How do I keep my traditional foreign woman sane around western women


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Arkansas, U.S.A.
I am developing a serious LTR with a traditional woman living in Vietnam. Her aunt is a friend of mine in the U.S. and introduced us. I am considering marrying her and bringing her to the United States.

However, she is nearly perfect for me the way she is, and I do not want her infected by the behavior and thinking of western women. I am not the kind of guy to control a woman's friends and activities. So, what can I do to keep her thinking and acting like a real unadulterated woman if she comes to the United States? Has anyone on the forum done this sort of thing?

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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I don't know, shechafemyfigs. My cousin married a Vietnamese girl BECAUSE he got her pregnant and his religion would go against no marriage. 2 years later suffice to say, they're divorced now. Bugs get put in womens' ears and they fly away like nats. Just be thankful you're stable, born a man, and not a woman. That's ALL you can be thankful for. You can stand alone. They, with all their independence garbage they claim to have, can not stand alone.


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
This question is right up my alley as my main exposure to girls are international students in the US and 2nd generation Chinese in the US.

You must be very cautious - as girls will slowly but surely take on whatever their environment is.

One easy trick is to not have a TV in your house. Keep her away from watching that American TV filth such as Desperate Housewives, etc.

I highly recommend you try to get an ex-pat job in the future so you can go abroad to Asia - that is really the only way to keep your girl pure.

If you aren't able to do that any time soon - I recommend you find some way to settle down in an Asian community - such as Korean town in LA, Chinatown in SF or Flushing (Chinatown) in New York. That way she can meet other foreigners and commingle with them and stay relatively pure


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Bringing a traditional woman to the US is like dipping your ice cream cone in a toilet bowl. All you can do is hope that the sh!t doesn't stick.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Arkansas, U.S.A.
I appreciate the input and advice. Here are a few more facts. Her aunt has never tried to set her up with a non-Vietnamese before and only one other Vietnamese American in the three years that she has been out of a relationship. She is 26, never married and no kids. She doesn't have any college. She just has an interest in studying language (speaks Mandarin and English) and takes classes on the side of work to learn.

If she is playing me for a green card, she is playing her cards very close to her chest and so is her aunt. However, my eyes are open. I have been royally f^^ked over by women in the past; so I am aware of their phenominal ability to act and manipulate.

I can't leave the country for a year because I have a seven year old son that needs me here. Going there does sound like the ideal way to give it a try with her, but I just can't. I also like the suggestion of keeping her around other traditional asians. I had not thought of that option. Thanks guys.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
I would say that the main reason that foreign women who immigrate have difficulties is because of the boost in sexual market value (SMV) they get, as their ability to attract a decent man in the USA is so much easier than in their home country (because, of course, there are so few quality women in the USA.)

By periodically going back (which should not be a problem as it is her home), she gets reminded of why you are such a hot commodity.


May 30, 2009
Reaction score
if she goes near an american dog, she will become a mut. DO NOT LET HER SEE OR TALK TO AMERICAN WOMEN> YOU ARE DOOMED IF THIS HAPPENS.

Hooligan Harry

Senior Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
Reaction score
I have a different take on this.

It has nothing to do with a cultural shift. I dont care where you go in the world, culture in particular is very difficult to stamp out. It shapes the way we interact and view things. Its why sub culture is so prevalent in the west where society tends to be more multicultural. You find you start to identify with a culture more the longer you are there, but everything about you will be different. No amount of time in a new country will change that.

The answer here is a lot simpler then most men realise. Foreign women are not "infected" by the local culture. Their VALUE skyrockets when they go to the USA. They have a larger pool of high quality men to choose from and as a result become more demanding.

The reason why American men do well overseas is because they have more to offer as men when compared to the locals. Not that the local men are that bad, its just that they cannot provide for them in the same way you can. And they are in short supply.

You are considered wealthy if you can travel. The fact that you hold down a job and actually go to work is a big plus. The fact that you wont beat the crap out of her when she gets lippy is another bonus. The fact that you tend to be more faithful (even though you have so many options) is another tick in the box. So she will do everything she can to keep you.

Take her to the USA and the roles are reversed. There are not 100 other beautiful, 20 year old women chasing you. There are men in abundance, and they can all provide for her in much the same way you can. The laws are so skewed just a claim of abuse gets you a night in jail. Not only are there fewer women chasing you, there are fewer women who can compete with her. Most of them are fat and lack the femininity she has. Throw into the mix the anti male attitude in the west and you have the proverbial kid in the candy store.

There is a shift in value Im afraid and it has little to do with the local culture. In her country, you are a prize catch. In your country, she is a prize catch. When it is in a womans nature to trade up, many will act on it.

Now, in saying that, according to wiki almost 80% of mail order marriages are successful. Only 20% end in failure. Considering that marrying an American women leads to a 1/2 shot of divorce, the odds are in your favour anyway. Chances are, the majority of those men in that 20% bracket were losers and morons anyway.

Da Realist

Master Don Juan
Sep 1, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, TN
Let's be real: all the American women are going to be jealous that you went out of the country and found someone. The only way you really keep any woman from leaving is to be the best thing she has ever had. Get up, provide, come back home, and bang her so good she sees stars. Best of all, direct her towards positive women. If your friends have miserable wives, it may be time to switch friends because it will seep into your marriage.