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    To text or to call

    CALL. don't text. don't listen to any of those geeky pua's. be a real man and call her. be direct. call her and set up a date.
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    Going to Russia

    dont listen to any of these geeks talking **** on russian girls. russian girls are more fun, more open, and way HOTTER than any of these american women. most girls over there look like models. the night life is crazy. if you know people there it be a little easier to go around town, but if you...
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    Introduction - Experienced Player here to save this forum

    what the fuk does going to college have to do with gaming girls??? what college did you go to for asking dumb questions like that?
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    90%, maybe more, of all the material is absolute bull**** and/or mis-communicated and

    this is a post that I read on fastseduction by ragstorich. Im glad to see that people are relizeing this community of full of bs. "By 90% of the materials I don't just mean David DeAnus (C&F - how many newbies has that bull**** held back for months/years?) and commercial ****, but also most...
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    3 this!

    found an interesting article that all of you should read who are into this bull**** community and all this bull**** pua theory. "As we study pickup and embark on the daunting journey to improve our dating, it is very easy to forget the simple actions that matter most... You see, we...
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    Being realistic.....

    1. go to the gym. LIFT WEIGHTS 2. change your inner beliefs(whatever it is withing, it's without) 3. dress nice 4. stop whining 5. DON'T BE LAZY 6. learn to make eye contact with women she may be a dime but YOU'RE A 100 DOLLAR BILL.
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    This site has the most amount of afc

    I agree. this site is full of cry baby afc's. messege to the afc's: GROW SOME FUKIN BALLS AND STOP WHININ'
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    Something to replace the want for p*ssy?

    what are you passionate about? what do you want to do in life? set goals and start working towards them. and stop chasing girls. and START chasing your dreams. when you chase your dreams, the girls will come.
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    ElStud on approaching.

    finally I see a post that I like. a post that is not all negative and that is not complaining about something. all of you whiners on this site need to read the post above and start going out and start talking to girls instead of complaining on this forum or any other forums.
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    day college game

    Most places on campus are good for approaching. Ive approached girls in the library, the quad, food court, after class, walking to class, study room, student union... make eye contact then go direct. forget all about the indirect opinion openers bull****.
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    Have some fun for once!

    amen to that. Im glad to see a post like this one after all the other negative, complaining, bs posts. all guys do here is complain how life suks and how they can't approach/attract women. why don't you guys read the post above a million times and GO OUT to have fun. and STOP fukin complaining...
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    opening line??? need helpp!!!!!!!

    1. make eye contact 2. walk over and say hi, how are you and introduce your self. 3. ask open ended questions about her
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    Why am I such a wimp about approaching?

    looks like you need to work on your inner game. and DON'T pedestal the girl. so what she looks good. she's probly shallow(specially in america) like most good looking girls. next time you see a girl you want to talk to then do this: make eye contact, grab your balls, man up and APPROACH. and...
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    anyone call a number 2 months after?

    looool. looks like you need work on your inner game. and go ahead and call her if you want. text her first then call her later. see what happens. whats the worst that could happen?--nothing