" but I wanna explain to you ( grown azz woman) that I am a horny man who wants to negotiate YOUR desire"
Let's keep it a buck. OP went from having approx 50 sexual experiences a week to zero. That was back in August. He only wants one thing, that is sex. She wants..whatever, anything except that. I can't imagine the atmosphere being a happy cozy one.
Tons to unpack if you want. Let me just say that most modern males fall for this trap. They wanna isolate a woman, use her as a sexdoll but when she refuses to be that they ofcourse get salty. He has no friends close to him and she is not from the town they live in. Some men I know try the same, where they isolate their women from the outside world and "secretly " try to build a legacy.
Meanwhile the only sensible thing to do is leave leave leave. You know, this is why women will say they were abused by their ex. Because at best he'll say: " but I need to get some p00sy otherwise this relationship is over". So she gives you some, but now everytime you penetrate her it will feel like you abuse her. Read that TWICE. You get your short relief but it WILL come back to haunt you one day. If there's drama and third parties get involved she will say that he also sexually abused her and forced her to have sex with him. She can say he used his position of power ( his house) threatening her to become homeless. Some tears, some blue haired women who make the report and he's DONE.
This relationship should've been over months ago. At best OP can extend the cycle for some time, or she'll suddenly "behave better" while we all know its a matter of time before she will act like this again. He can push this along for another 2 years and end up in the same position, a position where he indeed will have to start from zero, get out there , use the app, go to the bars , approach random women and get rejected over and over ( like the rest of us ).
I know you mean well ,but a soft azz approach like this will not work anymore.. eventually we all know op won't end this, and his LEARNING CURVE will be the hard way.
Marry Christmas hohoho!