Observations of white guy dating black chicks


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Arkansas, U.S.A.
As background, I have had pi*s poor luck with my last two LTR turning out to be nothing more than dogsh*t in a pretty package, and after the last one ended about two years ago, I decided to explore fairly uncharted waters for me. I am a white guy with experience with white, latin, and asian chicks, but very little dating experience with black chicks until recently. I decided to start dating mainly black women, and I want to address a trend that I see. I would appreciate it if other guys with experience with black women would address this and tell me whether I have just picked a run of bad apples or if this is what I should expect from them.

Out of seven black women I went on dates with, seven of them did not like to french kiss or did so so badly that I was turned off by it. Also, they were obnoxiously controlling about how dates would go and really controlling and plain vanilla during sex. All the other chicks I have dated have loved making out for long periods, and I had some folks check my breath just in case it was f*cked up. Finally, they have all been really arrogant like they are the total sh*t. I have gotten to the point that I am not going to go out with them even if I am really physically attracted. Is this kind of behavior and quirks from black chicks the exception or the rule?


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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I can corroborate that.

Ive been with I think 4 black girls (2 mixed), and the two that were mixed (black/white and black mexican) were no different than "normal" white girls. I think it had more to do with their socio-cultural upbringing than anything else.

The other two (one jamaican and one american black) were more like you described. Rude as all get-out, obnoxious, arrogant, and just very NOT charming. After that last one I retired from black girls.

Sexually, the darker two were gross---I didnt like the way they smelled, felt, etc. Keep in mind that's just my personal experience. The lighter two were fine...nice skin, ok in bed, etc. I do think there are some attractive black women, but I have no desire to hook up with one ever again.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
what is it about black women that men think it's okay to just start **** threads about lol?

I went on a date with a girl from Egypt like 5 years ago, ****ty ass date, one of the worst dates I have ever been on actually. Doesn't mean I get to start threads about how ****ty Egyptian women are or how they are so nasty sexually and **** like that.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Arkansas, U.S.A.
Ok. It's good to know that I am not just crazy. I like to spend my money and time on women where it is rewarded. I may have to call myself retired from them too.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Arkansas, U.S.A.
backbreaker said:
what is it about black women that men think it's okay to just start **** threads about lol?

I went on a date with a girl from Egypt like 5 years ago, ****ty ass date, one of the worst dates I have ever been on actually. Doesn't mean I get to start threads about how ****ty Egyptian women are or how they are so nasty sexually and **** like that.

If you have experience and start a tread about red-headed Yugoslavians always wanting to f*ck their men with a strap-on, I want to hear that sh*t so I don't get blindsided or waste time. This site, for me, is about tapping as* and good as*, at that. If I had a racial problem, I would not have been dating them in the first place, but I think that is where your comment is heading.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
But if I said that I'd dated 2 red headed Yugoslavians and they were both bad in bed, therefore all redheaded Yugoslavians were bad in bed, that would either be a statement indicating prejudice or just plain stupidity. You can't make such a conclusive statement based on such a small sample.

The other possibility is that if you dated 7 black women and disliked 6 it's possible that it's your own judgement about the women you chose that's impaired. And since you indicated that you'd had sex with at least some of the 7, that would tend to validate the point. Personally, I don't have sex with women who are rude, nasty and controlling, but that's just me.

OK, sometimes I do sleep with women who are nasty and controlling - but that's for a different reason!

I don't know whether or not you have a "racial problem" but just because someone dated some black women doesn't mean he doesn't have an issue. Back when I was a kid the cliche to disprove personal racism was "some of my best friends are..."


If you have experience and start a tread about red-headed Yugoslavians always wanting to f*ck their men with a strap-on, I want to hear that sh*t so I don't get blindsided or waste time. This site, for me, is about tapping as* and good as*, at that. If I had a racial problem, I would not have been dating them in the first place, but I think that is where your comment is heading.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Arkansas, U.S.A.
davewe said:
But if I said that I'd dated 2 red headed Yugoslavians and they were both bad in bed, therefore all redheaded Yugoslavians were bad in bed, that would either be a statement indicating prejudice or just plain stupidity. You can't make such a conclusive statement based on such a small sample.

The other possibility is that if you dated 7 black women and disliked 6 it's possible that it's your own judgement about the women you chose that's impaired. And since you indicated that you'd had sex with at least some of the 7, that would tend to validate the point. Personally, I don't have sex with women who are rude, nasty and controlling, but that's just me.

OK, sometimes I do sleep with women who are nasty and controlling - but that's for a different reason!

I don't know whether or not you have a "racial problem" but just because someone dated some black women doesn't mean he doesn't have an issue. Back when I was a kid the cliche to disprove personal racism was "some of my best friends are..."
I don't feel the need or desire to defend myself against your PC BS. However, I think your skills at guilting a man for a legit question about female behavior would fit in well at Ms. Magazine. If you take issue with my question don't read it. You punk PC guys that throw out the NAWALT or the race card at every imagined opportunity are pathetic. My point was not to get or seek support to somehow down black women. It was to get other views, if there are any. Having said that, p*ss off chief. I will sign off this thread and check back periodically to read any real answers to my question.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Danger said:
He is asking because he wants to know if he HAD experienced what they are really like or if he has just been unlucky.
If that's all he really wanted to know then I would have to say in my experience he's been unlucky. I've dated lots of black women (and many other races) and my experience was that just as with white women they are all over the map; some great, some not so hot, some fun, some boring, some sexy as hell, some not so sexy.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Ghetto chickenheads don't count.

Gauge a woman on her merit and the value of her self-worth, not her tone.

I've been involved sexually with two beautifully black women in the past two months. Neither was ashy or ghetto-esque, nor did they sling slang and ebonic attitude.

I won't have that sh!t in my life. It reflects who I am.

I don't think it's proper to lump all of these girls together as a united b!tch front. The two I fvcked regularly were both well groomed, well read, well shaved, and well versed in the physical act of lovemaking.

If the chick is ignorant why the fvck are you rewarding her with your c0ck?


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
The one black girl I ever got with was pretty much the opposite of the ones you described. She was pure black, was initially reluctant to give it up but was quite a beast in the sack once she did and quite eager to please. All around pretty nice gal and ranks up there among all the gals I've been with. That includes white, Latina, Indian, Middle Eastern and Asian.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Dear All,
We have very few Negroes down here....our home grown variety is quite crazy in bed....the only Indian I ever dated was a 43 year old Virgin and I could be pretty sure that ten years down the line she still is....Its not a racial thing as much as being cultural...Though it must be said that all the Asian girls I have met are just Soo deliciously tight....where as with the bulimic Westerners you often needs a plank to span.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Scaramouche said:
Dear All,
We have very few Negroes down here.
rotfl come on man

Ghetto chickenheads don't count.

Gauge a woman on her merit and the value of her self-worth, not her tone.

I've been involved sexually with two beautifully black women in the past two months. Neither was ashy or ghetto-esque, nor did they sling slang and ebonic attitude.

I won't have that sh!t in my life. It reflects who I am.

I don't think it's proper to lump all of these girls together as a united b!tch front. The two I fvcked regularly were both well groomed, well read, well shaved, and well versed in the physical act of lovemaking.

If the chick is ignorant why the fvck are you rewarding her with your c0ck?

I've ran up in some (trailer trashy esque) white girls that would make the blackest hoodest girl look like a standford grad..

**** I know a (dark)" black girl named chanel that I grew up with, went to church with, she was actually one of my oineitises friends as it turned out, went to private school her whole life, parents had bank, and girl was actually pretty ****ing hot. could not get the balls to ask her out even thought she at one pooinit seemed interested. my mom tried to hook us up several times, my ***** ass lol. that is the type of girl my mom would piss herself with if i married.. she as a bad mofo. and i assure you that if she showed interest in you that you would respond.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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backbreaker said:
what is it about black women that men think it's okay to just start **** threads about lol?

I went on a date with a girl from Egypt like 5 years ago, ****ty ass date, one of the worst dates I have ever been on actually. Doesn't mean I get to start threads about how ****ty Egyptian women are or how they are so nasty sexually and **** like that.
What I want to know is who the hell is giving you green squares? One has to be at an accelerated level of dumba$$ to think that the only difference between races is the color of their skin. I am aware of being politically correct, but you can look quite ignorant in the process.

There are most certainly cultural tendencies among various races that can be identified. And if one dares to point a few of them out, people like BB go and get their panties in a wad.

Just so we're clear, I realize you're black. Lose the big-ass chip, it's very unbecoming.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
considering I have probably dated more black women then everyone in this thread combined, here is some "real" insight on black women.

They usually are more religious than other races from my experience. When I say other races I mean white and Hispanic, I have alot of experience with those races of women. Actually white women from my experience are pretty nonreligious. This, is actually whY i have an easier time with white women than black women. I am very much attracted to black women. If you don't do the church thing, you are going to have a hard tmie getting past a few dates. "From my experience they don't do the whole live and let live thing. The girl I dated for a year who was black, that was the one bridge we just could not cross. she thoughts he could get me to "come around" and I thought I could get her to "accept me" but when push came to shove she thought i was going to hell and I thought she was a religious nutcase.

Most don't have good credit. At least the young ones. Not necessarily becuase they are bad with money,b ut beucase it's not preached upon to build up credit and **** like that. I had to show a few old girls I dated how to get a secured credit card to build credit. I'mt talking 20 something year olds. White guy in o;n my HS basketball team, dad bought him a car the day he turned 18, put his name on it, 3 years later dude had a 700 something credit score, dude is a boss, can get a house, stuff like that. That's how you do it. When I sold cars, people would come in and buy their kids cars all the time, put their names on it, come back in 2 years, buy other car by their god damn self. Hell, my mom filed bankrupky when I was in HS I had no clue about credit and how to build it. I had to go back and help my mom rebuild her credit. It wasn't BAD, but she didn't know **** about stuff like utilization and stuff like that.

Most can cook their ass off too. Even the skinny ones lol., Amber was 110 soak and wet and could throw the **** down. I mean throw down. Most black girls grow up in the kitchen helping mom cook. Amber would run
circles around my fiancee in the kitchen. Last time I was little rock my soon to be 11 year old sister (damn I'm getting old I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday), cooked dinner. the entire ****ing dinner. baked smothered chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn on the cob and corn bred (jiffy). this show ath she does everyday, sit in the kitchen and help mom cook. now mom let's her cook. can't beat that with a stick.

You have to be sturner with black women than with white women, beucse if you are like me and I assume are, you aren't thuggish and you don't come off as hard. Please note, when I say "hard' I don't man pants sagging, slang talking hard. But black women, much, much, much, much, much more than white women, want a dominant male figure.You have to let them know not to confuse your laid back/different look with being "soft" so to speak. Really not any different than any other race, but from my experience they will test you harder and more often, to see if you are that dominant male figure. I guess this is where the "rude' comes from. I don't see it as rude i see it as testing.

One girl I went on a date with, a little thicker than I usually like but she had an extremely pretty face and was so spunky I gave her a chance, went on the date and she was on the phone with someone else while I was on the date. threw her 60 dollars, told her to catch a cab home and I left. That was the LAST problem I ever had out of her. She paid for my dates from then on out. Would come over within minutes of me calling, let me **** her brains out, and was a sweet and funny girl.

IN fact that's somewhat of a trend I have had with black women now that I reflect on it. There is usually mild interest, she might think i'm attractive but again.. i'm not...even though I'm pretty well built, the way I dress, the way I carry myself is not what you think of when you think "manly" or "that mother****er is in charge". I'm actually very soft spoken in real life. I don't talk alot but at the same time I don't repeat myself if that makes sense. People often mistake my meekness for weakness, they could not be any further from the truth.... anyway, there will be mild interest, she wll do something flakish or rude, (i see about 20 threads in the general forum about women flaking and ****, yet I don't see white women getting called rude or arrogant or **** like that.. that is what pissed me off. it's a double standard, a ****ing rude woman is a ****ing rude woman black or white.), I will show them that I'm not the one in some way shape or form, and from then on it's pretty easy sledding.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Danger said:
BB, I am pretty sure that the flaking threads you refer to do not even mention a race. Perhaps you are just assuming they are white?

As azanon said before, there are cultural differences and anybody who gets all twisted when they are inquired about is being unreasonable. I would think you of all people should understand that considering you are with a white girl.
uless every last thread I saw was about black women, your point is moot. women in general, can be rude, can be flakes. Not just black women, white women, hispanic women, asian women, etc. There is no ethnicity on flaking ****y behavior. That **** comes in all colors.

I might be engaged to a white woman but i'm no one's uncle tom. I love black women. my mother is a black woman. My sister is a black woman. I'm sorry if you don't get that, and if that makes me whatever you want to call me, for defending my race of women, **** it it is what it is.

It's very easy to sit back and tell someone what should and should not offend them, when you are not the one being offended. Yes I get a tad bit defensive when you come out and say and I quote

Rude as all get-out, obnoxious, arrogant, and just very NOT charming. After that last one I retired from black girls.

Sexually, the darker two were gross---I didnt like the way they smelled, felt, etc. Keep in mind that's just my personal experience. The lighter two were fine...nice skin, ok in bed, etc. I do think there are some attractive black women, but I have no desire to hook up with one ever again.
what the **** do you expect me to say. "yeah man that's black women for you lol"

it's racially insensitive. That would be like me saying that all white men are dead beat's because my grandfather ****ed my grandmother, knocked her up and never saw her again in his life. I mean it happened. and I mean I'm just trying to avoid as many negative experiences as I can right? O:f course that's a stupid ****ing statement.. no less stupider than the statement above about "black women in general".

You aren't just talking about black women as sex objects. that obnoxious, arrogant, and non charming girl is my sister. that obnoxious, arrogant and non charming woman is my mother, my aunt, my cousin. I'm just not having it. sorry. NOr is that very don juanish in the least bit to cast that wide of a net over a whole ****ing race of women just because you had a few bad experiences with a few women. Rather or not a woman douches or not has nothing to do with their skin tone lol.

I will be the first to tell you there are "cultural differences" between races. But those do not consist of one "stinking" and the other not, one " being arrogant" and the other not.. those are not cultural differences, those are stereotypes and reeks of bigotry

yeah i know some hood rats. lol, i would be lying if I said I didn']t have family members, that didn't fit that description to a T. But I also have family members who have their **** together. I have a cousin, 34 years old, law degree from arknasas, practicing law in LA, actually not too far from where I stay, has her **** together, has men of all races beating down the door to hook up with her. she used to date a guy in the NFL. In oakland, where my mom's side of my family is from I have a cousin that is younger than me, 4 kids, no job, just ****s, drinks and smokes weed. I'm not saying every black woman is beautiful and should be cherished and **** like that, i'm just saying, be respectful and understand that those 2 women are not the whole African American race representative.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Danger said:
Mate, I have a lot of respect for you, but you cannot deny that he asked a legit question.

Would you really have gotten all worked up if a black guy asked a similar question about white chics?

What if it was a black guy who grew up dating white chics and then flipped to try black and asked the same question?

Get the chip off of your shoulder mate. Women are women, but cultures are also cultures.
You seem to miss my point.

I acko0lwedge, there acultulral differences.

A cultural difference is millie coming down to little rock with me and never having seen chitterlings before lol, " we are going to eat that **** lol". Or me having to get used to eating black pudding. Or her meeting my dad's mom who is extremely southern religious type, with the gospel music on in the background all the time and just not being used to someone being that religious and that churchy all the time. Or just how in general how seriously we take our football down here. Or me going to visit her parents farm and being fully expected to get my ass up at 5 am with everyone else and start working lol, on something nigga just work lol. By the end of the week I was milking cows and **** lol. Never touched a cow in my life. Where I come from, a guest is a guest. You break out the best food,k you break out the "good silverware lol", you put on a show for the guest. Even my mom who doesn't particularly care for my fiancee, did it big when I brought her down there. Because that's just what you do. That's a cultural difference.

Not.. "black women stink". which is what the guy who responded to him said. then you ****ing want to sit here and tell me "man it's just different cultures.. deal with it black women smell funny"

Would you really have gotten all worked up if a black guy asked a similar question about white chics?
If the were working off stupid generalizations you are damn right I would.

Mate, I have a lot of respect for you
If you really respected me, you would be respectful of my race. Not al;l black women stink, or arrogant.. how can you stay that about black women and not about black men lol? so now all black people stink, are rude and are arrogant?

chip, whatever you want to call it, yes this **** gets under my skin big time. I assumed the guys here were better than this, that's why I hang around here.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Danger said:
Whoa whoa whoa. I am not talking about other people's responses, i am talking about this thing you said here....

You have never b!tched about a thread started regarding other races, so I do not expect you to do it now.

I totally agree on the stink thing. And cut the $hit with saying that I am the one who said that crap. I never said any such thing. Get your facts straight.

To the people saying that they stink or don't feel right, that is fvcked up and I have to agree with BB there. There is no place for those kind of thoughts or statements.
I had more of a problem with the guy who responded than then the OP. The OP was not that out of line. I'd probably ask the same questions if I went a string of date with a particular race of women that didn't go well. By the way OP what part of arknasas are you in, I'm from little rock. Hell actuall y that's a good question. There are certain parts of arknasas, you just don't date outside your race. at least I wouldn't do it. Women from south arknasas are a little different than women from central/north arknasas. From my experience.

The guy who responded I'd slap the white off of him if I saw him in real life.

sorry about crediting that to you, I knew it was not you, just didn't think. sorry bout that.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 25, 2005
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I don't know the answer to the question since my ex wife is black, my ex finacee is black, my kids are half, every women I dated before after or in between has been black (or asian). I've only had sex with white women, never a relationship that lasted for any length of time. Now I'm single again in my 40's and there's not a single cute black woman in sight, guess it's time to give my white sisters a chance lol!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2009
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davewe said:
But if I said that I'd dated 2 red headed Yugoslavians and they were both bad in bed, therefore all redheaded Yugoslavians were bad in bed, that would either be a statement indicating prejudice or just plain stupidity. You can't make such a conclusive statement based on such a small sample.

The other possibility is that if you dated 7 black women and disliked 6 it's possible that it's your own judgement about the women you chose that's impaired. And since you indicated that you'd had sex with at least some of the 7, that would tend to validate the point. Personally, I don't have sex with women who are rude, nasty and controlling, but that's just me.

OK, sometimes I do sleep with women who are nasty and controlling - but that's for a different reason!

I don't know whether or not you have a "racial problem" but just because someone dated some black women doesn't mean he doesn't have an issue. Back when I was a kid the cliche to disprove personal racism was "some of my best friends are..."
Typical PC. In this forum white women are criticized constantly for being selfish, fat, hard to get, etc. But post about black women - then it's racism!!!

"The other possibility is that if you dated 7 black women and disliked 6 it's possible that it's your own judgement about the women you chose that's impaired." --You have a strange writing style. Putting "impaired" in that sentence for example - yes I agree, it's a fancy word, but not necessary in there. Let me guess: "sociology" class or similar, right? Those classes always produce the same kind of people.