Being realistic.....

Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
I'm trying to think how to best explain this. I am not used to feeling good,feeling on top,being generally pessimistic and bitter at times,I have my reasons for that I guess. But for along time,I have often also felt unatractive,whether it's due to my own looks,not saying i'm ugly,but weight has been somewhat a problem over the years,and staying on top of it just seems tough to do. How much does that affect attraction/perception? Cause it seems to me,well,at least it always have,that this don juan you/we aspire to be,is this ultra hot sex/chick magnet who turns all the heads when he enters the room? Am I looking at this realistically?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
1. Alot
2. Yes
3. You are looking realistically.

Time to stop looking realistically, and start moving your ass.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
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manchester UK
About the sex magnet thing - No man not at all....thats largely down to genetics and very very few guys have it. I'm 6'1" 185, muscular but not much fat, and pretty decent looking, and I don't get that I have better looking friends who don't have it made easy.

The goal of being a DJ is to maximise your appearance, but develop your game to the point where it becomes (mostly) irrelevant. Sure, a better looking guy with the same level of game will have it easier....but VERY few guys have good game, and even fewer have GREAT game - which can be learnt with time and dedication, and, IMO trumps good looks with average game.

Its your self-limiting beliefs holding you back. How much time do you spend out sarging and socialisng? Go and do it for 4 nights a week for 5 years, and take every daygame oppurtunity you can....then come back here and tell me your looks are holding you won't because you'll be getting laid by hot women, guaranteed.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
Seriously, Caped Crusader needs banning, now. This is the same old **** we've been hearing over and over, don't bother trying to help him people, he won't listen.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
He's probably going to reply with something like "Yeah, I know what you mean, but..." and ramble on about how depressed he is.

That said, I used to have this image in my head (probably from watching TV) that the only guys who got laid were the cool, tall, muscular jock guys with 6-packs and fast cars. But when I went to college and actually started hanging out with people and socializing, I was shocked by the guys I saw hooking up with very hot chicks. These guys are not in shape at all, they are just skinny college kids. How was this possible? It's because they are confident, social, funny, and fun to be around.

It seems like 99% of the time (at least in college), girls only have sex/get into relationships with guys who are somehow in their social group or someone they met through a friend. If you don't bring something to the table socially, it's going to be very difficult to get laid no matter how good looking you are because you're just not going to have the necessary social connections. It's a numbers game and the more people you know/socialize with, the higher your chances of eventually running into a girl who is attracted to you and knows someone you know who can vouch for you.

Personally, this is the problem I'm having now - I just don't know enough people. It seems like most people in college hang out with the same core group of people they've been hanging out with since at least freshman year, and usually even since high school. If you're not a member of a group, it's going to be a hell of a lot harder. People are very cliquey, and the groups are very exclusive. When I go to bars/clubs, everyone there just hangs out with the people they showed up with and rarely talks to anyone else (which makes me wonder what the point of going to bars/clubs is, but that's another subject).

So I really think the social aspect is much more important than the physical aspect. That said, being in shape is definitely going to make it easier. I get a hell of a lot more attention from girls, and respect from people in general, at a lean 185 lbs than I did at 155 lbs. And I've never seen a fat guy (who wasn't rich) with a hot girl. It's only muscular and skinny guys. The good news is it's actually pretty easy to get muscular (or skinny). Just go to Health and Fitness and read "Where to Start". The social aspect of everything is the hard part, IMO.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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If you don't bring something to the table socially, it's going to be very difficult to get laid no matter how good looking you are because you're just not going to have the necessary social connections
A few weeks ago, I was a wingman with this random Italian dude. I only met him because the girls he was chatting up sent him over to come and get me. I was playing pool and was like "yeah, I'll be over after I win this game." So went over there after, and this guy was the most boring Italian guy ever. He just relied to heavily on his Italianness and didn't carry any of the conversation. He bored the girls so much so that they actually sent him over to the pool table to get me to talk to them.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
It has nothing to do with your genetic make up. It's all about personality. If you go into a situation with confidence radiating out of you with the brilliance of a thousand suns you are going to find that you will do much better than if you came in all mopy.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
CapedCrusader08 said:
I am not used to feeling good,feeling on top,being generally pessimistic and bitter at times,I have my reasons for that I guess. But for along time,I have often also felt unatractive,whether it's due to my own looks,not saying i'm ugly,but weight has been somewhat a problem over the years,and staying on top of it just seems tough to do.
Move out of your parents house, get a job and start paying for yourself. You will feel better if you get a job.


Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
CapedCrusader08 said:
I'm trying to think how to best explain this. I am not used to feeling good,feeling on top,being generally pessimistic and bitter at times,I have my reasons for that I guess. But for along time,I have often also felt unatractive,whether it's due to my own looks,not saying i'm ugly,but weight has been somewhat a problem over the years,and staying on top of it just seems tough to do. How much does that affect attraction/perception? Cause it seems to me,well,at least it always have,that this don juan you/we aspire to be,is this ultra hot sex/chick magnet who turns all the heads when he enters the room? Am I looking at this realistically?

1. go to the gym. LIFT WEIGHTS

2. change your inner beliefs(whatever it is withing, it's without)

3. dress nice

4. stop whining


6. learn to make eye contact with women

she may be a dime but YOU'RE A 100 DOLLAR BILL.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Well, Vypros, its been over three days, and the whining continues, and not one positive thing has been accomplished.



Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
ArMo said:
1. go to the gym. LIFT WEIGHTS

2. change your inner beliefs(whatever it is withing, it's without)

3. dress nice

4. stop whining


6. learn to make eye contact with women

she may be a dime but YOU'RE A 100 DOLLAR BILL.
Man dont give this fool player supreme's game - it'll go into one ear and out the other.


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2008
Reaction score
Why do people actually choose to reply to these threads.

CC is a stupid troll. Do not FEED THE TROLL.


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2007
Reaction score
Hey, trimming down to a healthy weight should be an objective for you. Forget women -- this is for your own health.

You know the deal: stop eating a lot of unhealthy food (some is ok), and add in healthy foods into your diet. Find an execise you enjoy. Find a hobby (whether physical or mental) that gets your mind off eating. Hell, you can lose weight by becoming addicted to video games.

And weight matters a lot, but it's just one (small) factor. Less of an issue than you think (coming from a 6'1, 152 lb twink). The only objective 9.9+ I know in real life is engaged to an "overweight guy". I define overweight at BMI >25 without ridiculous muscle mass -- he does hold his weight well. He just has a lot going for him and a good personality i guess.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Follow your bliss
Why have you not listened to eckhart tolle?

Only commitment will change you.

I will not keep telling you different things.

Your answers have already been given.

Now it is up to you to find them.

And they are not in the form of information.

What? Listen to Eckhart Tolle.
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
Look,no more negative topics ok. My problem is obviously no game,or very little at all,and it feels like something I have not developed enough over the years,and problems from that. I mean,there has been very little to no success over the years,and the older I seem to get,the harder it seems to get back up on the horse.

As for going out,well,That's rare. Other than work,or just getting out of the house for a little while,I don't get out much and don't have a regular social routine. Been a problem for a while.

"That said, I used to have this image in my head (probably from watching TV) that the only guys who got laid were the cool, tall, muscular jock guys with 6-packs and fast cars. But when I went to college and actually started hanging out with people and socializing, I was shocked by the guys I saw hooking up with very hot chicks. These guys are not in shape at all, they are just skinny college kids. How was this possible? It's because they are confident, social, funny, and fun to be around.

It seems like 99% of the time (at least in college), girls only have sex/get into relationships with guys who are somehow in their social group or someone they met through a friend. If you don't bring something to the table socially, it's going to be very difficult to get laid no matter how good looking you are because you're just not going to have the necessary social connections. It's a numbers game and the more people you know/socialize with, the higher your chances of eventually running into a girl who is attracted to you and knows someone you know who can vouch for you.

Personally, this is the problem I'm having now - I just don't know enough people. It seems like most people in college hang out with the same core group of people they've been hanging out with since at least freshman year, and usually even since high school. If you're not a member of a group, it's going to be a hell of a lot harder. People are very cliquey, and the groups are very exclusive. When I go to bars/clubs, everyone there just hangs out with the people they showed up with and rarely talks to anyone else (which makes me wonder what the point of going to bars/clubs is, but that's another subject)." Still have said similar problem(s).

I am naturally bitter,angry,and pessimistic,but don't go around showing it. I mean hate people and there shallowness and superficiality. I could never fit in or identify with the herd mentality,and always hated those who did in whatever way they did. And it goes with everything from people,to clothes,to music,to movies,etc.

"It has nothing to do with your genetic make up. It's all about personality. If you go into a situation with confidence radiating out of you with the brilliance of a thousand suns you are going to find that you will do much better than if you came in all mopy." How do I do that?

Also,this pornography thing,it's become such a habit over the years,I worry how much it has affected me in other ways,such as social development.
Last edited:


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2008
Reaction score
Your writing skills are improving. Thats something positive, right? In your last post there is less whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine (I can go on forever; ssshhh little piggy). Also more punctuation and structure. Maybe you have found some new energy?

Everyone is in pain. You cant see it because you are selfcentered. Usually if you call other ppl shallow you are the one being shallow. I think you are shallow in the sense that you have set up camp in your head. And you REFUSE to get out. But there is nothing there that is of worth. No solutions, no love, just scorn. You try to keep your head above water at all times. One must descend under, into the body to feel, to be.


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2008
Reaction score
CapedCrusader08 said:
I could never fit in or identify with the herd mentality,and always hated those who did in whatever way they did. And it goes with everything from people,to clothes,to music,to movies,etc.
I rather have a herd mentality according to you than to be bitter about everyone and be unique about that... Why post here if you hate people with this type of herd mentality. It's funny you hate this type of mentality, but you want the results that come from this type of mentality that sure makes lots of sense caped. Where has your mentality gotten you are you happy? are you dating any women? do you feel great when you wake up in the morning? This is my last post to you your post made me feel sort of sick.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Follow your bliss
CapedCrusader08 said:
Look,no more negative topics ok. My problem is obviously no game,or very little at all,and it feels like something I have not developed enough over the years,and problems from that. I mean,there has been very little to no success over the years,and the older I seem to get,the harder it seems to get back up on the horse.

As for going out,well,That's rare. Other than work,or just getting out of the house for a little while,I don't get out much and don't have a regular social routine. Been a problem for a while.

"That said, I used to have this image in my head (probably from watching TV) that the only guys who got laid were the cool, tall, muscular jock guys with 6-packs and fast cars. But when I went to college and actually started hanging out with people and socializing, I was shocked by the guys I saw hooking up with very hot chicks. These guys are not in shape at all, they are just skinny college kids. How was this possible? It's because they are confident, social, funny, and fun to be around.

I am naturally bitter,angry,and pessimistic,but don't go around showing it. I mean hate people and there shallowness and superficiality. I could never fit in or identify with the herd mentality,and always hated those who did in whatever way they did. And it goes with everything from people,to clothes,to music,to movies,etc.

"It has nothing to do with your genetic make up. It's all about personality. If you go into a situation with confidence radiating out of you with the brilliance of a thousand suns you are going to find that you will do much better than if you came in all mopy." How do I do that?

Also,this pornography thing,it's become such a habit over the years,I worry how much it has affected me in other ways,such as social development.
You are living in the past. You have identified the problems, good,now let them go. Awareness is all that is necessary. You can also live in the fantasty world and keep asking "but how do i let go" "but these are important problems" "but theyre so much a part of me" and no one will stop you. Just like you choose to live in that fairy tale in your mind, you can just choose to become aware of your problems, sit with them there for a minute in awareness of them without commentary, and you will drop them.

O**** chris, I dunno how to do this, you will excuse. But I've told you1 000000x times, and somehow you think a bunch of people on a forum on the internet have better things to tell you than a multi-million worldwide selling author who has had his books published in multiple languages. Shows how much you really wanna follow advice.

CapedCrusader08 said:
It seems like 99% of the time (at least in college), girls only have sex/get into relationships with guys who are somehow in their social group or someone they met through a friend. If you don't bring something to the table socially, it's going to be very difficult to get laid no matter how good looking you are because you're just not going to have the necessary social connections. It's a numbers game and the more people you know/socialize with, the higher your chances of eventually running into a girl who is attracted to you and knows someone you know who can vouch for you.

Personally, this is the problem I'm having now - I just don't know enough people. It seems like most people in college hang out with the same core group of people they've been hanging out with since at least freshman year, and usually even since high school. If you're not a member of a group, it's going to be a hell of a lot harder. People are very cliquey, and the groups are very exclusive. When I go to bars/clubs, everyone there just hangs out with the people they showed up with and rarely talks to anyone else (which makes me wonder what the point of going to bars/clubs is, but that's another subject)." Still have said similar problem(s).
The 1st paragraph here is a lie because of what you say in the 2nd paragraph. You're assuming, which is limiting, and moreover, you're assuming a bad thing, which is stupid! If you're going to work your mind as a tool in this way, at least do it to your benefit!

The last thing is that you need to take in what is said to you. We humans, and those of us specifically on self help forums, are helpful and compassionate in nature, that is why we come to you. Not because of anything you can thinkin in your mind, that is the reason. Some of us could genuinely care if you succeeded, most of us with that ability of compassion lost it a long time ago. That being said, it is not something that needs to be won back, because it is not something that existed in your perception from the start. The views of others are nothing if you don't have yours sorted out, and at the same time everything. You are a bitter disappointment, don't fool yourself. More importantly, don't lie to yourself. You have been given the same advice 1000x times and you are a fool for tricking yourself into maybe reading the topic once then going to sleep and saying **** i wont do what they say but maybe if i keep thinking about my problems will go away somehow because i've figured them out.

But all that is in the past. That burns the question, are you a bitter disapppointment now? The now is all that is changeable. Do you take action now, or are you a bitter disappointment? Read this topic all again is step 1. Then take action is step 2.

What action? Well I have said it 5400 times but you have not respected me worth a damn any of those times enough to follow what i say, or you have not respected yourself. Either way, don't turn that into a problem. You don't need more problems. The first action step is reading Eckhart Tolle. Listen, there are two kinds of self help. The first is on the level of all your problems you've adequately listed here. You can go to book after book and product after product, as I have used over 2500 hours doing. They teach you neat tricks and whatnot, but the base of the problem is still there. That is what most of the responses on self help sites are. Deal with the problems, cause thats all the people know.

Our minds are problem-solving and problem-creating machines. Regardless of what you think, or how long your "hiatus from problems" lasts, there is only one cure for the mind-made situation of mental problems. It is by going beyond them completely, so nothing in your life is ever out of your control again. This does not entail you gaining control of everything, but rather accepting everything, and understanding what little in the world it is you control. That is only a small part of it, and what "it" is cant be described in words, only pointed to. Maybe that is why you have ignored my wisdom to Eckhart Tolle, you may not be ready to go beyond your problems. But there will come a day. So keep suffering, or not. Really we here helping you do not care if you get better, or anyone who comes posts really, unless theyve got some sort of especially sad case, where that feeling of deep compassion as a reaction goes away eventually anyway. Your life is only yours to live, and you will eventually decide when enough is enough. Enough believing your problems are the biggest thing in the world, enough lying to yourself, and enough suffering.

My only goal here is to get you to listen to this man. My only hope is that they've succeeded. Eckhart Tolle.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
horaholic said:
Well, Vypros, its been over three days, and the whining continues, and not one positive thing has been accomplished.

Agreed. He's got a strike against him because he still hasn't accomplished the first task I set for him. And it's a simple fvcking task.

Look, dude, personally if you can't even put together a halfway readable list of goals, how the fvck do you ever expect to change?

Personally, I really don't feel like helping you anymore simply because I can tell that you just aren't ready to change. Perhaps when you are ready to change, truly ready to change, you can come back and we'll get back to it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
If he hasn't changed by now, he never will.