I am starting bootcamp monday.......


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Wow. I was drunk when I wrote my last post, but the basic premise still stands. Treat UBCBs like they are your target and ignore them, hot-cold, hot-cold.

Anyway, I went to a party yesterday with a bunch of brown people and ****ed up bad. The first girl I talked to, I danced with and for some reason she wasn't feeling it, and left. Even though she was giving massive kino signals. She wasn't that cute so I didn't really care.

Then I met another 3-set at the bar, and of course opened the girl that wasn't my target. My target kepy yelling, "I need some water!" at the bar, and the barkeep, so I neg hitted her real quick, to her friend: "Wow. This girl is so demanding isn't she?".
"Giggle. Haha yeah. That's how she is."

At that point I should have made a shift to start talking to the girl that was my target, but instead I kept neg-hitting her, cause I thought it was fun. lol. I took it one step too far, and drove her away. Girls that aren't SMOKIN hot, only have so much confidence you can break down. :p I managed to talk to her by the end of the night, but I had too much too drink. I didn't get a number because I didn't ask. (WOW. I'm an idiot!)

And finally there was this other girl that I danced with the entire night. Cool girl, kinda cute, but goddamn did I screw that the **** up. Funny thing is, as bad as I screwed it up, I think she's still interested. lol. I guess you can make alot of mistakes when the girl has high interest. Basically I danced with this girl for like 2 hrs, (wwwwaaaaayyy too long) and didn't even attempt to dance with other girl, we talked almost the entire night, and I, in my drunkness tried to be unavailble by going and talking to my "friends". (lol. Bastards left.)
Then for some reason, I gravitated like a magnet back to her and her buds on the dance floor. Wow. What the **** was I doing? Lol.

Then to make matters worse, I went to her house with her her three roomates, and one of her roomates boyfriends, and hung out there. ( I know one of the girls better than I know the girl I was dancing with. And her boyfriend). I stayed there till FIVE AM. WTF! Finally I decided to leave, but her friend saw me to the door, and I had no chance to isolate. I couldn't get her number...sigh. She's in one of my classes so maybe if I ever get her alone, I'll grab her digits. I'm REALLY going to have to freeze out this girl when I see her though. I was acting like a ****ing tard. Man alcohol is SO not good for sarging. You shouldn't need altered states of mind to hit on women.
Oh well...Going out again tonight. Should be better I hope. All in all though, I can't really complain, because I did meet alot of people, and now when I go to another one of these events I shoudl know alot more people and have much more social proof.

Blatant truth

Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
Enough time has been wasted...

I'm 25, in the prime of my life, it's time to step my game up...

I'm starting bootcamp today. I've done my readings, now I'm going to combine the first two exercises. I'll Let you guys know how it goes, later.


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Enough time has been wasted...

Originally posted by Blatant truth
I'm 25, in the prime of my life, it's time to step my game up...

I'm starting bootcamp today. I've done my readings, now I'm going to combine the first two exercises. I'll Let you guys know how it goes, later.
Glad to have you! Good luck on your journey! It's not neccessarily an easy one, but nothing worth having is.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Washington, DC
Originally posted by nishbuk
All in all though, I can't really complain, because I did meet alot of people, and now when I go to another one of these events I shoudl know alot more people and have much more social proof.
And besides that, it's good to remind yourself that everytime you f*ck up, it just brings you one step closer to success.


darth yoda

Don Juan
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
a galaxy far, far away
Ok, day one of bootcamp, I established eye contact and said hi to 18 strangers. I split up my time between uni and the mall.

I noticed people in school were more receptive to ec than in the mall. I also noticed that if I didn't smile when I looked at people initially, they just glanced and looked away, where if I smiled, I got their attention for a longer time span.

I had fun walking up to random women in the dept stores asking for "a females opnion" on clothing. They got real chatty.

I definitley feel more at ease and less insecure about this project now that I'm into it. It's amazing how most of us don't have strong ec with strangers, just glance and look away, if they glance at all.

I know it's a long way to go, but I'm starting to feel comfortbale in my own skin.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Hi. I know (most) of you guys have already come far in your BC training, but I've decided to join anyway. I'll start from the beginning though. I've read most of this thread and it's very inspirational as it seems like most of you have become more confident.

Boring info; (you prolly wanna skip this, but I'll write it anyways as i have nothing better to do...)

I've always felt very confident (for unknown reasons :p) and basically seen myself as a catch in the past. This however all changed after a tough break-up with my ex-girlfriend about 7 months ago. We stayed together for several years and it all went to **** when i started taking her for granted in the end. I'm more or less over her now, but the thing that bothers me is that my success with girls these past months has been all but great. I'm much more insecure, i feel less confident, rejections are tougher to take and i feel like i've really lost my "mojo" and will never land a decent chick ever again..
I met my ex when i was 18 and she was 15. So i felt like i had a "psychological" advantage in my pursuit of her. I wasn't really interested in the beginning which made me do and act just the way the bible tells us to. ****y & funny, being a man, willingness to walk away etc etc. She has changed alot over these past years and even though she was nice when i met her, she is a real bombshell now. Long blond hair, slim body, tanned, classy and a very pretty face with the cutest smile ever. Yeah, she's cool aswell. Not that bright though ;D Thing is, she kinda sat the standard. I now feel that the only reason she was interested in me was that i got her to love me when she was young and didn't know better. And now i can't get anything that nice. I think she was an HB7,5...But my scale is pretty strict. I don't believe a 10 exist, nor have i seen more than a handfull 9's in rl. I live in norway so the girls are generally very nice and there is far between the uglies...


I feel like a real AFC now. When i get to know a girl and she shows the slightest interest I think i try to move too fast and come of as desperate. Which by the way i am!
The thing that makes me most insecure is the fact that I'm afraid that i bore the girls. That my conversational skills sucks and that i don't say things that makes them want to know more about me. Maybe i say too much. I dunno. I've done lines, routines, elicting values, etc but it doesn't work on the girls i want. I have less problems getting the girls i don't want. I'm kinda picky and i think you should be. I've gotten a few numbers and connected somewhat with at least one girl these last months but she LJBF'ed me. I got her interested, went on a few dates, kissed, light KINO and then after one (boring) date she said that she wasn't interested in me as anything other than a friend. Which is fine as I'm not interested in a LTR but I wanted that to be MY decision, not hers...+ I wanted to tap that ass ;P

So, I really want to be able to get girls interested in me. Be a catch. Rebuild my confidence. Increase my options. I don't ever think I've gotten a girl to actually fall in love with me (except my ex..and maybe some uglies), so that tells me that I must be doing or saying something terribly wrong. I know I've complimented girls on looks, telling them how beutiful and sexy they are( being a TRUE AFC) etc. That ends here. I wanna change my life. Someome once said; "Keep doing what you've always done, and you'll keep getting what you've always gotten"! I think that's a fvucking awesome quote and I intend to do something about it.

I think I look ok, hopefully above average. But I'm kinda short (about 5'6) and i feel that is a huge factor as to why I'm not so confident. Girls in norway are tall, as are the guys. I think some women write me off by default due to my height. I think it's hard to come of as the Alpha Male when you don't have the height. Hopefully I'll improve on other areas so that it won't matter as much. I shower, I wear nice clothes, I fix my hear, I use deodorant. I do pretty much all i can do in that area :) I'll start working out more, get a tan and try to improve as much as i can to get a higher confidence and feel better about my looks. I used to be very self-concious(?) about my acne, but I'm taking care of that now..so my face is almost totally cleared up. This is by far THE most confidencebooster i can get imo. It's really hard to look girls in the eyes if you have acne..seriously.

I'm going to start boot camp tomorrow. I'll initiate EC and try to get a few Hi's. I think it's all about the state of mind. I know it's really easy to plan while sitting in front of the computer and NOT so easy while walking the streets.. I'll write my reports here and hopefully get pointers and maybe even give some inspiration to others. I believe that with enough practice you can be good at anything. If you have some talent by nature aswell, you can be great. I believe that also applies when it comes to scoring chicks!!

Sorry about the truly boring life-story and all the blabber about myself, but I just wanted to introduce myself to all of you future DJ's :)

Let's do it!!


A true AFC
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Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Ill do it with ya!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Finally gotten some net time after I knocked off work today. I never did see HB milf again after our initially meeting, but no regrets! I made a good impression. After today I'm gonna chill on the flirting, HB shorty is getting jealous. She didn't follow me around like last week. But I couldn't care less.

Spent the long weekend catching fish, ocean variety. So no new updates for you. But great to see nishbuk not giving a bull in all his drunken rampage. :D

It's great to see some more people doing BC. I remember reading some BCs without any intention of joining, but it was the inspiration and fun of it all that motivated me to sign up. I haven't regretted anything since. It's a rollercoaster at times but I've become a better person. I can relate to \O/ in a way. I used to take care of my appearance but neglected what was inside. Since my time at ss, people I used to know have mentioned that I've changed. And I sense a hint of jealousy there which I am proud of. :p

Cheers on the UBCB tip nishy, I'll look into it.


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
In between her legs!

I am reading this book and it mentions mystery. I have been reading materials from Ross Jeffries...years ago, but never understood the scope of what was being taught. I knew that there was some credibility to what I was reading, but I never knew how to apply it.

I would like to hear the feedback on the bootcamp session. Is it the one being offered by Mystery? Anyway, I hope to learn a lot from this board...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Yes, bootcamp.

Congratulations on your 1st post. You're gonna love it here.

Firstly you will find that most questions can be answered by clicking on the link in the right side of the header. It has a wealth of information regarding what this site is all about and a free, yes FREE! copy of the bootcamp program for download.

In -the archive- section of this forum you will find the original weekly BC threads, which is an excellent read. It has posts from participants of BC and their results. As you will see BC is a path to bettering yourself as a DJ by eliminating the fears and social anxieties surrounding the opposite sex. I found that by starting BC I have concentrated on conditioning myself mentally and physically to be a better man. It has been a beneficial journey for me and so far, a really fun one. Personally I feel more of an understanding and respect for women. On my path to becoming a DJ I have learned that women and men are equals, whereas before I found this site I had put every single women on a pedestal seeing all women as goddesses hence isolating me from females and subjecting myself to a fear to approach.

This site is a community of people who have questions and answers regarding how to improve oneself, but because it is a community, some information may be not creditable. It isn't rocket science to see what works for you and what doesn't but here you can take what you need and give what you can.

Goodluck bro!


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
In between her legs!
thanks a million....i saw it in the 40 year old virgin...don't put the ***** on a pedestal...

well i hope i can recruit some friends and a do BC and see results and learn from mistakes.

how many of you experienced are in LA?


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Lol. That girl that I danced with at friday night's party was funny. I saw her in class and she gave me this big smile, and said "HIII!!!!!". And then when I looked at her, she got insecure and ran away. Her friend who is trying to hook me up with her for some reason, stayed and talked to me for a good 10 mins. Goddamn, her friend is cute as hizzil.


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by \O/
Hi. I know (most) of you guys have already come far in your BC training, but I've decided to join anyway. I'll start from the beginning though. I've read most of this thread and it's very inspirational as it seems like most of you have become more confident.

Boring info; (you prolly wanna skip this, but I'll write it anyways as i have nothing better to do...)

I've always felt very confident (for unknown reasons :p) and basically seen myself as a catch in the past. This however all changed after a tough break-up with my ex-girlfriend about 7 months ago. We stayed together for several years and it all went to **** when i started taking her for granted in the end. I'm more or less over her now, but the thing that bothers me is that my success with girls these past months has been all but great. I'm much more insecure, i feel less confident, rejections are tougher to take and i feel like i've really lost my "mojo" and will never land a decent chick ever again..
I met my ex when i was 18 and she was 15. So i felt like i had a "psychological" advantage in my pursuit of her. I wasn't really interested in the beginning which made me do and act just the way the bible tells us to. ****y & funny, being a man, willingness to walk away etc etc. She has changed alot over these past years and even though she was nice when i met her, she is a real bombshell now. Long blond hair, slim body, tanned, classy and a very pretty face with the cutest smile ever. Yeah, she's cool aswell. Not that bright though ;D Thing is, she kinda sat the standard. I now feel that the only reason she was interested in me was that i got her to love me when she was young and didn't know better. And now i can't get anything that nice. I think she was an HB7,5...But my scale is pretty strict. I don't believe a 10 exist, nor have i seen more than a handfull 9's in rl. I live in norway so the girls are generally very nice and there is far between the uglies...


I feel like a real AFC now. When i get to know a girl and she shows the slightest interest I think i try to move too fast and come of as desperate. Which by the way i am!
The thing that makes me most insecure is the fact that I'm afraid that i bore the girls. That my conversational skills sucks and that i don't say things that makes them want to know more about me. Maybe i say too much. I dunno. I've done lines, routines, elicting values, etc but it doesn't work on the girls i want. I have less problems getting the girls i don't want. I'm kinda picky and i think you should be. I've gotten a few numbers and connected somewhat with at least one girl these last months but she LJBF'ed me. I got her interested, went on a few dates, kissed, light KINO and then after one (boring) date she said that she wasn't interested in me as anything other than a friend. Which is fine as I'm not interested in a LTR but I wanted that to be MY decision, not hers...+ I wanted to tap that ass ;P

So, I really want to be able to get girls interested in me. Be a catch. Rebuild my confidence. Increase my options. I don't ever think I've gotten a girl to actually fall in love with me (except my ex..and maybe some uglies), so that tells me that I must be doing or saying something terribly wrong. I know I've complimented girls on looks, telling them how beutiful and sexy they are( being a TRUE AFC) etc. That ends here. I wanna change my life. Someome once said; "Keep doing what you've always done, and you'll keep getting what you've always gotten"! I think that's a fvucking awesome quote and I intend to do something about it.

I think I look ok, hopefully above average. But I'm kinda short (about 5'6) and i feel that is a huge factor as to why I'm not so confident. Girls in norway are tall, as are the guys. I think some women write me off by default due to my height. I think it's hard to come of as the Alpha Male when you don't have the height. Hopefully I'll improve on other areas so that it won't matter as much. I shower, I wear nice clothes, I fix my hear, I use deodorant. I do pretty much all i can do in that area :) I'll start working out more, get a tan and try to improve as much as i can to get a higher confidence and feel better about my looks. I used to be very self-concious(?) about my acne, but I'm taking care of that now..so my face is almost totally cleared up. This is by far THE most confidencebooster i can get imo. It's really hard to look girls in the eyes if you have acne..seriously.

I'm going to start boot camp tomorrow. I'll initiate EC and try to get a few Hi's. I think it's all about the state of mind. I know it's really easy to plan while sitting in front of the computer and NOT so easy while walking the streets.. I'll write my reports here and hopefully get pointers and maybe even give some inspiration to others. I believe that with enough practice you can be good at anything. If you have some talent by nature aswell, you can be great. I believe that also applies when it comes to scoring chicks!!

Sorry about the truly boring life-story and all the blabber about myself, but I just wanted to introduce myself to all of you future DJ's :)

Let's do it!!


A true AFC
I had nothing better to do, so i read all of that crap. Anyway... this is my first post and i am starting my boot camp tomorrow. I am kind of excited and nervous, but whatever. I hope you do well tomorrow, wish me luck as well. And to all the other members - i'm glad to be joining this board.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Thunderstorms outside today, I think this week is gonna suck but that won't stop me at work tomorrow! My motto; Yes, no, go! Will be in full effect. I won't hesitate if she's acceptable. And nothing is unacceptable..

nishbuk: Awww... she's so cute! Being shy and all. I guess nishbuk is way too playah fer her. lol. Good on ya bro. Make yourself available to all of em!

Vasa: Goodluck on BC! We're glad you could join the clan.

thefuture: I live about 40mins away from LA but won't be up there until December. I'm sure if you look around in -The Wingman Forum- you'll find some people that'll be more than happy to let you pick their brains.


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
In between her legs!
cool deal ... RBB have you guys read the book The Game? I just got my hands on a copy and it is awesome...it combines the experiences of Mystery and Ross Jefferies...

i thought it was great!

well glad to have made it to this forum.

happy hunting!


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Said "Hi" to 3 strangers today, damn, its harder than i thought!
Pretty sure i'm gonna do much better tomorrow!


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
I'm starting out with \O/ as well--first day is tomorrow!. We started up another thread (The October Bootcamp) for people just starting since you guys were already so far along, but this is a good thread to repost what I'm about:

I'm 21, going to school in the Boston area, studying business. Having a reasonably smooth senior year so far, and applying for jobs is about the only bumpy part of it. Classes aren't that much of a problem and I've taken care of many of my other timesinks (such as scaling down job hours), so this is a good time for me to be doing this.

I consider myself a BAFC, possibly even a WBAFC--never had a girlfriend in my life, can't dance, kissed girls so few times that I can remember each instance--you get the idea. When I hear about parties I feel compelled to work on my tax homework. So this isn't just a shyness with girls, it's all around. When it comes to business though, I don't have that shyness: I can speak comfortably in public, have no problem sharing my opinion in classes (which I do often), and have a knack for getting customer service employees to do anything I want them to do. So the potential is there, just not harnessed right now.

Tuesday's an easy day for me so I'll be reading a lot on the site. Game time starts Thursday, the next easy day for me, and continues throughout the weekend (we have Columbus Day off which gives me an extra day).


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Dudes I'm so excited! I totally rule at my new workplace!! I wish you guys were there to see my magic. Although HB shorty has moved to another department, I didn't put all my eggs in one basket. Lucky I have other investments :D.

1st off, on the bus to work... I found out that I still find it hard to give a stranger EC for more than 4secs. An attractive lady on the bus this morning was either staring at me or past me, but I had to break EC off cos it was getting creepy. Both of us didn't even manage a smile. If she was flirting, she has a weird way of doing it. Or maybe she has a secret life of being a dominatrix. I couldn't bring myself to smile at her, she had a really neutral face. -Cold. Hard. B*tch.- :p. But it's great to know I'm being checked out by older women heh.

Now, on to work! There was a new HB there today, let's call her HB country. She's about 10 yrs older than me but because of my social proof in the workplace she warmed up to me. She was infatuated with me. While the supervisor wasn't there in the afternoon, I later would find out that I could make the most of this.

I approached her outside while she was smoking and fluffed talked a little. It went from fluff to personal to our ambitions. I didn't predict we would spend the WHOLE lunch break talking. It was like I was a bestfriend of hers. She would not shut up! And I loved every single second of it. HB milf did come out briefly during lunch to have a smoke and I introduced them to each other :p. Some guy came out to smoke and HB milf started to talk to him about some crap. I saw past this and knew she was trying to value herself in my eyes. She didn't even say goodbye when she left! Haha!! I got her eating outta my palm now!

About an hour had passed and we (HB country and I) went back into the building to continue work. I didn't see her much inside as I was busy making phone calls to contacts. But when it was time to clock off she came up to me and asked if I was hungry. -come on! she knew I would be!- I told her that I was tired and was gonna go home to cook. She smiled and told me I was gonna miss out on some great soup at "some place I can't remember", I laughed it off and told her to tell me if it was any good. I don't want any dates from my workplace environment. I'ld rather have something out of work to game. But I do enjoy my new found status and will continue running different styles of games with different HBs. I don't want to lead anyone on but I am doing so so well!

This new job has been a blessing. It has built an unbreakable confidence inside me and has further advanced the DJ within. At the same time, I think I might die from lung cancer after all the ciggarettes I have smoked at work.

thefuture: I haven't picked up a copy but I will look into it.

boston: Keep posting and we'll keep reading! Glad more and more people are marching out of the AFC darkness to do BC.

Vasa: lol, it's cool. You'll find you use it more and more with ease. I always give EC with a smile to people while walking down the street. If they smile back, I say Hi. I probably did it 5-8 times today. A man in his 40s said "Good afternoon" to me today and it broke my train of thought. I remember thinking that I didn't know him but he seemed really confident and happy. Imagine what effect you would have on women. You could be their highlight of the day! :)
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Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Washington, DC
Hey, guys. I just thought I'd update (to remind you, I used to be Sloopy).

So that girl I met at the party and took out a bit later - I have been seeing her every weekend since. I have an interesting relationship with her - one part hook-up, one-part friendship, 0 parts commitment. We haven't discussed the commitment factor, but I know it is going to have to come up. The reason this happened, friends, is because she withheld sex. And, of course, wanting what I couldn't have, I stuck around until she gave it up. Be wary, fellows....Sticking around "just long enough to bang her" is a great way to find yourself wrapped up in a committed relationship. Interestingly enough, I think I have been doing all the right things. After we f*cked for the first time, we were talking a little about when the last time we had sex was. For her, it had been about two months. When she asked me how long it's been for me, she tacked on "like 6 hours or something?" So apparently even through all my little AFC comments like "I'm glad I met you," and "You know...you're a sweet girl...," she still maintained the idea that I am some sort of pimp. Sure, maybe she was ust fishing for confirmation that it's been a while for me also. She got the truth instead.

Anyway - so I have been testing out different things within the confines of a relationship. These are things that I had never used before, even in relationships, but came as a natural product of my DJ mentality. These were things like calling her petnames like "sweetie," "baby," and "dollface." When I started doing these things, she warmed up to me a lot. She started doing those cute "relationship things." Her comfort level with me went through the roof. From what I can tell, petnames like that give her the butterfly tingles and make her get all gooey on me.

Another thing I tried that REALLY got her. This technique is the sh*t. I learned from an ex-girlfriend. She would do it to me and, the other day, on a whim, I decided to try it with this girl. It is meant to be used in combination with the "boyfriending" technique. (the boyfriending technique consists of picking fake eyelashes or eye-crusties off of a girl's eyes to put her in a frame of having 'intimate comfort' with you.) So here's how it works.

1. When you see an eyelash on her eye, tell her "hold still" and then pick it off. Hold it between your thumb and forefinger and just say "top or bottom." She'll look at you weird for a second and then say either "top...?" or "bottom...?"

2. Then you pull your fingers apart. If the eyelash is stuck to the finger that she said it would be on, you tell her, "make a wish." If it is on the wrong one, tell her "aww, better luck next time" and then drop mention of it (this will make her REALLY interested in what it is next time you try it).

3. I she tries to make the wish out loud, cut her off and tell her it has to be a secret. Then, when she makes the wish, have her blow the eyelash off your finger. This works really well as an anchor for your intimacy. After you do this once, then the next time you do it, she will know exactly what to do. It will make her feel very close to you and she will almost ALWAYS snuggle up to you afterwards. Be CAREFUL though. This kind of thing can get her really attached.

I know this sounds really AFCish but I guarantee it works. Let me know if you guys try it!

(A better version of this tip has also been posted in the "DJ Tips" section.)

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Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
That eyelash thing was amazing. I'll remember that for later. I always try to use the boyfriending teqhnique by i.e touching her hair and brushing off run-away mascara.

I really liked the eyelash-"trick" though...