Victory Unlimited said:
Can you give me just a few of the telltale signs that a woman who is OUT OF SYNC with her true femininity will exhibit the very first time she meets a romantically interested man?
Thanks in advance for your answers, soldier.
OK VU - sorry for the delay, but I have to be in a certain mood to answer deep questions, and the mood has struck me to answer your question to the fullest extent. As stated in my previous post - it is when she wants to be in control/in charge over the male that is the most obvious sign that she, the woman, is out of sync with her femininity. I'm not talking about women who take control when the man fails to do his manly duties - she then must fend for herself!
There are many telltale signs that show us men that something is wrong with the woman who we are pursuing. We see these incongruent mental quips right away - that is those of us who have eyes to see and ears to hear - but, we, men sometimes ignore the real! The real being the congruence of the physical world (what we see, feel, and hear) to that of the non-physical world - our hearts and minds, and all that reveals truth!!l
We sometimes pursue and grasp for the "imagined" and not the real because, it seems in today's world, our imaginative creation is much more pleasant than the reality! In this false imaginary delusional state, the man always falls and he falls to low depths. But it is due to his embracing the false imagined entity over the real thing that is the cause of his pain and solitude - it is not the woman's fault!
Men were blessed with reason - the highest power - for him to abandon this great mechanism of power for an imaginary thing and world, that he himself created - with the help of mass media - a world where a woman's imagined physical beauty surpasses his world of reason, is a choice that he voluntary made; thus, he made his own miserable reality by being beholden to the false entity that he himself imagined!! Haha, creating a reality from an imaginary, that is not real, (does not exist) will always lead to hardships and failure!! Embrace all of reality - "truth" - and not that which you desire or believe, or want to believe!!!
This was an abstract, yet a direct way of giving you the answer - if such is possible.
When talking about being "in sync" - we are talking about "congruency" - being congruent...
congruent... adjective
1. corresponding in character or kind [syn: congruous] [ant: incongruous]
2. coinciding when superimposed [ant: incongruent]
congruence... noun
the quality of agreeing; being suitable and appropriate [syn: congruity] [ant: incongruity]
In this case, femininity, the genetic nature of the woman, is the subject to be held as the standard - the basest of truth (regarding this issue only

)! And so that which we are measuring against this natural standard is her, the woman's actions/behavior - her character!! Are her actions/behavior in line, congruent, correspond with her genetically derived feminine essence!!! Well do they?
I am getting into my work in progress here, The Natural of order of things part two, but VU - you are a battle-hardened soldier and I feel you are need of some weapons to battle this "artificial construct" - this recently manufactured robot - of which I place the "hor" label.
I digress, back to the natural order of things and and it's incongruent counterpart!! So you ask,
"Can you give me just a few of the telltale signs that a woman who is OUT OF SYNC with her true femininity will exhibit the very first time she meets a romantically interested man?"
It is interesting that you used the word "telltale" in your question - what is the underlining meaning of that word? Let's look..
tell·tale /ˈtɛlˌteɪl/ Pronunciation Key...
1. a thing serving to reveal or disclose something.
2. that reveals or betrays what is not intended to be known:
3.. giving notice or warning of something,
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary
There are many signs of warning - too many to expound upon here, from her speech, to her body language, to what she reads, to her buying habits, Etc... all these patterns reflect her state of mind - and this is the crux of the matter!! We are trying to see if her mind is in congruence, in sync with her feminine nature!!!
Before reading my response, for those who haven't, read my Natural Order Of Things..Sexuality Defined And Explained!..
The very first sign you see of feminine incongruence (meaning not congruent), not in sync with her genetic feminine self, is her dress, or lack of dress - her attire, her clothes!! Yep, that's it - simple! But many of you don't see, so let me explain. Men are the aggressors and women are the submitters to our aggression, in regards to romantic interest. We initiate contact - but why? Because men are created to be visual beasts - otherwise why would we ever initiate contact with her if we do not like what we see? Also, the sexual act is a mental act, besides physical, and we must be in an excited state to perform "the act" - we must mentally like what we see, be excited, for the physical penis to work and perform it's natural function of procreation - i.e. family, i.e. humanity to exist! Basic reasoning for those who reason! Women know this!!!!
Women know this - yet you treat them as if they have no reason - this is where men fail! Women reason, but for their own or their offspring's advantage; whereas men reason for our selfish aims but also for the greater good!! But we fail with the modern day woman, as men, because our reasoning becomes tainted by our lustful desire for the fleshly woman, who is not congruent, not in harmony with us as men, and we pursue this fleshly form over the feminine woman who is complementary to our masculine nature!!! Do you see? We are the creators of our own demise!!! Why? It is so because we, VOLUNTARILY, forgo our superior mental reasoning status for the attainment of the lower form, the flesh - so we lowered our genetic selves as men, and in kind embraced the artificially created lower female - and it so it stands to reason that we deserve what wrong befalls us, because we, as men, are not in harmony with our masculine nature - our true selves!! Reasoning tells us that when we embrace a false object/belief then we are embracing that which goes against truth and its true nature and natural form, and naturally or unnaturally, we fail!! DIG?
I'm not just talking to Victory Unlimited, I am expressing to all who read this! Because VU asked an excellent question, he deserves a response in kind!
A woman's power is knowing the power of men!!! She understands the natural order of things, and defeats men, not by being more powerful than men (an impossibility), but by taking his power, his reasoning, away from him!!!!!
This is why we call them cunning, or intuitive, but they are neither cunning or intuitive - they merely know that which men know, but which we men tend to ignore/suppress, for our own out-of-sync fleshly gain - we artificially operate at this fleshly realm which the woman has advantage, due to our genetic desire of the eyes, and we let this lower form supersede our masculine reasoning - she has us in our weakest form and thus our defeat as men is at it's closest!!! This is why many here are crying out in anguish over the woman's guile -- but is is not her who is the problem - it is us men - we strayed from our masculine self by following her lead in her unnatural fleshly state - abhorrent to her feminine self!!!! Instead of leading, we are being led!!! I'll tell you how!
Ok, back to the first telltale signs, out of the many, of her being out of harmony with her natural femininity - getting back to her dress - attire!
As stated, women cannot overpower men, so how do they, did they gain advantage over men today???? Because they took the power away from us by defining the terms of engagement (VU likes this terminology) - they have us men operating at their fleshly level and hence have taken us away from our rational state of existence!!! How so, You ask? Well, it is an agenda of marketing and deceit that has been propelled in the last 40 years, but I'll just get to the personal level of manipulation - her dress, or lack thereof!!
Now the women who frequent this board know this already, so this is for the enlightenment of the men who are blinded by their own lusts. She uses her dress, or the lack thereof, as a mechanism of control! I told you that this was about control - yes - The Hor Matrix!! Not all control is overt - you know this VU - considering that you are in continuous awareness and prepared for war - but the matrix is a covert tactic - the most effective means of control - an unknowing control whereby one relinquishes his power unknowingly but willfully to another, although it is for his own demise!! This is serious shyt - mind control!!
Let me explain..the woman of America today uses subterfuge (another term VU understands and likes) to overcome the male!! But it is not really deceptive, it is overt - it is deceptive in that we have been programmed to accept her in this artificial state!!
sub·ter·fuge (sŭb'tər-fyōōj')
n. A deceptive stratagem or device
something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity
Women do not challenge a man directly - she cannot win this confrontation!! She takes us on at a level that is subversive but yet overt - she lets us defeat ourselves!! How does she do this? By her dress, attire!! I'm getting into the natural of order of things here, part two, but I'll explain further...this is psychological warfare, in it's highest form - mind control, soldiers - whereby you defeat yourself!!!!