I’m drinking again, so I am now in the state of mind to solve riddles!
Old guy? Hold on their kid - I’m Samuel’s age..

We are in our prime as men!
Can’t get the video to load – but from what you stated I can say that hordoms begin in the MIND and manifests itself in the flesh. Tieing up a hor to a bed to restrain her from her hor lusts is not going to solve a thing – it is her mindset and values that must change – physical restraint solves nothing – the resolve must come from within and not from an external force!!!
Every hor was a virgin at one time – her hordoms started when, in her mind, I repeat, when, in her mind, she decided that she will open her legs to a man who is NOT her husband, and allow him to take her innocence and femininity from her! Hors know when they will make their tw@t available to men and advertise it in the public domain!!! The average hor age in America today is 15 y/o!!
The only thing that will prevent these little children hors from physically desecrating themselves is….. “SHAME”– and the homo/hor agenda – financed and controlled by the CIA and other demonic entities, has made it “ok” for hors to be proud of their perverted corrupt ways!! Bring shame back to America and you will solve your hor problem - as other countries have shame for corrupt acts and have retained it for thousands of years!!!!
The independent film you referenced and the Hollywood HORS are the main contributors to the homo/hor agenda, by influencing the masses into thinking that being a hor is “acceptable” and one to be emulated!!!!!!!
Dude, you must be young!! A woman's prolonged eye contact signifies interest!!! She is begging you to approach her -- a woman's nature is different than a man's!!! Women do NOT approach but they do give signs!!!!! They used to,.in times past, drop their handkerchiefs for a gentleman to notice such and have an opener to approach her by requesting her receipt of this newfound object!!! Hors are more blatant today and will stare you down!!! Approach her and say, "Your eyes seem to speak to me without words - give me your phone number and we'll discuss further!!!