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  1. D

    girlfriend come back from a long absence without me

    I'll tell you what man, and I say this with no malice at all. Go ahead and try to work things out. You won't succeed, but you'll come away knowing not to do this again. Sometimes we have to learn the hard way.
  2. D

    "hello" (what the hell!?!)

    "Hello" is rather personal. Try for the more formal "good morning"/"good afternoon". Almost everyone will respond to that one.
  3. D

    Good Movies to watch on a date?

    A lot of people aren't Nick Cage fans, but his romantic comedies are pretty entertaining. Try "It Could Happen To You" or "The Family Man". If she's at all into that crap, she'd enjoy them, and possibly get in the mood.
  4. D

    "Nothing" & "I Don't know"

    You: What do you think of this class/Howd you do last exam/other bs question Her: I don't know. You: Well, did you do well, or did you fail Her: I don't know. You: Hmm. Well, what do you do for fun Her: Nothing You: (Smile) Tell you what, you sit there looking pretty while...
  5. D

    Your Smoothest Move

    When you live in a barracks, you get accustomed to 'barracks rats/*****s", chicks from town who come on base to screw the Marines. One time this hot, typical slutty looking 18 year old shows up with her entourage. Naturally, the horny jarheads are out in full force, offering them drinks and...
  6. D

    The Reason You Joined This Site: What Was Her Name?

    While painful, it's still rather therepeutic. I saw Abby on the first day of high school, freshman year. At the time she had a short haircut, and while I kept thinking "what an ugly girl", I couldn't stop looking at her. Needless to say, her hair grew out, and she had just a fantastic...
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    The Journal of Mr. Pink: Getting Back in the Game

    Pink, Jay and Pimp have given you some great advice. I complete understand it when you say you don't feel the chemistry with these "average" looking girls, but the average girls outnumber the hotties by a helluva lot. I'm sure you've heard it all before, but these girls who aren't gorgeous...
  8. D

    Crash'n & Burning Sucks

    Stay in the game. We all have those moments. Better to release your frustration on some anonymous messageboard then do something AFC.
  9. D

    The Journal of Mr. Pink: New Year, New Prospects

    Pink, this your problem. You're always trying to fix things with these girls. Just act as if they didn't happen. You could call up this girl and say, "I just wanted to apologize for New Year's Eve." She goes, "What are you talking about?" Or you could call her up and say "Let's meet for...
  10. D

    Skin care and Acne facial regimen

    Good post. You obviously put some thought into it, and a lot of guys will find this helpful.
  11. D

    The Journal of Mr. Pink: Yoink!

    Number one. She might be a churchy, saying crap about God, but she could have interest level. As for 2), girls seldom operate that way, and its just an excuse for you to sit back and do nothing. And 3? You've been going after girls for awhile. Now's the time to GET one. I've been...
  12. D

    Going out with girl tomorrow

    Becker, my man, you said it yourself. And then you end it by saying the girl isn't making excuses. Now regardless of what you say, you like this girl a bit much. A 10? They don't exist. She might very well like you. She might even want your nuts. But like you said, if it happens...
  13. D

    why have relatinships with girls when you know they won't last?

    Why not kill yourself, when you'll just end up dead eventually anyways? Come on, man, live for the moment.
  14. D

    Convo with new girl....tell me if i did good

    All in all, it wasn't bad. Like the Duke said, you shouldn't have admitted weakness, but that can be rectified. You had some ****y and funny in there (the weight thing) but don't overdo it. You can be stupid and funny too. Her "I Think I caught a cold." You "Funny. I could've sworn I...
  15. D

    Humor + Wit

    "I think the key is that if you're serious, it seems more spontaneous and less canned, thus it's unexpected." -Becker That's exactly what I was trying to say. You said it much more succintcly. Its better to get a "Oh my god, he's got me in hysterics and he's not even...
  16. D

    Humor + Wit

    I'm a funny guy. Unfortunately I can't convince you all through this format, but I'll give some suggestions. They've worked for me. When you crack a joke, and everyone around you is laughing, don't laugh with them. Just shake your head or sigh or look blankly. Believe me, for whatever...