The Unintentional Field Report


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
Alright, I had a much longer post set up with the explanation of this evening for 4th of July and it erased itself.

Here's the shorter version.

HB-8, that's 40 years old, attends a BBQ with a bunch of fellow co-workers. Other single thirties, hit on her for most of the afternoon. I was just there for beer and fireworks. She comes over to me, starts talking to me... I'm laid back.

We work together some times, but I never knew her age. She voluntarily gives it up to which i respond:

"Really... 40? Wow..."

She seemed to expect some comment about how good she looked for her age."

"...I thought you didn't look a day under 45."

She seemed shocked but laughed.
Night continues, I'm subconsciously dropping neg-hits and then kino. I thought this was normal as I WASN'T TRYING to get with her. I was just thinknig: Co-Workers = Friendly.

Apparently, SHE didn't.
And it didn't hit me til I was talking to her about how I love rollercoasters but I'm afraid of heights and said she'd love it if I called her so we could go together next weekend.

THAT'S when it hit me that all the neg-hits, C&F, Kino had her invested, specially since I wasn't trying. She inputed her phone into mine and pressed Send so she could have it.

At this point, I blatantly realized what was happening and tried to pull away from the situation. That made it WORSE.
She was even MORE into me because of that.

Now, the double whammy of single mom (kid's 17) and co-worker were what were keeping me from realizing what was going on. I truly wasn't interested. At the end of the night she told me she had a great time (wtf, this wasn't a date) and leaned in for a hug and as I pulled back, she gave me a kiss.


Now, you might be asking, what's the point of this thread... it's basically for me to recognize that even though I wasn't trying... I was subconsciously laying down the DJ field tactics and it worked to a certain degree. Other men were trying too hard to talk to her and get her number, but here I was, not even TRYING and she gave me the number. Had I truly pushed this further, she would have ended up at my apartment with her ankles wrapped around my neck.

Secondary point of this thread is to discuss with the other Mature Men in this forum: Has this happened to you? Have you become the "victim" of unknowingly displaying DJ tools even though you haven't tried and what results has it garnered foryou?


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
I went out with a cougar several years ago when I was about 35... I think she lied about her age and was probably late forties, but was pushing mid forties.

I was not really trying anything with her. She made comments about me not commenting her on her appearance and crap like that. I was cordial throughout the night, laid back and was not totally into the experience. She looked pretty good for her age.

Wound up drunk back at her apartment and did the deed half a$$ed due to being so drunk.

Disinterest works wonders that is for sure. It seems to work especially well on those that are declining in their value and know it!

Later on I went back again with this psycho nut and she showed her a$$ to the bar staff and left all pissed. This is when I started opening my eyes to what was out there. The older women seem to have the majority of issues from my experience or it could be that the older I get I start to see more stuff.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Kailex said:
Night continues, I'm subconsciously dropping neg-hits and then kino. I thought this was normal as I WASN'T TRYING to get with her. I was just thinknig: Co-Workers = Friendly.
Yes, after a few years of consciously practicing c&f, one starts to do it habitually - with results that are oftentimes unwanted.
I do believe that you resisted wisely - those flings with "older women at the office" rarely end well, take it from me.
I used to tell them that I had a fiance "back home".

At least, back in the day, a guy could get a BJ in the stationary room. I am not sure that stationary rooms still exist do they ?


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
jophil28 said:
Yes, after a few years of consciously practicing c&f, one starts to do it habitually - with results that are oftentimes unwanted.
I do believe that you resisted wisely - those flings with "older women at the office" rarely end well, take it from me.
I used to tell them that I had a fiance "back home".

At least, back in the day, a guy could get a BJ in the stationary room. I am not sure that stationary rooms still exist do they ?

What's a stationary room?


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
ThunderMaverick said:
What's a stationary room?
Opps, I meant "stationery" (sp) room where various paper supplies were stacked on shelves - invoice blanks, order forms and printer paper and so on.
It was a small room like a large closet and often had a convenient lock on the door.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Kailex said:
Secondary point of this thread is to discuss with the other Mature Men in this forum: Has this happened to you? Have you become the "victim" of unknowingly displaying DJ tools even though you haven't tried and what results has it garnered foryou?
Yeah I do it naturally and when it's unintentional, it can get me some unwanted results. Last time, I got a girl so keen that she kept calling me late at night on weekends asking how I was and what I was up to. Then she came to visit my mother (her mum & mine are acquaintances) a few times to find out more about me...

All because we caught up for a drink one time with a few other friends and I was teasing, flirting & kinoing her and getting her to talk about herself a lot without realising what I was really doing.

Other times, it's not so bad. I've unintentionally done the same to a few bangable older women, and when they got to the game-on stage, I realised what I was doing, shrugged and thought "oh what the hell!" and went for the full ride.

Rarely that I managed to game attractive young girls (my real targets) unintentionally, but the few times it's happened, it was quite memorable.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Ireland
For the record, stationery rooms still exist, we have one in our office. Glad to be of service.
Haven't had a bj in it though...