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  1. M

    My counselor has proposed a meeting between me and my ex-wife.

    Hey expos, I would block her on facebook. Completely remove all ties in order to do yourself a favour and put her firmly in the past. Checking out who she's friending and unfriending on facebook is pretty much the opposite of no contact. In your day to day life, it sounds like you're...
  2. M

    its not fair that i'm still a virgin at 38

    Not to worry, just two more years 'til you get your own Hollywood blockbuster.
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    New Meme? Fiancé Shaming

    Looks like he's the one wearing the engagement ring into the bargain. He should get real used to making that facial expression.
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    The Pill is one of the main reasons why women today are so f*cked up

    I know a girl who was prescribed progesterone for bad acne apparently...said it really cleared her skin up but made her moods aggressive as hell, claimed she'd rather have bad skin than take it.
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    Bad Patches in Relationships

    Hey there Zaq, Briefly, I would say: if you like stormy relationships then you've found yourself a keeper. If you find yourself thinking "maybe THIS time, once THIS drama has died down, things will finally settle, once and for all" - I don't think they will , until you draw a line under this...
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    What is Atom Smasher Going to Do?

    I'm gonna say D: you've already texted her once, just ask her out again, no need to play head games if there's sufficient chemistry. If you made a sufficient impression and are self-confident/non-needy, then no need to apply Barney Stinson's 3-day rule or whatever. Though I've a feeling...
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    Would the feminists be up in arms if this dating site worked the other way around?

    Unfortunately I can't find the link, but recently I read of an "experiment" where some male sex workers advertised themselves in the windows of the normally female-exclusive red light district in Amsterdam. The female prostitutes branded the male prostitutes "disgusting". Go figure..
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    Night Game Openers Discussion

    A ridiculous opener that I thought of a couple of years ago is "Do you want to see my fork collection?" In the place I used to live, we only had four forks in the whole of the house, and one of them was plastic, so for my own amusement I arranged them artfully and took a snap on my phone, on a...
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    Do a large percentage of Western men want to get married?

    It seems to be something that a lot of my friends just drift into, with help from their significant others. A friend of mine has been in a relationship for 4 years or so, and is getting major pressure from his girlfriend to let him move in with her, and then get married. I told him that he...
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    Girlfriends decreased interest

    Hi Jimbob, Backbreaker has given you some solid advice here: you need an exit strategy. This woman doesn't give a damn about you, she is using you. The kid's not yours and neither is the responsibilty, so wash your hands of this cruddy situation as soon as you can and get out. You say you've...
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    Careful with Pillow talk

    I can relate to this thread; I had a previous relationship with a girl I had known as a friend a few years previously. A couple of weeks into seeing her, after a few drinks, I told her that I had always liked her a lot. A few days later i got a text saying "having second thoughts about...
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    Most obvious come-on that was missed

    Many years ago , I was in a nightclub in Prague with two friends, trying out the local absinthe, when we got talking to these two Swedish girls who were there on holiday as well; gorgeous 6-foot blondes who i thought were way out of my league ( I think they were waitresses). Later in the...
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    A moral dilemna - is cheating always wrong?

    "Clinics say 30 percent of tested men are not the biological father of their children" According to this one study, it seems that a statistically significant amount of guys already are providing for and raising another man's...
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    The Unintentional Field Report

    For the record, stationery rooms still exist, we have one in our office. Glad to be of service. Haven't had a bj in it though...
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    The Mature Man Dating Status Poll

    I'm single at the moment, got burned recently with yet another women I thought was "different", generally that's the cycle, am cynical about women 'til I meet one that affects my brain and stops my ability to think sense. I then convince myself that "this one's different", and undergo the...
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    Famous historical people's quotes on the oppoiste sex

    Quite literally Cheers romangod, lol
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    She's a "Mananizer"

    I suppose maybe "man-eater" is as reciprocal term for "womanizer", though term "man-eater" comes loaded with notions of masculine power over emasculated men, perhaps, whereas the term "womaniser" suggests that the man is being deceitful to get what he wants. So perhaps a man-eater is an...