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  1. S

    Carrying a concealed handgun.....

    And I think people that throw out ignorant statements like this need psychological testing to exercise their first amendment rights.
  2. S

    Carrying a concealed handgun.....

    So I only have a right to defend my life in my home? CCW holders are law abiding citizens, not murderers. A convicted criminal can not get a permit.
  3. S

    Carrying a concealed handgun.....

    I've never heard that before. Yes, in some states your license and CCW permit are tied together and you must inform police upon first contact. There are endless stories of people getting off easier because they had one. Reasons include talking to the cop for a while about guns or even that...
  4. S

    Carrying a concealed handgun.....

    I am of the firm belief that one should carry everywhere legal. You never know when you may need it. If you only carry when you think you may need it, you shouldn't go there anyway!
  5. S

    Carrying a concealed handgun.....

    I would never intentionally kill someone. I would easily shoot center mass until the threat stopped. The intention is to stop the threat, not kill. Threat may likely die but he/she/it made the choice. Mostly true, but what about the other 1% of the time? You only get one life, protect it...
  6. S

    Carrying a concealed handgun.....

    I disagree with you 100%. When you travel outside of NY/NJ I don't think you have any idea how many people are truly armed. You can look up various state websites about how many CCW permits are issued annually, I think Fl is leading right now at around 200,000 permits last year, and they are...
  7. S

    Itchy pock marks - scabies

    You don't have to wash all your clothing and bedding. Just throw them in a hot dryer for 30 mins. It's the heat that kills them not the washing.
  8. S

    Vasectomy - Wise decision ?

    There is a very small chance that the procedure will not be successful. However, they say there is enough sperm left in the vas deferens to be fertile for the next 20 or so ejaculations. (Now you know how much your parents had sex) Yes, but it costs about 15 grand and has a 50% success...
  9. S

    Vasectomy - Wise decision ?

    I'm not recommending you to get it done or not to get it done, that is a personal decision to make. But listen to the situation I'm in now. I am the proud father of an 8 week old little girl, from a psycho ex. My story is the same as all the other BPD stories on this forum so I won't go into...
  10. S

    What situation would you rather be in your 50's?

    I get so sick of hearing this hogwash. I am a nurse and currently work in a nursing home. Do you have any idea how many people I have sat with while they died, no family visiting or if they do it isn't for very long? Statistics show only 15-20% seniors will end up in a nursing home...
  11. S

    My dying grandma will only eat Haagen-Daas

    Also has she seen a speech therapist? She my just not be eating much because of difficulty swallowing. A ST could probably teach her pretty fast.
  12. S

    My dying grandma will only eat Haagen-Daas

    It's a very sad situation. I imagine the staff does make an effort to feed her but she refuses. They CAN NOT force her to eat or be overly aggressive about it because that is abuse also. Does she have a power of attorney? Who is her POA? She probably needs one. Talk to her about it and talk...
  13. S

    Anyone ever considered a vasectomy?

    I know this is not the popular opinion and not sure what I think about it but think about this. You don't use a condom and get STD's. The most common STD's are chlamydia and gonorrhea and can easily be prevented by condom use are easily curable. Herpes and HPV are not really prevented by...
  14. S

    Anyone ever considered a vasectomy?

    Yes I've thought about it but have not decided yet. On one hand there are plenty of websites that warn of the various risks, from pain and libido loss to increased cancer risks. On the other hand, it doesn't seem to be a real risk. You can store your own baby batter in a bank for around $40 a...
  15. S

    More than anything, I miss my son.

    I don't know how much time you have to learn or how inclined you are to represent yourself, but there are plenty of resources available. NOLO Press makes some really good layman legal books such as "Represent Yourself in Court" and can be had very cheaply on Amazon. Also...
  16. S

    Beginners guide to becoming WEALTHY

    I agree, you do have to educate yourself. The fact is, most people lose money when venturing out in investments on their own. The reason for most of them losing? They have not put enough time into educating themselves about how to do it right. Sure, they have read 2-3 books and maybe a...
  17. S

    Beard color. Not grey, but it worth dyeing?

    Multi-colored beards are pretty sweet. Do not dye it until you decide it actually doesn't look good on you. Mine is the same way and when it is about finger length and neatly groomed I get chicks complimenting on it all the time, it's pretty crazy.
  18. S

    To the smokers (former smokers)

    This is my first post here but something I am familiar with. I smoked a pack a day for almost 10 years and quit with no problem. Buy the book The Easyway to Quit Smoking by Allen Carr. It's pretty cheap on Amazon and worth 100x what I paid for it. Really made quitting VERY tolerable...