ChrizZ said:
why do you think it is bad if women have sex before marriage?
"Marriage" is a final commitment to maintain her and her/your offspring - and it does not mean a "legal" document!
Why is horing bad before marriage? At the simplest level,,the reason is because "sex", "intercourse", produces "offspring", a "life form"!!!
When you produce a life form, you and her are responsible for the upbringing of that child, but since the man merely sees his sexual encounter as a conquest and not as a life long responsibility, he does not feel the need to take on the responsibility of fatherhood! He just wanted sex from the hor and did NOT want a child or a life long commitment to the mother of the child!!! This brings chaos into the world!!!! And since America has embraced the hor, and empowered her, we have chaos!! Look out yonder through your window - there are tens of millions of examples that verify what I say!!!
Sex is is not a pleasure-seeking device!! It is a pro creative force!!!!
Our nature, as men, are to pursue that which we visually desire! The woman has the duty to determine whether her pursuer is worthy of her attention for the sake of her and her offspring!!!
Hors (unmarried sexually active females) are concerned with their own satisfaction and have total disregard for their offspring from their sexual escapades!!! Sex before marriage for the woman is done out of lust and not out of love!!!
All love has commitment at it's core!!! The sexual act is done for her personal gratification and not for commitment to her offspring - which is at the root of the sex act!!!
The nature of a woman is one of reserve and caution to whom she accepts as a potential father to her offspring. Through mass media, this nature has been seen as "old fashion" and thus outdated - but the nature of a thing never changes - perception, through influences, changes - but not it's nature!!!
Is this understood?