Night Game Openers Discussion


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
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So recently Naughty Ninja made a post on the main discussion forum linking to a dude's website on "how to laid on POF." I don't online date, but nonetheless I checked out the dude's site and found some more interesting tid-bits particularly on night game.

For those interested the website is

His whole objective is to phuck close chicks that he meets at bars & clubs. Fair to say I think that's a common objective for nearly all of us! lol

He advises using a lot of stuff we have heard before over the years; approach immediately, be direct, use kino and if she is receptive then continue escalating because she is likely DTF. I don't disagree with any of these points and they are pretty obvious to any guy who has some experience in the field.

However his opener is something I wanted to discuss and see what all ya'll do when opening in your night game.

He suggests complimenting the girl by saying something to the effect of:

"I thought you were attractive and wanted to come over and meet you."

Now I'm not against well placed compliments, I think they work well in helping accomplish the objective, but I can't seem to wrap my head around walking up to a girl and flat out telling her "I thought you were attractive." Not because I don't think it would work, but simply because I think it starts the interaction off on the wrong foot.

Doesn't complimenting the girl straight up on her looks validate her and give her the edge?

Again I know his goal is simply to escalate and get a ONS, so he likely could give two shiats if he ever see's the girl again after he blows his load on her, but I'd rather have a nice situation with said girl as a phuck buddy that I hook up with multiple times, instead of having drunk @ss shexxx and never seeing the girl again.

I'll give you guys an example of a recent PU I had earlier this summer.

Was at a bar with a couple buddies, standing close to the actual bar. It was pretty crowded and an attractive girl comes up about 2 feet way from our group, presumably because she thought that was the line to get a drink.

Anyways I make good EC with her and without really acknowledging her I loudly say:

"You know I bet everyone is always telling you how pretty your eyes are,

(she smiles real big and I notice that she has perfect white straight teeth, I big pre-requiste of mine)

but do you want to know what I like? (she's still smiling)

I like these!" (I ran my finger across her top row of teeth as she was smiling)

I grabbed her hand, isolated her by taking her to a nearby couch and had fun with her for the next 20 minutes or so.

Comparing the two styles, I guess they are similar in that we both are using compliments, we both use kino rather quickly and we both isolate to close.

However, I still can't wrap my head around flat out walking up to a girl and telling her I find her attractive and wanted to come meet her. Somewhere in my brain I don't think it will get the same result as using a more unique/genuine compliment and then going from there.

The other element to this that I'm starting to realize is the physical attraction aspect of it all esp in a bar setting. Humor is a HUGE part of my game, I believe it puts girls at ease, makes them laugh which is good and builds attraction.

But perhaps all of this boils down to is the physical attraction between two people. If the girl and guy like what they see, it won't matter what you say; they will be interested (as long as you don't say something truly stupid.) The guy on the website is in very good physical shape, I'm certain if the average couch potato walked up to a girl and said the same thing, the reaction would be quiet different.

Anyways enough rambling; wanted your guys opinions on this debate and also to use this as a discussion for what you typically use as your opener specifically in night game at bars/clubs.



Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2011
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Pimp-sicle said:
But perhaps all of this boils down to is the physical attraction between two people. If the girl and guy like what they see, it won't matter what you say; they will be interested (as long as you don't say something truly stupid.) The guy on the website is in very good physical shape, I'm certain if the average couch potato walked up to a girl and said the same thing, the reaction would be quiet different.
Nailed it there. There are cases where someone won't have to say a single thing, and the girl is already thinking about fvcking him. In those cases, a compliment isn't going to hurt the chances at all. It simply doesn't matter what the guy says in those situations.

But I have a question for you about your opener. I liked it, until you said you run your finger across her teeth. You seriously just stick your finger in some random chick's mouth, and it works? I'm confused and a little weirded out...


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
But I have a question for you about your opener. I liked it, until you said you run your finger across her teeth. You seriously just stick your finger in some random chick's mouth, and it works? I'm confused and a little weirded out...
LOL!!! One thing about me is I'm super spontaneous. I mean in that specific interaction I literally saw the girl and was like "damn she has a great rack and a sexy/pretty face, I wanna hook up with her."

First thing that came to mind was to just open her, which is why I said the thing about her eyes, then she smiled and I was like "ahhh a girl with perfect teeth."

I did the teeth thing because at the time I was just starting to see another girl who was good in all the areas, EXCEPT her teeth. She had the really prominent gum line when she smiled and it literally just killed it for me....haha

But yeah to answer your question after I said the teeth thing, I took my pointer finger and ran it across her top row of teeth like a piano.....haha It was only a couple of teeth to be specific and right after that, I grabbed her hand, pulled her close and isolated.



Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Bumping this to the top.

Interested to hear some thoughts on what openers you guys have had success with in the night scene.



Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Pimp-sicle said:
Bumping this to the top.

Interested to hear some thoughts on what openers you guys have had success with in the night scene.

I think this thread clearly illustrates the criticism SoSuave gets in other parts of the manosphere. While other forums focus on discussing actual game tactics and posting FRs, here we have 5 pages long threads about theory, but we only have one poster who responded to this...

As far as your question, I usually stay away from compliments as an opener. At most I'll use one as a neg.

"wow, you have beautiful... [look her straight in the eyes, then suddenly switch to her ears] ... earrings!"

If she actually has nice earrings, pick another accessory, the most innocuous thing she's wearing. You get the idea, never compliment her in a way she will expect.

This is a risky one, really depends on delivery and if you are feeling like taking a chance:

"how much did you pay for those?" the trick here is to find a girl with big tits who appear real. Follow up with a big grin, stand your ground, under no circumstances apologize.

A pretty lame one that I resort to when the girl doesn't really seem to enjoy the vibe of the place:

"you seem so bored.../Why are you so bored?" girls can get really defensive with this one.

This one works to open the convo at the bar when it's packed and you can't get a drink, esp if the bartender is a girl:

"what does it take to get a drink in here? do I need to show more skin? [pulling on my collar/opening a button as if to show cleavage]" Will usually get a laugh from the chick.

This one works well with high-energy game:

"it's my friend's birthday! buy him a shot!" reverse psychology opener, and can sometimes get you and your friend a free drink!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 28, 2003
Reaction score
drak_ool said:
I think this thread clearly illustrates the criticism SoSuave gets in other parts of the manosphere. While other forums focus on discussing actual game tactics and posting FRs, here we have 5 pages long threads about theory, but we only have one poster who responded to this...

As far as your question, I usually stay away from compliments as an opener. At most I'll use one as a neg.

"wow, you have beautiful... [look her straight in the eyes, then suddenly switch to her ears] ... earrings!"

If she actually has nice earrings, pick another accessory, the most innocuous thing she's wearing. You get the idea, never compliment her in a way she will expect.

This is a risky one, really depends on delivery and if you are feeling like taking a chance:

"how much did you pay for those?" the trick here is to find a girl with big tits who appear real. Follow up with a big grin, stand your ground, under no circumstances apologize.

A pretty lame one that I resort to when the girl doesn't really seem to enjoy the vibe of the place:

"you seem so bored.../Why are you so bored?" girls can get really defensive with this one.

This one works to open the convo at the bar when it's packed and you can't get a drink, esp if the bartender is a girl:

"what does it take to get a drink in here? do I need to show more skin? [pulling on my collar/opening a button as if to show cleavage]" Will usually get a laugh from the chick.

This one works well with high-energy game:

"it's my friend's birthday! buy him a shot!"
reverse psychology opener, and can sometimes get you and your friend a free drink!
do you have any other attractive qualities that revolves anything but buying things and dispensing of money :confused:


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
georgie24 said:
do you have any other attractive qualities that revolves anything but buying things and dispensing of money :confused:
georgie, do you have anything else to do but bash EVERY SINGLE one of my posts? for example, do you have any openers to add to this thread?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 28, 2003
Reaction score
Im testing the waters as far as openers but im thinking on my next sarging mission whether its at a mall or downtown in a busy city, im going to use the surroundings as convo openers IE's specialty stores, kiosks anything in that enviroment to spark up an opener

thats just a theory that ill be applying soon


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Ireland
A ridiculous opener that I thought of a couple of years ago is "Do you want to see my fork collection?"

In the place I used to live, we only had four forks in the whole of the house, and one of them was plastic, so for my own amusement I arranged them artfully and took a snap on my phone, on a piece of red velvet.

The whole night I went up to girls and said "Hey! Want to see my fork collection?" They would look puzzled,then I would whip out my phone and show them the picture of four forks. I then rambled about how I had been collecting forks for ten years and finally built my collection up to four....sounds ridiculous (because it is) but it really worked!

It was basically an excuse to go up to anyone at all and start a conversation.

So the lesson is, (if there is one) just think of an excuse to go up to a girl and start a conversation - any excuse whatsoever! It's not what you say so much as the way you say it...

After all, once tomorrow comes, today will only be a memory, so screw embarrasment - you might as well take your chances.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
Pimp-sicle said:
"I thought you were attractive and wanted to come over and meet you."

Now I'm not against well placed compliments, I think they work well in helping accomplish the objective, but I can't seem to wrap my head around walking up to a girl and flat out telling her "I thought you were attractive." Not because I don't think it would work, but simply because I think it starts the interaction off on the wrong foot.
Been meaning to post on this, but there are simply guys in the field that really know the ins and outs so held off.

I have tried using this exact line and it instantly placed me on the back foot every time. If you have a certain look (tall, buff, well dressed bad boy), then it plays off a lot easier. But you could probably just say:
"I am randomguy"
If you don't have your superficial look going on then there are way better openers to work from. Working fast from an opener into kino, then isolation and keeping the interaction playful generally works for me. My friends and I normally make a big social group in the pub/club from random groups. And then its easier to isolate girls from the ****block friends in the new party atmosphere.
Some nights I just fire wrong and cop all the rejections. It happens.

So the lesson is, (if there is one) just think of an excuse to go up to a girl and start a conversation - any excuse whatsoever! It's not what you say so much as the way you say it..
Yeah you can say some random $hit to start into an intro. A long time ago... I had a friend who as we were walking past two girls in the bar stopped and asked:
"Hey, you wanna eat my poo"
The pure look of shock and disgust as her face scrunched up and the worst opening line I had ever heard made me burst into laughter. Which in turn had her friend laughing. And we teased and used kino from there. He got the ONS, all I got was just some making out.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Dear Pimpsicle,
Some of the responses here are really pathetic,juvenile in fact......Far and away the best way,is to only go places where they Dance,and simply ask,do you dance?....You get an immediate reaction,if you are not her type,she will say No,otherwise,In 10 seconds flat she is in your arms and should you be a reasonable Dancer,she is,to forgive the mixed metaphors,putty in your hands.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
Scaramouche said:
Dear Pimpsicle,
Some of the responses here are really pathetic,juvenile in fact......Far and away the best way,is to only go places where they Dance,and simply ask,do you dance?....You get an immediate reaction,if you are not her type,she will say No,otherwise,In 10 seconds flat she is in your arms and should you be a reasonable Dancer,she is,to forgive the mixed metaphors,putty in your hands.

I prefer social circle game. Pub and club pickups are so superficial and basically just a one night wankfest. At my age I don't enjoy it anymore as a source of pickup. And at my age, it just gets harder from here in that environment.

As per my "poo" story it goes to show that it doesn't matter what you really say sometimes. He caught their attention and ran with it.

That, indeed, was a great moment in hookup history.
Yes setting new standards. Possibly the dumbest and lowest of standards but you're only young once.