Alright folks, I did the approaches. My friend picked me up and he took his dog with him, to my surprise. I thought it was nice he took his dog with him for this week's task, so
I suggested we go to the park after getting some snacks for the dog in the local grocery store. Sorry for the lack of details.
#1: A guy was about to hop on his bike and I told him it was pretty neat bike. Guy thanked me but there was no conversation. [1/4]
#2: On our way to the grocery store I see an old lady with a very bright colored handbag. Complimented it and we had a quick chat about the weather and then I left. [2/4]
#3+#4: After 10 minutes I saw these 2 girls (HB6 and HB6.5) and I complimented them on their shoes. They thanked me and kept on walking. Guess they had some place to go. [2/8]
#5: We arrived at the park and I spot a bench with an old dude taking photos of random stuff. Walked past the bench with my friend and his dog and I told him he had a cool camera.
He thanked me and I told him to have a good day. [3/4]
#6: After chilling for some time in the park me and my friend left to get some food because I got hungry.. so I went into the local grocery store and while being in line, I complimented the cashiere.
Told her how good she was at what she does and she thanked me. These "hired guns" are easy, aren't they? [3/8]
#7+#8+#9: My friend needed to pee so he went and I waited for him as I was holding the dog's leash so it couldn't escape (not that it tried to) and three girls (2 HB5s and 1 HB5.5) came up to me
and asked me if they could pet her. I told them to go ahead and they did. I told them that they're really good with dogs. They didn't thank me but whatever. They did laugh, though. It's a compliment.
I know I could've gone for a close but the thing is.. I wasn't interested in any of them and this week's task didn't require me to get a phone number. I thought the compliment was good so I'll be using this one more often. [6/8]
#10: After my friend got back, we left. As we were heading back to the park I saw this kid around my age skateboarding past us. I shouted "rad skills, man" (not that he did any tricks, lol)
obviously we had no conversation, whatsoever. [4/4]
#11: As we arrived back at the park I noticed the old dude left and there weren't many people around here other than other people who were walking their dogs.
So I sit on the bench with my friend and this HB6 comes up to us and she asks my friend if she can pet it. My friend says she "most certainly can". As she's petting it, I tell her she's good with dogs.
Apparently she took it the wrong way because she gave me a confusing look, and shortly thereafter left. She had a strong accent, by the way. Hahaha, it was funny. [7/8]
#12: After 30 minutes or so, I got tired and told my friend we should go home, he agreed and we went. On our way home I realized I had one approach left, thus leaving me in a hurried stage.
I saw this really cute HB7.5 waiting for the bus, so I approached her with a weird feeling in my stomach (I think it had something to do with the fact she was really cute). I told her that I really liked her shoes
and she thanked me and turned around, as if she wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. So I quickly left and I sorta felt creepy-ish. It's like I gave off a creepy guy vibe. [8/8]
Phew, I've never talked to this many strangers in one day. It feels strange when I'm under some sort of pressure, if you know what I mean? I had one day left.. no wait, actually a few minutes
and that got me panicked, to be honest.
Luckily I have one week for myself so I can do next week's task any time I want to, even tomorrow if I'm lucky. I secretly hope next week's task is more challenging, haha.
I should stop planning this thing out, by the way. Like Mr. Bond pointed out.