What should I do??? Going skating with girl tomorrow. She has a guy I have a girl


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Forget the morality for 5 sec. This is just a test to see if I can get a girl. I don't plan on cheating.

So it was last friday. I was at a halloween party then chilled with my friend in her dorm. I ended up in another dorm room. This one had the girl. I had been drinking, so had most people there. I remember standing up and noticing her on my right. She wore a minnie mouse costume. I started talking to her and she was really responsive. I eventually said something like "hey you know who you look like? u really look like the pink ranger" Then I ragged on her about that for a little bit. She said shes never seen her before but was laughing. I observed she had a boyfriend in the place. I said I should show you what she looks like. So we went into her room and looked up pictures of her. I asked her how long shes been with her boyfriend. She said for 3years, but I'm kind of thinking about breaking up with him. but dont tell him. dont tell him. i kept forgetting her name and calling her like the pink ranger and kimberly. Her boyfriend was coming in occasionally. He seemed ok but kind of the afc type. i say something like "you should check out the area, there a lot of cool things to do" she says yes definitely bla bla bla. I get her number but she wrights down natasha to try and throw me off. to see if i would forget her name lol. i left to go back to my friends dorm and sleep. The next day was saturday. I texted her around 7. This is the last text I sent that night.

Me: Haha I think u described me perfectly. We need to get u on the ice soon. I might be free friday. ask your bf. Think u can handle it ^_^

Her: Yeah i'll be around then. I probably can't handle it but i'll try!

I dont text her sunday, wait till monday. I got poison ivy on my face from the woods on halloween. its on my face and next.

text her tuesday and tonight. she seems to be flirting a lot. Doesn't even mention her boyfriend again. These are our text tonight. I was pretty high so I definitely made mistakes.

Me: Hey I've been thinking...want to rob a bank with me?

Her: Absolutely

Me: Cool I need a partner. Are u driving or are u shooting?

Her: I'll drive. I'm not big on shooting

Me: Oh a baddass huh

Her: Haha oh of course

Me: Lol I knew it. so tomorrow u ready to show me up at the ice rinkk

Her: haha yeahhhh. Is your girlfriend coming?

Me: R u bringing your guy?

Her: he's going home this weekend.

Me: Idk yet, epends on how early she wants to get to bed. She workds at 6 in the morning saturday

Her: Alrighty

Me: Ice opens at 8, pick u up at 7:30. I think your hiding your skating abilities from me and I'm gointo prove it : ) (i think this is probably the worst possibe thing i could of said)

(she doesnt respond)

Me (text her 15 min after last text)

Me: So have u really enver been skating?

Her: never ever

Me: call me

Her: tomorrow?

Me: i meant now but its all cool lol

she calls but i miss it

Me: haha phone tag

She calls me. Convo goes good, I'm picking her up at 7:30 tomorrow

So what do you guys think? Does she like me or not? I was thinking about using kino tomorrow. I mean teaching a girl to skate should have plenty of opportunities. However I would feel like a complete ass if I made a mood and she was expecting me trying to be her friend. What would you do?


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Whoa whoa whoa speed racer, pump those breaks. Why would you put yourself in this position if you have a girlfriend? Kinda sketch how youre already thinking about making a move even though you got a girl.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
I know it's sketch. Ive been going out with her for 1 and a half years. I just want to know if I could get another girl. You know, to improve my skills.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
silenthill said:
I think your hiding your skating abilities from me and I'm gointo prove it : )
:crackup: OH man lmao.... thanks for the laugh!

On a serious note though, if you are into dating multiple people then that's your personal decision, and I also think you have a shot with this new girl, if you play it right. The fact that you got a girl with you, makes you non-threatening, and you can convey your cool personality under the radar. And after a while of hanging out with the this new girl, just slip out your feelings to her, in an indirect way, like you don't know why its happening, and you don't want it to happen, but its not in your control.

"I don't know why I feel so drawn to you sometimes. I feel really connected to you sometimes. It freaks me out cuz I already have a girlfriend. Sometimes I wish I had an instruction book on how to be human."

^^lol manipulation at its best.


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2008
Reaction score
daygameguy said:
"I don't know why I feel so drawn to you sometimes. I feel really connected to you sometimes. It freaks me out cuz I already have a girlfriend. Sometimes I wish I had an instruction book on how to be human."
That's a great line, "silenthill" should definitely use it.

She knows you have a girlfriend and she seems to be cool with that. That, my friend, is great.:yes:



Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
silenthill said:
I know it's sketch. Ive been going out with her for 1 and a half years. I just want to know if I could get another girl. You know, to improve my skills.
If you want to improve your skills how about not being in a relationship? Some of you guys need some morals.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah I pulled out. I was with my girlfriend friday morning and was thinking to myself "what the hell am I doing". I love her and could not decieve her like that. I just told the girl maybe we could all hang out as a group including her boyfriend.