I am starting bootcamp monday.......


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Originally posted by Sloopy
Brenbaus, regardless of whatever the outcome was - that was totally smooth. I loved it. "I don't talk to girls who don't know how they feel." That's great.

Nice job, man.

My whole point was to get rejceted, as that is the exercise for week 4, although it happnes to every guy throughout their lives. so you learn to live with it, but the point of the exercise this week is to get rejected


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
I wanted to say
and It's good to see guys trying to improve their dating life by getting into that field and refusing to give up. Read some stuff on apporaching women and if anyone wants the Art of apporaching women just send me a private message and l'll give it to you. I have no problem helping men who want to be succesful. :cool:

Here are some quotes to help you guys.

"Whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger"

"Do not be too timid or unsure about your actions. All life is an experiment." --Emerson

Feeling real pain in order to change yourself for the better makes you a real man. And pain is always needed in the change for the better.
Running away from it gives us a false sense of security, while embracing it gives us sense of strenght, courage and freedom.


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Well now it's ****ing looking up! I got off my ass today and got out there. 1 cold approach today.

I was sitting in the medical building cafetaeria, and I hadn't been there before. I saw that there was a terrace and patio with chairs and tables. It was quite nice. I wanted to go out there, but was waiting for the right moment (There was a group of ten having lunch or a barbeque up there or something.

So then I see this HB7.5+ sitting alone at a table outside on the rooftop patio. I was sitting just inside at a table. I hesistated, and I actually thought to myself, "This will probably be one of those times I fantasize about doing something, but never do. Oh well".
I don't know what came over me, but I found myself going outside. All the other tables had people sitting at them, so I approach the table where the HB7.5+ is sitting alone, and simply say,

ME: "Mind if I sit here?"
HB: "Sure. No problem go ahead!"
ME:"Wow. There's quite a view from up here. I didn't know there was a place like this on campus."
HB: "Yeah it's real nice. Too bad it's going to be closed soon when it's get's cold.
ME: Oh yeah, that's too bad, You a med student?
HB: Me? no. I'm an undergrad in Physiology and Math.
ME: Hehe. I knew you couldnt' be a med student! I'm in a joint major too. I'm ***** (Holds out hand for "woman shake".
HB: "I'm ****." (place her hand in mine, but I simply grip her hand, don't shake. A good "woman shake")

At this point she was really engaged in the conversation, so I tossed out a couple of playful jokes, and semi-sarcastic neghits about her plans to go into an honor major: "Getting a little ambitious are we?? (grin)".
So the convo continued until this:

Me: Oh so you're in the physio lab. Hey you know what? I took that last year.
HB: Really? How was it?
Me: It's pretty easy, although you have to finish the reports in the lab.
HB: Oh really...Hmmm..
(There was some other banter that went on in this convo, and she was giving me signals. Coyly smiling, playing with her hair, and giggling a bit.)

Me: You know what? I have those old labs. I'm pretty sure that they'll be exactly the same, or very similar. You want them? How about you give me your phone number, and we'll go out. I may give you the labs as well.

HB: Sure I can do that. You have something to write on?
(Hands her a pencil and paper, she writes down her phone number, AND her e-mail address. Even though the way I've typed it here, it sounds like I wasn't going in for the number to get a "DATE". I'm almost positive she got the message)

ME: Okay, I have a class to go to, but we'll be in touch. See ya. (Smiling, dare I say, "seductively".)

And even if she DIDN'T think that I was getting her number for the date, I have a way to find out for sure at the phone call.
"Hi. This is *****. So here's what we'll do. Go out with me on a date on (Date night), and then I'll give you the labs. (joking) If I like you enough, maybe I'll even ask you out again!"
(Of course I would only pull this after I'd been joking with her once or twice on the phone.)

Well so that's it. One ice-cold approach today, and one interested number close. I'm feeling good.

4 convos in two days, and 1 number close. Good stuff so far.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Arrhhhg!! Week 4???

Week 4 already??? Oh fvck.

I haven't approached in a while. Just thinking about week 4 makes me sh*t myself. Reading all your posts are almost discouraging to me. What kinda fvkken mentality have I got stuck in my head???

I can see everything going wrong and nothing going right. Arh fvck! Someone "kick my @ss" icon me. I'm seriously shatting myself just thinking about week 4. I don't think I'll handle rejection well. :(

EDIT: I'm gonna do some psyche work and try and get that feeling back. I guess it's one of those days.


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Okay so I got one convo today with a two set of HBs in the cellphone store. Didn't get any names or numbers because the convo didn't last that long. (I was in the middle of trying to purchase a plan. The sales lady kept interrupting me...)

So that's 5 for the week, and it's wednesday. 5 more to go.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Alright Nish!

BTW, what cell provider are you on? Just wondering because I work for Verizon.

Anyway, it is week 4 of bootcamp, and I now have a g/f. DAMMIT! I wanted to finish bootcamp. I guess I can keep doing it, because my g/f and I dont hang out that much, between work, school, and all my other sh!t I have to take care of, we dont really see each other except on sunday. She goes to a different school than me, so I can keep up the usual and do bootcamp at school


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by brenbaus
Alright Nish!

BTW, what cell provider are you on? Just wondering because I work for Verizon.

Anyway, it is week 4 of bootcamp, and I now have a g/f. DAMMIT! I wanted to finish bootcamp. I guess I can keep doing it, because my g/f and I dont hang out that much, between work, school, and all my other sh!t I have to take care of, we dont really see each other except on sunday. She goes to a different school than me, so I can keep up the usual and do bootcamp at school
bren, how long have you been dating her? If it hasn't been a month, then in my book, she's not your girlfriend. If it hasn't been two months, then you may not even be exclusive yet (depending on how mature she is). You can still finish bootcamp week4 and week5 I think. GJ.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Originally posted by nishbuk
bren, how long have you been dating her? If it hasn't been a month, then in my book, she's not your girlfriend. If it hasn't been two months, then you may not even be exclusive yet (depending on how mature she is). You can still finish bootcamp week4 and week5 I think. GJ.
We have been dating since about June, so quite awhile, but it has not been exclusive until today, but like i said I will finish the bootcamp, she loves the new attitude I have gotten from sosuave (i think that is why we are exclusive now). I still plan on finishing bootcamp so I can improve myself


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by brenbaus
We have been dating since about June, so quite awhile, but it has not been exclusive until today, but like i said I will finish the bootcamp, she loves the new attitude I have gotten from sosuave (i think that is why we are exclusive now). I still plan on finishing bootcamp so I can improve myself
Awesome. You don't HAVE to finish. But what you do have to do is "fudge with the game now". The game isn't so clear in an LTR, just make sure to keep doing what yo u are doing to keep her inetersted (if that's what you want).
And trust me on this, don't stop visiting this site! That was my biggest mistake. You think you are on top of your game, and you don't even realize that it's begining to degrade.
Oh and also, your "anniversary" is actually the first date you went on in June, not when you decided to be exclusive.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Originally posted by nishbuk
Awesome. You don't HAVE to finish. But what you do have to do is "fudge with the game now". The game isn't so clear in an LTR, just make sure to keep doing what yo u are doing to keep her inetersted (if that's what you want).
And trust me on this, don't stop visiting this site! That was my biggest mistake. You think you are on top of your game, and you don't even realize that it's begining to degrade.
Oh and also, your "anniversary" is actually the first date you went on in June, not when you decided to be exclusive.
I dont plan on not visiting you guys, in fact, if it wasnt for you guys, I would still be a lonely AFC sitting around feeling sorry for myself. Even though I cant finish bootcamp, I still want FR's from you guys!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
I've officially lost the plot. Even after reading Krauss' "Fear" thread for the billionth time.

I went to town today (downtown) to do some stuff and was hell bent on getting rejected. But as soon as I got into town my mindset changed. To me, it felt as if every single person in the mall is a would-be audience. What happened to my fvckin balls? I was so self conscious. Somewhere along the lines of bootcamp I turned sour like 3 yr old milk. I feel so pressured.

I'm gonna start bootcamp again.

Sorry brothers. I've fallen. I still have a mission to complete though. And WILL be there in the end. So it's official. Tonight, a friday night, I will be giving people at the bar a smile, EC, and a Hi. Keeping things simple.

Week one, day one BC deja vu... :(


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by RBB
I've officially lost the plot. Even after reading Krauss' "Fear" thread for the billionth time.

I went to town today (downtown) to do some stuff and was hell bent on getting rejected. But as soon as I got into town my mindset changed. To me, it felt as if every single person in the mall is a would-be audience. What happened to my fvckin balls? I was so self conscious. Somewhere along the lines of bootcamp I turned sour like 3 yr old milk. I feel so pressured.

I'm gonna start bootcamp again.

Sorry brothers. I've fallen. I still have a mission to complete though. And WILL be there in the end. So it's official. Tonight, a friday night, I will be giving people at the bar a smile, EC, and a Hi. Keeping things simple.

Week one, day one BC deja vu... :(

Hey, man. I feel your pain. My confidence is starting to wane a little as well. Tell me, have you heard of Stephane? He has a seduction system that personally fits me better than a lot of the other guys (it is based in spirituality and creating a real emotional bond while still maintaining alpha status). Anyway, he has put together an mp3 that is supposed to be amazing for confidence. I think I am going to order it tonight - (or maybe right now?).

It is at http://www.ideagasms.com/content.jsp?c=products

The product is called "Moving Beyond Approach Anxiety! (And Other Fear-Based Emotions)"

Check it out



Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks fer the tip Sloops. I'll check it out and see if I can find a transcript of some sought.

I just remembered one of my mates has the whole (may sound stoopid) Tony Robins collection. I'll also check that out.

Once again, thanks for opening my eyes to that avenue. :)


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
It's a sunday today and I just got home. My mate and I spent some time in the mall in town (downtown), playing a rating game. We got our coffees and sat outside on the tables with fancy umbrellas. We were judging HBs purely on how they looked. It was great fun, and I realised how we both didn't have really REALLY high standards. It was just genuine fun seeing what would be GF material and what not. I was looking around us for a HB with a light (I'm still smoking), but there weren't any. Only old people smoking.

We finished up our coffee and headed to a mates place to lounge about. We ended up watching a Final Fantasy movie which hasn't been release yet and boy did it have some REAL great action scenes! I was pumped after the movie.

So my mate and I head back to town to have a pint before we head home. We got our pints and I headed off to find a dunny. I approach 2 HBs outside asking them the whereabouts of a toilet and they pointed to me in the right direction. Afterwards I find my mate and tell him to follow me outside to where the 2 HBs were. I introduced myself and my mate and thanked them. We grabbed the table next to them and talked about the movie with my mate.

The convo. between my mate and I got to the topic of how many standard drinks in a pint and we both had conflicting answers. So I decided to ask the 2 HBs. The first time I said "Excuse me", the one closest to me didn't hear me, so I made a point to say it louder. From then on the two HBS and I chatted a fair bit. No flirting, just a bunch of questions and background info. They weren't receptive but they weren't objective. I tried to include my friend a couple of times but he didn't say too much. It was a short but sweet convo that bounced me up from the slump I was in.

I turn and talk with my friend a bit and finish my drink. I get up and tell my mate that we should go home cos I'm gonna meet another friend at my place in 15 mins. So we both leave.

After when we were about to get in his car, my mate complimented me on how I was on a roll but should of said goodbye to the girls. I didn't mind not saying anything before we left and I didn't care to get their numbers or a rejection. I just smiled and thought to myself, "The light within me has now finally ignited once more...", and that was all I needed. :)


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
I won't be doing BC from the start. I'll pick up from week 3. 10 convos with HBs.

It's great to be back in the game.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by RBB
I won't be doing BC from the start. I'll pick up from week 3. 10 convos with HBs.

It's great to be back in the game.
Congratulations, man!

Good to have you back! :)



Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Alright field report time!!!

On Thursday I went to activities night at my school, and got 2 more convos with girls that I don't know. The were brown girls (which is fine with me). Hehe. I joined the a "brown person" social group to increase my social circle, so this should be good!

Got two more convos at a school function today. Cute Asian girls! I'll be pursuing one of them in the future if I so happen to see her. That's 10 for the week right there!

Then on saturday I went out to see one of my friends off whose leaving, and got 1 more convo. I finish the week with 11, but I still don't feel comfortable! WTF! Oh well. Time to move on, and push through. 10 rejections it is. I'm kinda ****ting my pants here, lol. DOO IT!!!

I still have to call that cold approach number that I got last week. I'll probably do that today.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by nishbuk
I still have to call that cold approach number that I got last week. I'll probably do that today.
Keep us posted!!! :D

Slade BR

Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
I began BC last Thursday, and I already have a terrible one experience.

To maintain EC was always easy, I am only having problems in saying HI. Up to now only I got to say two HI and I received the two back.

About the bad experience: today I was in a line for a contest, and that was enormous. There was a HB7+ in front of me, presenting many signs of interest. There were THOUSANDS different ways from me to begin a conversation, but I don't know because I was a fag and I didn't get. Gee! I was almost one hour in that line and I didn't go enough man for beginning a cold aproach. ****.
I am embarrassed of that, **** again!
I am sorry, promise that will get better.

PS: Excuse for poor English, I promise that will get better in the domain of the language too :p

Originally posted by RBB
I won't be doing BC from the start. I'll pick up from week 3. 10 convos with HBs.

It's great to be back in the game.
Good luck man!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Excellent!! Hey there Slade BR! Good to hear you are doing DJBC. Posting your experiences here is a great way to discuss them and encourage each other. After all we are all DJ soldiers marching side by side to destroy the enemy. The AFC within.

A few days ago I was in a slump. You could of said that I had fallen. If not for the words of fortitude from fellow brothers, I would have succumb to the enemy. Like a large pack of wolves, together we will stand. Devouring anything, everything in our path. If one should fall, a stronger wiser one will pick you up and once again we rule once more.

Muah ah ah ah AH.....!! *evil stare*
"Join usss..."

lol. Sorry mate. Welcome aboard.

As for your "one terrible experience", I think that was a good thing. A REAL terrible experience would be passing it off and not aspiring to better yourself. You being embarressed about a passing opportunity is a positive thing. It means that you have already advanced one step further. It proves you have the desire, that you are hungry to become a better man. So congratulations! Now the next step would be doing the exercises from BC making sure you build a solid foundation for the DJ within.