Deal with Drugs and Lies?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
Reaction score
Please take the time to read this. I am crushed right now...

I'm 22, my gf is 19.

before i dated her, she smoked weed with her friends. i don't date girls who do drugs, but she said she wouldn't smoke anymore when I told her this.

Ive been dating her for 4 months, and always let her go out to parties with her friends without asking her any questions. recently, my instincts told me that she was lying to me. the first time i felt that she lied to me, i gave her the benefit of the doubt and let it slide. the second time i felt she was lying to me, i called her out on her lie and the truth poured out of her.

she told me that she still smokes weed, and drives when she's drunk and high. after she told me this, i asked her more questions and found out she was also lying the first time i sensed she was. she had told me she went to watch a movie with her friend, but really went to a party. its funny that she would lie about that because i never care that she goes to parties!

she said she is sorry for lying to me. i asked her if she will change and stop smoking weed & driving drunk. she basically said no, because all her friends smoke.

i told her how i felt, and that i was very disappointed in her. i told her we will talk about it in person next time i see her.

what do i do?

ps. she is a beautiful girl.. hb10.......


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Bring some weed and smoke up.

It's barely a drug. You want drugs? Cocaine, heroin, meth. The addictive life destroying crap. Weed is less harmful than alcohol.

She's an idiot for getting drunk-high & driving though.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
I'm not a big fan of staying with a lying woman. just guess what the next lie will be? If you can keep your emotions in check, you could date her/sex her,whatever. BUT she has proven unworthy of any long term relationship with you[see that alot with 10's until they get old and drop to 9's or 8's]


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
San Fran
It is kind of a harmless drug except for the obvious legal issues. However, i respect you if you don't want it. I sort of do it on and off right now, but when i start a family i want my wife to have enough strength not to smoke.

So that being said i think you should tell her its a deal breaker if it really is one. If it isn't make her feel bad for lying to you and make her make it up to you. If i were you the driving high and drunk and lying would make her a **** buddy to me and not someone i want a relationship with. That **** is stupid


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Keep your heart in a box man. If she's lying to you know the rest... she's 19 and hot, she wants to party and have fun. Personally I would just go with the flow and spin plates. Your not at a marrying age so don't try to control this type of chic...just have fun with her and do what you do.

Green Team

New Member
Oct 22, 2008
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If you don't like girls who smoke weed, date one who never has, because it's like booze, you've never drank it or you drink it. Don't get me wrong there's a huge scale from once a month to plus three times a week but still.. You either are, or you never have. I personally think it's a great thing to share with a lover, but I'm not encouraging ANYTHING.

Regardless, I've come to the conclusion, if you don't want to get hung up, don't get too involved. Like in life, people our age are always looking for a better job, I'm always looking for a hotter girl, and everyday 1000's turn 18. Don't lead her one like she's the only one, but make she that when she sees you or speaks to you it's fun and you like her.

I like lots of women, from pornstars to life's extras (see: neighborhood jogger to MILF in grocery store). My goal is to have them all.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2003
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Northern Cali
to the OP: y u hatin on girls that smoke...thats messed up...u act like its some e-pills or of my good guy friend's dont smoke and his chick does and they are happy as ever...


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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CORVETTE06 said:
she told me that she still smokes weed, and drives when she's drunk and high. after she told me this, i asked her more questions and found out she was also lying the first time i sensed she was. she had told me she went to watch a movie with her friend, but really went to a party. its funny that she would lie about that because i never care that she goes to parties!

she said she is sorry for lying to me. i asked her if she will change and stop smoking weed & driving drunk. she basically said no, because all her friends smoke.

i told her how i felt, and that i was very disappointed in her. i told her we will talk about it in person next time i see her.

what do i do?

ps. she is a beautiful girl.. hb10.......
You should have started with she's a hb10 because then it would make it ok for her to drive drunk and smoke weed.

What to do? This girl lies to you, could kill your mom while driving drunk, doesn't care what you think, wants to hang out with her friends rather than you, and you want to confront her on it all next time you see her.

Now that's a girl I want to bring home to mom and show off to all my friends!


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2008
Reaction score
Girls that constantly lie are a problem, bro. Imagine a possible future conversation between you two:

CORVETTE06: So, HB10, how was the party you went to last night with your friends?

HB10: It was cool.

Two weeks later a mutual friend tells you that she wasn't at any party, she was actually cheating on you with some dude. You confront her and turns out it was true, she lied to you again.

I agree with what others have said. She is someone I would have fun with, but definitely not relationship material. Spin a few plates, man. If you pulled one HB10 what's stopping you from having fun with other HB10s?



Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Never make a 19 year old girl your girlfriend. You can date and fvck her but not your girlfriend. All she really cares about right now at her age is looking cool or feeling good, fvck the consequences.

She said she was sorry but then she said she won't stop?? in my book she ain't sorry. Action always speaks louder then words with women.

19 year old girls who get high/drunk, tend to make an easy target for guys at parties. She keeps this up and one day you are going to get a teary eye phone call from her saying that some dude took advantage of her but of coarse it was just an excuse to get another d1ck without feeling guilty afterwards because she is a "victim" in all of this.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
Reaction score
thank you for all your advice

i have a pretty good idea of how i will handle this....

let the plates spin