How do I handle this BPD girl?

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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romangod said:
Maybe you should spend the next week learning about being the victim of a BPD chick and how you will recover from the inevitable disaster that awaits you.
Either that or start producing amateur cuckolding porn. If you're gonna go complete omega, at least turn a profit.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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katatonia said:
I don't really have much problem with her cheating on me anymore... it still kinda hurts how she can claim to love me so much but he lying and cheating behind my back, but it's not as bad as 2 weeks ago; that's for sure. As long as I know she will most likely come back to me and that I'm her #1, then I am content.
I'm curious, what would it take for you to break up with her? What action goes beyond the pale? What would she have to do, ƒuck another guy in front of you? Kill your dog? Spit in your mother's face?

What mentally healthy woman would actually want to be with a man so destitute that he'll content himself with her knowingly ƒucking other men so long as she comes back to him? The answer is no mentally healthy woman would, but a mentally imbalanced woman with a personality disorder, she would.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 29, 2011
Reaction score
Open Relationship = her ultimate excuse. She wants you un-defined. Then there is no 'pressure' on her. And when she Fks up, and she will, she can say, "Hey, you wanted an open relationship, I didn't. I even cried about it." bla bla

BPD chick played you perfectly.
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 26, 2009
Reaction score
Rollo Tomassi said:
You're living in fear. You're afraid she'll commit suicide if you uproot yourself (a classic BPD unspoken threat)
I'm not afraid of suicidal gestures or suicide as she has not done this once in our relationship thus far. That's not to say that she won't, but I am not fearful of it. I am scared to leave because she has manipulated me into believing that she would be lost without me, and is so dependent on me... she NEEDS me.

Rollo Tomassi said:
but trust me on this, it'll be you who swallows a bullet before she ever will. I've known 3 men who've done just this as the result of a BPD relationship. I know it seems like most of the guy's here are simply passing you off by saying "get out" and move on, but your life literally depends on it.
Well luckily I knew about BPD before hand because I reckon I would be an absolute mess at the moment, probably still reeling from her dramatic personality shift and trying to win her back via AFC methods.

Rollo Tomassi said:
Also, I must add this, when you do finally muster the self-concern enough to actually leave her, expect a complete 180 in her mentality and behavior. One thing a true BPD hates more than her victim is the thought of having to ensnare another. There are plenty of other AFCs ready to fill that role, but the comfort and easy predictability you represent to her in the present builds an emotional dependency. BPDs will fight like wild animals not to lose their victim, and for a guy so accustomed to her neurotic behavior, his first impression is that she's making some real change for him in order to "improve the relationship." It's not, but so radical a shift in her behavior will convince you otherwise, and again, particularly when you yourself have no options and believe you'll never do better than her.
I know this... but I'm still struggling with the truth that most of our relationship was built on lies.

Rollo Tomassi said:
I'm curious, what would it take for you to break up with her? What action goes beyond the pale? What would she have to do, ƒuck another guy in front of you? Kill your dog? Spit in your mother's face?
LoL I don't know... maybe a build up of lies and cheating and other disrespectful behaviour will push me over the edge to break up with her spontaneously. I was pretty close to doing this before, but to be honest I doubt I'll be able to fend off the hoovering for long.

Rollo Tomassi said:
What mentally healthy woman would actually want to be with a man so destitute that he'll content himself with her knowingly ƒucking other men so long as she comes back to him? The answer is no mentally healthy woman would, but a mentally imbalanced woman with a personality disorder, she would.
I don't think she took my offer seriously, or takes me seriously when I tell her I don't care about her cheating. It seems like she thinks I am trying to trick her into admitting it, which is KINDA true lol. She took it as a game and is lying her ass off to cover her tracks. She also gets scared that I'm cheating on her/don't care about her when I mention the open relationship. I am at the point now where I WANT TO CHEAT on her. Her inconsistent stories with this current co-worker are fvcking with my head, and the guy is married and has a kid so it makes me sick. Plus she is selling my weed to him (I get the profit but the idea that I'm providing for him is disgusting).

Problem is I have social anxiety and suck at gaming new women, and the only other possible option at the moment for me is a HPD... which is soooo much better... LOL. :rolleyes: But I am actually considering it.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
it's best to get rid of her ASAP before she brings you down even more. It will only get worse and you will like total sh!t after it is all done with her dumping you for some other guy or you dumping her and having her harassing you all the time.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 29, 2011
Reaction score
She's projecting: "She also gets scared that I'm cheating on her/don't care about her when I mention the open relationship." Classic example.

BTW, are you for real? I mean, we all convince ourselves of some crazy shyte when we don't know what BPD is, but you do know. You kind of come off as happy about all this. Meanwhile, some dude's jim is in her peep. That's kind of a deal breaker.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 26, 2009
Reaction score
Johnnyventana said:
She's projecting: "She also gets scared that I'm cheating on her/don't care about her when I mention the open relationship." Classic example.
Yeah I suspected that. She also said:

"You're probably cheating on me. You're just really good at hiding it." :rolleyes:

There's been like 100 more inconsistencies with her stories about what she does after work too. 99.99% chance she is cheating. Everything adds up, besides her words which I've learned not to believe.

I want this guy to be ruined. I have the urge to find his wife's contact details and tell her what's going on but I think it might be best to just leave the BPD to do her thing on him... it'll serve him right. He better not refuse to leave his wife under any circumstances... I would hate for my BPD to get another guy that she will not get rid of.

Johnnyventana said:
BTW, are you for real? I mean, we all convince ourselves of some crazy shyte when we don't know what BPD is, but you do know. You kind of come off as happy about all this. Meanwhile, some dude's jim is in her peep. That's kind of a deal breaker.
I'm not too bothered... I was chasing a HPD before this after all, and they're worse with the cheating lol. As I said, my main fears are STDs and pregnancy.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 29, 2011
Reaction score
This is really long, but a MUST read. It is from BPD Family:

Most of you have read how the BPD relationship evolves on the front page but how about we post our own take on it?

You meet a girl.  She is really charming,  she seems very cheerful, funny, smart, and caring. You really don't know what to make of her at first,  but you do think she is really cool and worth dating thats for sure.   She starts getting closer to you, she seems to really take a deep interest in your thoughts, feelings, and desires. It's only been a week but it already seems like you've known each other your entire lives,  she seems needy now.. but you don't understand how someone so beautiful and amazing could seem so helpless.. You instantly get a feeling of needing to be there for her.  There are red flags,  but you choose to ignore them.  She starts telling you things are very personal.  Does this raise a red flag or does it make you feel privileged to be trusted with this kind of personal information. Probably the latter. Weeks go by, you feel a really deep bound with this person a bit forced but you trick yourself into believing this is something real. her neediness appears in greater forms. She seems to have emotional problems,  but you seem to make her happy.  She does not seem crazy to you at this point,  you feel that you were meant for her and that you can save her from anything she is dealing with because you give her happiness. She may tell you that you are her soullmate that every guy she has been with has hurt her and that you are perfect for her and that she is finally happy with you.

Maybe she tells you she loves you after 2 weeks or a month.  Does this raise a red flag? Probably not.   You're already hooked at this point.   She starts taking interest in anything you like,  Music, movies, your hobbies.. She now likes them too and maybe she claimed to have liked them all along.  She copies the way you speak, the way you carry yourself and even takes on a part of your own personality.  You feel that you have so much in common, but you really have nothing in common at all. You havent seen the monster yet at this point... but you will soon.  Maybe you've been together for a month, things are going great.. you ignore all the red flags but wow is this person negative or what?  Maybe she tells you about how horrible her mother is,  maybe she hates her co-workers,  maybe she talks badly about her friends..  Everyone seems to piss her off or hurt her somehow.   Her favorite thing to do at this point is btch about other people.  You cant understand how anyone can do these things to her!  She is perfect right? How can people hurt her this way, how can they dislike her?  At this point things are still good between you however.. she isnt as cheerful as she once was.  She seems to be going through a lot.. maybe she opens up to you maybe she doesnt.. something is bothering her and its driving you crazy.  You want so badly to make her feel better, you try your best.. but nothing you do seems to cheer her up.

Things get distant now.  She doesn't call you as much, she doesnt seem to want to spend any time together.  the overwhelming love you felt from her has now dissipated into nothingness..  You're confused at this point.. What happend to the girl that told me she loved me and wanted to be together forever? You don't know what hit you.. of course you try and do the normal thing and try to communicate your feelings to her, but when you do..  she does not respond to your feelings or what you have to say.  You have finally met her coldness. You may plead, beg, and cry for answers, but you will never get any.  You may ask her why she is distant, you may ask her why she seems to not even care about the relationship anymore, you will have many questions, but you will never get any answers.  You will keep asking.. but that seems to have a very negative effect.  She will now hate you for asking questions.  Eventually after asking so many times the borderline will give you answers but you wont like them... She will tell you how you have hurt her and will make up problems that you didnt even know existed..  Of course.. you will try to use logic and reasoning against her.  You may even call her out on her absurd double standards and you may even have evidence to back up your claims that you were in the right all along... but this will not work.  No matter what you say, no matter what you do, you were in the wrong in the eyes of a borderline. You are beyond confused now, maybe she convinced you that you really are the one in the wrong... maybe... you feel that you let her down in someway.

You're more determined than ever now to make things right. maybe you think well.. i just love her a little more, if i just show her i care more.. things will change.. you thought you met the most amazing person in the world,  you want her back.. you will do everything you can to get the girl that you met to show up again.

Maybe.. you feel discouraged that things will never change.. you finally stop caring.. you finally say "ah the hell with this"  the borderline is in panic mode now.. oh boy.. she now has feelings of being abandoned..  maybe she calls you 50 times.. maybe she shows up at your work!  She may cry and beg you to not leave her and that she is so sorry and that she will change!  things really seem to start to change now, the cheerful girl you once met is back.  maybe she made a few promises to you, maybe she isnt so distant now.. it just feels right.. and you're left wondering why you even wanted to leave in the first place.  Wow things are great again, but.. no.  Another crisis.. !  She slips into depression again,  only instead of being distant this time she is extremely needy.  She may want you around more, tell you that she needs you more than ever.. she gets really clingy and tells you not to leave her side.  Maybe she has nightmares at night, you are now expected to comfort her every need.  This isnt what you signed up for eh? You keep lying to yourself hoping.. wishing things will change.  You miss the feeling she gave you when you first met. You really want that back dont you?

Oh.. shes distant again.  Now you see the real her.. but you don't exactly know what it is.  This girl seems to despise you.  Why does everything you seem to do irritate her so much?  She really cant stand you at this point..  but you dont understand why.  Everything you do now pisses her off.  Maybe you looked at her wrong.. shut the door to loudly,  she will now be upset with everything you do. Nothing you do is ever right, you are the cause of everything bad in her life, She will now start fights with you over nothing.. So much anger in this person,  whats going on here??   you're a horrible monster!  Maybe you really believe that..   You dont quite understand how the person that once told you that she loved you so much and how you were so perfect now seems to really hate your guts.. The smear campaigns begin! Oh this is the fun part..  maybe she tells her friends, parents, someone she is close to that you are the cause of every problem she has in her life.  She has to make you out to be the bad guy here..  Maybe she turns people against you.. of course people will believe her.. You did at one point..  Things are going really horrible..  By now.. you've stayed up all nights crying.. left confused.. and maybe you're even depressed..  You might even blame yourself..  you really have no idea what is going on.

You still go to her for answers.. even though you know she will hate you for it..  you wonder why she cant give you any answers..  OH FINALLY I GET IT. SHES CRAZY..  a lightbulb goes off in your head..  All this time you thought you were the crazy one.. but it was her all along!  How could you not see it?

So what do you do now.. Do you read up on every bpd book, post on every bpd forum.. learn all you can about this disorder to try and help yourself or help her? Probably the latter..

You can't give up on her you cant... you must help her.. she is so helpless right..?  You lie to yourself thinking you can fix her, but you really cant.. but that doesnt stop you from trying. you're now more determined than ever to help someone you think you love. At this point you dont realize that what you fell in love with was really a fantasy and that no matter how hard you try.. no matter what you do you will never see that person again.  You've been devalued and to them you have hurt them, you have failed them, and you are the monster.  

How many times are you going to keep hurting yourself..? What are you some kind of sadist..? Do you enjoy being tortured by this person..  would you willingly tie yourself up and let someone shock you?  Thats is what you are basically doing being with her..  The push/pull cycle repeats..  each time she feels that she is losing you, she will throw you scraps and make you believe it will be different this time..  how many cycles are you willing to go through before you end up giving up?  How much time has past by where its been mostly bad and hardly any good in the relationship..  Why do you continue to be with this person hoping for a different outcome when shes proven to be incapable of giving you what you want..?  Once you bring your own needs to the table she will hate you.  You arent allowed to have needs of your own.. you were put one earth to fill her needs and save her..  Anything less than that and you will see the monster that they really are.

Was it all worth it..?  Being with this person, what did it cost you?  It cost me a lot.. but im finally off the roller coaster and i will never get back on that ride again.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 29, 2011
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Part II:

What i didn't realize is i was playing a game i couldnt win.  

You can't make them happy, nothing you do will ever be enough.. You could give them the moon and they still wouldnt be happy.  You could sacrifice your own life for them and they still wouldnt believe that you cared. what you have to realize is that you will never be happy with a BPD. NEVER. They wont give you what you want.. hell you may not even ask for much.. you want to be treated like a human being.. and loved by them.. but you wont get that.  You will get coldness, hate, and rage directed at you.  Nothing you do will ever make them happy.. Remember this.

Maybe you'd like to try..? hmm.. how to keep them somewhat happy lets see..

1. Be a complete doormat.
2. Never blame them for anything, even if they really are wrong.
3.  Validate every feeling they have at the cost of your own.
4. Give up all your own needs
5. do not expect to get as much as you put in
6. Do not expect to be loved like you love them
7. Do not ever disappoint them in anyway
8. Do not ever tell them they are wrong
9. treat them like children.
10. let them rage at you for no reason and take it.

Does this sound like a normal healthy relationship to you? Can you possibly be happy with this kind of person for the rest of your life? Even if you did all those things they would still find a way to hate you. Everyone has needs of their own,  you will beg, plead and cry for them to care about you a little.. but they wont.  Once you start talking about your needs you will be met with a monster and they will hate you for it. Expect nothing less than a monster..  dont kid yourself.. it will never be any different.  You can't change them,  you can't help them because they wont even help themselves.. You may really care about this person but they really don't care about you or your feelings.  They always have to be the victim.. always..  and somehow you will always end up hurting them.. or dissapointing them in someway. Not all cheat but most of them do,  when you start bringing up your own needs that is when they realize it's time to bail.  They will seek out a new victim and drop you like you meant nothing at all..

They will leave you and never look back.. well depends.. if you're on this site chances are you've gone further for them than anyone else,  and they realize that. So if their new boyfriend disappoints them.. you will be re-engaged.. they will run back to you, beg you to take them back, act the way they did when you first met them.. Will you fall for it? They are mentally ill, you are not.. everyone here has a chance to have normalacy.. they do not. you have to ask yourself.. Do you see yourself being happy with them ever..? Can you live with someone that hates you one minute loves you the next?  can you see yourself being with a person that will rage at you for no reason at all? can you see yourself spending the rest of your life with someone that will make you out to be the bad guy and smear campaign you to everyone only to smile at you 5 minutes later and tell you that they love you?

You will never get what you want from them. NEVER.  You deserve better.. everyone here does.  They are broken, and no you can't fix them. Are you willing to suffer this way forever?  Or will you finally run and never look back.  You may miss them.. you may cry all night thinking about them, but when you see the months go by and you dont have the feeling of "walking on eggshells" or worrying about pissing them off by anything you do, you will finally be happy again.  It wont be easy but it will never be as bad as it was when you were with the bpd.

It took me a long time to realize this stuff..  I'm off the BPD train and i will never get back on it.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2008
Reaction score
Crazy girl sex is sex like no other, I dated a HB8.5 Bipolar girl in high school. It was the worst possible relationship and in all honesty the one i miss the most.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Arkansas, U.S.A.
Bro, you are lost, and part of you is already permanently damaged. You just don't seem to know it yet, and you will not realize the full extent of what has happened to you for years. I was involved (to whatever extent you can ever really be with a cluster B) with an NPD soulless wh@*re, and although I have a somewhat functional life years after the involvement, I firmly believe that some part of my emotional psyche is dead and nothing but scar tissue. You, sir, are f*cked...simply, plainly, and permanently. I will welcome you to the club of men on the other side when you are truly on the other side.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Arkansas, U.S.A.
By the way, it is really hard to enjoy sex for a long time after one of these creatures because regular p**sy will seem like near-beer to real beer in comparison. I was so min*f@cked that I could not even get it up for months after my ordeal with one. These poster have given you great advice. I will say that I wish I had their insight when I was in the grip of an NPD hottie, but like for you, it probably would not have mattered. Once you do heal, to the extent possible, you will have an understanding/fear/hate for these critters. They are a separate species from humankind.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
Standing At The Crossroads
Danger said:
Bull$hit. Your main fear is not having a girl. The irony is that this very mindset makes you FAR more of an AFC than the "winning her back via AFC methods" which you have so "deftly" avoided.

Wake up.

WTF? You offer an open relationship, an excuse for her to mess with other guys just to keep her? Plus you know she's cheated. You can't freekin trust her and you know it. With all respect op, you are desperately afc and have some of your own issues that need to be dealt with.

Listen to what the veterans told you above and unfvck yourself before she destroys you.

I suggest that you.......:woo:


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
Johnnyventana said:
This is really long, but a MUST read. It is from BPD Family:

Most of you have read how the BPD relationship evolves on the front page but how about we post our own take on it?

You meet a girl.  She is really charming,  she seems very cheerful, funny, smart, and caring. You really don't know what to make of her at first,  but you do think she is really cool and worth dating thats for sure.   She starts getting closer to you, she seems to really take a deep interest in your thoughts, feelings, and desires. It's only been a week but it already seems like you've known each other your entire lives,  she seems needy now.. but you don't understand how someone so beautiful and amazing could seem so helpless.. You instantly get a feeling of needing to be there for her.  There are red flags,  but you choose to ignore them.  She starts telling you things are very personal.  Does this raise a red flag or does it make you feel privileged to be trusted with this kind of personal information. Probably the latter. Weeks go by, you feel a really deep bound with this person a bit forced but you trick yourself into believing this is something real. her neediness appears in greater forms. She seems to have emotional problems,  but you seem to make her happy.  She does not seem crazy to you at this point,  you feel that you were meant for her and that you can save her from anything she is dealing with because you give her happiness. She may tell you that you are her soullmate that every guy she has been with has hurt her and that you are perfect for her and that she is finally happy with you.

Maybe she tells you she loves you after 2 weeks or a month.  Does this raise a red flag? Probably not.   You're already hooked at this point.   She starts taking interest in anything you like,  Music, movies, your hobbies.. She now likes them too and maybe she claimed to have liked them all along.  She copies the way you speak, the way you carry yourself and even takes on a part of your own personality.  You feel that you have so much in common, but you really have nothing in common at all. You havent seen the monster yet at this point... but you will soon.  Maybe you've been together for a month, things are going great.. you ignore all the red flags but wow is this person negative or what?  Maybe she tells you about how horrible her mother is,  maybe she hates her co-workers,  maybe she talks badly about her friends..  Everyone seems to piss her off or hurt her somehow.   Her favorite thing to do at this point is btch about other people.  You cant understand how anyone can do these things to her!  She is perfect right? How can people hurt her this way, how can they dislike her?  At this point things are still good between you however.. she isnt as cheerful as she once was.  She seems to be going through a lot.. maybe she opens up to you maybe she doesnt.. something is bothering her and its driving you crazy.  You want so badly to make her feel better, you try your best.. but nothing you do seems to cheer her up.

Things get distant now.  She doesn't call you as much, she doesnt seem to want to spend any time together.  the overwhelming love you felt from her has now dissipated into nothingness..  You're confused at this point.. What happend to the girl that told me she loved me and wanted to be together forever? You don't know what hit you.. of course you try and do the normal thing and try to communicate your feelings to her, but when you do..  she does not respond to your feelings or what you have to say.  You have finally met her coldness. You may plead, beg, and cry for answers, but you will never get any.  You may ask her why she is distant, you may ask her why she seems to not even care about the relationship anymore, you will have many questions, but you will never get any answers.  You will keep asking.. but that seems to have a very negative effect.  She will now hate you for asking questions.  Eventually after asking so many times the borderline will give you answers but you wont like them... She will tell you how you have hurt her and will make up problems that you didnt even know existed..  Of course.. you will try to use logic and reasoning against her.  You may even call her out on her absurd double standards and you may even have evidence to back up your claims that you were in the right all along... but this will not work.  No matter what you say, no matter what you do, you were in the wrong in the eyes of a borderline. You are beyond confused now, maybe she convinced you that you really are the one in the wrong... maybe... you feel that you let her down in someway.

You're more determined than ever now to make things right. maybe you think well.. i just love her a little more, if i just show her i care more.. things will change.. you thought you met the most amazing person in the world,  you want her back.. you will do everything you can to get the girl that you met to show up again.

Maybe.. you feel discouraged that things will never change.. you finally stop caring.. you finally say "ah the hell with this"  the borderline is in panic mode now.. oh boy.. she now has feelings of being abandoned..  maybe she calls you 50 times.. maybe she shows up at your work!  She may cry and beg you to not leave her and that she is so sorry and that she will change!  things really seem to start to change now, the cheerful girl you once met is back.  maybe she made a few promises to you, maybe she isnt so distant now.. it just feels right.. and you're left wondering why you even wanted to leave in the first place.  Wow things are great again, but.. no.  Another crisis.. !  She slips into depression again,  only instead of being distant this time she is extremely needy.  She may want you around more, tell you that she needs you more than ever.. she gets really clingy and tells you not to leave her side.  Maybe she has nightmares at night, you are now expected to comfort her every need.  This isnt what you signed up for eh? You keep lying to yourself hoping.. wishing things will change.  You miss the feeling she gave you when you first met. You really want that back dont you?

Oh.. shes distant again.  Now you see the real her.. but you don't exactly know what it is.  This girl seems to despise you.  Why does everything you seem to do irritate her so much?  She really cant stand you at this point..  but you dont understand why.  Everything you do now pisses her off.  Maybe you looked at her wrong.. shut the door to loudly,  she will now be upset with everything you do. Nothing you do is ever right, you are the cause of everything bad in her life, She will now start fights with you over nothing.. So much anger in this person,  whats going on here??   you're a horrible monster!  Maybe you really believe that..   You dont quite understand how the person that once told you that she loved you so much and how you were so perfect now seems to really hate your guts.. The smear campaigns begin! Oh this is the fun part..  maybe she tells her friends, parents, someone she is close to that you are the cause of every problem she has in her life.  She has to make you out to be the bad guy here..  Maybe she turns people against you.. of course people will believe her.. You did at one point..  Things are going really horrible..  By now.. you've stayed up all nights crying.. left confused.. and maybe you're even depressed..  You might even blame yourself..  you really have no idea what is going on.

You still go to her for answers.. even though you know she will hate you for it..  you wonder why she cant give you any answers..  OH FINALLY I GET IT. SHES CRAZY..  a lightbulb goes off in your head..  All this time you thought you were the crazy one.. but it was her all along!  How could you not see it?

So what do you do now.. Do you read up on every bpd book, post on every bpd forum.. learn all you can about this disorder to try and help yourself or help her? Probably the latter..

You can't give up on her you cant... you must help her.. she is so helpless right..?  You lie to yourself thinking you can fix her, but you really cant.. but that doesnt stop you from trying. you're now more determined than ever to help someone you think you love. At this point you dont realize that what you fell in love with was really a fantasy and that no matter how hard you try.. no matter what you do you will never see that person again.  You've been devalued and to them you have hurt them, you have failed them, and you are the monster.  

How many times are you going to keep hurting yourself..? What are you some kind of sadist..? Do you enjoy being tortured by this person..  would you willingly tie yourself up and let someone shock you?  Thats is what you are basically doing being with her..  The push/pull cycle repeats..  each time she feels that she is losing you, she will throw you scraps and make you believe it will be different this time..  how many cycles are you willing to go through before you end up giving up?  How much time has past by where its been mostly bad and hardly any good in the relationship..  Why do you continue to be with this person hoping for a different outcome when shes proven to be incapable of giving you what you want..?  Once you bring your own needs to the table she will hate you.  You arent allowed to have needs of your own.. you were put one earth to fill her needs and save her..  Anything less than that and you will see the monster that they really are.

Was it all worth it..?  Being with this person, what did it cost you?  It cost me a lot.. but im finally off the roller coaster and i will never get back on that ride again.

excellent post johnny. this covers it all and is exactly how it starts and ends. not sure why the OP still wants to continue the drama and go down the path of lies and drama and pain.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
5string said:

WTF? You offer an open relationship, an excuse for her to mess with other guys just to keep her? Plus you know she's cheated. You can't freekin trust her and you know it. With all respect op, you are desperately afc and have some of your own issues that need to be dealt with.

Listen to what the veterans told you above and unfvck yourself before she destroys you.

I suggest that you.......:woo:

The way I see it, is that if you have no idea that your girl is a BPD and you continue to stay for the torment and abuse then you can recieve the benefit of the doubt. But, if you full well know who and what she is and continue to stay then I have no sympathy towards that person. Because you are welcoming the abuse and taking it. katatonia, why do you want to keep going through this? being cheated on and her making a fool out of you. you can find another girl who wont do this to you. you got her, so you can get a normal girl who wont treat you like crap.

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
Strong content

jophil28 said:
You are setting yourself up for some serious pain.
It seems that you prefer to ignore all the advice given to you by several of us who have been in the trenches with these vipers.
Ok, let me put that into images. Maybe the OP will understand it better:

Btw, the op is not this guy ok?
He (video) is Chuck Norris´ disciple.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
parrot84 said:
She just flashed her f-buddies in front of me just to get another tear and she would absolutely love it.
You didn't mention how she also tactically mindfvked you and tore at your gut until you bled. Then she would let your wound heal a little by being normal until you felt settled again, and then she drew you closer before she attacked again with more mindfvkks..
That wound never healed, did it?

BPD vampires are like that.
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Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
Standing At The Crossroads
jophil28 said:
You didn't mention how she also tactically mindfvked you and tore at your gut until you bled. Then she would let your wound heal a little by being normal until you felt settled again, and then she drew you closer before she attacked again with more mindfvkks..
That wound never healed, did it?

BPD vampires are like that.
Well said.

Emotional black magic. It's real. It's scary. It will hurt you.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 28, 2003
Reaction score
My experince with BPD is, start distancing yourself and or sabatoge the relationship before your in way over your head.

so my advice is you " dont" handle them ,,let the next sucker do it !