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  1. V

    What are some really cool hairstyles?

    No offense taken as your statement is mostly true. I wouldn't say 99%, but the number is a little high. The fauxhawk was recommended to me by the hair dresser, she said that it would suit me really well. My intention that day was to get my usual haircut (Short-ish hair, "messy/spiky...
  2. V

    What should I do??? Going skating with girl tomorrow. She has a guy I have a girl

    That's a great line, "silenthill" should definitely use it. She knows you have a girlfriend and she seems to be cool with that. That, my friend, is great.:yes: -VdoubleR
  3. V


    Read the following: -VdoubleR
  4. V

    What are some really cool hairstyles?

    I second the fauxhawk. This is what VdoubleR is rocking at the moment. :cool: I like it, girls like it. Case closed. -VdoubleR
  5. V

    tell me how im doing

    You're not doing so well in your English class, I believe. :crackup: On a more serious note, though... I wouldn't have asked her out online. That alone pretty much puts "He's too damn scared to ask me in person" on her mind. Unless both of you guys are 14 years old. (Never mind; my cousin is 14...
  6. V

    pick up in supermarkets

    Take a good look around the area she's at and comment on the thing she's about to purchase. Example: If she's getting vegetables (whichever it is) "You know, I was thinking about getting some (WHATEVER), too. Problem is, I don't know what to cook with (WHATEVER) today. What would you...
  7. V

    Smiley faces and sad faces in texts

    Funny question, indeed. :crackup: But, I feel the need to answer because I, too, use the following sometimes :p ;) :) . It's really difficult to be sarcastic on a text message. By including a (:p) you make it a little easier for her to get your witty, grade-A sarcastic, award-winning remark...
  8. V

    AFC turning point/Your first step(s) to DJism?

    I also thought the nice guy attitude was a good thing, it truly isn't. Only girls that would go for that kind of stuff are really desperate and will take the first guy they see, really unattractive, have little to no self-esteem or a combination of all. I'm glad you've made a decision to...
  9. V

    Girls that hide their interest

    Seconded. -VdoubleR
  10. V

    Its Official: Women have more coodies

    :D Thank you for the article, man. This one will serve as a great discussion opener, can't wait to try it. -VdoubleR
  11. V


    I'll share with you how I fix my omelet breakfast. Ingredients: 4 eggs: 3 whites, 1 white/yolk. Tomato: A little bit, diced. Onion: A little bit, chopped. Mushroom: 3, chopped. Turkey ham: 2 slices, chopped. Bell peppers: A little bit, chopped. Extra virgin olive oil: A little bit. Mozzarella...
  12. V

    AFC at its best

    First of all, welcome to the forum, bro. For a bit of a confidence boost/inspiration watch the following (It's a 3-part video, phenomenal stuff. Pay attention to "Cajun"). If you want to deal with fear of rejection I suggest you take...
  13. V

    approaching question

    Anything can work when you say it with complete confidence. Believe that what you'll say will be great and it will. A friend and I were walking towards the movie theater and we opened a group of 3 guys and 2 girls we didn't know with: "And I thought he *points to my friend* looked bored...
  14. V


    My hobbies include: 1) Weight lifting. 2) Guitar. 3) Acting. 4) Dancing. 5) Cooking. I would love to do a lot more but as a full-time university student it's difficult to find a lot of free time. Those few hobbies have proven, time and time again, to be useful for the game (Openers, Rapport...
  15. V

    AFC turning point/Your first step(s) to DJism?

    That was back in High School (Sophomore Year) and yes, I regret not building rapport and going for the #close but, in all honesty, I didn't know how to go from there (Why lie? I had no game and I'm not ashamed to say it now because of all the improvements I've made). Now I know what I should...
  16. V

    AFC turning point/Your first step(s) to DJism?

    I know what you mean, bro. I've also made many wrong moves but at first I didn't even know I was making the wrong moves - I thought I was doing fine! :eek: Once I accepted that I was a complete AFC and stepped away from denial, everything started getting better. One line that impacted me...
  17. V

    AFC turning point/Your first step(s) to DJism?

    My AFC turning point was when a girl I was really interested in lost all interest in me for acting like a straight-A, honor roll student of the AFC Institute. Yes, I totally did the whole teddy bear gift thing. Roses? you bet. Nice guy letter? Two actually. Oh boy. :yes: I'll go ahead...
  18. V

    Deal with Drugs and Lies?

    Girls that constantly lie are a problem, bro. Imagine a possible future conversation between you two: CORVETTE06: So, HB10, how was the party you went to last night with your friends? HB10: It was cool. Two weeks later a mutual friend tells you that she wasn't at any party, she was actually...
  19. V

    Day Game Help

    I remember this chick I always wanted to meet but I never approached. I decided to grab the pair I received at birth and do this: We were walking, she was coming my way. When she was about 3 steps away I said: Me: Hey! Amanda! How are you? I haven't seen you in a long time *friendly smile* you...
  20. V

    I was wondering.......

    It's better to approach and start a conversation to find out if she's interested or not. But, since you ask for "far away signs" some are: 1) You catch her looking at you and she offers you a smile. 2) She just happens to get a little closer and closer to you. 3) You catch her looking and then...