considering I have probably dated more black women then everyone in this thread combined, here is some "real" insight on black women.
Yeah...Right. LOL...! You sound like an Arrogant Black Kid from the Hood. Please...refrain from making assumptions.
They usually are more religious than other races from my experience. When I say other races I mean white and Hispanic, I have alot of experience with those races of women. Actually white women from my experience are pretty nonreligious. This, is actually whY i have an easier time with white women than black women. I am very much attracted to black women. If you don't do the church thing, you are going to have a hard tmie getting past a few dates. "From my experience they don't do the whole live and let live thing. The girl I dated for a year who was black, that was the one bridge we just could not cross. she thoughts he could get me to "come around" and I thought I could get her to "accept me" but when push came to shove she thought i was going to hell and I thought she was a religious nutcase.
Most don't have good credit. At least the young ones. Not necessarily becuase they are bad with money,b ut beucase it's not preached upon to build up credit and **** like that. I had to show a few old girls I dated how to get a secured credit card to build credit. I'mt talking 20 something year olds. White guy in o;n my HS basketball team, dad bought him a car the day he turned 18, put his name on it, 3 years later dude had a 700 something credit score, dude is a boss, can get a house, stuff like that. That's how you do it. When I sold cars, people would come in and buy their kids cars all the time, put their names on it, come back in 2 years, buy other car by their god damn self. Hell, my mom filed bankrupky when I was in HS I had no clue about credit and how to build it. I had to go back and help my mom rebuild her credit. It wasn't BAD, but she didn't know **** about stuff like utilization and stuff like that.
Only the uneducated ones have bad credit...Black Women with College Degrees are very good with money...and usually smart enough to get some sucker dude to pay for their expenses (*if they are good looking and have selling skills).
Most can cook their ass off too. Even the skinny ones lol., Amber was 110 soak and wet and could throw the **** down. I mean throw down. Most black girls grow up in the kitchen helping mom cook. Amber would run
circles around my fiancee in the kitchen. Last time I was little rock my soon to be 11 year old sister (damn I'm getting old I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday), cooked dinner. the entire ****ing dinner. baked smothered chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn on the cob and corn bred (jiffy). this show ath she does everyday, sit in the kitchen and help mom cook. now mom let's her cook. can't beat that with a stick.
If you call...Fried Chicken and Hog Jaws good cooking....good for you. Us white guys would never eat the chit that "most" Black people cook.
You have to be sturner with black women than with white women, beucse if you are like me and I assume are, you aren't thuggish and you don't come off as hard. Please note, when I say "hard' I don't man pants sagging, slang talking hard. But black women, much, much, much, much, much more than white women, want a dominant male figure.You have to let them know not to confuse your laid back/different look with being "soft" so to speak. Really not any different than any other race, but from my experience they will test you harder and more often, to see if you are that dominant male figure. I guess this is where the "rude' comes from. I don't see it as rude i see it as testing.
One girl I went on a date with, a little thicker than I usually like but she had an extremely pretty face and was so spunky I gave her a chance, went on the date and she was on the phone with someone else while I was on the date. threw her 60 dollars, told her to catch a cab home and I left. That was the LAST problem I ever had out of her. She paid for my dates from then on out. Would come over within minutes of me calling, let me **** her brains out, and was a sweet and funny girl.
IN fact that's somewhat of a trend I have had with black women now that I reflect on it. There is usually mild interest, she might think i'm attractive but again.. i'm not...even though I'm pretty well built, the way I dress, the way I carry myself is not what you think of when you think "manly" or "that mother****er is in charge". I'm actually very soft spoken in real life. I don't talk alot but at the same time I don't repeat myself if that makes sense. People often mistake my meekness for weakness, they could not be any further from the truth.... anyway, there will be mild interest, she wll do something flakish or rude, (i see about 20 threads in the general forum about women flaking and ****, yet I don't see white women getting called rude or arrogant or **** like that.. that is what pissed me off. it's a double standard, a ****ing rude woman is a ****ing rude woman black or white.), I will show them that I'm not the one in some way shape or form, and from then on it's pretty easy sledding.
I see more and more Black Women Dissing Black men because the word is out....Black Men have been very irresponsible, immature and disrespectful towards their counterparts and their offspring. As a Consequence, More and mOre Black women are dating outside of their White Dudes.