Hello Friend,

If this is your first visit to SoSuave, I would advise you to START HERE.

It will be the most efficient use of your time.

And you will learn everything you need to know to become a huge success with women.

Thank you for visiting and have a great day!

Better than everyone else.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
Reaction score
On Earth
Ronaldo7 said:
@Scott: Au contraire mon ami, i never said you weren't better than me with women. However, i don't approach them, you do. It's basically like i don't play, so i can't be good or bad. I don't know how to, which was the point of posting this thread ASKING FOR HELP. This thread was meant to be for me to learn/get help in learning to approach women. I simply told a little background about myself and the way i am for a better understanding. False egocentric? I'll gladly be labeled with that if it means becoming the best at what i do. Ronaldo is the best at what he does and for you to compare me to him, even with the "False egocentric", is a greatly compliment. Thank you.

Well not really, I got approached by 3 girls on last gig mon copain. And all I did was headbanging. Too bad I didn't actually like them, but had fun talking to them.

And no, I simply went into your 'mode' to show you how irritating your personality can be to others. Once again, you distorted the reality. And no, Ronaldo is not the best football player, most likely a faggish guy who spends more time in a beauty salon than girls in my classroom. 3/4 of them commented he got better eyebrows than he does.

Look at Messi or Roonie on the other hand...

Most males will disagree with me, but showing emotions is one of the best thing us humans can do. Really. Now everyone will think and associate on pathetic romantic things in those movies.

But really. Imagine a world where there would be no anger, no sorrow, no happiness, no pain, no sadness, no crying, no yelling, no screaming.

Weird man. I enjoy every moment (even if it is not pleasant sometimes) of my emotions. Whether I am angry, sad, happy I actually like it because I can feel it. When I don't feel nothing I get a feeling that I'm in parallel robotic world and start cracking jokes or sometimes even provoking people for a debate for dynamics. Life is boring without emotions.

And not showing them is a sign of a weakness and insecurity. People who are attracted to emotionless people are usually weak themselves. Simply, they have a need to 'recognition' or think the person needs to be 'unreachable'. Thus women who are attracted to those people are usually themselves trash.

Most healthiest relationships that last for more than 4 years have been the ones between both emotional healthy partners showing their emotions, building trust and exchanging experiences.

**** it man, I'd rather cry my whole life than work like a robot. And yes, I do cry sometimes, alone. Flame me now, I know that's my body's natural response to stress, and it has been proven that 'keeping it inside' is actually damaging to your health and increases chances of developing heart illnesses as well as mental one's. Not that I cry like a girl, but when sh1t goes overdrive.

TL;DR Let's stop feeding this morons ego people. OP read the DJ Bible or go suck a c0ck.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Renaldo said, "Everyone has a price." How many times have i seen this in a movie by commonly despised character?

He he also said something like, "I only have empathy for those that i have use for."

You know you sound like a sociopath Renaldo.....i am not trying to be mean here...i am just shocked that you at least don't have enough perception of the way others view you when you talk like this....in that regard, you are way below average...if you say stuff like this around your friends then no wonder they don't want to hang with you! You have a lot of learning to do about people in general....your attitude and perspective of others and how others view you is just god awful....

First of all you should start by trying to have empathy for others....people that you have no use for...why? Because it will make you a better person and much easier to hang out with...will also make you a lot more attractive as a person in general.......

not everyone got lucky enough to grow up rich...or grow up good looking or grow up talented at something or hell grow up with all their limbs and mental functions....just because you grew up in a priveleged situation doesn't make you better than anyone else...it just makes you fortunate....what you accomplish on your own two feet and how you treat others is how you should measure yourself...and not just others that you need for something.....

and also girls looking at you is NO BIG DEAL....i get checked out all the time but closing the deal is another story....i just think it would devastate you if one of these chicks that you deem below yourself rejected you and you hide behind these i am better than them lines...that equals being a coward if true...

and finally, i also for a long time felt like i was better than everyone else.....i still have that thought creeping up from time to time...but i try to kill it...why? because that is letting yourself being controlled by your ego and that is NOT a good thing.....you talk about being strong or better and controlling your emotions, well an even bigger part of truly being strong and bettering yourself is controlling your ego, learning sincere empathy and humility for others and let me tell you it takes a real man to do that...you have a lot of learning to do...you can put on all the fancy expensive stylish suits that you want, but that has zero to do with improving your character or who you really are...


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Didn't mean to sound harsh; just what I experienced with similar people - combined with everything you said. It comes out as "real"; not meaning to offend. Though it usually does.

But you said it's not your fault that you are better than everyone else, and that you were spoiled because you're a special snowflake, whom everyone is destined to be part of / wants to admire and worship - which pretty much means it's imbedded in you. That's when its a good chance you're dealing with a disorder. In this case, NPD. You can't get through to someone like this.

But I know what it's like to be hassled and bullied over this kind of stuff, so I'm done.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
ScottMustaine said:
Well not really, I got approached by 3 girls on last gig mon copain. And all I did was headbanging. Too bad I didn't actually like them, but had fun talking to them.

And no, I simply went into your 'mode' to show you how irritating your personality can be to others. Once again, you distorted the reality. And no, Ronaldo is not the best football player, most likely a faggish guy who spends more time in a beauty salon than girls in my classroom. 3/4 of them commented he got better eyebrows than he does.

Look at Messi or Roonie on the other hand...

Most males will disagree with me, but showing emotions is one of the best thing us humans can do. Really. Now everyone will think and associate on pathetic romantic things in those movies.

But really. Imagine a world where there would be no anger, no sorrow, no happiness, no pain, no sadness, no crying, no yelling, no screaming.

Weird man. I enjoy every moment (even if it is not pleasant sometimes) of my emotions. Whether I am angry, sad, happy I actually like it because I can feel it. When I don't feel nothing I get a feeling that I'm in parallel robotic world and start cracking jokes or sometimes even provoking people for a debate for dynamics. Life is boring without emotions.

And not showing them is a sign of a weakness and insecurity. People who are attracted to emotionless people are usually weak themselves. Simply, they have a need to 'recognition' or think the person needs to be 'unreachable'. Thus women who are attracted to those people are usually themselves trash.

Most healthiest relationships that last for more than 4 years have been the ones between both emotional healthy partners showing their emotions, building trust and exchanging experiences.

**** it man, I'd rather cry my whole life than work like a robot. And yes, I do cry sometimes, alone. Flame me now, I know that's my body's natural response to stress, and it has been proven that 'keeping it inside' is actually damaging to your health and increases chances of developing heart illnesses as well as mental one's. Not that I cry like a girl, but when sh1t goes overdrive.

TL;DR Let's stop feeding this morons ego people. OP read the DJ Bible or go suck a c0ck.
I get approached though. I simply love the attention when they give me looks like " why don't you approach me" or " you are so attractive and i wish you would come talk to me". You have the advantage that you look approachable and not "full of yourself". You can say what you want about Ronaldo, but he has undisputed success. What's wrong with taking care of yourself? You seem like you would neglect grooming yourself. To my understanding, women consider grooming a big part of how a man takes care of himself. Having nice eyebrows isn't anything "gay".

"And not showing them (emotions) is a sign of weakness and insecurity. LOL. Who told you this? Why do you think the people that show emotion are the ones that get bullied? You have it all wrong. If you think crying and letting it all out like you are on Dr. Phil isn't weakness, then i don't know why you are even here. Making fun of you would be too easy because you are too much of an easy target.

On a serious note, please do indicate where i can find the DJ Bible. I am not able to find it.

@Zinc: I have the perception of what others view me as. However, i could care less. They don't want to hang around me for a lot of various reasons. They expect me to thank them when they tell me i look good, haha. I have always told them that i don't need them to tell me that. I already know i look good and that is why i take so much getting ready and everything. My perspective of others and how they view me is the following: I Could Care Less.

"First of all you should start by trying to have empathy for others....people that you have no use for...why? Because it will make you a better person and much easier to hang out with...will also make you a lot more attractive as a person in general......." What does that give me? Nothing. It gives THEM, not me. More attractive as a person in general? You sound like a woman blabbering about how it matters what's on the inside.

I agree on your view that what i achieve on my own 2 feet is what matters. Treat others? How is that an achievement?

I know i'm not the only person that gets checked out. However, i just love the looks they give me. They maintain my ego so high because of the amount of looks and the type of looks given. It gives me that grin that fills me up inside and simply leaves them longing even more for me. This is supported by the amount of girls who have came up to me and inquired why i'm so unapproachable, why i seem so arrogant, why i don't drink, why i'm not dancing, and why do i dress like that. Everyone seems to want to know what i'm doing and why i'm doing it. No woman can figure me out and that's why they always flock to ask questions. Empathy and humility are optional traits to have. They won't make you succeed faster or slower than having other traits. Those 2 traits are easy targets for people to take advantage of and to step on. Maybe you have humility, but i don't think i do. When someone asks me who the best is, i have no problem to pointing to myself and giving myself all the credit. While others might point and give credit to the team, i wouldn't. I don't fake something i don't have. I'm pretty bold and honest. I have a lot of learning to do indeed that will get me to where i want to be. I am who i am and i won't change for anyone. Everyone that meets me understands that there are simply 2 options with me, love me or hate me.

@Floyd: I like how no one has directed their responses to the question this thread was about. You simply zeroed in on my personality and such. I asked for help to approach women, etc. I also asked to see the DJ Bible and i keep getting responses about how i'm this and that.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Ronaldo7 said:
I get approached though. I simply love the attention when they give me looks like " why don't you approach me" or " you are so attractive and i wish you would come talk to me". You have the advantage that you look approachable and not "full of yourself". You can say what you want about Ronaldo, but he has undisputed success. What's wrong with taking care of yourself? You seem like you would neglect grooming yourself. To my understanding, women consider grooming a big part of how a man takes care of himself. Having nice eyebrows isn't anything "gay".

"And not showing them (emotions) is a sign of weakness and insecurity. LOL. Who told you this? Why do you think the people that show emotion are the ones that get bullied? You have it all wrong. If you think crying and letting it all out like you are on Dr. Phil isn't weakness, then i don't know why you are even here. Making fun of you would be too easy because you are too much of an easy target.

On a serious note, please do indicate where i can find the DJ Bible. I am not able to find it.

@Zinc: I have the perception of what others view me as. However, i could care less. They don't want to hang around me for a lot of various reasons. They expect me to thank them when they tell me i look good, haha. I have always told them that i don't need them to tell me that. I already know i look good and that is why i take so much getting ready and everything. My perspective of others and how they view me is the following: I Could Care Less.

"First of all you should start by trying to have empathy for others....people that you have no use for...why? Because it will make you a better person and much easier to hang out with...will also make you a lot more attractive as a person in general......." What does that give me? Nothing. It gives THEM, not me. More attractive as a person in general? You sound like a woman blabbering about how it matters what's on the inside.

I agree on your view that what i achieve on my own 2 feet is what matters. Treat others? How is that an achievement?

I know i'm not the only person that gets checked out. However, i just love the looks they give me. They maintain my ego so high because of the amount of looks and the type of looks given. It gives me that grin that fills me up inside and simply leaves them longing even more for me. This is supported by the amount of girls who have came up to me and inquired why i'm so unapproachable, why i seem so arrogant, why i don't drink, why i'm not dancing, and why do i dress like that. Everyone seems to want to know what i'm doing and why i'm doing it. No woman can figure me out and that's why they always flock to ask questions. Empathy and humility are optional traits to have. They won't make you succeed faster or slower than having other traits. Those 2 traits are easy targets for people to take advantage of and to step on. Maybe you have humility, but i don't think i do. When someone asks me who the best is, i have no problem to pointing to myself and giving myself all the credit. While others might point and give credit to the team, i wouldn't. I don't fake something i don't have. I'm pretty bold and honest. I have a lot of learning to do indeed that will get me to where i want to be. I am who i am and i won't change for anyone. Everyone that meets me understands that there are simply 2 options with me, love me or hate me.

@Floyd: I like how no one has directed their responses to the question this thread was about. You simply zeroed in on my personality and such. I asked for help to approach women, etc. I also asked to see the DJ Bible and i keep getting responses about how i'm this and that.

Listen to yourself.....me me me me me me.......what does it give me? It is great to give to others and not just to yourself....everyone is connected in some way...and the more you give to others, the more you tend to receive on so many levels...so ironically, your selfishness is takling away from yourself and you can't even see it...

You deeming yourself on a higher pedastel is distancing yourself from everyone... even if a woman finds you beyond desirable, you will never connect with her on a deeper level or with a friend on a deeper level with your current state of being...in short you will be very miserable and lonely no matter how many people are "attracted" to you......your entire line of defense is built around so called weaknesses and strengths but it is very shallow

Also, you even openly state that other people's looks maintain your ego and fill you up inside...but this is an empty sense of who you are and how you feel about yourself and it is controlled/influenced by others....in this case your ego is obviously too big and very fragile because it is controlled/influenced by others...it shouldn't matter if strangers are looking at you or not and what kind of looks they are giving you......i thought only hot looking women seeking attention at nightclubs thought like this...your biggest weakness is your ego...if you can't see this then it will be hard to help you...everything isn't about you

and last...if you can't find the DJ bible on this site..then just type it in to google and you will find post fairly easily..

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
zinc4 said:
Listen to yourself.....me me me me me me.......what does it give me? It is great to give to others and not just to yourself....everyone is connected in some way...and the more you give to others, the more you tend to receive on so many levels...so ironically, your selfishness is takling away from yourself and you can't even see it...

You deeming yourself on a higher pedastel is distancing yourself from everyone... even if a woman finds you beyond desirable, you will never connect with her on a deeper level or with a friend on a deeper level with your current state of being...in short you will be very miserable and lonely no matter how many people are "attracted" to you......your entire line of defense is built around so called weaknesses and strengths but it is very shallow

Also, you even openly state that other people's looks maintain your ego and fill you up inside...but this is an empty sense of who you are and how you feel about yourself and it is controlled/influenced by others....in this case your ego is obviously too big and very fragile because it is controlled/influenced by others...it shouldn't matter if strangers are looking at you or not and what kind of looks they are giving you......i thought only hot looking women seeking attention at nightclubs thought like this...your biggest weakness is your ego...if you can't see this then it will be hard to help you...everything isn't about you

and last...if you can't find the DJ bible on this site..then just type it in to google and you will find post fairly easily..
Why would it be great to give to others? I have what i want because i set myself to it. Nothing is being taken away from me. The whole concept of giving to others is to share and such. I don't share. Sharing is a word that sounds to me like handing out freebies for people that won't get it like you did.

I should have mentioned. I am not looking for a relationship. A relationship would mean 2 people and i simply wouldn't care. I'm only down for the night. It's more like a f*ck buddy. Why would i want to connect on a deeper level with a woman? That sounds like a divorced man's worst mistake.

Thank you for directing me to the DJ Bible.



Is it the same one or are they different ones?


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Yea... You're asking for help while saying you don't care about anyone, and use them for your own personal gain as it benefits you. You said this AS you're asking people for help. Do you not see the problem, here? You're better than everyone, you use them, brag and gloat, special cookie is me, don't need anyone, everyone is jealous... WHILE asking for help. You're saying this to the same people you're asking for help from!

That's like beating someone's ass, and insulting them constantly - then asking them for a favor... As soon as you meet them.

This isn't the proper way to get acquainted with people, or receive the help you need.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
floydb25 said:
Yea... You're asking for help while saying you don't care about anyone, and use them for your own personal gain as it benefits you. You said this AS you're asking people for help. Do you not see the problem, here? You're better than everyone, you use them, brag and gloat, special cookie is me, don't need anyone, everyone is jealous... WHILE asking for help. You're saying this to the same people you're asking for help from!

That's like beating someone's ass, and insulting them constantly - then asking them for a favor... As soon as you meet them.

This isn't the proper way to get acquainted with people, or receive the help you need.
I'm saying i don't care for anyone when i deal with people. I am obviously asking for help and i'm just telling you about myself. How can i possibly use anyone here? It is just a forum. I'm not saying it to any of you. I'm just giving you the bases of who i am so that you can have a better idea on how i can get help. We are all different people and all act differently.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Of course... But this forum is full of REAL PEOPLE, and you've explained your dealings with, and attitude towards other people. Maybe not on here, but people are people. So, how do expect to get the help you need while telling REAL PEOPLE how you view and treat people? You said you have no regard for people - other than for what they can provide - while asking for help from people. WTF? Do you seriously not see the connection, and why you haven't been helped?

But your personality was targeted and attacked because of how you presented yourself. So, that instantly became the focus, and what you need to work on. But you don't see how this very same behavior is causing these problems you listed. You view them as separate. So while you think everyone is jealous and inferior - they dislike you precisely for having this mindset. Even on here - as soon as you made the thread, and all the responses you made afterwards. As well as treating people like they are disposable, and so forth.

But I honestly don't think it's possible to get through to you. :wave:


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
floydb25 said:
Of course... But this forum is full of REAL PEOPLE, and you've explained your dealings with, and attitude towards other people. Maybe not on here, but people are people. So, how do expect to get the help you need while telling REAL PEOPLE how you view and treat people? You said you have no regard for people - other than for what they can provide - while asking for help from people. WTF? Do you seriously not see the connection, and why you haven't been helped?

But your personality was targeted and attacked because of how you presented yourself. So, that instantly became the focus, and what you need to work on. But you don't see how this very same behavior is causing these problems you listed. You view them as separate. So while you think everyone is jealous and inferior - they dislike you precisely for having this mindset. Even on here - as soon as you made the thread, and all the responses you made afterwards. As well as treating people like they are disposable, and so forth.

But I honestly don't think it's possible to get through to you. :wave:
Not even God can please everyone. I don't care what you view my personality as. I simply asked for help in a certain aspect. I don't think my personality is a handicap. A handicap is only a handicap if you allow it to show. If a person is missing an arm, but they don't let it interfere or show it affects, you aren't going to view that person's arm as a handicap. My personality is my confidence. As much as you want to tell me that my personality is bad and what not, it is my biggest strength and what differentiates me from you and everyone else. Don't get all biased because of my personality. I'm ASKING HOW TO APPROACH WOMEN. If you really have to keep pointing out everything, then you really need to grow past it. Showing too much humility is a flaw.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
I gave you advice; you've ignored all the advice that doesn't fit what you want to hear, claiming reasons why it doesn't fit you, why it wouldn't work, and saying you don't understand how to do it.

See a psychologist. That is a simple answer. You've got money for it, see a psychologist, and see a good one.

And not only that, you've been told how to approach women. It's simple. You walk up, and say hey, and start talking to them. You put a friendly smile on your face, and go start talking.

And again, see a psychologist.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
Reaction score
On Earth
Ronaldo7 said:
I get approached though. I simply love the attention when they give me looks like " why don't you approach me" or " you are so attractive and i wish you would come talk to me". You have the advantage that you look approachable and not "full of yourself". You can say what you want about Ronaldo, but he has undisputed success. What's wrong with taking care of yourself? You seem like you would neglect grooming yourself. To my understanding, women consider grooming a big part of how a man takes care of himself. Having nice eyebrows isn't anything "gay".

"And not showing them (emotions) is a sign of weakness and insecurity. LOL. Who told you this? Why do you think the people that show emotion are the ones that get bullied? You have it all wrong. If you think crying and letting it all out like you are on Dr. Phil isn't weakness, then i don't know why you are even here. Making fun of you would be too easy because you are too much of an easy target.

On a serious note, please do indicate where i can find the DJ Bible. I am not able to find it.


I'd rather ( and do) look like this than that f4g.

There's a difference between making yourself look 'good' and obsessing like a fkin woman about your eyebrows. God...

"Why do you think the people that show emotion are the ones that get bullied? You have it all wrong. If you think crying and letting it all out like you are on Dr. Phil isn't weakness, then i don't know why you are even here. Making fun of you would be too easy because you are too much of an easy target."

1. People who mock other because of something are usually themselves insecure and weak.

2. People who bully others usually are greatest pu$$ies. Once confronted one on one they usually backfire and beg for mercy.

3. Come on bro, flame me, let's see how that will work haha. Unlike you showing your false ego, mine exists in reality and attracts many people. And the best of all. I do it in ripped jeans and old shirt. HA!

That's when you got personality instead of only money.

4. Buy me if you can.

5. GTFO man you suck. xD


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
SoSuave666 said:

I myself suffer with NPD. If your posts are not trolling, internet jocking, or any variation of the two, you need to seek help...you as well have NPD.

With that said, it's important for you to know a couple things:

1.) No one is envious of a teenage virgin who wears business attire (that mommy and daddy supplied) to low-end clubs and dive bars. Your complex is so deep that you see any "look" or inquisition by anyone as jealousy/envy/desire/what have you. Your perception IS wrong. You ARE NOT better than everyone else.

2.) I disagree with some posters on here about empathy, but not humility. Too much empathy can be very dangerous to your ambitions and life goals. It's not necessarily a weakness to empathize with your fellow man; but use this kindness too frivolously and people WILL take advantage of you. Hell, your best friends will turn their backs on you for the right price. Humility on the other hand, is something to really internalize. Perception of your character will take you far in business--not as far as production--but still far. Be careful about taking all the credit for work, you'll burn a lot of bridges that way.

3.) Women are everywhere. Sex is everywhere. You can go out 7 times a week and if you really put your mind to it, probably score 7 times. Your problem stems from insecurity. Someone who doesn't approach is fearful of rejection due to low self-confidence. When people look at you with desire, you feel good. When they walk away and don't approach, you feel bad. You're not with as many women as you can be and that is your own fault. I too lack the "normal" amount of empathy--something that stems from NPD--so my relationships are quick and sexual in orientation. However, my ability to reasonably communicate and relate to other people has increased dramatically since I began actively approaching people--no matter attractiveness or even sexual orientation. Part of your problem is you have a very limited view of personalities. Without getting to know other people all you know is self-centeredness. You know other personality types exist but you just haven't experienced them.

I don't really know what your original question was. However, working at NPD is essential to personal development. Not everyone is here on this earth to serve you. Initially you will feel bored or too good for approaching. You'll feel anxious when you start--not because the women are too beautiful or it's new or anything like that--you'll feel anxious because the possibility that someone wouldn't be "into you" has never been a reality in your life. You'll learn that no matter how "beneath you" or how much better you are than people, sometimes they just won't like you. Human nature dictates that some people just won't be into you. It's the beauty of being a human being, and not say....oh a starfish. Deal with it.

I also think a lot of people on these boards are closet NPDs. I won't name names, but I think they probably already know it to a certain degree. One last thing:

Stop dressing like a tool when you go out.
1.) I'm not a virgin. I would never go to a low-end club because people that go there dress like bums. All you see is drunken bums, whose lives will be just as sh*tty when they wake up the next day. I care about any inquisition anyone has towards me. However, i simply reply with my classic "I could care less" line. I don't try to be better than everyone else. It's hard to pretend something you aren't when it's sticking out like a sore thumb.

2.) I aim to be the CEO. I don't work for people beneath me. I really don't like to work with other people. The business world is made exclusively for people like me. I'm not afraid to do anything at all to achieve success in it.

3.) A relationship that's quick and sexual is just what i want. I hold no attachment to her and would simply "hit it and quit it". I CAN relate to other people. However, i don't care. If i really wanted to relate to someone i would listen to them and simply not walk away when i'm bored of them, which i always do.

My original question was how to approach women. How do you start a conversation, etc? I do feel to good to go approach sometimes. It would as "Look at me, please. I'm dressed incredibly well and you should come talk to the better person". You are completely right in that sense. I'm not liked by everyone though, but then again what can they do about it? Nothing. It is a possibility that they wouldn't be into me.

Your most interesting point now. How do i dress like a tool? And how does wearing a suit resemble one?

@Scott: If you attract anyone with ripped jeans and an old shirt, i'm perfectly content in saying that they probably have low standards, much like you. Hobos attract hobos, no offence.

Why would you tell me things like that, which simply make you look bad and with no taste?

Not to sound mean, but i only buy people i have a use for. Money is great tool to get what you want.

@PairPlusRoyalFlush: I know i'm not a loving, caring person. I'm bold and honest. I simply say what's on my mind and if the other person doesn't like it, they can deal with it.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
You know, honestly at this point I just feel pity for you. You're a bit of a sad case here. I really hope, for your sake, you get help.

I'd much rather build my company through connections and personal investment. That is, build the friendships and have people want to invest. You'll have a hard time keeping employees.

Not to mention, you are simply supremely immature.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
SoSuave666 said:
It is important to dress for your occasion. Going to a club in business attire is not appropriate. People look at you not because you're a flashy dresser who owns his own business and is wildly successful in every aspect of life (which you are not). People look at you because you're dressing out of context...like a tool. I don't understand why you go to a social area (club) to not be social. It's like going to the library to workout. You can do both, but people will just look at you funny. Your NPD allows you to misconstrue their looks as positive desire.

It's strange how you come here asking for advice on breaking out of your comfort zone and approaching women when you, by your own admission, are above it. At some level you realize that it's not beneath you to approach because you actively want to change it. However, in all other aspects of your life you do not make the same realization.

You're not willing to do everything in business because you have such a high regard for yourself. Por ejemplo: If taking a lower-paying job to get your foot into the door was your only option would you do it? Or would you hold out for your dream job because you're above the job offer? Would you approach clients that would provide you immediate profit but offer limited market value? Would you go gay for $1,000,000,000?

You're only 18. In the grand scheme of things, you know next-to-nothing. You have been raised in a priviledged family and suffer many of the same social restrictions as women. You're entitled, narcissistic, and immortal...none of which you earned. Congratulations on working out and keeping in shape. Not drinking is also good. A good diet will take you a long way.

You may just need to grow up a bit. I dunno. Good luck.
You sound too, too much like my best friend.

I said only sometimes i feel like i'm above approaching.

Lower-paying job? Lol. You are confusing me with the common, everyday people. I have the family business and everything else i get into. I would never, ever work for minimum wage.

I know next-to-nothing, huh? I know more than you will in your entire life. One of my greatest strengths is that i make a strong first impression, good or bad, but people immediately take notice of who i am.

I don't get something though. You have the same narcissistic thoughts and such, yet you attack me for it. Why? Because i don't care and i hold no regard for anyone? You clearly do, since you said you are able to relate to people now that you approach and such.

At the end of the day, i go to bed knowing how great i am and with the same grin on my face as always. When nothing/no one can phase you, that moment will represent your inner-personal prime.

@Plutoman: Thank you for your comment. I'll be sure to remember it when i'm worth a billion dollars.

You essentially upped your VALUE in her eyes by showing her that, if she wants you, she has to at times do things that you like to do. You are SOMETHING after all. You are NOT FREE. If she wants to hang with you, it's going to cost her something — time, effort, money.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
SoSuave666 said:
Your definition of knowledge is much, much different than mine. As it were though, you're probably right. Your HS diploma is much more relevant than my BBA, MBA and years of experience. Unlike you I have had to work for my merits. I will take my salary and personal satisfaction over a coddled upbringing and delusional self-perception any day.

I do have NPD. I have received therapy. I continue to monitor my progress. I cannot resist personal attacks though, as evidenced by my reply. Something I need to work on, but you're just too cute to ignore.

The difference between you and I is rational thought. I have come to a point in my life where rational thought outweighs my own personal agenda. Everything I wish to attain is plausible, yet met with the realization that it will take hard work, not just an inflated ego.

As I said before, you embody many similar characteristics to an entitled woman. It's not NPD anymore--it's bordering on me thinking you're a female troll. As with any female...or troll for that matter, I will discipline you with silence.


Stop dressing like a tool
I'm 18 and you are much older. How can you compare what you have to what i have? I'm just starting out, while you are finishing. I like how you take a personal interest in attacking me. I'll take it as a compliment. Last time i checked, i wasn't a female. You also sound sore that you have to work SO hard to get what you want, while i simply ask and get it.


I don't dress like one. Don't be mad i can actually afford to dress.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Ronaldo7 said:
@Scott: If you attract anyone with ripped jeans and an old shirt, i'm perfectly content in saying that they probably have low standards, much like you. Hobos attract hobos, no offence.
Shows how little you really know about attraction.

Go suit up and stand by the bar, dont dance, dont smile, just sip on your white wine spritzer like a good little girl and go home alone.

Getting a forum full of men to dislike you is quite impressive for a non-troll as you claim to be.

Obviously you are simply not a people person, and thats your problem.

Being a people person is noticable to others, its inviting to them and it makes them want to talk to you. being an arrogant sociopath will not encourage girlies to drop panties.

Try being fun, and at least pretend to give half a shvt about others.

even talking to you through a computer makes me feel dirty imagine how girls must think of you face to face! eugh!

you've had far too much of my time now

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Ronaldo, this is what happens when everything is handed to you on a silver platter.

You are imploding in on yourself but you're too young to realize it yet. It's too difficult for you to look at, because you will disintegrate if you find that you are just one of us.

You're either going to grow into an abusive monster or fold up and implode completely if you stay on this runaway train you're on.

I fear that the only thing that will straighten you out is a major life-crisis. When I was your age I thought I was the Sh!t and was emotionally cut off from people, for decades in fact. It was self-preservation, the exoskeleton that held me together. But life showed me that I am nobody special, and that was one of the best (though painful) realizations of my life, because it allowed me to tear down the walls that kept me from connecting with people.

You are in a sort of solitary confinement and what we are saying here are only the whispering breezes of the coming war within. It will be a war for your sanity. Clearly you aren't able to fully comprehend the actual meaning of what we're saying here (because of your youth), but I ask you to put it on the back burner and consider that some of what we're seeing is true. I truly hope that life serves up that which you need for your benefit and the benefit of those within your sphere of infuence.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
And remember, a key factor of life-success for a young man is to value the wisdom of those who have gone before him. The illusion of youth is that "the world is different today" and that elders' wisdom cannot possibly be relevant, but that rarely applies. The wisdom that the ancient Babylonians leveraged for their own and others' good is the same wisdom that works today. There is nothing new under the sun, only different combinations.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
You guys are just wasting time talking to this tool. No matter what you say, he attacks and praises himself - while viewing everyone as beneath him. Don't you see in all of his responses? This is what it's like dealing with an NPD. You CAN'T get through to them. He's not going to come to his senses.

Should just ban his worthless ass.

Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about when she's at home.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
