I can somewhat relate to this thread (although I wouldn't go as far as to say I nexted solely because sex didn't happen soon enough)
In college, I nexted a girl in one of my classes after I dated her for a week. She went beyond merely being prude about sex. She said she'd never let me so much as touch her backside. That's "next" material (the fact she was incredibly strange, even by my standards, also made her "next" material)
More recently, summer of 2023, I had one date with a woman (and had a tentative 2nd date lined up). I nexted her before the 2nd date happened. I didn't "next" her because sex hadn't happened yet; I nexted her because I could sense sex would never happen. You could call the nexting a mutual nexting; I could tell the woman was getting tired of me (she started giving me attitude a mere 4 days after our 1st date)
Then here's another story from college (this time, the story is a story of a woman putting out too easily). Being 21 and horny, I agreed to a 3 day weekend at my place with woman I met on datehookup (a website; not sure if it still exists). I couldn't even make it to the end of day 1 before nexting her (after we had sex 3 times). I learned a lesson: Don't over-commit to a woman you haven't even met in person yet.
The woman I nexted before the end of day 1 had mentioned she had a track record of getting nexted after 1 date. I know why. She was a 4/10 on the looks scale, probably weighed 250 pounds, and wasn't enjoyable to be around for an extended period. Men simply viewed her as easy cooch.
In college, I nexted a girl in one of my classes after I dated her for a week. She went beyond merely being prude about sex. She said she'd never let me so much as touch her backside. That's "next" material (the fact she was incredibly strange, even by my standards, also made her "next" material)
More recently, summer of 2023, I had one date with a woman (and had a tentative 2nd date lined up). I nexted her before the 2nd date happened. I didn't "next" her because sex hadn't happened yet; I nexted her because I could sense sex would never happen. You could call the nexting a mutual nexting; I could tell the woman was getting tired of me (she started giving me attitude a mere 4 days after our 1st date)
Then here's another story from college (this time, the story is a story of a woman putting out too easily). Being 21 and horny, I agreed to a 3 day weekend at my place with woman I met on datehookup (a website; not sure if it still exists). I couldn't even make it to the end of day 1 before nexting her (after we had sex 3 times). I learned a lesson: Don't over-commit to a woman you haven't even met in person yet.
The woman I nexted before the end of day 1 had mentioned she had a track record of getting nexted after 1 date. I know why. She was a 4/10 on the looks scale, probably weighed 250 pounds, and wasn't enjoyable to be around for an extended period. Men simply viewed her as easy cooch.