opening line??? need helpp!!!!!!!


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2007
Reaction score
I still have a problem approaching girls… so I came up with this opener:

"Hi, my name is cesar... I am abit shy, but I just wanted to say you look really beautiful."

Is that a good opener? And how will I follow that up? What can I say next?


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
San Francisco
"Can I have my dignity back?"

Why are you telling girls that they're beautiful? If you insist on giving her a compliment, use something back handed. You want to be above her, not seem desperate. Women smell a pick up before you realize it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
Laguna Beach, CA
People get too hung up on lines and approaches. All you need to do is say anything. Example...last night I was out with my AFC friend. We're at the bar and it was dead. There was 4 girls total in there, two of them with guys. The two that were alone shot down every guy in the bar cause they were out to spend time together, not talk to guys (heard them telling everyone to get lost pretty much). So we sat down at the table right across from them and I just sat there making small talk with my friend.

So one of them goes to the bathroom. I decided that was a good time to make a move. There was a TV on and a commercial for Valkarie was on and my friend asked if I had seen it yet. I said a little louder than usual "No, I haven't seen it but I really want to. Tom Cruise looks so fvcking hot in the commercials. I love him." So the chick turns and looks at me for like a second laughing, and I say:
Me: What, you don't think Tom Cruise is a good looking guy?
Her: Ummm actually no, I don't find him attractive at all.
Me: Bullsh!t! Tell me you didn't get turned on by the scene when he's in his underwear in Risky Business.
Her: I haven't seen that. I don't watch a lot of movies...mostly Tivo.
Me: Sounds like you lead a very exciting life. WHat about Top Gun? Every girl likes him in Top Gun
Her: Nope...I think he's weird.
Me: Well you seem like a weirdo too, but that doesn't mean I'd throw you out of bed

At this point her friend comes back. I ignore the first girl and start talking to her friend about the same subject. She agree's that Tom Cruise is weird and she doesn't like him either. They both say that Johnny Depp is the hottest guy in Hollywood, So naturally I have to bring up the fact that he's about as big a weirdo as they come. I was a total assho!e to them, didn't compliment them once, and even laughed so hard I spit my beer all over the couple sitting across from me when she was trying to make her job as a waitress trainer sound important. At the end of the night they said they had to go, and kinda sat there looking at us. I said "Well have fun. It was really nice meeting you." Then I walked up to the bar and started making small talk with the bar tender. They came up and said that we should meet them at their work on Saturday around 10:30 when they get off. They asked me for my number but I said I don't give it out to strange women at the bar cause 68.34% of all stalkers are female, then one offered her number but I told her I wouldn't call her anyways so there was no point in taking it, but I'd meet them Saturday if i couldn't find anything better to do.

So it doesn't matter what you do or say as much as how you carry yourself. Just say anything and get your foot in the door. It's not too hard. Just don't act like a girl and they'll want to have sex with you.

(As an aside, my AFC friend actually told me after that he wanted to go alone on Saturday, cause "he didn't think they liked me." He said I was an assho!e all night and that he thought he'd have a better chance on his own. I guess it didn't occur to him that they said less than 50 words to him in the hour or so our conversation was taking place and how they walked away from him to try to set up plans with me. Gotta love how some people just don't get it)


Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
1. make eye contact

2. walk over and say hi, how are you and introduce your self.

3. ask open ended questions about her


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
San Francisco
L777 said:

Mate this would work kinda, just rephrased. Visit for clarification.
That website you just linked was a paid service teaching you, among other things, about how to pick up strippers. Why pay for something that is available for free? :rolleyes:

Heed my advice, using pick up lines are for boys or males who are unsure of their own ability. If you want something/some one, go after her. If you try to lay out a plan or methodology you a) lose focus, b) increase chance for failure.

A simple "Hello, what are ya drinking?" works. But you should aim to have women approach you, not the other way around. To do this -

Become comfortable in your surrounding without women. Women crave attention, and when they see a man, alone and having a good time, it stirs them into action. Trust me, I've tried this and seen this work an innumerable amount of times.

Try it out. Arrive at a cool bar, 30 minutes before one of your bros. Dress up a bit for the place, amp up the confidence and plop yourself down and talk to the bartender. Even go by yourself and try some high quality alcohol or learn about wine. A woman will undoubtedly ask you "What are you doing here?" from there, its down hill.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Rhoto said:
That website you just linked was a paid service teaching you, among other things, about how to pick up strippers. Why pay for something that is available for free? :rolleyes:

Heed my advice, using pick up lines are for boys or males who are unsure of their own ability. If you want something/some one, go after her. If you try to lay out a plan or methodology you a) lose focus, b) increase chance for failure.

A simple "Hello, what are ya drinking?" works. But you should aim to have women approach you, not the other way around. To do this -

Become comfortable in your surrounding without women. Women crave attention, and when they see a man, alone and having a good time, it stirs them into action. Trust me, I've tried this and seen this work an innumerable amount of times.

Try it out. Arrive at a cool bar, 30 minutes before one of your bros. Dress up a bit for the place, amp up the confidence and plop yourself down and talk to the bartender. Even go by yourself and try some high quality alcohol or learn about wine. A woman will undoubtedly ask you "What are you doing here?" from there, its down hill.
Man, this is some good ****, really good
You forgot though, that one must smile, the vibe you throw of helps a lot too, having chicks approach me is one of the things I'm working on

Good post