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    Post Some Good Videos Of A Guy Trying To Pick Up A Girl.

    Thanks for the info, bro. Thread asked for a video that might offer a bit of inspiration, I just thought that maybe that video could do the trick. I wasn't aware of it being fake, though. But, it's like watching a James Bond film; fictional, but still motivational. By the way, if you...
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    Fear of Rejection: My thoughts.

    No problem, man. Glad I could help. -VdoubleR
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    Post Some Good Videos Of A Guy Trying To Pick Up A Girl.

    Try this one, it's pretty good. -VdoubleR
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    Fear of Rejection: My thoughts.

    When it came to approaching women, my biggest issue was fear of rejection. I remember my first rejection. Man was I disappointed; I kept thinking about what I did wrong, why it happened, that it was all my fault and that the same thing would happen again if I approached another girl. My...
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    to shave or not to shave?

    This is just like asking: "Do girls prefer guys with light colored skin or dark colored skin?" The answer for this type of question is always: preference. Instead of worrying about what a girl you'll meet will like or not like I advice you to worry about what you like. Do you want to...
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    Japanese mall has NEW FOUNTAIN!!

    Really impressive work. -VdoubleR
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    So I wake up to find my car saran wrapped and window painted!

    Funny stuff, man. I think you should put the pic on your myspace/facebook with a caption like: "Finger prints are currently being analyzed by the police" lol see what reactions you get. Definitely a great story to tell the friends and the girls. -VdoubleR
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    PUA Movies/Music

    I've heard a lot about about "Sex Drive". I should check it out and see if it's really as great as my friends say. One of my friends told me about "Wedding Crashers" saying that both main characters display the traits of a PUA. I haven't seen it yet. A song that I listen to and it makes me...
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    PUA Movies/Music

    I would definitely watch a film based on the Mystery Method or Style's book. -VdoubleR
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    PUA Movies/Music

    I understand what you mean about fictional reality and yeah, learning from a movie is not my goal. I just want to watch a few films that talk about this topic and that might give me a bit of inspiration. A movie that comes to mind is "Hitch". I thought it was a good PUA movie. James Bond is...
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    PUA Movies/Music

    Hello, guys. I've been visiting this website for about 2 months and recently decided to join. I've learned a lot thanks to this great place. For my first thread I would like to ask for your favorite DJ/PUA movies and music. 1)Which films would you recommend to get some inspiration? Movie...
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    Fat People's Friends?!

    You are only looking at the negative side of the "fat guy/hot chick" situation. Why not look at the positive side and make this situation work in your favor? If you befriend one of those fat guys you will have instant access to their network of hot girls. -VdoubleR
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    Was I alpha in this convo?

    DONE! With that "idk" you should have sensed that the person was just playing a stupid game. In this case it's not even about being alpha or not, it's about you not wasting your time with someone that doesn't deserve it. The only way I would've had a conversation with someone that just said...
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    Quick advice on a particular approach please

    Let me give me something I would say in this situation. "I was walking by and as soon as I saw you I said to myself 'Man, I have to talk to that girl' because you look (pause for effect)...bored." Deliver the same way you would deliver a C&F line. This breaks the ice and once she gives you...
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    Talking to this new chick, found out she does ecstasy

    She does drugs and she's trying to persuade you to do drugs. If you have no intentions to go into that lifestyle then my honest opinion is: NEXT! -VdoubleR
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    This happens to me, too. Thankfully I found a quick fix to, at least, make it not happen as frequently. When I knew I was dressed good that day I felt like a champion, but if my attire was nothing great I felt less of a champion and more of an AFC. My quick solution for the clothing problem...
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    Girl are blinking her eyes often? and trouble holding eye contact with you?

    I agree with that. Since you didn't mention any specifics, let me consider some factors that might make her blink excessively. a) Lighting. b) Nervous tick. c) She might be a shy girl. d) She might need eye drops. -VdoubleR
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    Classic rock music?

    My Favorite Classic Rock :rockon: (Not strictly 70's, though). Led Zeppelin Stairway To Heaven The Eagles Hotel California AC/DC T.N.T Highway To Hell Hells Bells Thunderstruck Rock n' Roll Train (New from "Black Ice") Guns N' Roses Sweet Child O' Mine Welcome to the...
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    Tricks to get over HB10 mind-blank-idis?

    Being around them more often has definitely helped me. But, even if you were to be around them everyday a "mind blank" will happen eventually. Here are some things I do to prevent that situation: a) Talk to them as if you've spoke to them before. b) Imagine that you're talking to a less...