Itchy pock marks - scabies


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2006
Reaction score
My skin has broken out in a rash, looks like chickenpox.

This morning I managed to get an urgent appointment to see a doctor. He thinks it is scabies :(

He's prescribed cream which I've applied on my body.

Noticed it last weekend when I stayed at my gf place. My chest and arm had pimple spots and my abdomen was itchy when I woke up on Sunday. My gf said she noticed spots on Sat evening.

The spots have increased gradually in number over this week, yesterday I woke up with more spots on my back, sides and some new ones my genitals.

I had been working away from home visiting an old quarry, staying in a small guesthouse (B&B). I also got my haircut on Sat and have been to the gym a couple of times.

Going to wash as much clothing and bedding as I can and get some cream for my gf and my parents.

I don't feel good about it :down: yuck yuck and took the day off work.
Should I stay off work for days/ weeks?
Has anyone had this before?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 10, 2001
Reaction score
I wasn't super familiar with Scabies, but after some quick research, all I can say is I'm sorry man. Wow.

From what I gather it's very spreadable, so I am sure that would warrant some type of quarantine in your house, thus a doctors excuse for work until it's deemed non-contagious. Have you spoken with your doc about going to work or not??

Also if not already it sounds like more than likely your GF and family will most likey get it if not treated ASAP... I know you said you got them cream, but you should advise everyone you've come into contact with to see a physician.

I hope it works out for you brother. Keep us posted.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks dude, I have given my gf some cream. My doctor was not in surgery today so I asked another to call me as I had a question -work y/n?
He said I can go back as the mite needs 1/2 hr skin to skin contact to affect. I'll go in on Monday,not sure if I should tell everyone why I've been off or not.

I could have caught it from other places, for example the gym. I worked out before I got my haircut on Sat. Sheet I'll go out and buy a home gym, don't feel it's wise to ever go back


Senior Don Juan
Dec 10, 2001
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Not questioning the Doc, but 30 minutes seems a bit subjective. From what I've read it can be spread from something as simple as a handshake, or wearing someone else's clothes. It's also very possible you got it from your GF.. apparently you can carry it, but show no signs...yet it is still completely spreadable.

I wouldn't fret going to the gym man... Granted the gym is a bathing house for germs and bacteria, but I would say it's unlikely you contracted it there. Just spray down the benches before you use them.


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
You don't have to wash all your clothing and bedding. Just throw them in a hot dryer for 30 mins. It's the heat that kills them not the washing.