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  1. S

    Observations of white guy dating black chicks

    I don't feel the need or desire to defend myself against your PC BS. However, I think your skills at guilting a man for a legit question about female behavior would fit in well at Ms. Magazine. If you take issue with my question don't read it. You punk PC guys that throw out the NAWALT or the...
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    Observations of white guy dating black chicks

    Backbreaker, If you have experience and start a tread about red-headed Yugoslavians always wanting to f*ck their men with a strap-on, I want to hear that sh*t so I don't get blindsided or waste time. This site, for me, is about tapping as* and good as*, at that. If I had a racial problem, I...
  3. S

    Observations of white guy dating black chicks

    Ok. It's good to know that I am not just crazy. I like to spend my money and time on women where it is rewarded. I may have to call myself retired from them too.
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    Returning after many years. Here's what I've learned!

    Well said sir. One might also add that once you get your life in a zen-like productive state, women will crawl out of the woodwork to be the one to f*ck it up or take credit for it. I think it is important that a man always leave a women with more than he came with, ans send the b*tch packing...
  5. S

    Observations of white guy dating black chicks

    As background, I have had pi*s poor luck with my last two LTR turning out to be nothing more than dogsh*t in a pretty package, and after the last one ended about two years ago, I decided to explore fairly uncharted waters for me. I am a white guy with experience with white, latin, and asian...
  6. S

    Help! Possible Cluster B- Feeling Totally Lost

    You sound like a white knight/CSAW. Although I didn't hit my cluster B, she tried hard to get me to do so. I would not blame another man for beating one in the right setting. In fact, I think proof of a cluster B disorder should be codified as an affirmative defense in the domestic violence...
  7. S

    How do I handle this BPD girl?

    By the way, it is really hard to enjoy sex for a long time after one of these creatures because regular p**sy will seem like near-beer to real beer in comparison. I was so min*f@cked that I could not even get it up for months after my ordeal with one. These poster have given you great advice...
  8. S

    How do I handle this BPD girl?

    Bro, you are lost, and part of you is already permanently damaged. You just don't seem to know it yet, and you will not realize the full extent of what has happened to you for years. I was involved (to whatever extent you can ever really be with a cluster B) with an NPD soulless wh@*re, and...
  9. S

    autistic child after you get married?

    This post has to be a joke I have never felt anger from a purely ignorant post on this site, until I read this one. I clicked on it because I have an autistic son, and I thought this would be a thread by a guy asking for help. You, sir, are a chickensh*t. That being said, any child of...
  10. S

    This one made me laugh. "The ego epidemic"

    Ain't this the GD truth. It is truly like they are living in fantasy land. "I want a man that will pick me up on his unicorn and ride over the chocolate milk river bridge into the lollipop forest for a picnic that he prepared between sensitivity classes." F*ck this type of woman.
  11. S

    The official Borderline Personality Disorder thread [Merged]

    Jophil's observation about the BPD's way of ending relationships is a great insight, and it is one that you will not find surfing the clinical-type psychology Internet sites, which we all do during recovery from these virus-like c*nts. All of my NPDex's exs were broken men if they had been...
  12. S

    How the fuvk do I get over this?

    I went through a similar experience to what you describe over a year ago when my LTR with a narcissistic personality disordered woman ended slowly and painfully. At one point I read about and used the prescription drug that you refer to, Propranalol (beta blocker). I had PTSD-type effects from...
  13. S

    3 days exclusive with the BPD. She is already a headache.

    Vlad, I can't read your posts on this subject anymore. It is like re-living a personal nightmare. I am sure it is like that for the other guys on this forum that have cluster b battle scars, even though they are reaching out to help you. The various behavior patterns for the different cluster...
  14. S

    How do I keep my traditional foreign woman sane around western women

    I appreciate the input and advice. Here are a few more facts. Her aunt has never tried to set her up with a non-Vietnamese before and only one other Vietnamese American in the three years that she has been out of a relationship. She is 26, never married and no kids. She doesn't have any...
  15. S

    How do I keep my traditional foreign woman sane around western women

    I am developing a serious LTR with a traditional woman living in Vietnam. Her aunt is a friend of mine in the U.S. and introduced us. I am considering marrying her and bringing her to the United States. However, she is nearly perfect for me the way she is, and I do not want her infected...
  16. S

    Don't women know that male friends are a liability, not a selling point?

    The "I don't get along with other women because they are conniving b**ches so I just have a lot of close male friends" thing is my new (hard learned) red flag with women. I fell for this BS from a women just like other chumps, and I even felt guilty and insecure for questioning it at the time...
  17. S

    The official Borderline Personality Disorder thread [Merged]

    I dated a NPD woman for about eighteen months, and a little over a year has passed since the last of her slow-ending soulr*pe of me. I want to comment about the percent of population issue that was raised. While diagnosable "cluster b" women may be a small percentage of the female population...