel you. like sometimes i get into one of those "AFC" type moods and i just want to slap myself later for being that way.

today what helped me get in such a badass confident mood was...
i worked out for 2 hours. that felt soooooo good. then beat the stuuuuuuuffing of a punching bag for about 20 minutes. then some guy came in and thought he was the **** and wanted to grapple so i kicked his ace. i found its a lot easier to get pumped before than after.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
congrats enjin 7, nice on the 21 hi's and great job for workin out!


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Enjin 7
yeah. i feel you. like sometimes i get into one of those "AFC" type moods and i just want to slap myself later for being that way.

today what helped me get in such a badass confident mood was...
i worked out for 2 hours. that felt soooooo good. then beat the stuuuuuuuffing of a punching bag for about 20 minutes. then some guy came in and thought he was the **** and wanted to grapple so i kicked his ace. i found its a lot easier to get pumped before than after.
OH I SEE! A fellow MMA fighter eh? Me too! I'm picking up on Muy-Thai right now, I haven't done any serious striking in alot of years. Currently, I'm doing BJJ at Jacare's School in ATL, but usually I train at a Brazilian Top team school in Montreal with one of Bustamente's Black belts.
(I'm a blue under Jacare).


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Okay I haven't posted a field report for Week 2 yet, so here it is. Pretty okay stuff, hasn't been spectacular becuase it's hard for me to get out everyday. I could leran alot from my mother...no seriously, she can strike up a conversation with anyone, it's goddamn amazing.

I went to a club the other day, and got convos with some random dudes. I guess technically for this week I can count that...but I proabably won't need to. I got convos with 2 dudes. 4 total this week.

At the club, I decided to go and try and hit on some chicks. Got 1 convo with an HB5, total waste of time, I was trying to hit on her friend, but I heard she was a freshmen, and she was already ****-blocked by this dorky indian kid who wouldn't leave, even though he wasn't saying a WORD. I have no idea what his relation was to her.

Total convos at the club with HB7+ was 4. I had three 3 convos which lasted less than 30 secs...mostly uninterested girls.

One convo I had the club was almost closing, and there was this cute as hell Phillipino chick (but totally North American) sitting on the couch. I approached her used the WORST opened in the world. Lol, I asked her if her name was (fake girl I don't know), and then started from there. Surprisingly, even though she TOTALLY called my bull****, she was still interested. I got a good convo with her, and the eye contact was really good. She was playing with her hair. I teased her a bit, and she initiated kino with a touch on the arm. I reciprocated non-chalantly as the conversation progressed with a short touch on the leg, then a joke punch in the arm.
I told her that I was from Montreal, and again, she got dijected cause she was looking for a BF. (She didn't say that, but I could tell.) Man, you don't meet many QUALITY chicks at a club, but this girl was quality. Pre-med, interesting, and HB8plus.
All in all, it was a decent night.
Convos for this week:

about 6. (could be ten if you count some dudes...)

Then yesterday I headed up to Athens GA with one of my friends and hit a party there. I was feeling a little down for some reason (I guess relapse from break up), so I didn't get much done. I managed to talk to one chick I didn't know for about 2 mins, she was with her BF for 4 years, so that was that. I guess I also got another two convos with rando dudes, but again, I don't really count those.

Man, I just realized that when you do this bootcamp, you have to do something EVERY DAY. You can't try and get all your convos in one day, because even if you do, you missed AN ENTIRE WEEK of being alpha, and building confidence. It's definitely contiuous, day-to-day effort that is required.

Total convos for the week: 7.

Meh...just a "meh" week so far...I need to step it up. Luckily I'm going to a wedding on sunday, and I have a $700 Armani suit, hopefully some really nice new shades, and some Black Code Cologne. But what really matters is that IM there. ;)

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
haha honestly i just started like a month ago. ive been doing brazilian jiu jitsu, kickboxing, and judo... there is a ninjitsu class here on campus... i want to run on walls soooooooo......

being able to tear someone up = confidence!

it feels really good to do something with my time instead of sitting around playing nintendo and looking for hoes on myspace. ive gained like 15 pounds since ive gotten here. i feel like my life is definately turning around!!!!!!!!!



Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Good job nishbuk! I gotta use that "Hey aren't you *****?", line. Classic! Let em call your bluff. At least they get the drift. And that $700 Armani better account for something, give us a war story or two, Wedding Crasher style. Make it a good one! lol.

As fer me, didn't go out this sat nite. Too friggin' cold these days in Oz. I should be back in the US by Dec. but it's winter once more for me. The outlook is gloomy but the future is bright!

Keep on keepin' on bros!


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
Nisbuk, Enjin, Brenbaus - good to see you're getting out there.

I am going to some apparently insane strip of bars tonight at someplace called Las Solas. I will let you guys know what happens.

I got a number yesterday - went like this:

My friend Eric and I are hanging out at this bar/cafe on the beach, and an HB7 blonde waitress comes up and asks for our order but we're not ready yet. So later this other girl, an HB10 brunette (she is like a hotter version of the hot one from Sex and the City) comes up and she's like,

Her: Hey, guys. Did Steph get your order?
Me: Nah, she didn't. Are you gonna' make that happen for us?
Her: Yeah, what do you guys want? My Name's Amanda, by the way.
Eric: I want this.
Me: Yeah, get me the same thing he's having.
Her: (waiting silently for a second) Alright, I need to see IDs.
Me: Oh man - you're gonna make me get my ID out for you now? Seriously...
Her: I know, I know. But I hate it when people don't ask me for ID. You know - do I really look that old?
Me: (I just look at her without saying anything)
Her: (smiles a little) Alright, well I'll go get your drinks.
Me: yep.

So Eric and I are sitting down, talking. She drops the drinks off, we mumble "thanks" and get on with our sh1t. We make a little conversation when she comes back to check on us. One time when she's passing by, I stop her and say, "Hey, be a doll and grab us two waters? Thanks." Eventually, it's time to leave and figure it's time to make the number close. I decided to do the think where you just give them your phone. I forget who wrote it, but I read it in one of the college threads and thought I'd give it a shot.

Her: (coming back with the check) Here you go, guys.
(she lingers for a second like she wants us to say something so while Eric makes a little small talk, I pull out my phone, open it, and hand it to her, saying)
Me: Go ahead and put your number in here. I'll try to give you a call before I leave Florida.

She looks a little surprised, takes the phone, puts in her number, and hands it back to me. It was awesome. Eric was great too. He saw that I was having trouble remembering her name so he asked her what it was while I pretended not to be paying attention.

So I may or may not not call her. She was stunningly beautiful - I'm thinking of inviting her out to Las Solas tonight. I'm not sure how to do the call though. Any ideas are appreciated. Like should she meet us there or should we give her a ride? It's a 20 minute drive from Delray Beach where she lives so - I dunno.

The one thing that really concerns me about the thing is that I wasn't thinking and asked her BEFORE I paid and tipped her and sh1t. So I don't know if it was sincere or if she just didn't want to f*ck up her chances of a decent tip. Even so, I gave her 5 bucks on 30 and wrote "cheap motherf*cker" on the tip line. Hehe - probably pissed her off a little.

Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Originally posted by nishbuk
Okay I haven't posted a field report for Week 2 yet, so here it is. Pretty okay stuff, hasn't been spectacular becuase it's hard for me to get out everyday. I could leran alot from my mother...no seriously, she can strike up a conversation with anyone, it's goddamn amazing.
Isnt this true for most middle aged women, they can just start talking about anything you can think of at any damn time of the day!

So heres what went down with me today, went to work, came home, and now I am on sosuave, basically I got no convos, and I am too tired to go party (although I could go to Athens, it is saturday night, so the football parties are getting under way!)

So, for week two, I had about 15 convos, not too bad, but I feel I could have done better, next week I will try harder, just need to work on my game some I guess.

Bootcamp is not as hard as I thought it was going to be, but it's only week two, so well see as we get further on in the training, hope you guys are finding it harder to do than I am, maybe its just because HBs dont phase me anymore?


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Enjin 7
haha honestly i just started like a month ago. ive been doing brazilian jiu jitsu, kickboxing, and judo... there is a ninjitsu class here on campus... i want to run on walls soooooooo......

being able to tear someone up = confidence!

it feels really good to do something with my time instead of sitting around playing nintendo and looking for hoes on myspace. ive gained like 15 pounds since ive gotten here. i feel like my life is definately turning around!!!!!!!!!

Nice! Jiu-Jitsu and MMA are really rewarding, but very hard. Definitely will up your confidence!
BTW, what school are you going to? Which city and teacher?

Good job guys making progress! Time to go home on monday and then it's GAME ON!