Joe The Homophobe said:
LMS, which is your favorite article from Henry Makow and why? what is the one thing Makow has said that really impacted you/you thought "wow that is genius/so true.
my other question would be, you are not PRL right? are you his apprentice? if not where is the real PRL? does he post anywhere?
Yeah kid, I am he!
All of Makow's articles are on point and they are all heavily ladened with knowledge!
http://rense/comhas a lot of his articles. Makow reinforces the truth and exposes the reality of things in all areas - like minds eventually come together.
SamePendo said:
What do you think of rap music:
Especially music that labels women as hors, and stresses the importance of money.
"I've got 99 problems but a b!tch ain't one"
I remember hearing my first Rap song in 1979 by the group "SugarHill (a neighborhood in NYC) Gang" called "Rapper's Delight". Those were the days of the 2 foot by 4 foot long boom boxes that required 20 D cell batteries to operate - thus the fad of the big boom boxes didn't last long. Rap started as a disc-jockey self-promotional tool by individuals/groups at local club parties while they spun their records. It became competitive linguists from rival individuals/groups/gangs in NYC, and thus the rap battles and self-aggrandizement began.
It turned into competitive light-hearted, spirited word/rap contests and many positive messages came from it. THEN the music distributors of America took it over and it became what we have today - a negative mind control tool!! With this creative tool and these creative individual minds, our sexuality has been usurped and controlled by outside forces - the same ones who promoted the feminist agenda! Rappers can only Rap about what is approved by "The Industry", which is rifed with homosexuals - this is the reason that any negative comments about homos in music will not get published/distributed without a high cost to the writer!
The "Distributors" feel It is OK to rap about hors because they want to debase our sexuality, from it being a divine matter between a man and a woman to becoming solely sexual pleasure between a pimp and a hor! There is an agenda here - it is to corrupt the minds of our youth - part of The Hor/Homo Matrix! It seems they have completed their mission in this regard!
On the "money" subject and bling-bling materialism promotion, their aim again is to corrupt! How do the poor youth get this fantastic wealth at such a young age? What is the
message? You either be a Athlete, a famous Rapper, or sell drugs!!! So now our youth want to be rich for doing nothing, and they want to be rich fast! They seek their worth through attention-seeking gimmicks, associatiing themselves withf the famous (Michael Jordan as an example) and wearing fashion labels!! No value is being sought through their own hard work and self worth! Sex for pleasure sake and materialism is the message - and sports, sports, sports!!
Our future looks bleak, not because of our youth, but because of the adults who alllowed this shyt to manifeast itself into reality!! The aim is to take America down, and down, down, down we are heading!! Those few who own the rights to distribute TV programs, and Movies are doing the same thing - targeting and debasing our youth and the general public. Is it no wonder why Homos and Hors are so readily accepted and embraced in America? it is no wonder for those who are out of The Matrix, it is to be expected!!
Now you know why the congress has been forced to pass laws to consolidate the communications industry in the las 20 years by relaxing the laws of ownership, and merger and acquisitions!! An agenda can be promoted and made to work ONLY if there is a few like-minded individuals who control the means of mass communication for mass influence and control!
Post-script: I only listen to "BEATS" and not RAP - Beats/Instrumentals... VTZ is my favorite artist there...