Being realistic.....


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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You guys have to stop! You're posts are distracting him! You have to realize this. The ONLY FVCKING THING that can POSSIBLY help him is if he see's a shrink and gets on meds. EVERYTHING ELSE IS IRRELEVANT!!!!

Depression is a disease, and everyone thinks that by trying to fix the symptoms, that is will go away. The depression needs to be cured first and foremost, then the symptoms, like antisocial behaviour, hating yourself, being completely lazy, not getting laid, not caring about anything, being stuck in your parents house, not striving to better yourself etc. These are SYMPTOMS. It is insane to try to cure the disease by treating the symptoms.

Anyone who gives this clown any advice other than to seek immediate mental help, is not only wasting their time, but impeding his progress, by shifting his focus in other directions. All he needs to do, is make that phone call, go to the appointment, and eat whatever pills they give him, and he will begin a new life. I've been there! I was smart enough to take action, and go seek help, and get on meds, even though my whole life, I have been adamantly against the whole thing. It was the best thing I ever did. Two weeks later I was feeling a hundred times better, had energy and motivation, a great attitude and guess what else???? I started getting laid!

If you are going to reply to him, push him to seek help! Nothing else can help him, until he does this. Please, people!

So, Caped, QUIT YER FVCKING WHINING AND SEE A FVCKING SHRINK ALREADY!!!! We dont fvcking care about why you feel this way, or where your feelings came from, or how long its been since you got laid. We only want to see you take action and improve you situation, starting with your head! You can do NOTHING until your head is right!!!!!!!

Next time you want to vent about how miserable your life is, and why you think it is that way, do everyone (including you) a HUGE favor and punch yourself in the face, as hard as you can. THINK BEFORE YOU WRITE. POSITVE RESULTS ONLY!!! NOTHING ELSE.



Don Juan
Jul 30, 2008
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You don't have to be good looking. But the most discriminated against group is fat people. GET YOUR BODY FAT % DOWN AND YOUR MUSCLE UP! No matter hot or ugly, this will result in much more/any results.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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horaholic said:
You guys have to stop! You're posts are distracting him! You have to realize this. The ONLY FVCKING THING that can POSSIBLY help him is if he see's a shrink and gets on meds. EVERYTHING ELSE IS IRRELEVANT!!!!
Yeah, maybe. I'm on St.John's Wort myself for this exact problem. It really does work wonders after months of treatment. It only treats milder depression and mine's a little bit worse. I've managed to cope with the rest of it through positive thinking and some meditation.

I've been there! I was smart enough to take action, and go seek help, and get on meds, even though my whole life, I have been adamantly against the whole thing. It was the best thing I ever did. Two weeks later I was feeling a hundred times better, had energy and motivation, a great attitude and guess what else???? I started getting laid!
If you don't mind me asking, what are you treating and with what? Depression?

I didn't know CC had it that bad. I won't be an enabler, I'm out.

CC, you might want to go to a therapist. Get some meds. Don't be ashamed. You go to the doctor when you're physically sick don't you? I've been reading more about you and it sounds like you have a very severe depression, something that must be medicated if you want to be and feel normal otherwise you better start embracing your own personal hell. Trust me, its going to get worse unless you treat it and begin reversing the effects. You beat it, or it will beat you.

I've been there and you wouldn't believe how different you see the world once you begin fixing the problem. It's like everything is brighter. Colors are more vivid. Music is more musical.
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Sep 27, 2008
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Well,I got something set up for next week.... I'm not ashamed. I have been to therapists before. But yeah,I have been living in a personal hell for some time now.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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CapedCrusader08 said:
Well,I got something set up for next week.... I'm not ashamed. I have been to therapists before. But yeah,I have been living in a personal hell for some time now.
Good. Let us know how it goes after the appointment including the docs recommendation.
Sep 27, 2008
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I will. It may change though due to scheduling. I am just overwhelmed by alot of this. This feeling of wasted time,while everyone else was seemingly living they're life. Hell,even the star wars/video game nerds seem to have more a life than me right now: Those are the type of chicks i tend to like.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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CapedCrusader08 said:
I will. It may change though due to scheduling. I am just overwhelmed by alot of this. This feeling of wasted time,while everyone else was seemingly living they're life. Hell,even the star wars/video game nerds seem to have more a life than me right now: Those are the type of chicks i tend to like.
I don't care. Fvck your scheduling. Get some help or embrace hell.

Until you come back confirming you are getting treatment for your ailment, I refuse to help you in any way. GET SOME TREATMENT.
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Don Juan
Dec 18, 2008
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Alle Gory, just stop, your words will never reach him. You and about 50 other members have tried to help this guy. Just look at his posts, SO MUCH WASTED advice. We are all just enabiling him by responding. My best friend was simiar, and I was told by his parents not to help him. He was forced to seek treatment, and he is now a much happier person because of it.
Sep 27, 2008
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Well,hopefully,treatment of some sort will do the same for me. I was reading this thread here,, and that's been my problem,not going out,trying,and letting chip's fall where they may,trying over and over,having some sucess,etc. Cause success for me,has been very little over the years, in all aspects of my life. Most succesful has been my job, I have been able to keep it. I mean,I have just been unable to make that first step. I think it's cause I tend to look at things on the large scale,and look ahead,and rather than taking action,being overwhlelmed,and this sense of I feel I should be farther ahead than I am.

Like he say's here, "approaching is not about having sex with numerous random girls.. it's about improving the socially-awkward self. It is to experience failure and progression as a result of adaptation. It is a journey to discover what women want and more." I feel I still have alot of social awkwardness,which may be real or just in my head. I just get overwhelmed by this lack of success,how do I stop that?

I read this too, , and this is another problem. Been one for quite some time now.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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CapedCrusader08 said:
Like he say's here, "approaching is not about having sex with numerous random girls.. it's about improving the socially-awkward self. It is to experience failure and progression as a result of adaptation. It is a journey to discover what women want and more." I feel I still have alot of social awkwardness,which may be real or just in my head.
Your problem is in your head. You need to see a therapist.
You cannot and will not succeed at anything until your mind is right. This is why people (including myself) here have trouble understanding you. You make no sense to us. You need to SEE A DOCTOR.

When can we expect results from your appointment next week?
Sep 27, 2008
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Well, what exactly am I saying that makes no sense? Well,the results will be posted when they are posted. What it will say, I don't know.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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CapedCrusader08 said:
So what I say or how I say it? Do I seemingly go from one thing to another?
Mostly, It's what you say. You always try to twist the discussion and it ends up with you telling everyone how you believe you are a loser and can't do anything.

Read your own posts for examples. Notice how they all say pretty much the same thing near the end. We get it, you fvcking hate yourself. Enough already.

Now, your appointment with the therapist. You have a solution for your problem. Its completely your choice now to continue to be like this. Completely devoid of life.

Either go and get treatment for your problem and maybe contribute to the upbeat spirit of this place or frequent an emo forum or something. I can see one of two options for you in your life;

1. Get treatment and then learn how to be a wonderful, energetic person with everyone wanting to be around you.
2. Continue like this and drive away every single person who may have wanted anything to do with you. A lonely, sad path.

Make a choice. Doing nothing is choice #2.
Sep 27, 2008
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I see what you're saying, sort of I say one thing then say something else.

It's been my own negative sense,something I just can't seemingly shake. I mean,I feel like I am the opposite of what I want to be,almost an identity crisis. I haven't exactly driven everyone away....
Sep 27, 2008
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I'm sorry. I obsess over these things. I also really feel,and have felt for a long time,that I don't belong anywhere. Could be because I don't care too much at all for trends,or for what people are told to like. It seems everyone else fits in somewhere,and I don't. I mean,this all comes from confusion over alot of things.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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CapedCrusader08 said:
I'm sorry. I obsess over these things. I also really feel,and have felt for a long time,that I don't belong anywhere. Could be because I don't care too much at all for trends,or for what people are told to like. It seems everyone else fits in somewhere,and I don't. I mean,this all comes from confusion over alot of things.
You just did it again.

Just stop posting for awhile. Go to the therapist. When can we expect results from your appointment?