You shouldn't see the mask as a literal mask.
You think I'm cultivating a bad-boy mask. I'm not. I grew up with violence and was volatile and violent in my late teens to early twenties, which happened some three decades ago. You don't know me, you look at some photos, I have an eyepatch, so probably I'm roleplaying as a pirate. Probably to seduce women, because why else would I be here on this forum. The fact that you think I'm 'cultivating' a certain 'imago' shows that you view me from a male/competitive perspective.
Most women understand that I'm not wearing an eye patch to role-play as a pirate, but that I need to cover my eye because of a severe medical condition; photophobia in a damaged eye that requires absolute darkness. The leather eyepatch allows me to open my left eye in darkness so I don't have to squint with my right eye.
While some of them might think I look like a former badass, I'm a divorced father taking care of two kids, and that is not what a 'bad boy' does. Also, I don't solve issues through violence, like I did in a distant past. Bad boys brawl. I only fought for survival and I don't need to anymore, because I found other ways to deal with conflicts.
Women look at me from a female perspective, they see a divorced father devoted to his children to provide them with a safe haven. And they see me as safe. Most of them don't know of my violent past and would frankly be surprised that I used to be volatile and violent. The feedback I get is that they feel safe because I'm capable and relaxed and confident in pretty much every situation. I'm not volatile, so I won't hurt them, not even unintentionally, because I'm in control of my emotions and reactions. I'm charming and well-liked in my social circles, I'm not threatening and I'm only intimidating to people with bad intentions.
And I'm here to do my own research for my novels, not because I'm incapable of interacting with and bonding with women.
With that out of the way, let's return to the subject of masks and congruence testing:
From my perspective, I see a distinct difference in the frequency and quantity of congruence testing between my lovers and my PTSD clients:
My lovers test maybe once or twice in the beginning of the relationship, after that I'm rarely tested or challenged, except when they themselves start doubting their own congruence.
My PTSD clients test constantly, because they exist in a state of permanently doubting their own congruence. Their mask are wildly disparate from their identities and as a result they cannot believe that someone else 'has their sh!t together'.
If that is correct, when your behaviour is congruent and the woman's behaviour is congruent, the testing will be limited; but when the testing continues unabated and you know you're congruent and your mask is close to your essence, then you're probably dealing with a woman who isn't congruent. Whatever she shows is not what she is. And because she cannot trust herself, she cannot trust you, and will keep on testing for external congruence in the absence of internal congruence.