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  1. L

    Ex girlfriend, why tell me this ?

    Was she drunk? I have a story about a girl from an LTR of mine and she did stuff one night as well to get me jealous, to try to get my attention. She also denied later that she did the stuff. But, after a while she admitted to it. She's trying to save face man. Don't worry about her...
  2. L

    Inside The Mind of a Ten

    You just let things like that go. Who knows what their deal was that night. Obviously they were out of place, so maybe that had something to do with it. I'm sure that if a very confident guy had approached them in a DIFFERENT manner they would have still been open to it. Which brings me to...
  3. L

    Gf going to hang out with ex

    so emelec, what's the update here?
  4. L

    People miss the point of this community

    I see in a lot of places where guys complain and claim the community screwed their life up, steered them in the wrong direction, blah blah blah. I also see where guys complain about others being cloned. Well, guess what . . . each and every single person makes their choice of what they...
  5. L

    Gf going to hang out with ex

    My money says in those two hours he f.cked her senseless. Seriously. If I'm wrong, cool, but that's my thoughts. No matter WHAT her intentions were, HIS were to have sex with her, period. What she did was flat out WRONG. She does NOT consider your feelings, OR your relationship with her...
  6. L

    Inside The Mind of a Ten

    Picture this: You walk into a venue, look around, see a HB10 standing 10 feet in front of you. She never makes eye contact. She doesn't need to. Freeze time. You hear the clock stop ticking? The heartbeats and breathing have stopped too. Now, let's turn this scene around. You're flying...
  7. L

    She tries to hold eye contact, but can't... IOI?

    Very true tsmith, solid eye contact does represent confidence. The better the eye contact, 9 times out of 10 mean more confidence. And yes, it's also an IOI which obviously indicates interest.
  8. L

    A Different Kind of Club Game

    Solomon, it depends. Some weeks I'm out there 4 nights, some weeks I might only be out one night. Just depends on what else is going on. That's my current level of clubbing. I used to be out there 4 nights every week. Yep, the dance floor is a great place to build attraction very quickly...
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    A Different Kind of Club Game

    Actually, I have two LTR's at this moment. So, MLTR's. And yes, I still pick up other girls too. Part of the reason is because I teach other guys how to do it, so I stay in practice. That doesn't mean I have sex with every girl I pick up, because I'm more selective than that. But, I do have...
  10. L

    crazy HB got married 3 days ago what the hell she doing out with me?

    Most of the time those excuses are just that . . . excuses . . . **** tests to see if you can blow through them. So, in that case, yes, you still go for the close. If she really isn't interested, she will let you know.
  11. L

    Are my views on women way off?

    One problem is truly overanalyzing. I've taught guys before that think about every little detail, even AFTER they have an answer for it, and end up blowing their answer and chance out of the water before they get anywhere. Pick up is COUNTERINTUITIVE. It really is. What a girl says she wants...
  12. L

    crazy HB got married 3 days ago what the hell she doing out with me?

    Why keep on with this girl? Move on to another girl that isn't so damn flaky. You're already obsessed with her, which is what SHE wants. You don't have control of the frame. It's over man. Move on.
  13. L

    A Different Kind of Club Game

    I've been running club game for a while now. In fact, I have VIP status at at least one local club. There are 3 different major clubs currently in my city. I know people at all 3. I can walk into any one of them and have instant social proof. Then, I have a few girls that go to clubs with...
  14. L

    What exactly was she trying to do here?

    My reasoning. Man, as the others have said, quit analyzing every little detail over and over and over again. In this post alone you have repeated what happened more than once. Look, it's simple. She was being a *****, even arguing against you AND the TA . . . TO GET YOUR ATTENTION! PERIOD...
  15. L

    What exactly was she trying to do here?

    Man, she's doing all that because SHE'S INTO YOU, whether you are into her or not is completely irrelevant.
  16. L

    Close Friend's Girlfriend

    Yes, good idea.
  17. L

    my problems wont go away

    Oh, GOOD POINT with the stock market analogy. I like that one ;)
  18. L

    prowling on the streets

    LOL. Yes. You're ONLY 25. You can definitely still change. But it's not your personality you are changing, you have the wrong idea about what is going on. Your personality is WHO you are, so that shouldn't change. It's your confidence that has to change. LMAO@Jack, very true . . .
  19. L

    my problems wont go away

    Man, you're wanting some kind of magic pill. There is none. You just get a GRIP on yourself and move past this. You CAN'T dwell on this stuff. Yet that's what you are doing. Everything you do in life has fear involved. You have to face the fear and overcome it. You will NOT run sets or...
  20. L

    Ex girlfriend, why tell me this ?

    Well . . . she admitted she's interested, so you shouldn't even be asking that. Yeah, she wants to have a hold on you. Which means, either you allow her to have this hold and you become her "b.tch", or you dominate the frame and see if she sticks around.