Quick advice on a particular approach please

DJ Shaka

Don Juan
Aug 5, 2008
Reaction score
Hi guys!

There is this woman that works in a woman clothing store a block away from my gym. I always see her alone waiting for customers and she's pretty hot.

How exactly do you approach a girl like that? She's always sitting in the far end of the store, and you have to open a door before entering.


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2008
Reaction score
Let me give me something I would say in this situation.

"I was walking by and as soon as I saw you I said to myself 'Man, I have to talk to that girl' because you look (pause for effect)...bored."
Deliver the same way you would deliver a C&F line. This breaks the ice and once she gives you that beautiful smile of hers you're in!

"Hey, I'm looking for something for my (sister/cousin/whoever). You seem to have a great taste in style, would you help me choose something for her?" A little less direct but it'll do the trick.

Hope that helps. Don't forget to let us know what happens when you approach her!
