Skin care and Acne facial regimen

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Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Hermosa Beach, CA
1. The Dermatologist is your Best Friend.
If you have any kind of health care insurance and acne, you have absolutely no good reason not to go to him on a monthly basis.

He can give you prescriptions to oral antibiotics and topical medication (which is really just super sized benzyl peroxide, into that later) to help you fight acne. Other more serious medication as well, but those have side effects.

Other things he can do for you is give your cortisone injections. This is an anti-inflammatory steriod which will reduce any big pimples that you've developed. Useful if you've got some important event to attend and you've broken out. Give about a day or two so it fully dies down and heals.

Acne extraction facials. If the doc diagnoses you with Acne, your health insurance should cover it. All you have to take care of is the copay. This like getting a free $100 procedure and a chemical peel.

2. Home care facial products
Brand name doesn't matter. Just make sure that those are the ONLY active ingredients and not combined with anything else. For example, Glycolic acid loses any effectiveness if its combined with Salicylic acid.

a. Salicylic acid - 2%
Now, salicylic acid itself doesn't fight acne directly. Rather it helps you cleanse your skin of excess dry cells and bacteria. As a side effect, it also acts as a mild inflammatory so if you do have acne, it can cosmetically reduce the size (but don't expect miracles). Thus cleaning your skin and hopefully nipping those pimples in its initial formation stages.

b. Benzyl peroxide - 10%
Benzyl peroxide directly attacks the most common acne bacteria on your skin. Ergo, it is useful when you've already broken out. The battle has been lost, but you can still win the war. And it must be applied all over your entire skin. You can't see bacteria so is it needs to go all over and not just what you see in the way of pimples.

c. Glycolic acid - 10%
Glycolic acid is what they use in chemical peels (something like 70% concentrations). 10% is a small concentration and is useful in loosening and removing "cemented-in" sebum plugs. Basically, its a solvent. Medical studies, for whatever reason, seem to indicate that glycolic acid (and chemical peels) are especially efficacious on Asian skin.

d. Moisturizer with SPF 15

Ok, acne comes in stages from just initial formation to full out eruption. The purpose of these different products is that they're hitting the acne at all those different stages. You use them ALL and not just one product to the exclusion of all others. Remember, acne forms in stages and you've got to use all the right weapons otherwise you're only hitting a small part of the problem.

Even if you've eliminated all the acne that's already erupted, you've got pimples that have justed started and you can't feel or see them, so you've got to take the war to them at all the stages. They're meant to be applied to your ENTIRE face and not just already visible pimples. I mean, you can't SEE bacteria right? So if you have acne, odds are you've got it elsewhere where you can't see. Apply and leave on for a few minutes before washing off. Maybe brush your teeth or something.

This doesn't work overnight (other than the cortisone injections) and may take a full month before seeing final improvements. Your acne isn't gone, but you've at least taken care of the unsightly symptoms and have it under control.

You now have clear skin that hopefully looks healthy and that glow that comes from new layers of epidermis. And equally as important, you should have regained some of that confidence, self-esteem and posture that will help you improve your DJing skills.

You look good and you FEEL good.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Health and Fitness...Good stuff by the way.

One on One

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
Great post. I have a question about Glycolic acid though. I have a pimple thingy on my back that is about 0.5" in diameter. I've had it for like 2 years now and it never gets bigger, never gets smaller. Is this the type of thing that Glycolic acid can fight? I heard I could goto a doctor and get some type of steroid injection to destroy the thing, but I'd rather get something over the counter first.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Hermosa Beach, CA
GA and SA are meant to attack acne before they've formed. GA will break down hardened sebum that clogs up your pores. Ergo, its a pre-emptive strike. BP and injections are after the acne has surpassed all your defenses. Then its time to carpet bomb.

I would suggest a cortisone injection. Its just a minor prick into the bump and they pump a small amount into the pimple.

I suppose you could try and get some sort of cortisone or hydrocortisone ointment or even Preparation H that's OTC.

One on One

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score

What do you recommend as a good SA body wash and BP? Another poster here recommended applying SA body wash in the shower, leaving it on for 2-3 minutes then applying BP in the shower and leaving it on for 5 minutes before rinsing. I have a tube of BP that I use tiny quantities on my face each night, but if I were to use it on my whole body it would go way too fast in the shower and its 10% so its pretty $$$. So, I'm just looking for recommendations at SA and BP products and how I should use them?


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Hermosa Beach, CA
Originally posted by One on One

What do you recommend as a good SA body wash and BP? Another poster here recommended applying SA body wash in the shower, leaving it on for 2-3 minutes then applying BP in the shower and leaving it on for 5 minutes before rinsing. I have a tube of BP that I use tiny quantities on my face each night, but if I were to use it on my whole body it would go way too fast in the shower and its 10% so its pretty $$$. So, I'm just looking for recommendations at SA and BP products and how I should use them?
The active ingredients is the only thing important. Choose whatever brand at whatever price so long as it meets the 2%/10% criteria.

If you need it over your entire body, you need it over your entire body. In the shower, I usually leave it on at least 2-3 minutes each. 5 minutes each is fine too.

If you go to the doctor, he can prescribe a supped up version of BP to that you apply overnight.

Splurge on the $$$ if you have to. Better to get it under control now, paying for prescriptions, OTC, and doctor visits rather than, as one poster here is doing, paying $1600 for laser surgery to remove those unsightly acne scars. Don't be penny wise and pound foolish.

One on One

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
A few more questions....

What about acne scars? I don't have any major ones, but I'd like to do something about the slightly noticeable marks on my face.

Also, how much do you generally use on your body of SA and BP? All I really need it for is my face, neck, upper back, and maybe shoulder area. Should I use a regular soap on the rest of my body?

Thanks a lot!


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Hermosa Beach, CA
Originally posted by One on One
A few more questions....

What about acne scars? I don't have any major ones, but I'd like to do something about the slightly noticeable marks on my face.

Also, how much do you generally use on your body of SA and BP? All I really need it for is my face, neck, upper back, and maybe shoulder area. Should I use a regular soap on the rest of my body?

Thanks a lot!
You may want to give a couple of months after you have acne under control before doing something about scar tissue. Maybe take some extra zinc (w/o calcium since it interferes with zinc absorption) to accelerate healing. Options are microdermabrasion and the expensive, but efficient laser surgery.

Quantity is just enough to cover the afflicted area, morning and evening shower. Soap is to your discretion though you don't want to dry out your skin too much.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
Can you recommend a good facial moisturizer that has lasting effects?

I notice that after using BP 10%, that it really dries out my face, and a little while after applying a moisturizer, it dries up again in some spots and my skin flakes and peels.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
The best thing the derm can give you is accutane. I know people say it isn't good for you and that stuff but if you drink lots of water and aren't depressed its the greatest thing ever. I'm in my 3rd month with accutane and my face looks SOOOOOO much better. I just wish my parents had let me take it back in 8th grade when I asked because who knows how different my life could be without all those past feelings of insecurity. At least I'll get a new start in college next year.


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2003
Reaction score
I just want to add. DON"T TOUCH YOUR FACE or any other parts of your body that tend to break out. i.e. back, chest, neck, ears, whatever. You'd be surprised at how much bacteria gets transfered from a simple rub.

Lost Cause

Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
Newport Beach
Originally posted by JT47319
Splurge on the $$$ if you have to. Better to get it under control now, paying for prescriptions, OTC, and doctor visits rather than, as one poster here is doing, paying $1600 for laser surgery to remove those unsightly acne scars. Don't be penny wise and pound foolish.

Yeah I am but I did take care of myself even during my teenage years. I went to a dermatologist every 3 months, I was on accutane, I still use special prescription face washes and salt scrubs. I still got the acne scars... they aren't "unsightly" but I just would rather not have them.

This guy is right though... spend some $$ on yourself and you'll notice a difference. You have to make it part of your daily routine or you'll never notice anything. I've been using the same face wash for 3 years and it has improved my complexion I'd say 50%+.

V Beam = I used to get rid of the slight redness look on my cheeks and nose and the dark red that appears inside small acne pits. I also used this to flatten a scar on my cheek. I'd say the redness is 75% better and the scar about 50% better. This laser isnt the prefered laser for scars (the Q-Switched YAG is a better one) but it worked.

Smooth Beam - I used to raise the acne scars out of their pits. This worked pretty well but it takes up to 3 months to see full results. I'd say they are 85% better than they were before.

If you got some time, look up the "Candela V Beam" laser and the "Smooth Beam" laser. Both are what I used. Very non invasive and after a day of my skin being slightly pink, it returned to its normal state.

What's next for me in my quest for a perfect complexion??? Microdermabrasion... to blend in the skin and make it appear more evenly toned.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Hermosa Beach, CA
Originally posted by Jimbo2k
Can you recommend a good facial moisturizer that has lasting effects?

I notice that after using BP 10%, that it really dries out my face, and a little while after applying a moisturizer, it dries up again in some spots and my skin flakes and peels.
Oil free, non-comodogenic.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jimbo2k
Can you recommend a good facial moisturizer that has lasting effects?

I notice that after using BP 10%, that it really dries out my face, and a little while after applying a moisturizer, it dries up again in some spots and my skin flakes and peels.
Purpose Moisturizer. Works well. Also useful after shaving.

One on One

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
Some posters on here have claimed that Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic Acid do not work well together. Well, I just did some of my own research and there seems to be no truth to that. They actually work better together. Does anybody know anything about this?


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Man the best thing you can do is go to a dermatologist. If you can afford one or have good health insurance I highly recommend it.

You know acne is not just caused from bacteria or dead skin cells or all that other crap. You can get it from being stress & poor diet. They say that you cant get acne from chocolate and fatty foods, but I notice that when I consume these foods my face looks ten times worse then if Im on a good diet with lots of greens, fruit. Also I find that if I stay away from refined foods I have a way healthier complexion. It sucks cuz its inconvenient and expensive to eat like this, but it does help tremendously!


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
I have BP 10%, and it dries out my face like hell. If u put the cram all over your face, that tube is going to be empty rather quick...some serious cash drop.

how expensive is accutane?

I have had some breakout since 4 years ago. IT isnt constant, but appears and goes away, and appears again... is it ever going to stop, or is it something i will have to deal with for the rest of my life?


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score

It depends, some people it is an adolescent thing, and it goes away when they hit their 20's, Some people get it later on in life like when their 30, sorta like reverse puberty. Some people get it in their adolescent years and continue to get it in their 20's like me. I would wait to do accutane, until you've tried other alternatives from your dermatologist. Anti-biotics changed every now and then works wonders and is a lot safer imho. Accutane has some nasty side effects, namely it has been known to make people go out and kill themselves! So if you are at all depressed I wouldnt recommend it. Also It can damge your brain. Anyway I would go on and do some research.



Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
I've been using a topical antibiotic called Clindamycin Hydrochloride and it seems to be working.