I am starting bootcamp monday.......


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Didn't realize how hard eye contact was. I tried it at Walmart today and involuntarily looked away every time. So I'm still at zero but now I know what I'm up against.

Confidence is a fickle thing, though: My stop before Walmart was to the bank where I had to argue with a manager about a $25 fee. I looked him straight in the eye and was confident, almost agressive even, and never skipped a beat in my arguments. The fee was reversed.

Why I can yell at a 40-year-old man about money but can't look a passing stranger in the eye is a mystery to me.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
lol. Well boston, atleast you know you got those iron balls somewhere in there. Glad to see you bring 'em out and whack that bank manager across the head. You were fighting for what you believe in! If you find it hard to give strangers EC, you could go to a mall and walk in the stores. Practise giving the store clerk EC and say Hi to them. They are paid to be nice to you, nothing should go wrong. The thing about shopping is the customer is always right, therefore you are put on a pedestal the moment you walk in.

Great to hear from ya Vibe. Just to confirm, will you be going ahead to pursue a LTR with this girl?


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
RRB, there's always been that divide in my life--plenty of things like the bank manager where the iron balls come out. I'm confident with negotiating discounts, interviewing, public speaking, teaching...

Looking back on the bank thing, the idea I had coming in was, this $25 fee was on top of my rent for a safe-deposit box. I'd go in and try to get the fee taken off. If they did, great, if they didn't, I'd close my box and go across the street. I came in, didn't hold back any punches, almost got the guy too pissed off to take off the fee so I toned it down. Then he said "I can take it off this one time..." at which point I responded "Okay, take it off this time then, that's what I came in for, but next time if you don't take it off I'll close my box." Got what I wanted, and the manager wasn't able to take the higher ground by sounding like he was doing me such a great favor.:kick:

So this--in theory--should be the same with women. You're not going to give me your phone number? Fine. There's nothing special about you. You are a commodity! [in the business sense--it's all the same, price is the only difference] I'll get a number from the next girl. Even if it takes me all ****ing day.

I want to have the same level of confidence with girls as I do with "business." It is a complete mystery to me how the rest of the world is exactly the opposite of me--comfortable with girls, but not with business.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Washington, DC
Originally posted by boston
It is a complete mystery to me how the rest of the world is exactly the opposite of me--comfortable with girls, but not with business.
Yeah, I don't know either. I am great with business. I have always been naturally charismatic and persuasive. But, for some reason, the women eluded me. If you are anything like I was, when you talk to women, you can even get them digging you without trying - just on how you phrase things. But then once you've got them attracted, you don't know what to do with them. I think the key here is to stop thinking in terms of the outcome. When you meet a woman, just act like you've known her for years. Forget that you want to bang her - focus on selling yourself to her (albeit subtly). It's simple, man! You've already got the tools - just change the product!

And RBB, I don't know that I will pursue a LTR with this girl. It seems like she might want one and I will have to handle that situation probably within the next week. I have come a long way in the last two months and I know there are a lot of women out there to be had. I love buffets...



Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by boston
So this--in theory--should be the same with women. You're not going to give me your phone number? Fine. There's nothing special about you. You are a commodity! [in the business sense--it's all the same, price is the only difference] I'll get a number from the next girl. Even if it takes me all ****ing day.
Dems is fightin' words. I like. Now this theory of yours is practised everyday by DJs and PUAs, so your theory is validated into FACT. It's interesting how in the real world you seem to have much more to lose when infact you have nothing in the beginning. You have to earn everything so you have everything to gain. Business is another story especially when it's yours :(.

Originally posted by Vibe
And RBB, I don't know that I will pursue a LTR with this girl. It seems like she might want one and I will have to handle that situation probably within the next week. I have come a long way in the last two months and I know there are a lot of women out there to be had. I love buffets...
Great to know you won't be jumping in the deep end just quite yet. :)


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Field report for the day

Went to the local mall, walked round and round for about an hour trying to make eye contact with people. Somehow it just wasn't working--I'd stare them down but they didn't even notice because their eyes were somewhere else; people have been trained by society not to look at other people, so it's hard to lock eyes.

One girl I almost got decent EC with. I could feel my blood pressure rising for that split second. Or maybe it was the beginnings of a heart attack...

Then I went into one of the department stores and crossed through the perfume department (which is normal because it's on the way to menswear). Plenty of waiting saleswomen there. Made a bit of EC and got some smiles but couldn't do the hi. Goddammit I need to keep trying...

Pass by this kiosk where some woman is trying to sell something by stopping passers-by. Made a mental note to come back, thinking of what to say. Went to a department store and walked back, right into her path.

"Excuse me, can I ask you a question?"
"For you, anything. How can I help?"
I don't think she even listened to what I had said (which is probably a good thing because it was crap), but just launched right into her shpeil. She sells nail products--she asked me for my hand and I got a good look at her. Gorgeous girl, had a slight accent that I couldn't place. I complied, figuring that this was a good opportunity to condition myself to touch--she held my hand for the rest of the conversation, which lasted a while as she went through her shpeil and started smoothing the ridges off of my middle-finger nail, explaining how the whateverthing worked. My goal was to just prolong the conversation as much as possible, basically to the point where I would get bored with a hot girl holding my hand (and therefore not get all worked up about it if it happened again in the future).

She held EC with me the whole time--someone trained her well, even though you could tell she was reciting a script.

At one point she mentioned something about her "horrible accent," and I said, "No, it's a beautiful accent. Where are you from?"


So I mentioned that my parents were from Israel and started speaking Hebrew with her. This impressed her, and she almost went nuts when she quoted the price of the product in Hebrew and I converted it to Israeli currency without skipping a beat. She continued her sales pitch in Hebrew, slipping to English sometimes because it had been memorized in English. She cut down the price a few times (I'm guessing that's also a normal sales tactic) as I continued to say I wouldn't be able to use it.

And here I probably should've gotten her number. But didn't. I just declined to buy and said thank you and left (after she let go of my hand). Then spent the car ride home being pissed at myself.

Two reasons why I thought she would have given me her number: (1) she wanted the sale, (2) as I found out later from my parents, that type of business is commonly run by Israelis and tends to hire foreigners without work authorization--so possibly she'd think she could get a green card out of the deal.

So, what would the rest of you have done in this situation?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
I got a date with a 74yo. Er.. post worthy? No. But I know you guys want details of how I got myself to this point.

My lawn is getting ridiculously out of hand. By out of hand I mean I wouldn't be suprised if I found some sunken treasure in there. Besides the point I'll admit I'm lazy and I can't get my prehistoric mower to work, probably no fuel. I ask a neighbour of mine which lawn care company he uses, to which he replies, "I'll do your lawn for ya". I back my way out of this awkward situation by saying the grass was so bad that it'll mess up his mower like it did to mine. He then told me the old lady next door to him uses -so and so- lawn cutters and introduces me to her. Now up to this point I had never said hello to her or even waved at her. To me, she is non-existant. Erg.. I'm re-living this moment. I don't think I can go on. Arg!

Anyway, so I say hello, introduce myself and fluff with her. She asked me how were my parents and what I was up to last weekend cos she saw some cars parked outside my house. I reply telling her about a boys night out, it's secret. I then make my intentions about the grass man clear. I want HIS number. She told me that she'll tell him to cut my lawn after his next visit. Thankfully and appreciative, I continue fluffing with her and asked her what she did on the weekend. OH MAN! What a mistake. She continued for the next 10 mins telling me about her social life and how active and "young" she was for her age. On numerous occassions I recall telling her that I didn't want to keep her waiting and I should head back inside of my house but she was SWIFT to continue crapping on about herself. *suspicious eyes* Too swift....

Somewhere in our conversation she mentioned something about ballroom dancing. Now, I remember reading a thread mentioning dancing lessons that'll help correct posture and stance. So naturally my interest level rose half a percent, as this was to do with my journey to self improvement. I said that it sounded interesting and she *swiftly* (haha, you love my writing style huh?) tells me she has 2 classes a week and that she'll take me on wednesday. She didn't ask!! What?!? She was so ALPHA! lol. I tell her that if I was to go, I'ld be at ease if I bought a friend of mine who was also a beginner. She tells me that there are many young girls there who are beginners and besides, she doesn't have a partner anymore. -I do wonder what happened to that young chap :woo:-

I'm gonna look so weird going there with an old lady but atleast the HBs there will be curious.. ehg.. I'm gonna barf. If I ditch her as a partner, I'll have no ride home either.

I'm gonna have 2 days to come up with an excuse. And it has to be a REAL good one cos she knows where I live.. Muahhahaha!!.... FVCK!

boston: Go back and make your intentions clear that you are interested in HER. Her job is to attract customers into buying a product so I imagine it'll be hard to tell what her intentions are... Get her to talk about herself more and tell her you'ld like to continue the conversation outside of work over coffee or something. I wouldn't go after someone trying to sell me something but goodluck!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Holy Moley.. I don't SEE a definite major change in me, but I KNOW I've changed. Since reading sosuave material, the DJB and skimming the forums for quality posts; I have a different aura about me. I AM HAPPY. I've invested in some weights, supplements, some new clothing and a funky haircut. Physically, in the few months I've been lurking around, I have noticed a drop in waist size and bulking up of my shoulder muscles.

But I have definitely changed mentally. I can feel it... I am nowhere near where I want to be and never will. I will always try to improve myself. But I have sosuave to thank for getting me this far. I finally am reaping my rewards...

So, anyways enough fluff around. This is what I came on to post about. As you know, I love my work. Getting a new job has allowed me to start fresh. To have a whole new persona. As charming as I am at this new workplace, I have a policy not to date or go out with any HBs from work. I continued on my merry way charming and flirting with ALL HBs. Nothing is unacceptable to me, it's all in the name of research and 'fun'. But all this fun has gotten me a 'date' with HB country. Today, for the first time in my life, a girl asked for my number. She said that she'ld like to meet up out of work before she leaves for another job.

But tell you what, I'm gonna flake. I'm not gonna go nowhere with her on the weekend. She has to earn that privilage. A weekday coffee will be more appropiate. And besides, I'm not looking for a LTR from her. I want something else.

What I've learn from this is that by showing everyone you are alpha and self content, people will come to you. They want to be around you. I've read a post on this somewhere here and now I have seen with my own eyes that it works. Oh and HB country can fit her fist in her mouth. She showed me during lunch today.

I just wanted to brag. That is all. :D


Ooh and also, something little but I told HB8 cashier at the supermarket to get a taxi for me.

HB: OK, where do you live?
Me: *******
HB: Oh, that's only a block down! You're lazy! -she must like me-
Me: Well these groceries are for a client of mine. -then she interupted, I was gonna say I was a "professional delivery boy" but I got lucky..-
HB: We have a delivery service already, what do you do?
Me: I'm a grocery gig-alo. -half way thru gigalo I couldn't contain myself. I cracked up laughing and luckily so did she-
HB: -coming off her laugh- We don't do THAT here. But good luck.
I then smiled and left.

Before I picked up my groceries and left, I should of offered my number and told her to contact me if she ever needed groceries. :p
Last edited:

el torro

Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
hey guys im a fairly new member, but ive been reading your progress from the start, and want to congratulate you on your succsses's i really enjoy reading your field reports, and wish you all the best i know you can all do it, remeber to keep it up, cos a soon as you drift it becomes harder, anyway guys GOOD WORK and GOOD LUCK!!!!!! and maybe one day i hope to attempt a BC of my own


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
RBB: Very happy for you--and definitely try the ballroom dancing out. I took some lessons back in high school so I could get more comfortable, err, "handling a woman" for lack of a better way to put it. It's one of those places where it's really easy to meet women because it's so normal to just walk up to the first person you see and ask them to dance with you. And for some odd reason nobody seems to care if you have no idea what you're doing.

I'm really curious (in a frying-an-ant-with-a-magnifying-glass kind of way) what would happen if you tried all of the textbook DJ moves on HB granny...

As for me, I'm still trying to belt out my "hellos" for week 1. I can (and have been) say hello to passersby until I'm blue in the face but I'm not managing to do it in a way that has them acknowledge my existence. I may need to reboot week 1.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Hahahah... oh sheez. I'm not gonna even think about touching HB granny. Ergh!

But I will go to ballroom classes next week. I just gotta make up some lame excuse for not going tonight.. Maybe an excuse like, "I'll feel much at ease with a friend. My friend can't make it so I feel quiet out of place. But she says she'll definitely go next week!". I know HB granny's gonna try and drag me out but I don't have the dancing bug tonight.

No work today so I had some spring cleaning to do. I'm buggered...

boston: You're gonna love week 2. I found week 2 easier and more enjoyable than week one. As long as you got the skills learnt in week one under your belt you will have no probs.

TiP: Bus stops are an excellent place to start week 2. I'm sure if your country is public transport friendly and SAFE, you'll have a few interesting conversations there. EC and Hi's are more difficult to initiate when the target is moving, ie: walking by. At the bus stop, they are already seated and I'm sure if you EC, smile, Hi and sit a few feet away they will be receptive. Goodluck!

And now.. back to my dishes.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Washington, DC
Guys, you are all doing awesome. I really love seeing how you transform over time. I can't wait to see Boston in three or four weeks. This site is truly a gift.

I am sorry I haven't been doing the bootcamp updates with you, but I have sort of grown tired of all the "DJ Ideals." I sometimes feel like I am turning into a "frat boy." All the stupid jokes and body language and affection for physical appearance, etc goes against a lot of my ideals. All the real people in my life - the artists and the musicians and the writers - they were my crowd and they were the people who didn't give a **** how you acted.

Sure, I learned how not to be an AFC (which is fantastic) but nobody told me I would get so absorbed into the game that I would forget about my art and my motivation. For a while here, my first thought in the morning was "who will I sarge today?" And then I would go out and attract some girl who I didn't even like and who didn't even really know me.

You know - in the past, I dated people who may not have been perfect 9s or anything, but they were the coolest f*cking chicks around. And these games didn't work on them because they didn't care about that sh*t. These tactics don't attract cool chicks. They attract insecure women who validate themselves using the sexual approval of men. F*ck that! This site is great for building confidence and learning how to be masculine - - but remember, being too alpha is just ridiculous. You will attract a certain kind of girl (and if that's the kind of girl you want, then cool). I want the smart, artistic women with ideas and motivation and REAL love to give.

Sorry - I meant to just congratulate you guys but this turned into a rant instead.

Anyway, you guys are doing a good job but I guess the point of this post is to say that you should NEVER, EVER, EVER let this stuff get in the way of who you are and who you want to be. Trust me - if you are your normal AFC self, you will still attract women (with confidence) and you will likely attract women who will truly love you past all the games and tactics. So I guess the basic premise is that these forums should help you get BETTER at being YOURSELF.



Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
HB country texted me tonite. "I'm gonna go clubbin' 2moro, hit me back if you're in town". I'll leave it till 2moro to call her. I'm not interested in a LTR with her.

When I call her, I'm thinking of saying something along the lines of, "Bring a friend for me ok?" c+f. Therefore if she does bring a friend for me, great! If she doesn't, I'll take it as a sign that she is the jealous possessive type and I'll play around with that. Should be fun.

Feedback, suggestions, "things to try out" are welcomed. I'm just gonna have fun with her.

Great to hear from ya Vibe!


New Member
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
1st week of bootcamp

Hi all,

been a week of bootcamp. whew! man this has been intense. I got to my 50 hi's a couple days ago, and have been starting the conversations a bit early. doing really well overall. this has been one of the most challenging and rewarding weeks of my life. I have so many stories I could tell about the last week and I was originally planning on it but I'm feeling lazy now. suffice to say it's been tragic and hilarious and exhillarating like the greatest epic adventure ever told (at least to me!) I have had moments of such intense fear - one day I was walking down the street with only 10 his on my 3rd or 4th day of bc and feeling so afraid of everyone and then I just started busting 'em out - the first few were dudes too. tuff lookin types LOL I looked right into their eyes and said HI! it was amazing the feeling I got afterwards. time and time again this last week I've come to crossroads where I can either lay down and die or face another moment of fear and live. I feel at times overwhelemed and there's some stuff I'm so lost on but I keep rmeinding myself im in my first week and easy does it. already I notice a huje difference in the way I'm perceived by all people especially women. I have approached many women in the last week and looked right into their eyes. only number closed a few times but did it with big balls and got good reactions even though no play. starting to see the value of im the prize and try to rmember that. realizing it's ok to attract women I'm not attracted to. just like they do lol. ive learned so many things i feel completely immersed in new feelings and thtoughts and realizations i have to take a deep breath at times and remind myself it's ok. I've already had a few great convos. I'm learning the art of listening and using what they say to keep them talking etc. there's so much to learn. anyway. THANK YOU ALL for being here and especially those who put together this site and the dj bible, boot camp etc. it's been a godsend. I'll post again when I come to the end of the 2nd week.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Welcome aboard! Good to know someone else is BCing. :wave:


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
FR: Bar hopping

So 6pm rolls by and HB country txts me saying that she's gonna head into town soon. I reply with a "bring a friend for me". She tells me that she's gonna let her hair down and relax, she tells me that she wonders if I'll like her friend, HB H a 21, beautiful, crazy single girl. She fluff txts a lot but I don't reply to them.

So I grab my mate Haz and tell him I'm gonna hook him up with HB country, an older lady, nothing serious. We cruise off and get to town in about 20mins. I call HB country and she's not even out of the house yet! So my mate and I have to wait at a bar and have some "head-start" drinks. HB H calls me and tells me that they're in town.
-it goes something like this-
HB H: Hey RBB, we're in town now. Where are ya?
Me: Stag -a bar-, sorry to leave ya behind. Haz and I already started some rounds without you. -I thought it was HB country- I brought a mate to keep you company, he's younger than ya but he's a crazy drunk. I'm sure you can let your hair down with him.
HB H: Why how young is he?
Me: 20, but he's doing well. Just bought a house not long ago.
HB H: Oh, that's not that bad. I'm only 21.
Me: -realises it's not HB country, nearly crapping my pants- Oh.. (pause) So you're HB H! I had the impression it was HB country. You girls are so tricky!
HB H: Oh I'm sorry... how rude of me.
Me: Don't be sorry, I'll get you back.
HB H: *laughs* Hey, HB country and I are about a block away from Stag.
Me: Good. We're about to head off.
HB H: Really???
Me: Oh, I'm gonna have so much fun with you... see you in 5!

I remember feeling great after that phone call. It went well me thinks. I tell my mate that they are about 2mins away and assess my body language and voice projection. He asks questions frantically about HB country like on the car trip to town. I tell him she's a friggin' giraffe and it's too late to back out now. :D

So as my mate Haz is asking me some hypotheticals I see the girls walk in thru the entrance. HB country is all made up tonight but still looks like a mature 29yo lady decked out in some white pants and teal top. But HB H was stunning! Not supermodel but above average. Blonde, 8 face, 7.5 body, a little puppy fat, black mini Von Dutch skirt, and red top. I remember a little "congrats" look/EC from my friend, haha. I stand up and extend my palm out facing upwards to HB H. I greet her and pull her hand in toward me a little. I do the same with HB country but I say to her, "Ooh, you're hands are soft", which is true! I intro my mate but he didn't make any attempt to shake hands. I tell them to take a seat. HB H says she'll grab a drink for her and HB C. HB C and I are talking about the nightlife here in the city and I get my mate into the convo by asking him what he thinks.

HB H comes back with 4 drinks, 2 beers and 2 lolly drinks. 1 for each person. I feel a bit weirded out but accept it cos I am the trophy. I ask her what beer is it.

Me: What beer is it?
HB H: Tooheys New. I just got the first beer I saw on tap.
Me: Well it's one of my favs. Good job, you've done research. HB C has been talking about me huh?
HB H: *smiles* A little..
HB C: I didn't say anything. -I now know what a bad liar looks like-
Me: Hahahaha.. you guys are really bad at lying.
HB C: Well have you been talking about us?
Me: -I look at my mate- Big time! :p

They both now try to milk out what we've said and I had to fluff my way out. After, I busily chat away with HB H and my mate talks with HB C. When we finish our drinks I suggest a change of venue. The whole night consisted of bar hopping and drinking and talking. After 4 places, 6 drinks and a lot of crap talk (background talk, hypotheticals, where you'ld be in 5yrs, fashion, clubs) we talk about a place to sober up. No one could drive. I ask to see if anyone is hungry but no one really was, so I suggest we head back to the car and just listen to some chillout music.

My mate's car is a 2 doorer so I head into the back seat 1st and HB H follows suit. Haz chucked on some soft rnb/pop crap and we all continue chatting, followed by some singing and followed by some gazing at the roof of the car and some awkward moments. lol. HB C in the front looks to be quiet and sleeping, and my mate is all quiet. I think everyone was just spaced out for a while. It felt like 10mins but I checked my watch and it was about 40mins!

Shya - Burgundy, a really sissy rnb song started to play and I decided to blurt out something. I turned to HB H who was looking at the roof of the car and she turned to look at me. Following some weird EC, I said to her that this is a nice song to brake up the moment. -I should of kiss closed her then!- She told me she hasn't heard of this song before. After the first verse and chorus I asked her what she thought the song was about. She said she didn't know, but she knew it was a sad love song. -No doubt she wasn't listening to the song but probably day dreaming like I was- I put both my hands behind my head and continue staring off into space. The roof. lol. I hear her move in closer so I lower my left arm around her and she rests on my shoulder. I never knew it would work in real life, it only happens in movies!! I slow my breathing and take deeper breaths, we lay like that for about an hour. I remember a lot of passerbyers looking at us.

I was probably the only one who didn't sleep, it was about 3:30am. Most cars around us had left and I was pretty much sober. I wake up HB C and then HB H, and ask them if they are ok to drive. HB C says she's a bit groggy but will be ok. I tell her that she shouldn't risk it and I opt to drive her car to her house. I wake my mate and tell him to drive to their little hatch. When we get to their car HB C hands me the keys but doesn't get out. Instead I tell my mate to get out so I can step out of the car. HB H follows me and I reaffirm her that I needed company. So I tell HB C that I'ld follow my mate. When I hop in the girl's hatchback, HB H changes the CD to some chillout music. :up: She obviously liked that moment before, but I have had enough, I was getting sleepy. The drive takes 15mins and was silent. I get out and HB H is still in the passenger seat, eyes closed. I see HB C say goodbye and peck my mate on the cheeks. I open the door for HB H and wake her up. She gets out slowly and I grab both her hands. I have a half arsed lame attempt at some mental kino with a groggy face. :D Ooh reeaally sexy... I tell her that it was a good night to hangout and that we had to do it next time. She asks for my number ! and txts hers to me. After we put away the mobiles I grab both her hands again and go in for a little peck on the lips. I was too tired to care or be nervous by now. I hand the keys to HB C and I walk to my friends car with a big goofy grin on my face. All in all, great night.


I'm lucky in the way they both asked for my number, the little "moment" in the car and HB H being open and engaging. I should of kinoed earlier but in the end it was the conversation that got her going. I pulled some c+f that night but held back neg hits, maybe I'll neg hit on the coffee date depending on how she looks and acts.

So now I've broken into HB C's little social circle and hope to expand it hanging out with new people and meeting new HBs without looking too conspicuous. HB C is more like a big sister to me now. There's nothing in it now. I'll call HB H on wednesday to set up a coffee date. The next few weekends I won't be trying to get her to come out. I want to be a little mysterious.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
resume Week 4: Need some recruits for support

I got thinking, why be exclusive? Why should I work on one girl in order to find a LTR. I have a right to filter as many girls I need to find one for me. So.. That is fukken IT! I AM gonna start BC from week 4 and STICK WITH IT! FVCK! How many break thrus do I need? I'm in my prime now, I don't need to waste anymore time.


I have no problems chatting to HBs 8+, I have no problems keeping the flow going. I have no problems with the approach. The only problem I have is I don't close.


We all have a common cause. It's easier to do it together, but I'll go Rambo if I have to. I'm in it for me. Now do it for YOU!


Went to the docs today cause I needed a certificate for not going to work. Had a chat to HB7 and HB8milf outside while waiting. Turns out we were the last 3 and HB7 was first to go in. I wanted to be mysterious and see if I could attract HB8milf even tho she had a golden band on. HB8milf was dressed in a black professional outfit, pinstriped pants and suit. After HB7 went in (without saying bye), there was a bit of a silence so I used the "I need a female's opinion on something" opener on HB8milf.

Me: I need a female's opinion on something. Do you think formal shoes that are slender at the tip would fit dressy jeans?
HB8milf: Oh yea, definitely.. Like the Italian style.
Me: Yeah like them.. Don't you think it'll look like cowboys boots though? I mean look at this pic of Colin Farrell.
-picks up woman's mag and hands it to her-
HB8milf: Oh yea.. it does.
Me: And it makes your feet look small. But I guess you won't be checking out other guys now huh?
HB8milf: Well if he's cute and my husband isn't there.
Me: Hahahaha.. So what would consider to be dressy jeans?
HB8milf: You know, you have everyday jeans and going out jeans. And they can't be faded, they have to look nice. -rubbing her thigh up and down when saying faded-
Me: Oh? All my going out jeans are faded. You buy em like that.. and they are pricey too. You're giving out fashion tips from the 80s. -c+f-
HB8mlif: Well you look good the way you are. I don't know what you young people are wearing these days.
Me: Well you dress quite well. Where do you work?
HB8milf: In ******** st.
Me: Me too! I had a sicky today so I need a certificate.
HB8milf: Oh, I'm just on a checkup. I just got off from work. So what do you do?
Me: Make DVDs blah blah.. In the ******* building.
HB8milf: The one next to *****?
Me: Yeah. Too bad I didn't go to work, I love it. I shouldn't of opened the windows last night before bed. Now I got bad hayfever.
HB8milf: My brother in law is like that. He suffers from bad hayfever too. He can't cut the lawn, he gets someone else to do it.
Me: Yeah me too. But I guess you're lucky, you have your partner to do that. -hoping that she'll mention she's married to a lazy prick-
HB8milf: Yeah.
Me: Does he charge by the hour?
HB8milf: Hahaha... no. Of course not!
Me: But I bet you have to pay him in meals huh? -hoping to start some hubby destroyer-
HB8milf: Well it's 50/50. -doc calls her- Ooh! That's me! Talk with ya later.
Me: Okies. (thinking how are you gonna talk with me later?)

I started to go downhill from me asking where she works. Shoulda stuck to the fashion bit. What she wears when she goes out. How it makes her feel, confident, beautiful etc.. Less talk about negative stuff like work, and more about her feeling good and what makes her feel that way.

What a hubby! Cooks, cleans, gardens.. while the wife is chatting to young guys like me. :D

Approaches: 2
Rejections: 0
Numbers: 0


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
This time it's for real. Guidance and support is granted if you need it so.

Beginners Start Here: Shezz and RBB take you on your Pathway to Self Actualisation

From now on I will only be posting my BC reports on that thread. As an example, there will be a "model" post for all you beginners. This will show you the correct way to post your reports. This way we can distinguish what week you are up to, your results, and what ensued on your pathway to FREEDOM. Furthermore it will be easier on the eye and we can clearly see what is a report and what is feedback.

All are encouraged to participate and all who have sound knowlegde are invited to help out. We are providing you something to learn off of. Giving you somewhere to report to.

BC is one way we can up the quality of sosuave. I don't know where the recent surge of idiots who give out advice has come from. They don't read the bible, they haven't done BC and they annoy the hell out of me.

We need to reclaim SS dignity. Now is the time. Let's build a solid foundation at sosuave. Starting with YOU.

Slade BR

Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Hey RBB, congratulations for everything you´re doing.

Serious, I hope you have a lot of luck (not luck, you are a DJ, doesn't need lucky;) ), and I know that you will win that war

I, unhappily, have A LOT OF, but A LOT OF thing to do lately and I cannot escape from those commitments to do BC. But I don't leave aside the training:

- Now I can maintain EC while I am speaking. I had NEVER managed to do that.
- I teased several girls' in the first convo and made them laugh .
- Last Sunday I kissed (and much more) a HB7+ and I didn't had sex because I was of ride :(
- And, lately, I am working more in my social circle. I don't let to pass an opportunity to go out and 'interact socially.'
