I am starting bootcamp monday.......


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
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Originally posted by brenbaus
Isnt this true for most middle aged women, they can just start talking about anything you can think of at any damn time of the day!
:p That would explain why I pick on middle aged women..

I'm gonna be in hospital for radioactive treatment. Hopefully I'll come out with some mutant DJ powers of some sought. But I'll be isolated for a week, due to risks in public.

I'll get the hot nurse to scrub off my AFCness.

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
ok ok ok ok ok !!!!!!


tonight was major super mega awesome!!!!

i went to a party tonight. there were tons of women. bad news... i did NOT break my 'hey quota'. i tried. I still have 13 left... bad news tho... i tried to break loose. i read in a club article that a good way to break the ice with a group of dancing girls was to just go up and dance in the middle. CRASH AND BURN!!!!!!!!! but that was the low point of the night.

ok for the awesome part!!!!

i saw a girl from highschool. she's hott. hb7 face with hb10 body. she rejected me last time i saw her. this time? no. i used kino. i made eye contact. she grinded her bottom up against my weiner. it felt good. she was awesome.

i left.

so i go and try to say hey to other girls.

keep in mind I AM VERY NERVOUS!!! but i try to repress those feelings.

ok so like yall remember the hb9 from my class that i said hey to, and she looked at my weiner, and i looked away like a chump? i saw her tonight!!

she was with a group of people, some guys and some girls. I went up to her and it totally went like this:

me: hey i think i know you from somewhere!
her: im in your chemistry class! *hit* dont act like you dont know me!
me: yeah! whats your name?
her: im *whoops i forgot* AND I FORGOT TO TELL HER MY NAME
me: oh yeah... you want to dance?
her: yeah *looks at my weiner... AAAAAAGAAAAAAAAAAINN!!!!**

so we dance. she's an awesome dancer. i talked to her about how she doesnt like typical frat guys. she's awesome. totally sober and totally all up on me. awesome awesome awesome. i used kino so freaking well too. you guys would be proud of me!!!!

on our way out we run into these girls walking back with 2 drunk guys. i pull them back to talk to us. they are going to another party. they said they were going to drop the guys off and give us a call.

heres a little of the convo:

me: her put my number in my phone. call me when you get done.

well as i was typing this she just called and im totally about to go do stuff with her just because. she is like... hb7. whatever. i can do better. but its better than just going to sleep.


Enjin 7

p.s. BOOOOOOOOOYAH!!!!!!!!!!

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
haha im going to tell yall a story while i wait 20 minutes before i go to sleep so i can take my medicine and stuff sooooo oooooooook...

we get back to this house. me and my 2 friends decide beforehand that my boy (d00d 1) is getting this girl. ok thats cool.

we talk for a while bla bla bla bla bla bla

she is giving signs of attraction to both me and my boy. crap. i try to defer to my boy. nope, still getting attraction.

ok so i go to the kitchen and see all of these magnet words, so i arrange them to say "beautiful night". well like hb7 walks in and is like, "beautiful nigt, huh?" and stands soooooo close to me.

im corny and ghey so im like "it can be" and look into her eyes. at which point she grabs my ass in front of my 2 friends. uh huh. thats right! I KICK ASS!!

my friend goes in for the kill. crash and burn. she forgot a number when she put her number in the first time, only 6 numbers. as i was leaving she made sure i had her number.

her: you have my number right?
me: i did, but you didnt put it in right the first time so i deleted it
her: why? *hit me*
me: because i dont date women that cant type in numbers right. *DEEERP!!!*
her: give me another chance
me: fine *i give her my phone*
her: here... i want to see you again *she grabs me tight*
me: *whisper* we can go outside for a few minutes if you want *i look into her eyes*
her: im in my pjs and my friends are over there... ill be back next week. you better call me
me: *laugh* byeeeee

and now my other boy, (dude 2) is dissappointed that he didnt get anything tonight..

oh welllllll lateaa!


New Member
Aug 21, 2005
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Sitting on a nuke in North Korea

Well end of week 2

This week my booty camp has been getting along about as well as New Orleans.....

Lately the booty camp has been the last thing on my mind. Most of the time I forgot about it. So I did almost nothing this week. I've lost the little momentum I had gotten last week. When I did remember about it I just tried to practice the eye contact a little.
But I didn't do the hi's or conversations.

The only thing is I was trying to practice my conversation skills a little with people I already know. Also yesterday (Saturday) I went to another of my coworker's Irish dancing things. Again there was a few of my coworkers there plus some other people who were there last weekend plus a few new people. So I decided to go to this thing and try to be more outgoing and conversational and mix and mingle more than I usually do.
At the beginning I was doing really well and I was really turning it on, going around and talking to everyone and being energetic. But I started to slow down as the evening progressed. I did try to do a little ****y & Funny stuff and trying to tease the girls. I did pretty good with that but afterwards I realized some points when I could have done better.

Anyway I think I need to start the booty camp over from week 1 and do it properly this time. So tomorrow (Monday) I start again from the beginning. Cheers!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
good luck canadian,

but for me, the count is now a good ass 25 hi's! day 5 week 1, went to a party and said hi to most people there, everyone was gettin high, but i only took one shot tho. i was a little tipsy. got some hi's back and chilled with the dudes, playin poker and stuff. lost a whole mess, damn i need to up my poker game. and these were guys like 18-20, and i was chillin wit them. crazy. i was like the youngest being 15. good night good night in the LBC.\


jsut went to the mall to buy some clothes and i decided to do the eye thang. man its killa! i had some eye contact but not everyone would look me into the eye. i did it to this one white chick, like a HB5 and damnn she looked at me, and then looked at me up and down. then my heart or somethang inside me did somethang. it was like damnnnn, im glad tats over or somethang. lol, its killa!
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Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
I never did comply with BCs exercises strictly. I just made a point to talk to a lot of people (bias to females) in week 1 and 2.

Now, I did go to hospital today and I took a radioactive capsule of some sought. It was contained in a heavy lead cylinder container. After I was briefed about public risks and exposures to other people, I was handed the capsule. The doctor backed away to a safe distance and watched me down the capsule. I took one look at it's hazardous label and swallowed. Now I have to stay away from people for atleast one week. More so for infants, children and pregnant women. Although I was sent home, this'll affect my BC exercises. I imagine the little momentum I had before would slowly waste away to non existance.

I'm gonna be a little quiet for a week or two. After that, I'll decide what to do.

Good luck to all. Keep inspiring me! :)
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scorpio king

Don Juan
Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
I think I'll stop the bootcamp. I think my inner game is not yet fully equipped. Plus, I hve a new job as a tutor so I dont have enough time sarging :down:

Good luck to you guys and go grab your balls.

I'll be back as soon as I get my inner game


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by scorpio king
I think I'll stop the bootcamp. I think my inner game is not yet fully equipped. Plus, I hve a new job as a tutor so I dont have enough time sarging :down:

Good luck to you guys and go grab your balls.

I'll be back as soon as I get my inner game
good luck wit ur job then, but for my 6th day, one hi. hahaha. tat makes it 26. one mo' day for week one.

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
well im done with week 1. completed the rest of my 'hey's tonight. overall awesome response. i think girls down here in college are horny. time for week 2.


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Hey what happened to our bootcamp thread!!!
This thread should never be on page two! There should be enough updates from people for that never to happen. Where's the action ppl?
We still have like 6 more weeks to do!
Guys Week 2 is over, and now is the crucial moment! Don't give up or settle for a girl. Get out there and get 10 convos with CHICKS! GO! You can do it.

Enough ***** footing around!

1 convo for me. No close. I have to step it up! I'm getting passive! I should be talking to people...


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Originally posted by nishbuk
Hey what happened to our bootcamp thread!!!
This thread should never be on page two! There should be enough updates from people for that never to happen. Where's the action ppl?
We still have like 6 more weeks to do!
Guys Week 2 is over, and now is the crucial moment! Don't give up or settle for a girl. Get out there and get 10 convos with CHICKS! GO! You can do it.

Enough ***** footing around!

1 convo for me. No close. I have to step it up! I'm getting passive! I should be talking to people...
nuff said


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
:p Nah.. you're right. I'll have a sh*tload of war stories when I can get out there in the field again. Reading the original BC entries in The Archives has motivated me to a new level.

I just have to wait til I'm no longer a public risk, which is this weekend.

I'm already planning on where to hit on my 1st day out.

I have no shame!!!!

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
i talked to some guy about motorcycles and martial arts for a little bit. then i could tell he had no clue so i just stopped talking to him. does this count?


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Enjin 7
i talked to some guy about motorcycles and martial arts for a little bit. then i could tell he had no clue so i just stopped talking to him. does this count?
That's for you to decide...Was it easy or something you could normally do? Only you will know whether that convo was worth it or not.

Me? I had a 2 min convo with an HB4 today, pretty lame...not counting this.

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
yeah it was easy to initiate. just after so much talking i realized he was wasting my time so i just went back to doing homework.

also had a conversation with an uggy face about something today.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Today, had a 15 minute convo with HB9, got her pic on my cell, but I havent quite figured out how to send it to my email yet, once I do, I will post it somewhere.

So basically I am up to 2 convos for the week, basically every day talking to HBs, not really counting them all becuase some are for school stuff, so I am up to 2, but building confidence these last few weeks, ready to start getting #s i think


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
How did you get about to taking a pic of her?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
I got her # and asked her if I could take her pic so once I called her and she got my number, whenever she called I could see her face on the screen


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
How come no one is posting field reports for bootcamp, you guys said you were gonna do it, so grab your balls and get out there, this thread should never be on page two if we have people actaully doing the bootcamp!

So far seems like only Nishbuk, myself, and a few others are actually doing the work involved in becoming a better man.


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
No joke Brenbaus!!! It's time to get moving! Alright here's my field report for the day. I had a ****ty time the past couple of days, I've been floundering to say the least. I will have to admit that coming back to the town where I was with my ex-girlfriend and seeing all the familiar sites has brought me down a bit.

BUT NO MORE! I let that rule me for two days, but now I'm getting my confidence back.

I have 2 convos so far. With an HB6 and an HB4 :/

Today, I finally met a girl that is living downstairs from me.

I saw her in her door way as I was walking down the stairs, and said, "Hey" and smiled. We walked down the staircase, (not together), and at the doorway she kinda just paused. She didn't want to go out in the rain. I took this as a golden opportunity, and offered to walk her since she was going the same direction as me (I had an umbrella). She gladly accepted, and introduced herself to me. (IOI). Her name was Lisa. We walked and talked for about 2 mins, and she went to the store she was going to. I didn't get her number because pursuing a relationship with someone who lives next to you is trouble! Maybe I'll try and lay her sometime in the future if I get my act together, lol. But that really upped my confidence for the day!

In class today, (I have a small class, about 15 people, all sitting around a conference table), I managed to Alpha it up. I was making them laugh, and managed to get myself noticed by all the women. They were peaking at me from time to time. I'm definitely the alpha guy in that class (Thank you physics guys...lol). So that was another success..

The third happened on my way down, There was this girl waiting at the doorway, and her friend was on the phone. I waited for about 30 seconds, not really looking at them...truthfully I was waiting for the rain to go down. Finally I was just like, "Hey, you look like you don't want to get wet, where do you live?" She lived near me, so I offered to walk her. Her friend wanted to walk as well, so I took them both.
Now there wasn't enough room under the umbrella, but we were having a good time walking and talking, and I was definitely getting some reciprocation from the one girl named "matty". These girls were easily HB8(minus) and HB8(plus). Good looking women.
I asked her name, and she gave it to me, and I asked the other girl, but she was yapping away on her cellphone, so I joked to the first girl in a sarcastic smile, "Oh her name must be "cellphone"." The HB8plus on the cellphone got real embarrassed, and was like, "oh sorry, I'm zoie". So I gave them so crah course info on how to survive their first year science courses, since I had already taken them, and we got to talking about the rate of entrace to McGill, which led to another good neg hit.
HB8minus: "Apparently, our year that got accpeted is a "dumb" year. That's what they told me at the admissions office anyway".
Me: "Well it wouldn't surprise me...I mean you did forget to bring an umbrella."
Her: (laughing) "Ohh...burn".
Me: "Yeah! I'll bet you would have caught fire if you weren't so wet!"
Another awesome thing that happened was that I was getting free social proof from all directions! I saw this one cute asian chick that I met while doing organic chem 1, and I was like, "I got your message the other day" She was like, "yeah, I was wondering why you didn't call!". Then I was just like "Cool. Let's go out together some night!" (Right in front of the girl that I walking home!. hahaha
You could see how she was like, "What!?" And became MUCH more attentive from then on.
I got more free social proof from two other people that I know.

Hehe. It was good times. Man...I don't know why I didn't number close it. I should have. The rationalization I used was that she was too immature for my tastes, for me to actually want to spend time with her, and there's the possibility that she's 17, which would make it illegal. ****. She did seem like a total shell though...No real life experience, no real outlook.

Oh well, even so, it was still two solid conversations so far today!

I'm at 4 convos today, and NOW I'm gaining my confidence back. Alright! Feels good!

Guys! Where are the rest of you that said you were going to bootcamp with us! Is this the extent of your willingness to be better!?!